HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-27, Page 8.0derich Beats :Colts
8#445 1 In ..Holiclay-Gam
Hartley 8 5 n 17 4' Strong
Caron ...,...., ........ ..... 9 2 11 13 11 Anstett Boyer 8 9 3 12 2 Epps , Colquhoun 8 6 ,6 12 1,2 Taylor
Holmes 8 2, ..5 7 8
gdgar •
6 3 6' '9 4 l 5 8 Penomme Carter 1 4 Cli fford •
Hartley Hugill Top Colt Scorers
Hugill 9 11 .6 17 32 Bieman 7 1 3 0
9 1
2 •3
7 0 2 2 10
2 0 0 0 2
5 0 0 0 .0
8% 58
They "flattened" 'Yukon mountains with the most Modern truck VS's of all!
•12, •
, • •
NewTaskseForce 37 Chevrolet Trucks
27, .9d$ THUBSDA.V.,„ D
8--Goderich ail Ildertore Clinton
at Mitchell
9—Ilderton.at Zurich
11„—Mitchell at Lucan
14—Goderich at Clinton
15—Clinton at Ilderton; Goderich
• "The Rock and Rollers" put on a comic tumbling a menstra-
tion at the CDCI commencement last week that had the audience
in stitches, From left to right, Bob Williams, Berne McKinley ,
and Dennis Weymouth. (News-Record Photo)
cprrON 111WS-R'?CORD
TlaTee Jolly Rock and Rollers
, • January
• . 1--Ilderton at Goderich
• .. . Goderich at Lucan.; l'ilitchell
at Mitchell
• .
• ..•AT_ YOUR at Zurich • "):* t LOCAL FOOD STO RE.• 11,—Ilderton at' Clinton . " •.1,<:•,•1 12-11derton att-1)4tchell k • -
• 16—Clinton at Zurich .
r• 17—Mitchell at Goderich
, 18—Clinton at Lucan
ENRICHED BREAD ' 1 22--Lucan at Ilderton; Zurich at
21—Mitchell at Clinton.
23—Mitchell at Zurich'
24—Lucan at Goderich
25—Zurich at Lucan e
28—Zurich at. Clinton
delr);::::: iine#1
30—Goderich at *Zurich
29—Mitchell at Ilderton-
31—Clinton at Goderich •
1—Ilderton at Lucan
.. ,
5—Zurich A Ilderton; Lucan at
Goderich Maitlands moved out
'Of. the cellar of the WOAA. Inter-
'Mediate Hockey' League with 'an
Win over the Clinton Colts on
Wednesday afternom
The afternoon_ game was a new
•AleParture for the Colts in an .ef7-
lea to Stimillate their dwindling
gate receipts and it paid- off with
Abe largest crowd of - the season,
:Noweveri on the ice it was a dif-
ferent 'story as the home team
tdropped their eighth straight
game, • Their only win of the see-
'•Sen. is over Zurich, the team they
'Will be facing on Saturday night
•,at the 44011$ Arena,
Good Game
-Prom the ,s,pectators' viewpoint
'kt 'WEIS tt good game, The winner
`;was' not decided iota half way
'through'.the finatperiod when"the
:Maitlanch scored twice in 35 see,-
Clinton 'went out in front early
'with goals at the 1.10 Mark by
Tugill and again at -4.25 by Boy-
es, 1VIcLean and Meriam tied the
scored before the period ended,
'Clinton held e wide edge in the
.play during the period but. their
'erratic shooting ,,,,cost them 'at
Ileast fair goals.
fiord 'Walters„ the Goderich
:star of the game, started his four
-goal effort in the second period.
`The Shifty,, • ;centrernan grabbed
. . .
Jewel's pass at the Clinton, blue-
line and dutmanouevered three
Clinton defenders before tucking
the rubber into the bottom left
hand corner behind Denomme.
Garen, Hartley and Hugill com-
bined in a pretty Vessing play a.
few minutes later With Garen
Shovelling Hartley's goalmouth
pass aver Vint's outstretched leg.
Willis sent the Maitland's back'
out in front when he took a
Cruickshaek's pass. from the cor-
oar and rifled a .sizzling, drive 'that
just caught th.e inside of the post,
Walters made it 5-2 psi: before
the period ended.
The' Colts came out with I rush
in the final period and set up a
strong' power-play that kept God-
dard in the Goderich net jumping.
Edgar finally found the range
with a whistling shot from --the
blueline, The goal added energy
to the Colt attack and Murray
Colquhoun pulled his team up on
even terms at 9.35 by flipping a
rebound,,behind the Goderich net-
minder before he could get set,
Walters and Meriam then 'ap-
plied the copling blanker.- with
their quick goals and Walters ad-
ded the final one to the Mait-
land total of 16,20.
Walters was by far: .the most
effective player on the ice with
four goals and twci,assists. Mer-
jam scored two important goals
for the visitors. The Hug111, .Car-
on and. Hartley line carried most
of the punch for the Colts with
Jerry 'Holmes and Malt Edgar
playing 'hard for 'the full 0.1,111111.
600403 goal, Vint and ;God-
dard; defence, Puekworth, Mac.,
Donald, McLean,. Meriam; for-.
wards, Cruickshank? Willis, Dave
GoOclard, Miller, Reis, Jewel, Wel,
(Moon: goal, Deriomme; defen-
ce, Edgar,, Rieman, Strong", Car-
ter; forwards, Holmes, Colquhoun,
Boyes, Hartley, Garen,
First, Period
1 Clinton, Hugill (Hartley, Gar-
on) 1,10
2—Clinton, l3oyes (Colquhoun,
• Carter) 4.25
3--Goderich, McLean (Walters)
5.20' •
4—;Goderich, Meriam (Jewel, Wal-
ters) 14.02
Penalties: Ifugill (boarding)
1,03; Colquhoun (hooking) 4.40;
Reis (elbowing) 4.50; Meriam
(boarding) 6,26; McLean (charg-
ing) 15.43 •
Second Period
'5—Goderich, Walters (Jewel)
6---Clinton, Garon (Hartley, Hug-
ill) 15.30
7—Goderich, Willis (Cruickshank)'
8—Goderich, Walters (Jewel,- Mer-
iam) 19.25
Penalties: Holmes (highstick-
ing) 5.43; McLean (interference)
Third Period 4
9—Clinton, Edgar (Garon, Hugill)
10—Clinton, Colquhoun (Boxes)
11—Goderich, Walters 9.50
12—Goderich,' Meriam (Walters,
McLean) 10.25
13—Goderich, Walters (Merle/il)'
Penalties: Edgar and Reis
(roughing) 14.48; Duckworth (el-
bowing) 16,45.
Colts Trimmed By
Lucan Irish: 5-4
Clinton Colts dropped another
Close game on Friday night when
they bowed to Lucan Irish 5-4 in
a thrilling WOAA intermediate
hockey game.
Lucan deserved their win with
their more polished attack but the
Colts almost upset the powerful
Irish with their determined and
never say die spirit.
Each team counted once in the
first period with Storey scoring
for Lucan and Edgar /retelling it
for the Colts. As the second per-
iod started Hugill and Edgar put
the Colts out •in front with two
goals in the first minute. But the
"blue and white" couldn't main-
tain the lead and, Storey, Cole and
Wreath put Lucan out in front to
stay before the buzzer sounded for
the second rest period.
Clinton fought hard 'In 'the last
period in a vain effort to win but
after Fletcher 'had given the Irish
a two goal bulge they could only
get one back. Denomme was pull-
ed for the last minute and a half
and Clinton kept inside the Lucan
iblueline until the final gong, but
they failed to get the equalizer,
Intermediate HoekeysGames This
Week •
Dec, 27—Zurich at Goderich
28=—Ilderton fat Lucan•
29—Zurich at Clinton
Jan. 2--Mitchell at Ilderton
The News-Recoid
Sells Counter
Check Books
Second Half Of
Schedille Set
By Grout) Mentor
Derry Boyle, group convenere of
the WOAA Intermediate 'group
has announced the-,second half of
the schedule.
From a Clinton standpoint this
schedule will have to be altered
slightly as they have five games
in seven nights. The conveneF
has been contacted and these
dates will be arranged on a mut-
ual agreement between the par-
ticipating teams.
The f011owing is the schedule:
04,•0.V StVRK
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. • Rated G.V.W. of these payload-carrying heavyweights 'goes all
New VS-powered '57 Chevrolet trucks, heavily loaded, theway up to 32,000 pounds! • N. • -.,. made one of the world's toughest roads,look ,easy) Ina
' straight-Arough test run, they rolled over the famous ALCAN "1., i.:
'Six new Task-Fce huskies made the run. And six ultra-modern
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mileage ranging up to 20 miles per gallon! Two of the engines
-were not stopped once, and they hummed along at peak efficiency
the entire 1,520 miles!
Chevy's big V8's — including the new 283 cu, in. Super Task-
master — tinned in top performance jobs. They hauled typical
loads up and down breathtaking grades and through washouts
that sucked wheels into'hub-deep-mud. They roared on through
hundreds of miles' of heavy dust that narrowed visibility to a few
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,,on the toughest jobs going! Stop by and•see theni Soon I -•••••.•••••••••-r,e:•••• • ; :4•%sr••••-•,,,,,,,• I` • ‘' „:.
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2-93521 CLINTON, ONT
Highway to Alaska — through towering mountains and
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Chevy trucks have -gotit, all right •-- everything it takes to star ` • 4
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To our customers! -
Hugh R. Hawkins
That is our
heart - tell wish
for our friends!
K. We Colquhoun
,art Zurich .. •
,,.7—Lucan at Clinton; Zurich at
Goderich , •
C WO' Service Distributor
&AA Vorester Jatk Woodg •sill Hazily
0 .• •