HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-27, Page 12axiToN islWr....443gmno FAG Celititcl/L LAUNDRY CLEANERS LET ONE CALL DO IT AX.L CLINTON 2-7064 Perfect Cream Puffs (Makes 6 Large" Puffs 1/4 cup butter 1/4 teaspoon, salt % cup boiling water Y cup, sigSt1 alf-purpose flour 2'-'eggs "Add butter and salt to boiling water in a saucepan, then bring to a boil. Add flour all at once, and stir vigorously until mixture forms a stiff hall lin :Centre, of pan. -7-Re- move from heat. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition until mixture is smooth. Mixture should be stiff. Shape puffs on lightly buttered cookie ELECTORS JN . TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSAAITH: Having., been d Trustee of School Area No. 1 -Tuckersmith for the last four xears, I again offer my services for 1957-58. Ross Forrest 1-1) remiumeal. ELECTORS IN' TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH: Having been nominated for School Area Trustee, I again offer my services.; I Will appreciate your support at the polls on Monday, January Chester Neil Samuel. Hey (By our Walsall correspondent) Samuel C. Hey, 69, died at his home, at Blake, on December 26, He had lived there for 43 Years, and had a blacksthith shop until retiring in 1951. His early life was spent in Hay Township, Surviving begides „his wife, the former Mary J. Meyers, are one son, Victor, 9oderich; five daugh- ters, Mrs. Charles Meyer Jr„ Wil- ton Grove; Mrs. Clifford. Dono- van,London; Mrs. James Eurdge, Cobourg; Mrs, Elva Yoonge, Ham- ilton; Mrs. Archie Mustard, Bruce- field; one brother, Wilhiath Hey, and two sisters, Mrs, Phillip Fas- sold and Mrs. Edward Stelck, ell of Dashwood, '1' 5 Service was on Saturday, at 'the Evangelical U,. B. church, Zurich, by the Rev, A. M, •Amacher. In- terment was in the Evangeligal 'Cemetery, Bronson Line. Peter Cameron (By our Ifensall Correspondent) Peter T. Cameron, died in Sask- atoon City Hospital, on December 26, He had been a patient there for about a month, Peter Cameron was the son of Mr. and Mrs. .John Cameron aryl was born on the fourth coneessiol of Stanley Township in 1884, went west in 1910 and.Sioce that time resided for the most part at Kinderaley, Sask, except for a short tinie spent in Ontario and. Michigan. -lie farmed most of hii life ex. cept for a short time when he was an elevator nianager and for the last few years engaged in carpen- ter work at Kindersley, Sash, in 1516 he married Carrie Mellis, Kippen, who predeceased him in May 1956, He leaves one daughter, Jean' (Mrs. A. Tooth, Winnipeg), He was a member of Kinclersley Unit- ed Church and a member of Ses- sion there, He was one or seven children, Three survive: Mrs. Hugh Aiken- head, )3ruceflied;. Hugh D. 'Cam- eron, Clinton and Mrs. William Henry, Hensall and a. sister-in-law Mrs. John Cameron livts at Cal- gary, He also leaves several nep-, hews arid nieces. Three of the family, predeceased him: Mrs, George Forrest, Alberni, B.C.; John Cameron, Kindersley and Alexander , who died many years ago. Mr. Cameron was a man of sterling character and made many friends both in th east and west. , The funeral wa held Monday, December 30, a Kindersley, Sask. • 'Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service 'I ew" \ 1 n cream/ y /rom. \\\\ HOME PERMANENT NEVER BEFORE A WAVING METHOD SO EASY Smooth it Prom's homogenized waving cream stays right where you put it. NO DRIPPY WAVING SOLUTION —ProM's thick, rich cream clings to your hair. NO MESSY NEUTRAL- IZER Prom neiltralizes automatically whileyour'. vo „ove got yourself e Proo f hair dries.., I D.A. Specials Det. 31 - Jan. 5 COLD CREAM SOAP 2 for 23c IDAMALT ' 59c, 98c, $1.69 SACCHARIN, TABS.-1/4 gr., 500's 29c TOILET TISSUE 2 for 23c WASH CLOTHS 2 for 25c WAX PAPER , 28c, 2 for 55c UNIQUE PHOTO SERVIV F. B. PENNEBAKER HUnter 2-6626 pRUGGIST TOWNSHIP OF- TUCKERSMITH NOTICE OF Nomination Meeting A Meeting of the 'Electors of the Township of Tuckersmith will • be held in TOWN HALL; SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,1957 for the, ,purpose of nominating ,candidates for the office of Cinincillors for 1957, (Two to be elected) Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock \ to two o'clock in the afternoon. In the event of more 'being ,nominated than are required to- fill the ,positions, AN ELECTION will be held on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1957 Polls will' be open from .9 a.m.. to 6 p.m., at the following places: P81) No, 1-Mrs, Sheila King's DRO—,13arry Chesney House, Egnoridville PC—William Cameron PSD No, 2—'SS No, 8 DRO—Roy McGeoch —William Scotchmer 01110—W. P. Roberts PO,-,Geage Turner PSD Net. 4—SS No. 3 MO—Norris Sillery PC—Zohn Broadfoot PSD No. S No. 1 Traquair PC—Glenn tell PSD No. 6—SS No, 9 Dirt0---Iflobert Genurfell PC.—John Wood PSD NO-4,-SS No, 4 1,b E. P. CHESNSY, Iketurhin0 Officer Actually waves new softness and manageability right into'your hair Prom gives you "Controlled- Waving" for perfect results every time. Open house was the order of the day at the , Stitter residence on Rattenbary, Street E., on 'Satnr7' day, December 29, when Mr, and Mrs. Jehn A, Sutter received in honour of the former's Mra, Einina, Sutter, who that day was celebrating her 90th birthday. "Grandma Sutter" as the non- agenarian is familiarly and loving,. ay known, is the last surviving member of the 12 children born to the late Mr, and Mrs. Henry Rats. Her early life was spent at Gadshill, six miles north of Strat- ford, when, that plate was a thriv- ing community. For a great many years the name Ratz was connect- ed with the saw mill and grist Mill trade of that area. FolloWing her marriage to Con- rad Sutter, the couple continued tb •reside in• that area, later mov- ing to Stratford, where Mr. Sutter died in 1924. Of late years Mrs. Sutter MS made her home with her son and daughter-in-law, _Dr. and „Mrs. 5, H, Sutter, although she usually kick CRUTO YOUR Cities Service Distributor Phone HU 2460 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost "The Horne of Good Clean Fuels" A 'M ANUARY 1,957: Mrs. Emma Suttiri 90 Receives At Sons Home. sPeridS Several months of the Year With her oldest son and daughter- in-laW,• Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sut- ter l and has become quite a faynil- iar figure in this area, especiallY in her place of worship in Wesley. wan4 United Qhurch, which, she attends regularly when she is here. For this 'occasion Mrs. Sutter was tharmingly attired in a black velvet gown, trimmed with black lace, and'wore an orchid corsage, the gift of her Clinton grand- children. Her accessories included a rhinestone necklace and earring set, the' gift of her oldest grand- daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Pauli, Stratford. Mr, and''Mrs. Jack Stirling and Mark, Toronto, 'spent the New Year% holiday with their parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Jitxr. Stirling, Mr. and Mrs,' John McGuire, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. john Nogalo, Ottawa, were visiting old friends in Goder- ielt last Wednesday, ,Stunmerhill Ladies Have Chiistmas , Carols At Meeting Grocery Store Hours IN .:CLINTON 'anuary February -and • March WILL BE: After visiting with Mrs. Sutter the guests,were entertained at tea in the dining room where Mrs. H. C, Wilson poured, and Iris. George BeattiV, Mrs. Carman 1VIcPherson, Miss Shirley Sutter and Mr. and Mrsa-Benson Sutte,r assisted. The tea table was covered with a beautiful handmade linen and crocheted tablecloth, arid proudly displayed the birthday cake, at- tractively decorated for the occas- ion. Mrs. Sutter was the recipient o) inany• beautiful and' useful gifts, including several floral tributes, Cards, telegrams and phone calls came from relatives and friends in many points, both in Canada,., and the United States. Of her seven ,children there are still five living, These 'include three sons, John A., Clinton; Dr, Stanley H., Stratford; and Harry, London; and, two daughters, Clara, Mrs. J. A. 'Beatty, Stratford; and Edna, Mrs. J. C. Finnan, Willow- dale. Two daughters, MollY, Mrs. William Hallman, died in 1920, and Mabel, Mrs. Harry Smythe, died in 1955. There' are 15 grand- children. One of these, Jean, Mrs. W.* Strasser, Peterboro, was raised by Mrs, Sutter after her mother's death. in 1920. As well there are 47 great grandchildren. • The birthday festivities contin- ued on Sunday when a-family ner was held and Mrs. Sutter thoroughly enjoyed ..this family gathering. Another feature ' of the day which the nonagenarian greatly appreciated was being included in Don Fairbeirn's "Over Ninety Birthday Club" on his Neighborly News broadcast on Sunday morn- ing, and a musical birthday card which came her way when the Harbouraires, Of which her grand- son, Benson, is.-a member, sang in her honour "The Benediction" on their television appearance on Suit day afternoon. Ont-at-towai members of the family, who were with Mrs. Sutter. during the weekend included: Mrs. Clara Beatty and Mrs. S. H. Sut- ter, both of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Finnan and son, Jay, Willawdale; Miss Shirley G. Sut- ter, Preston; Edward F. Sutter, Brampton; Mr. and "Mrs. Stanley Hallman and two sons, Gregory and' Philip, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert,Geister, and Mr; arid -Mrs. Lloyd Ratz 'and son, David, all of Waterloo; Kiss' Melinda Mil- ler, .Bridgeport; and Miss Diane Thoinpson, ffam' ikon. "Christmas menu" given by Mrs. Jim Snell. Mrs. Neville Forbes asked some before lunch questions. The raffle was won by Mrs, John- ston. The meeting.. was closed by singing the Queen, The January. meeting will be held at 'the hoirie of Mrs, Clark Ball. On the program are Mrs. Don„McLean, Mrs. Keith,Tynda:11, Mrs, Wes Vodden, Mrs. Fredarod- den. On the lunch committee are Mrs: Lloyd Stewart, Mrs. C. Far- quhar, Mrs. Ivan Hoggart and Mrs. Charles Merrill. 4 Only REGULAR $27.9i Model 56A—Green or Red Model 56 14—Brown or SPECIAL $19.95 PORTABLE T. J. RILEY N. FITZSIMONS R. BRUBACHER STANLEY'S Red & White HERB'S FOOD MARKET W. J. JOHNSON & SON KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS 8 and 10 Cu. Ft. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS CLOSED SATURDAY EVENINGS. AILARAIT RADIO and "TV At $50.00 Off List Prices Radio Phono COMBINATION (3 , Speed) Hi Fidelity LIST PRICE $199.50 1 Only $129.95 NOW ONLY ELECTROHOME 6 Tube A • Why do some menget ALL' THE RAISES? Because' they make a swell impression —.by, keeping both their business in Order and 'their clothes 'neat, well-pressed. Start noW--tvvith our regular dry cleaning and pressing service. Quick.. Re- liable, Economical. ' For Your Cogveniencee Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) Al YOUR - LOCAL FOOD STORE TESTED DAIRY RECIPES FELT CREAM.PUFFS . NEVER FAIL TO DELIGHT (By AlAiRtg' FRASElt, Food Editor, Dairy Foods Service Bureau, A Division. of Dairy farmers of "Vallada) Once upon a titre, cream puffs sheet by dropping from sPoon were ,classed in the realm of foods using a pastry bag and tube, Use to a tablespoon for large puffs, a teaspoon for that were definitely difficult PrePare, much So in feet, that small puffs, Bake "44° of U.* f ear and 'trembling 11,4tehSo. t oven The (42 Then reduce the. for th Peat min- some of carried Tier., into this modern moderate oven (3757,) and bake day of easy cooking, The Dairy for 25 minutes. longer, (Small nods Service Bureau, however, ,puffs will not take as long.) . has come up • with- a recipe for When partially cool, cut a alit Perfect Crean],. Ptiffs that are as in the side of each shell, Then simple to ,make, as fit plain cookie, iaccldfillingand or 9. dusting to.p withhbutter but twice as enchanting when :the in4., a sauce be icing sugar, . eating starts, NOTE: For 'eclairs, make puff upttrer- mixture as. above. Press the mix- PaTrahtIonsiMil3niceluRdteelladindintgheirh lure through a pastry tuber' or (that fine dairy food) and salt to shape with a spoon into oblongs, boiling water and bringing the Heap it well in the centres, Bake liquid tp a boil, Flour is added all as for puffs.9 at once and the mass is, stirred Jiffy Butter Cream Filling vigorously until the mixture forms (Fills 6 Large Puffs) a stiff ball in the centre of the ,1/4 cup soft butter , pan. ROI-loved from the heat, un- 1/8 cup sifted icing sugar beaten eggs are added, one at a '4 cup cold milk time, and beaten in well. That's 3/4, cup boiling water all there is to it . . the puffs Crealrritetptbeorn vuanglahuuy, Add are then shaped with a tablespoon icing sugar and beat with mixer (teaspoon if they're to the small "bouchees") on a lightly creamy., or rotaryAdblearaternic uanhtdil latlehnicdktiTonrcl. buttered cookie ,sheet . . . then °uglily. Gradually beat in •boiling a hot oven takes care of the rest water, then add• _vanilla and con for you. - tinge beatingg until light and „ smooth. Chocolate Filling: Add one square of melted choc- olate to the filling , and blend thoroughly. Custard Cream Filling (Fills 6 Medium Puffs) "Vs cup sugar 21/2 tablespoons flour ' - 1/4 teaspoon salt cup milk 1 egg, slightly beaten 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon butter Combine the sugar, flour and salt in top of a double boiler. Grad,/ ually add the milk and cook, stir-ring in constantly until, the mix- ture is thick, 3 to 5 minutes. Cover and cook for ten minutes longer, Add a little of this mixture to' the slightly beaten egg, mix thor- olighly and 'return to the double boiler. Cook for a minute ,longer, stirring constantly. Then remove from, heat, and.. •add the vanilla and butter, Cool. - ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH: VOTE Ivan Forsythe Fbr REEVE at the Polls on A , MONDAY, JANUARY 7 , Your Support Will Be Appreciated ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH: VOTE James Dog For REEVE at the Palls on - MONDAY, JANUARY 7 Your Support Will Be Appreciated 1-b TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH: TOTE for James Landsborough I have been nominated for 'School Trustee for' the years 1957-58 and respectfully, so1- icit your support and promise honest administration of our school affairs. For transportation call Sea- fortfr 665r16 (reverse the charges). 1-p 1111111111111101111111111111111111E11111111111111111111111111111[11111MMINIIIIIIM NOTICE ToWnship of TuAergtoith To facilitate snow removal operations, the public, is re., quested not to park cats• or vehicles on roadsides during the winter months, Arid Notice is hereby given that the Township will not be respoitaible for any' damages cruised 'to ankh as a result of Ini'mapleWing opera- tiona. E. P. 'CHESNEYi Clerk, Township ,oit,Titehortniiiii 04fb ninissisnev Goderich Township AC-DC Battery List Price $59.95 NOW ONLY - 49 95 (Batteries Extra) SEA BREEZE HI-Fl Record Players Walnut Cabinets LIST PRICE $169.95 2 Only SPECIAL „.._„_$119.95 MOTOROLA • RADIOS 5-TUBE TABLE MODELS rvory — 2 Only LIST PRICE $39.95 'OZ.', $29.95 - The Christmas meeting of the Summerhill Ladles CIO:was held at the laime of Mrs, Norman Wright with Mrs. Neville Forbes presiding hi Ithe absence of Mrs. Percy Gibbings. The meeting open- ed with, the singing of Christmas carols follOwed by "the Lord's Prayer. The treasurer's report, given by Mrs. Fred Vodden showed a bal- ance of $264,82. The roll call was answered by 19 members and two visitors which each gave a 50 cenf donation towards the Children's Aid Society., The idea' of a county film projector was brought up be, fore the ladiea. A contest. on "dress materials", was given by Mrs. Alan Neak and Let them bake at 425° for 15 won by Mrs. W. Penfound. Mrs. C. minutes, and then for another 25 Farquhar won a contest on minutes for se at •a lower heat (375°F) Partially cool them, fill them and garnish as you please with a fruit, butterscotch or chocolate sauce , with a dusting of icing sugar or a butter icing. Cream. puffs are fabulous fare for dessert, and more than that, they fill 'the bill for main course eating too . . . filled with chicken salad, with a hot mushroom mix- ture, with vegetables and cheese sauce or some of the seafood com- binations. • When it comes to dessert, fill 'ern with a •custard cream; plain or mocha flavored, or with whip- ped cream plain or given a choc- Olate addition. Or fill the" puffs with ice cream and top with a gay, red sauce . strawberry, rasp- berry or cranberry. Or try them with Jiffy Butter Cream Filling suggested •with this ptiff, receipe. However yoa serve them, they'll spell out treat with a capital T and raise your culinary reputation more than the customary cubit, Butter and salt, flour and eggs make the puffs ... and "elegant", "vonderfull", or *just plain "Urnm- rnm" make up the eornmenti mut- tered between mouthfuls, Try them ... you'll have perfection plus cream puffs. ELECTORS IN TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH: As a resident 61 Eg. mondville, and being int- eretted in education, I would like to serve y414 cm the 'township School Area Board' In 1957-58, Cleave Coombs ituaries