HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-23, Page 3Cli>xtou. 14dr, Vit'. Damien shipped 120 head �1f ifAttle to toe old country last week. . —Mr. G.. Sherman sold his harness .op to 'illsssre..Armour & delluston. --Wheat i.s Ipriiiging $1,15 per bushel '4.. at the suis e-CJllattenis,ns pay from$3.50 to $9t5per cord for thein.'. Cordwood.-- Kt'fi revival meetings (On- litre:ed by ,3'ieters. Crossley unit Can - nailer the auspices of the Meth°. dist cizttrchi's of this town, arae will att'1Mi d the bedding being tilled at 'every meeting, Meath interest is. taken iil the proceediul;a.---Mr, Ciaznp- :i1e11,. of \Vingilaxn, is vigorously k>t sh- ieg his book oatsYassit1g ImelneSS on -our streets this week. ----Tho cricket -gluti hand giving a Concert in the town hurl on Thursday evening. The ent1a:rvs have wonted herd to maintain '`Ire honor of the town in their line of sport, quad stave been fairly successful. encs deserve, to be patrortieed,•-.-Sorge of ouryernng ladies not being auks to -enjoy their moonlight walks alone take advantage of their leap -year -privileges and invite their young mon to go along, and tf unsuccessful in their first venture nothing daunted they try again.—Our euairgetio pouard- 'keepei keeps the streets clear and the .pouni full of the irrepressible "town cow," and as at result the visiting farmer aid sidowaik .pedestrians are glad. Palmerston. The following officers of Court `a.'rinoeof Wailes, No. 35, wore installed by D D H C R I3ro .11 iy1oEwin , at •their last molar meeting, on the 7th hist , in their court room, Main street, Paltnerstou t ---Ileo, A. Knowles, P. 0. I{. ; J. 3 II. Best, C. R.; Thos.l3est, • V. C. Re; J. Dotut, chap. ; H. Me- . Ewing, k', sec. ; R. W. Wright, R. .sec.J. 0, Henry, treas.' E. Enow�rles, Y ;S. W. ; J, Alexander, d . W. ; J. MeitV- hinney, S: I'a..; EI. hart, J. B. ; Alex, Stewart, court physiCian. ' Brace County Items. John Mc:I'tlecsen, of Monti], .boat Chas. Currie, of Parkhill,, at a shot putting owned in Toronto for x$200 a side an i.a. $250 go'd methal. shapes the ends of the srlillions who acre annually € wept from Abeerless and faulty lives -tato nameless graves, There is something more than mere indifference or fatalism meant by trusting iu Providence, A great tenser, a special path of divine service is open to every one who can tinct nut his calling. Ewry one has a calling of G•3d and he who truly seeks it will find it and it ought to be the that aim of parents, and their first lesson to The Printing I, 'res% The printing press line made presi- dents, liilll:d poste, fuerritihod bustles for beauties, and futuisfled genius with sandpaper criticism. It has made the world got up at the roll call every morning, given the pulpit lungs of iron and itvoice of steam. It has set the price of a bushel of wheatand made the country postotltce the glimmering goal of the rural sotibe. It hue curtailed their clr ldrasn to seek out this. Batt the power of longs and buret rings ; it has converted bankers into paupers, it this, though it would glorify the quest has educated the tameless, and robbed With a loftier purpose would not do the philosopher of his reason. It q w ay with the necessity of such. smiles and kicks, cries and dies, but it netts enquiries as our ocry spon..ent propounds, as to wbethera professional training is calculated to give value for the time and means spot upon it in opening a career of success for a boy. The question which our readers are asked to answer seems to be whether an agricultural, a mechanical, a commercial or a professional life, all of which may he said to be within the reach of any boy in average oiroum stances offers the best hope of a pee„ oessfal career or, in better words, which offers the best opportunity for success fully ei'rviug God and matt.—Montreal Witness,. Womones vaults. It would appear that even lovely woman has her faults, judging by the somewhat spiteful reilea:Timis of a variety of eminent writers, For in stance these Franklin : He that takes a wife takes care. I,a Peuntttinci : Foxes are and woman all tongue, Eugene Sue: ,There is something still worse to be dreaded than aJesuit, and that is a Jesuitess. Fielding : In the forming of female friendships beauty seldom reeoultneudti one woman to another, Socrates ; Trust not a woman when she weeps, for it is her nature to weep when she wants her will. Roehebruve It is easier for a woman to defend her virtues against wee than her reputation against all tail Hugh Cameron, of Huron toeuship, '.has purchased a farm from D. Ottmeron, Stlt eon, Bruce, for $1,300. At the last sleeting of the Huron. oouneil holders of licenses under the Crooks Act were returned $40 each ori the ground that the government, bees 'were much larger than the council` • expected: Phe-oheeso manufactured le Huron aactory WAS awarded the special prize •trffered by the Cheese Association of , °uteric, at the r+went industrial exbi- 1,ition held at Listowel. The .prize was ,$10. A number of Kepp:4 4ari;lers com- bined t.,getller ri+lit shipped their stock diree.t to Ber:t'ale. The expert- spent turned u'it a;failur,e. A. leKeazie, B A„, son of Mr. Perch. McKenzie, of Tiverton neighborhood, ,has secured a prize of $82.50 at • Queesn's College Kingston. Me. John Keake, of Kinloss, pur- •chased the brick residence on Durhete street, Kincardine, belonging to the estate of the late 011as. Robertson, for $1,075. Jas. McDonald, of Huron, breeder and feeder of stock, traded with. Mr, John J. Carr, one hundred and sixty notes of land in Broomfield township, Michigan, for fifty acres on the 1st con. of Huron. Mr. N. T. Ritchie, of Kincardine, passed his examination as a Provincial Loa Surveyor." cannot be run to soft everybody, and the editor is a fool who tries it. Queen Victoria recently received from a Glasgow gentleman a copy of her speech at Glasgow inscribed on a piece of parchment no larger than a threepenny bit. The writing is so minute as to be illegible except through a microscope, and was the work of a man over 70 years of age, A man at his time of life might have been better employed, SHnott's V%'rAarzsn is what you need for Oonetipation, Lose of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by C. I. Wil'Iiaans, women. Lien Johnson : A woman the more carious she is aborts her face is com- monly the more careless about her house. Lady Montagu : It goes far toward reconciling me to being a woman, when I reflect thus I ate in no danger Or marrying one. Swift.: Thereason why , so few ;marriages are happy is because young ladies spend their thee in making nets, not in making ceges. Alphronse Kart eeminewotnan who. writes commits two as, she increases the number of books and decreases the' number of women. Douglas Jerrold : What women would do if they could not cry nobody knows l What poor defenceless urea-.: tures they would be. Charles Buxton : . Juliet was a fool to kill herself, for in ttlree months she would .have married again and be glad to be quit of .Romeo. Chesterfield: Women are much more alike than men ; they have in tenth but two passions, vanity and love:; these are their universal ehar- acteristies. Retif de la l3retonne : The life of a woman is a long dissimulation, can- dor, beauty, freshness, virginity, reed- eaty--a woman has each of these but once—when lost, she must simulate the met of her life. what to do with the %oy. A correspondent raises a question of -great interest to most people, yet which perhaps does not interest thein enough, namely, what to do with the boys. Consult their tasttes'--the cul tared city boy wants' to be a farmer ; the farmer's boy thiuks there le noth- ing equal to getting into a store. in "town. Their taste is, however, ''ricer comnionly very strong, and the urea method is the humdrum one of taking whatever piece offers at the time of life when it seems desirable to earn something, and what a lad learns first goes greatly tri the making of him, perhaps to the sneering of him, for We, It is quite colnuloil for a man, after tryiter more than once to change his wety of living, to snake his way back into that into 'which he was thrown, perhaps entirely, as Wo would say, 6y ouancee, at the formative periost of his hfe. Intelligent temente will not be satisfied to have the whole future o£ their children depend, as it wore, on the elialiao throw of it die or (dee t erhap.l on the chance iiia• eovery of errs advertisement. True, ono call :ay, but it hi wrong to speak SD of ehauee ; there: is a I'i'ovidena:o Cat ellapes c;nr envie rottr;h stew them. l►ow we esti!. 'turf; tame I.'10V1tt e)LS0 else • The statue of William Penn, which is to surmount the tower of Phildel phia i new City Hall will be the largest bronze"figure ever cast, being thirty- seven feet in height. Sr,>,ilPasss MEETS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sbiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. For sale by C. E. Williams. —General Booth's band from Laudon,. England, containing 27 instrufnents,is now on a tour through Canada. Canaan mann, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by 0. F,. Wilifams. —A Wailaceburg girl, who refused an offer of marriage from a young man, recently, sent him a cheque for the amount she supposed he had spent while he was courting her. xw» STR.A..'Y2i. Strayed on the promises of the subscriber, i,ot 87, Con. 2, ninioss, about the 1st of October. a om:- yoar•old red and white heifer. Tho owner is re. nested to prove property,pay charges and take it away. GEORGE ROSS, WhItochurch P. 11, .41.13'lle5 To'lilb^,urns.-Are you disturbed at night and broken of ,your rest by a sink child suffering and Drying with pain of Cutting Teeth? if ao send at once and got a bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothinl., Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value Is meal n - mble. it wilt relieNe the poor little sufferer hnreediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrheoa, regulates the Stomach and hovels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Infiannnation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. ")airs, Win,. slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and as the proscription of ong,,ef the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists thretnrhout the world. Price twenty-five cants a bottle. Be sore and asli. for "biats, WIss1,ow's Scorn sa Svxnn," and take no other kind. I^taaterlx in. Snuff. A. Berlin physician,. Dr. Ernest Flo - threw, was consulted by a patient who was troubled with severe headaches. The physician's enquiries revealed the fact that the patient had been given to an immoderate use of snuff. The snuff bnx waas .produced, and a micro tempio investigation showed that it etas swarming with bacteria, which ap- peared in the form of a fine whitish powder, These peratlites,itis at stated, bore into the walls of the nasal cavity, where they multiply rapidly and iinal,y find their way to the b:"tbl, Cizotrn, Wlt0411.0 (n)rnit Silt. Bronchitis immediately tclievot't by i3lailoh's Cure. i C. B. Williams.Joseph Thomann the nilueliy African For sale l ,S ELEGANT 1117E ELL: 16 iIIANU?Airrm^roe csr AND Dn., iu N AND • CUTTERS TWO DOZE= 13E,A.T.TTIES m3JNc FINISHED AT DOl:E 8z COOK'S. These articles are of LAI' EqT DEI,Ii{4N, SUPERIOR 14'tA'PEiti.AL and. S.t'LIN IDLY FINISHED, Iiiteutling purchasers ought to twee them. e3i�d,i 1�fi rwi't3 a'� ii' " BE SURE AND CALL AT TI1EIR SHOPS ON VICTORIA ST. VvINGHAM, ONTA.1 tIO. THE FEST PLACE —xC GST- ._ ----. '+ OB. i DEIIZM ED , : - `JtV M VY, `iW VbSII OdL VI G 16 A. . WEBS ER ' S HE HAS 0110IOE LINES OF *WINTER SUIT1NGS AND OVER - COATINGS, FINE § PERSIAN § LAM$ § GOODS § AND § IMITATF)NS. GENTS' FURNISHINGS OF EVERY PESCRIPT'ION VERY CHP 41' FOR CASH. W-7„, GOODS MADE TO ORDER ALL GUARANTEED. Ei 1V rbA at. EALP ' fle�q�'BJi' Y.44%. BTT .. R AN 1'S STOVE • and TIN WARE ODMS. Raving purchased the stock of IIINGSTON Sr: Sows, we are offering GREAT BARGAINS IN STOVES fur the next 00 DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVES in Great Variety, and at GREATLY REDITCE.D PRICES. Otvittg to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we have some SECOND-HAND STOVES as good as new at LESS THAN HALF (,;OST. A SUPERB STOCK OF 01101013 LAMP GOODS. BEST PROCURABLE COAL OIC.,, T1.ti.D1 ^':d 11E TINWARE, A. HEAVY STOCK AT VERY Lt3e' PRICES. TIN WARE 1 tri f ' ii r" , tet • la 1 explorer, COll O Wacah� �l_�c� WHDLESALE and wT,.IL STONE V OOK,. is a ttln l 1e :1 a:s c tel .lit OPPOSITE QUEEN'S only wi ye•trs old. i G ,7 4 r. V Wrnr, You mane with 1)yn1opeia.:5z,r1 i triter complaint? t`,iiiluli"ci Vitalizer is • guar to na.,e yo'. Vor s.tt. by C. E. e• neithatey ✓ser re e ,l-*; `i HOTEL, ORDERED WORK, A SPECIALTY. WABd3 ROOMS AND SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange Hotel, corner Josephine wind Victoria Streets. c; L r4' • fir Sl TT t • y1` ..t` :...i...b� enna i S LLA R. E. a ciLARKE In opening a new Tailor Shop in Wineham, respeetfully solicits a sheet* of public patronage. It will he his endeavor to give satisfaction to al'. entrusting him with their orders. itEr Ladies requiring; tailor-made JACKETS AN ULSTER. Can secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new Tailor Shen. E. C. CLAI .1 E. Winehatn, t+i'pf„ c?.ia 11, -Mete bi5tma5 NUMi3E3 6y �{ [}'�yy (pi"i-EAD5r 'IRST Vrce aC IN 3 0 "IIII i✓R, G € T O A D A) , i i C Wove Type, INTe'csr Prem, Wine Paper, rive %Ianelri rn Cert rstecatete Plates, First -Claes tiluutstetiionn, Eric ilial Hatt:. arid Stip oforv"c .elrrr:+e.rv:il =_11, THE BEST XMAS PAPER EVER ISSUED I TIIE LITERARY MATTER in tiro ' 1 c.s r it i s 01,arro will he ent it 't t r -,1 and will include stories from the .eldest Lees in Cantata. '1'lie selenete " ., beim; wholly Caanadinn. I1lTli IIAlvDSOMMIi ATES e:leoni e, • the palate Ile ;_',i,-: ;- p. al one bottle;r a scene from V S .^.ow. >: Peek,1 .C,, flow. a v i,` it;•! l:y' l,`• t. O'Brien, theee,'ellrrttel Can:tato; t tint, 111,C1I.LNICALLI thenesse {lit)'. e f tin Irl menet eery t1 to .. e t yr;y exp n.,e will he clam i in hotness it tee. ,.a:i i a._ ee frit_,:; of t,.r kneel i .a motes,• published ie. ti 8; c`onntry. AS ardl. bs vet's neeet. C n't e •til l n 11,1" '1,1;'!,• 110 ltA,70 their orders ttt anis tiewe'rae e.e,n eet.a the. t, , to ` 1. then the end of the me ten 1:'!r'"+i1 , i '.p Ana WO C:anIlc)t 1a'+sit t" +' 4ri ,t ,lf a + ,, a •5 t� 7t fl'ilei;rift' h," 1't.� ' e i w' " :,5 It i3 ii1te acts to tenet tin. L' r,' eats, -.1• to allow i'le:.eise a-: t,..,,+ ?or nest' •1 . ate inition 1 &feets Cheiettnee. t' i 'l'• , -ere 'r