HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-27, Page 2(Anonymous) I HAVE TRAVELLED everywhere. Sam- arkand and the Barberry Coast. On the cam- el trails of the Saha& and through the Khyber Pass. I have followed the seaways and the airways to the familiar places' -and sto the strange ports of call all around the world. I am a 20th century, Maree Polo. r am a movie fan.. ' I saw the. Battle of Hastings, and I was there when Kine.John • agreed to the Magna Charta. I wash present 'when the redoubts were stormed :at Yorktown and "the world tinned upside down." I saw the Constitutional Con- , vention, and I have walked with. Lincoln in the shadowed White House grounds. All the past is known"to me through my own ears' arid' my own eyes: I have liVed forever_ • \ • am a movie fan. Ivanhoe, Micawber and Yancy Carvatt 'are friends of mine. I heard the knight prNoelaim, his Challenge in the Lists of Templestowe; I Walked 'the streets;of Osage with the Oklahoma pioneers :is All the great characters of literature have come alive for 'me, transinuted from the. printed page to men of flesh and blood. I am a movie farf I have heard and watched Chopin and Moz- art and Johann Strauss compose their ageless I • Atopk:Back ihrougfr-1956: I 4' melodies. All the best in music has been.. brought to my ears. I am a movie fan. , I was with MacArthur -on the battleship' Missouri. I, attended the sessions of the Un- ited Nations, 1 was at the Paris conference. I will be at the next Olympia Gaines. I am in- • formed of the 'world of today, for I am present on all great -Occasions and at all great events, • I am a movie, fan. Good fortune has 'brimmed--my cup. - No. man before me was ever so richly endowed or more fortunate. I am a movie fan, • John Ruskin— ,No ehariging of place at a hundred miles per hour will make, us, one ..whit stronger, happier, or wiser. There was always -more in the world than men could see, walked they ever so slowly; they will see it no better for going fast. The really precious things are -thought and sight, net pace. It does a bullet no good to go fast; and a man, if he be truly a man, no harm to go slow; for his glory is not at. all in going, but in being (Written before 1900) -use "Borrow with confidence from HFC" More Canadians recommend'Household Finance than any other consumer finance company because they have found that HFC puts forth a special effort to help them solve their money problems. Whether they desire advic6 or a cash loan, }IFC's highly trained staff is ready to serve them, If a loan is needed for a good purpose, they may borrow up to $1000 in 'one day, with up to 24 months to repay. So, if you .have money problems, visit HFC—the first and most recbmtnended in its field. r 7WO, X.INTON, 1\14WS-Kre011,P. Tai AY4. DEC. 21, 1.%41 THURSDAY, DECEM[31. 27, 1956 A PRAYER FOR 1957 THE .CLINTON NEW ERA (186,5) THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD (1881), Or Amalgamated .,1924 4 A .-UHMIHED EVERY 'TKUBSDAi AT ;CLINTON, ONTARIO, 11:q THE IIIKAIM OV HURON COUNTY Populatien --2,844 (1956 Census of Vamula) 00 :SUBSCRI.PTION,IRATES: Payable. in 'advanee—Canada and Great Britain: $3.00 a year; United States and Foreign: $4,00; Single Copies Seven Cents Authorized as second Pies* mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa C. Won Sews-Record (from The Traveller) LET ME. DO my work each day; and if the da.rkened hours of despair overcome me, max I not forget the strength that comforted me in the desolation of other times. May I still remember the bright hours that found me walk- ing aver the silent hills of my childhood, qr dreaming on the margin' of the quiet' river, when a light gleWed within rne, -and I pronaed nay early. God to have courage amid the tempests of the changing years. Spare me from Ntterness and from the sharp passions of ung:\arded . moments. May I not forget, that poverty and riches are of the spirit, Though the world know me riot, may my thoughts.ancleaetions be such as shall keep me friendly with myself. Lift my eyes from the earth, and let me not forget the use of the stars. Forbid that I should judge others, lest I .condernTf myself. Let me not follow the clamour Of the world, but walk calmly in MY path. Give me a few friends, who will love me for what I am; and keep ever burning before my vagrant steps the kindly light of hope. And though age, and infirmity overtake me, and I come notsWithin sight of the castle of my dreams, teach me still-to be thankful for life, and Tor time's olden memories • that are good and sweet; and may the evening's twilight find me gentle still, If I could only see the road you came, 'With all the jagged rocks aid crooked ways, I might more kindly think of yeur missteps, And only praise. If 'I could know the heartaches you have felt, The longings Tor the.things that never''`came; I would not misconstrue your` erring' then, Not even blame. `DO T WORRY ADOUT,,Mly I'M NOT AFRAID!"' I An A MOVIE FAN From Our Early Files Business and Professional — Directory — DENTISTRY REAL ESTATE - (continued from page one) cheques is stolen from 0. J. Start,- Sey's modern meat market. . . Sept. 13—Three radio . broad- casts announced to publicize Bay- field and the village's centennial, fall fair. .f. Theatre party at the drive-in; to aid swim pool fund.. . Hog producers charge packers with paying under-the-table. mon- ey to transporters... . Sept. 20—Scouts honour assis- tant Scout Master Art Tyndall. . . Principal Bert Gray announces 475 enrolled at Clinton Public . . "Tornado ee". owned by Elliott and Little, who made the headlines following Clinton Race Day, won the three-year-old futurity at Western Fair, becom- ing the first Clinton owned horse te do so, . . Sept: 27—Swim tool Fund mak- es $3,000 in giant bingo, to which fans came from as far north as Collingvvood and Owen Sound. . Gordon. Hill ,named president of County OFUI. . . Legion takes eve er sponsorship of-the Bannackburn Pipe Band. . . Hayfield stages big Centennial Fair 'day. . . Kinsmen sell land which they had planned for community park. . . H. Tyn- dall installed as Noble Grand of Clinton IOOF No, 83. . Oct. 1—Dr: H. A. O'Neill, form- er rector of St. Paul's, elected' to Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, New Brunswick. . Junior Farmers .begin practise with a 40-voice choir to take part in provincial competition at Guel- ph in January, . Open house at Bell dial exchange puilcling at- tended by nearly 1,000 interested fblk. . ".Our First Hundred," or- iginal historical drama written by Miss Lucy Woods and directed by, Mrs. W. S. Outerbridge well re- ceived by Hayfield Fair crowds and repeat performance denim, ded.'se . Oct. 1.1.--Major ear accident at Cla.ndeboye takes- life of ofur per- sons including, three from Londes- boro, and Blyth. . A/V/M Hugh Catnpbell public school stages sports. day and proclaims champ. ions. , . Appreciation Day Draws completed, . Mrs. A. Shaddi4 ready for trip to New York city, won in subscription selling con- test, . . Four records beaten in track evenis at Clinton -.Public School. . Oct. 13—Chamber' asks council for legislation to end long term parking on down town streets, . . Scouts and Cubs net $284 on ap- ple day sales...; C. A. Trott, prin- cipal of A/V/M Hugh Campbell public school named vice-president of the district's men teachers' fed- eication. . Hospital penny sale earns $678 for auxiliary to -use in furnishings, etc, . . AC2 A. V. Howe named outstanding athlete at RCAF Station Clinton. . . Oct. 25—Classes in ballet, fig- ure skating 'and junior band work begin, . . Home of Mayor W. J. Miller extensively, damaged by flames. . : Two local teachers, Maitland Edgar, A/V/M Hugh Campbell Public schol and Ross Middleton, Clinton District Col- legiate Institute, earn Bachelor tof Ants degrees. . . Nov. 1—G. Morley Counter re- tires after 23 years of service to Clinton as postmaster. . .- Mr. Counter honoured by staff with presentation. . . Carl Johnston's, barn deStroyed by fire. . . Simon Hallahan named president of Hur- on County Cream Producers,, . . Elizabeth Sterling Baynes, found- er. of the Fine Arts School at Banff, Alberta, and now living in Clinton. . . accepts the job of in- structor at the night school class- es in drama at CDCL . . WO2 G. McCracken named president of RCAF Home 'and School. , . Will- iam H. Campbell, Auburn, reaches 100th birthday. . , Nov. 8-378 enrol for night school courses. . . Goderich' Jay- cees announce that survey Shows 50 'percent of people in County favour repeal- of CTA. . . Coun- ci gives permit to Reliance Pet- roleum Limited for $17,000 ser- vice station at the corner of Gor- don Street and Highway 4 (Vic- toria Street), , . Miss Ellen Fair- Clough, MP, speaks at Women's PC dinner meeting. Nov. 15—,CDCI Redrnen earn right to enter fight for WOSSA title. in.football Purple Bowl. . . Junior Farmers commence "War upon Rats" campaign', . . Hog Producers switch from local as- sembly yard plan to More feas- ible Marketing scheme... Huron County junior judges win top place in beef cattle class at Royal Winter. . . Bell Telephone Company predicts increased rat- es. . . Nov. 22—Credit Union members OK plans for new $60,000 building at the corner of William and Ont- ario Streets. . . :Two CDCI grad- uates 'collect Carter awards from the three available to County pupils. . . Douglas .iindrews elec- ted president of the Clinton Leg- ion John C. branch., . Bishop Cody at dinner held in. Hotel Clinton by the Holy Name Soc, Blyth. eties of Clinton and . 'Cathedral lights and hooks dedi- cated at St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church. . . CDCI, Redmen lose at Purple am J. Mil- N. W. Tre- to powerful Delhi team Bowl, Nov. 29-r-Mayor Willi ler and Deputy Reeve wartha receive acclamations to their posts for 1957. . . William JewettAcclaimed as:reeve-of Hull- ett Township:. . and all council- lors returned to their jabs, too... 75 attend nomination night in Clinton . . Dec. '6—County farmers warned that ungraded seed planted results in weedy crops . . . The Rev. Geo- rge j. Hoy-tema and Mrs. Hoytema celebrated 25 years of marriage, and 25 years in the ministry . Reeve Burton Stanley defeated former reeve, Melvin Crich in elec- tion here . . A. Garori; and C. Brown win plades 'on PUC . . Public School Board is acclaimed . . Huron Film Council begun under presidency of W. V. Rose . Dec. 13—John Decree elected for third 'year as Reeve of Gode- rich Township. , Lionseend their sponsored 4-11 Poultry Clul enjoy chicken dinner . 1,200 ybung 4-H members, their leaders and friends' gathered in Exeter for Achievement Night . . Trinity Guild at Bayfield mark Golden Anniversary'of their founding . , Dec, 20—Chtistanas greeting . . . Commencement exercises at CDCI . . ScOUt Elvin Parker receives Queen's Scout badgo . . , Four town school pinsgs and one from A/V/M Hugh Campbell will take part in January inspectorate finals in spelling bee at Goderich. Dec, 27—And a r-lappyNeW Year to everyone . . 40 YEARS AGQ Clinton New Era Thursday, December 28, 106 The following have qualified for the Electors to pass judgement on them on Monday next: Arthur C. Clarkson, •Harry Fitzsimons, W. T. Hawldns, Bert Langford,,, Mur- ray MoEWan, R. ,J. 'Miller, W. J. Nediger; W. J., Paisley, J. P. 'Shep- pard, Harrison Wiltse, Sam Kemp spent Christmas at London. Captain Robert Irwin, , Parry Sound, was a, visitor at his home over Christmas, ' as Miss RUM, the obliging librar- ian at the Clinton Public Library, spent Christma-7 at Toronto. Mr. and MTS. Paxman spent Christmas at the former's home in Parkhill. Nominations in GoderiCh Town- ship have John McClure, William Lebb for reeve. George FalCon- er, George Holland, Bert Lindsay, O. ,Ginn, George Vanderburg, Herb Cox, Joseph Stirling, James Har- rison will contest the council pos- itions. Marriage at Mary Alice McLar- en, only datighter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLarene and Edward C, Glen, only son of. Mr. and Mrs. William Glen, Stanley Township, took.place at Ivanhoe Fails xi, Hen- sail, on/ January 3, at hrgla -noon. The Rev. H. Moore officiated, 25 YEARS 'AGO Clinton News-Record Thursday, December 17, 1931 Cliff Levy was: one of the .prize winners at the Winter Fair at Guelph last week, making some- thing of a sweep in the Buff Or- pington class. • Duncan Cartwright, who has been a member Of the News-Rec- ord staff for the .past three years, has joinedsthe staff of the Bruse sets Post, According to, a published re. part, Mrs.-,L. E'. Doherty, a' former citizen of Clinton, was again elec- ted president of the WMS . of Cens The Bible Today "Laddy" 1VIacIcillop, a ten year old boy has recovered a prized posssesion, becauSe of a "hunch." It had been feared that "Lad'- dy's" Bible has been consumed in the flames that destroyed his par- ent's home in South Lancaster, Mass, The Bibl,ei was cherished as a Christmas gift from his pas- tor. Days after the fire the boy developed a` convictionthat the Bible had escaped destruction. Largely to humour his son, the bey's father drove him to their former home, t Among the charred timbers' and other debris in the boy's burned-out ,room they fotnid the Bible beneath a collapsed chair, Its contents and cover were unharmed by either fire or water, "Laddy" says he wants to be a minister -some day because "they don't make, much money -but they do an awful lot of good" 'Suggested readin0 for the , week: Sunday Luke 1: 39-56 Monday Luke 1: 57-80 Tuesday ..... „ Luke 2: 1-20 Wednesday Luke 2: 21-40 Thursday „„ Luke: 2: -41-52 Friday Luke 8: 1-23 Saturday Luke 4: 1-15 tral United Church, Stratford. Noble Holland had a fine dis- play of fox hides in Clinton, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Paisley were in St. Thomas on Sunday, visiting the former's sister, Mrs, R. J. Dinsmore who is very .ill. - W. 3. Crooks, Vancouver, B.C., was the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. M. Aiken, over the weekend. lVfise June MacDougall, Porter's Hill, was a weekend 'gum with her aunt, Mrs. John Walker. Mr. and\Mrs, WatsOns Webster, epent Saturday with the latter's sister, Mrs, Joe Wilton, Brusselg. ;10 YEARS AGO Clinton News-Record Thursday, December 26, 1946 A/B Robert Step, Clinton's' con- tribution to the Royal Navy, per-- , manent status, had the unique distinction of being one of those chosen to act as a, member of a Canadian .group of 100,..to march ,tise parade at the inauguration of 'the new Mexican president in Mexico City. krs. George MacLennan has sold eher, store now occupied by Glennie's Restaurant to Ross FitZ- eimonsNutcher. With an Overwhelming count of 103-27 -the CGI boys .defeated Wells Academy, London, in their first WOSSA. game. Clinton line- up. C. Hanly (24); B. 'Hanly; .L. Johnston (2); K. Tyndall (10); B. Matthews (38); V. Postal (16); K. Arkell (2); F. Kirby (5); Nailer (6). George Braithwaite, Clinton 'Creamery, operated by Canada Packers Limited, was successful 'in capturing first prize in ten en- tries in one of the classes of the Butter Quality Competition of the Ontario Creamery Asso€iation. Sgt. EVerett-Lobb, RCAF, Tren- ton, arrived home;'-Monday after- noon to spend a week's Christmas vacation with. his parents, Mis eand Mrs, Clifford Lobb. • S DR. N. W. HAYNES Dentist Across From Royal Bank Phone HU. 2-9571 29-tfb INNINP IMAINFININIse."0.44,04.4.04441Nowomm INVESTMENTS Get The Facts Call VIC DINNIN Phone 168 — Zurich Investors Mutual Managed and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada, Ltd. 0.4PWOMP,I411•0441.4.041100004.0•441411.0~114, OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF • • HoUrs: Seaforth: Daily except Monday & Wednesday-9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Thursday evening by appointment only. Clinton: Above Hawkins & .Jacob Hardware — Mondays only — 9 am, to 5.30 p.m. PHONE 791 SEAFORTH Phone HUnter 2-7010. Clinton 41~4,44:41# 4 4,4Wise# wawain PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY, Public Accountant GODERICH, ONTARIO , Tele. 1011 Box 478 42-15-b RONALD G. McCANN ap Public Accountant Office and Residence Ratienbury Street East, Phone KU 2-9677 CLINTON, ONTARIO 5Q-tfb LEONAIeD G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker High Street — Clinton Phone HU 2-6692 11~~04,1PAPO NININPAWW4Mill INSURANCE IL C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office HU 2-9644, Res., HU 2-9787 ' Insurance — Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Ass:Fame Co. Insure the "Co-op" Way W. V. ROY District . Representative Box 310 Clinton', Ontario Phone Collect Office HU 2-9642---Res. HU 2-9357 Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. COLQUHOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative Sun life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building , PHONES Office HU 2:9747—Res. 2-7556 J. E. HOWARD, Hayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car - Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance - If you need Insurance, I haye a Policy fact (Mkt), n. Statement of some. 4. thing done or existing, example: Reports of the Audit Bureau of -Circulations mate the. facts on our circulation audience as an experienced auditor has found them to exist. In order to place an accurate value on any product or serv- ice, you must first have certain facts, developed with recog- nized standards, on which to base your judgment. A.B.C. reports give you the facts you need as a sound basis for investing your advertising money, These facts tell you exactly what distribution your sales messages get when you advertise in this newspaper. Aslc us for a copy of our latest Ala,C, repott. ClintonHews-Record rr ' Momb4 Audit Boron,, of Citcdiationx • G. B. CLANCY • Optometrist Optician (successor to the late A.. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 93, Goderich THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . Head Office: Seaforth Officers 1956: President, W. S. Alexander, Walton; vice-president, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; ,sec- retary-treasurer and manager, M A. Reid, Seafarth, Directors: John H.' McEwing, Robert Archibald!'" Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Win. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Alister Broadfoot, Sea- forth, Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londes- bozo; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforths one man , tells another Muggs and Skeeter 7S' la-17 „AvELL,rPAr ISN'T THE WAY WE FIGURED IT WHEN I WAS A 60Y,,. SAMPLE TABLE CASH YOU RECEIVE MONTHLY PAYMENTS NUMBER OF MONTHS $105.75 $10.0 12 308.38 24.00 15 510.68 27.00 24 756.56 40.00 24 111111111 I 110111111111 HELLO, PEE.WEE,b, WILL YOU CHECK YOUR ANsVVaR ON THAT FOURTH PROBLEM? ' YOU STILL GET 295 SQUARE MILES/ ARE VOL.) 11 SORE -1E.RE ISN'T A ' MISTAKE SOMEWHERE 2;, rf HOW MAts1VACRES TO A SQUARE MILE co YOUR FIGURES 61-10W1 WELL, HOLD or4 A MINUTE,,, 11110 ,10 ARE You SURE yoLilta. NOT FOR6ETTINIG,,60mPs? PEE•WEE GRANO- FAT'OER IS r474 rriv4 - HE'S RISHT/ You may borrow with confidence from HFC 111011SEHOLO FINANCE. 8, P. Bedford, Mona toe 33 Wiptt Street, tatand noorii)hone 1361 ON't