HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-27, Page 1the .,, ttot
(By W, P, U.
al41,ISTIVTAS Eye we were 'doing
bit Of that last minute:•silo Ong
or which merchants bind : stay
den to help us all. Out on. , .and
ve overheard a lady„, chatting with
clerk, , She said site was just
ioing her Christine -1 :slopping',.:.,
Alt aft' term this Year if there
aver was .one,
in or near Clinton. , , will be in-
terested to 'know that we had; a
white Christmas here.. , Although
it wasonly _ .a 'thin veneer of
snow.. , , and already it is threat-
ening to melt away into muddy
slush, ., . However Christmas mor-
oref n}g dawned clear did cold,
and the "ground Was an white
with the new fallen .snow'.. .
e *
surprisingly popii'lar at the Epps
Bore , on Christmas :Eve. , . Pre-
pared especially, they. had an eag-
er sampling `crowd.. , and serving
went on from five o'clock. , , well.
en into the night, ,, Truly anovel
type of Christmas • cheer..
idly earning another title.
Sone folkcaikti the apology . to , .cor-
finer,..,. , •However another apology
is in Order: The.. effects; of
Christmas :planning and what not
must really have•.'gane .. to our
heati!s• last- week. .. . for we told
everyone: 'that Stanley Township
Was holding nominations on Box-,
ing Day. . We were pleased to
find out that we were wrong, for
we 'wanted to go to -the big Hock-
ey Game that° day, , . We did just
that—took along.. a pair i of nep-
hews;of the ten-year old size—
and really enjoyed -it. . The nom-
ination at Stanley Township hall
in Varna' are being held 1VIonday,
December 21, and we still have
them. to look forward: to. , . We'll
see a11• OW Stanley folk ;then.. .
o. .Carl He:min ova..
Named a • :c e t ar
Of -Huron. �` Of
. F
• • Carl Hemingway, 46-year-ofdfanner from RR 3,. -Brussels has
been hired:,bY the Huron County
Federation of, Agriculture as their
secretary-fieldman. He will suc-
ceed. Gordon Greig, Blttevale, to
this office• effective .January 1,
1VIr: Greig resigned`• after five
years service about a month •ago..
He has remained 'on the job, and
will continue working with the
Federation until January ;15. •
.:Mr .. Hesnin ey''• is at present
;secretary of the Grey' Towneliip
School Area board, He is a form-
er school', teacher and farmer s`ee-
°zetary of" the ,Grey T.owtzship,,Fed-
eration of : Agriculture. ' He..;has.
always taken an active partin the
work of his church :and commun-
ity, .
The. appointment was made on
Boxing Day, January 26, at a
meeting in Clinton of the Federa
tion" executive. Mr. Hemingway
will u'se 'the Federation office on
Albert Street, -Clinton.
Ma.Yor 1 W.Miller
Presides At 'Draw
Mayor W. J. Miller officiated at
the Christmas draw sponsored by
the Clinton Chapter No. 266, OiES,
in Which turkeys were won _ by,
Mrs. Stewart . Middleton, Mrs.
Olive Allen and Mrs: Mervyn Bat=
kin. ..
Proceeds of the draw will be
donated to the Clinton Public
Hospital and the Clinton Com-
niunity Swimming Pool Fund.'
The Worthy Matron, Mrs: Jessie
Hart and • the •'Ways and Means
;;COzvciittee of the Order, have ex-
pressed their thanks to all those
who helped make the draw a suc-
o .
To . Folk Wi
Turkeys At Colts
S1 _.. onsored Draw
Five/Cliriton residents will not
have to buy a turkey for their
New Year's dinner. They are the
lucky winners' of the Clinton Colts
hockey team raffle that was cono
pleted at the Goderich-Cii'nton
game on' Boxing Day afternoon.
Hugh R; Hawkins, .past presi-
dent of the Western Ontarlo •:Ath-
letic Association, drew the tfekets
and was amazed when the first
ticket drawnwas his own. Other
winners were K. W, Colquhoun,
-Jack Clegg, Ray Vincent and Gor-
don Lawson.
Three babies received the rite
of infant baptists, an the United
Church at Goshen on. Chrlstmas
Sunday, Decernber 23, ,given by
the Rev. •T. J. Pitt. They were
Donna Jane Louise, daughter of
Mr; and Mrs. William Taylor;
Darlene Ann, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Keith, McBride and Allan
Douglas, ten of Mr, and Mrs, AN
told 'Keys,
The Week's Weather
1956' 1955'
High Low High Low
Dee, 20 36 30 • 17 1
21 37 80. 11 ;4
"22 8G . $2 '24 12
23 36 31 24 17
24 44 31 , 40 , 24
25' 84 91 40 26
26 29 24 2?.. 12
tam: .4a ins;, Snow: 6 ilia,
No, 52 -.The Home Paper With the News,-
7 Cents .o. copy
55:00 ayea.r
Hours of.Fun, ;Work and Planning Went into l .s Prize.Wiinning IToxna.e
tip. y..... i
The lovely horn' of -Mr. and Mrs, . Grigg, Queen Street,
was the first ,prize winner_• in the Home Decorating Contest co-sponsored by the 'Clinton Citizens Horticultural Society and the
Clintonand, Ih trh t Chamber of Commerce. Judging was coin-
. s •
ed on Saturda evening bygut-of-town judge's, who .complain-
plot � g
ed that it was quite a.task, since so.many ,of the homes entered
in the ontest were so.;well deporated. Biblical scenes depicted
en, two of the Marge living room windows of the Grigg home were
highlights of . the decorating scheme, and of course, Rudolph
leading the rest of Santa's deer gained a :lot of attention, The
honles`•will rernain decorated until after New Year's and are well
worth. a tour' of inspection. • (News Record Photo)
Grigg :Home \Ylns
Decoration /war
The lovely modern home of Mr,
and Mrs, William Grigg, Queen:
Street, Clinton, was chosen Saul, -
day 'evening,• by out-of-town juci='
ges, as being the best example of
Christmas decorating to be found
in town. Judges were Glen Hays,
QC, 'Gpderich, and Mr. and Mrs,
.1V1oorlie.ad, Bernn ller, ..
Holiday Visitors?
Tell Us About It!�
Did' *you have ,visitors' dur-
ing the holiday . week? Or
were mi. -away • from 1fome
yourself? Your friends would
like to see a personal in the
News -Record next week. Just
dial HUnter 2-3884 and we'll
• write a little item about it.
(Of course there is no charge.)
COQ Grads ietCipkmas
1956 CommencementNigh#
.' The second night of the Com-
mencement at Clinton District
Collegiate institute was .:a•;repeat
success, although attendance was
down' slightly, owing to the heavy
fog which made driving 'a hazard.
PAnci al E. A. Fines again was,
chairman, . and • ',the.•Rev. A. W.
Watson,' Blyth; 'made the address:
to the, graduating i vacs and pres-
ented the Senior dipomas.
Announcer en't:was made of the
five awards eaanedbyRobertGal-
fbraith, though, he as nbt present
to receive ` them. publicity. They
were the McLean Rural Sehola
ship and. Lincoln 21tight Scholar
ship. in Physics Queen's University;
the : Sir- Ernest Cooper Scholar-
ship, Grade 1Z, tile top Carter
Scholarship ' for Huron County,,,
and an Atkinson Foundation bur-
sary. ,>
. Other awards• ,to CDCit students
included the Irwin Hilliard' .Sehol;•
arship n English,.,. ail 1 History;
Victoria College, ` and a Carter
'Scholarship to 1Vrary D'yirnond;. At-.
kinson Fou'ndation•bursary and. a.
I7oininion-PProvincial bursary each
to . Nicolaas Van den' : Assem and
Deriald Cornish.
w:.ere presented to• Glenyce Bain-
ton, Ronald.Barnett, Shirley Bran-
don, Donald Cornish, Mary Dy-
xnond, Carl Falconer, Margaret
Finley, William ' Finley, Robert•.
Galbraith, .:Ian Griffiths, Harry
Guetter, Joanne }lodging:, ''James
I(�owes, Louise Hyde,,Glen McDon-
id, "Elizabeth' Nediger, Elizabeth
Rom�" es, ,William Sharkey, Arthur
Tyndall, Nicholaas van den Ass -
ern, Willis Walpole and Marlen
Walsh. '
Graduation . • diplomas - (general
course) Were presented to Howard
Armstrong, Doreen Bauer, Hugh
Colquhoun, Betty Ducharxne, Bet-
ty Galbraith, Marjorie Goldswor-
thy, Elaine •Grainger,,. Ila„ Grigg,
Randolph •• `,Hoodspith, Margaret
Howard,''Jean.'Hyde, Keivin'NJer-
1 /e3!I' Need.Co
_ �r S�t� Ha4r�ey Seriously , ;H
Early Next he:n Ca -r Skids Hits Tree
Next week, with. New
Year's Day falling on Tues-
day, the News -•Record staff is
going to find it difficult to get
your paper to you by the reg-'
ular publishing day. We're
going to do our •best, and you.
-can.help by getting- news and
advertising to' us early: Why
not 'let us know abbut your
space needs today?.
vis, Marie Lee, Ear,1 . Livermore,
Ruth "'McFanlane,,';Neil McGregor,
Ronald MoKaj .Kenneth Magee,
Marilyn Medd; Ruth Merrill, Apn.
Morlock, Jahn ;Norman, Mervin
found, John RZiorda, Gordon
Frank Scribbfns, John Sertsema,
Claire Taylor, Nina•:Taylor,• Den-
nis Weymouth and Sandra Wi'11-
Graduation diplomas" (special
commercial) were presented to
Elaine Grainger,. Grace, Harris;,
Helen McLeod, - Constance. Set*.
ion; Patricia Saigon:
Sergeant J. Q. Harvey, Patten -
.bury Street, Clinton, is in West-
minster Hospital, • London, still un-
conscious as the result of injur-'
les 'received in a car accident a
week ago Friday night; December
21, which.occurred on Highway 8;
about one and a half miles west of
He was taken from the scene of
the accident . to Clinton ,Public
.I-Tospital bythe Beattie ambulan-
ce,. and was . given • emergency
treatment by Dr. F, M. Newland.
Then he Was transferred by RCAF,
ambulance to the London hosiptal,
Harvey wastravelling alone,
east toward Clinton,: and there
were :no witnesses,. to' the accident.
Constable ",Zivaad"+dle, OPP Detach-
nient "Goderioh, investigated and
as far as could 'be •.found .from
marks • along theroad, the car
had gone off into the ditch on the
driver's',..ieft side• of the road.* The
highway. Wart:wet with -rain and
-there Wassome fog at the -time.
The car, a .1949 sedan; hod ap-
parent1y one sideways along, the
ditch • .'for abouti • °
135 feet, until the
rear of the vehicle hit a tree, then
it rolled twice, breaking off a
telephone ,pole and came.; to rest
on its wheels again, some 213 feet
from the point at which it left the.
road. Meanwhile the driver had
been flung from the ca'r,o probably
in one of the rolls, and was
thrown 69 feet, banding in a„ field
The oar - was a complete wreck.
The Harboraires, popular male
chorus from God'erich, will again
appear on, television this coming
.Sunday afternoon, December 30.
Channel • 8, from five until five
thirty'.o'olock, This is a- regular
feature, once, a month- "for , a , Six'
Month, period: ..
• orhis'-year for the :first time, we are 'taking; a look back over
the year through all "the many pages` of'the' Clintons News Record:
These pages • (more than 500 of them) tell the story of .Clinton
and the surrounding . community from, the - time the New Year's
baby' had her picture taken and.rnade the front page; right up to
bast week's 16, -page Christmas greeting issue. It is _ a ..story of
progress and pleasures as well as: disappointments and sorrows..
It is the story of your year and ours..
Jan, 5 --New Year's Baby for
1956, at Clinton Pt blic Hospital
was Miss Bard, first child of LAC
and lrs.. John' Bard, RCAF Stat-
ion Clinton.. Reeves James Doig,
Tuckersinith and: Harvey Cole-
man, Stanley, received acclamat-
ions. _. " ..Clinton's Deputy Reeve
and'�Mrs, N. W. Trewartha cele-
brated ",golden wedding,
Jan. 12—George Falconer again
chairman of CDCT Board. L. E.
,Cardiff spoke to OFU at Varna.. .
Mrs. A. Haddy assumed chair-
manship of "the hospital, duxil-
iary... Tuckersmiith Council plan-
ned building of Sanford Bridge..
Mrs. K. C. Cooke was installed
chairman/Of the Legion Auxil-
iary. . . Hensel' Reeve W. G.
Parke died. .
Jan. '19—John V. Fischer, Turn -
berry Township Hauled warden. of
Huron County. Melvin Crich
was: returned for a second year,
president of the "Huron Central
Agricultural Society... J. Murphy
became chairman of the . Public
School Board. . Bayfield Agri-
cultural Society began; definite
plans for their Centennial Fair.. ,
Jan. 29—First dial phone con-
nected in McKillop telephone sys-
tem... . Clinton 'Legion paid of
the mortgage on . their . Memorial
hall. . Mrs. N. Forbes, RR 2,
Clinton, accepted presidency of
Clinton and District Branch, Can-
anadian. Cancer' Society. , . Barn on
the farm of. W. Manning, Hullett
Township bu>•ned,
Felx2--R.ev: D, J. Lane heads
Horticultural Society. , , Norman •
Jones elected, Reeve of Hensall,
Open.. House at Bayfield Public
School marks ,National . Health.
week. . . Joe Becker planning
trailer camp, '
Feb. 9—A. Garori framed presi-
dent of Credit Union. •. . Girl
Guide Margaret Howard, Bayfield,
earns Gold Cord.. . Rev, R. M. P.
•Bulteel resigns .from job as rector
of St. Paul's church, `after 40
years in Anglican church minis-,
try. . . Clinton Council OK'd
building; of mortuary chapel at
the cemetery... Chamber of Corn
meree has, 92 members, .
Feb, 16—R4 B. Campbell, chair-
man of Chamber of Commerce, . .
Clinton Junior Farmers won first
.place lit County drarr"ra fesival, . .
Clinton Concert Band re -organiz-
ed,. Hospital plans building ren-
ovations, . , Huron County engin-
eer Peter Patterson resigns. .
Colts enter group hockey finals..
Mr. find .Mrs. A. Garrow first
couple to be inarried in chapel of
OntarioStreet United' Church
.'� Unit . d
nett/ eduoatron wing, . Lorne
shown buys drive -fru theatre. ,
Feb. 28=•Inquest into d6"ath of
Mrs. W. Davidson,kilIed on High-
way 4 when struck bya car. . .
F of A Safe Driving awards pre,
rented.... RCAF Protestant Chap
el . dedicated. ,.
MaPelt - a•: Health Minister the
Hon. Paul Martin; visited Clinton
Public Hospital:.. Clinton,Figure
Skating Club held third annual
carnival... Miss Bonnie Hamilton
earns right to spell at zone finals
of spelling bee in Stratford:
Hugh R. Hawkins named county
president of Liberal: Association.. .
March 8—Bonnie Hamilton Wins
at\Stratford. . Ross Stephenson
'grand champion of County 'Seed
Fair, ; . 300 at QFU organization-
al meeting in Clinton town hall..
Colts hockey team walked' ,off ice
at " Watford= -forfeited geni, be-
cause of incompetent refereeing...
March 15 -County TB X-ray
survey planned: , Merchants dis-
cuss Friday night opening... Bert
Pepper named president of Clin-
ton Junior farmers. Rabies
scare, but 'no local cases. . .-Lois
Jones president of „Clinton Junior
Institutt... Colts wjn Homebrew
Championship in WOAA Big -8
group.. .
March 22—Gordon Hill, Varna,
appears` in megistrates's court fol-
lowing charges laid under Brucel-
losis Act-• judgement withheld.. .
50 4-+HitI omenaking ..Club. Lead-
ers guests _ at banquet in Hotel
Clinton, .. "Mr. and Mrs. J. Lock,:
hart mark 55th wedding anniv-
March. 29-260 entries in Fifth
Hiillett Township Music ''Festival
at Londesboro. .... Black Hawks,
Peewee hockey team captained by
Dave McLennan wiri champion
trophy.. . Colts trounce -Kincard-
ine 15-1. `•
. ,April K. — Old Public: School
building sold to C. VanDam:me. for
$8,100. . . New owner plans re-
modelling into:chotel.. , Kin•cele-
brate fourth year. . Council re-
fuses $17,000 building permit to
B -A O.il Co. . Dial phone direc-
tory issued, . Mrs. D. MacKenz-
ie; Bayfield, has 90th'birthday
April 12- New Dial Exchange
building ready for service... Mrs.
F. G. Thompson; president of Clin-
ton Progressive Conservative wo-
men. . . R. N. Irwin buys third
ladies' wear store. Now has three
stores in Clinton,,,Hensall and Ex-
eter... Kenneth McKenzie's •barn,
Can. 2, Tuckersmith burned. . .
April 19—George H. Jefferson
resigns... Bert Gray, Blyth, hired
as new principal of Clinton Pub-
lic School... Farm groups decide
to sponsor pi-cigram' over-CKNX-
TV. . . Mayor W. J. Miller offic-
iated at official opening of dial
exchange. , . A/V/M Hugh Canip
bell PS pupils walk off' with pub.
lic speaking honours. ... . '
April 28—Sir .Ernest Cooper,
London, • England, visits • birth-
place in Clinton and attends Mas-
onic Lodge here. . . Airs. Sarah
Cooper, Clinton, 94 years old...
Legion burns -hall mortgage. ,
Homebrew hockey club shows pro -
it, .
roit,., . • .
,May s --Clinton WI. receives
flag' in memory of' -the late Mrs: I.
M. Nay, ..ILeglon ladies, win
bowling tourney in .Western On-
tario contest held, at Walkerton.'.
Miss. Ida McGowan -again injured
in car accident. . . J. `Broadfoot,
Brucefield, • hurt In truck -bike ; col
listen. . . S. •Malaiiald head of
YP,U presbytery, H. J. ,head
president of Kin.. .
May 10 -Scout and Cub rally
held in Clinton park. . farmers at
Brucefield favoured Co-op owner-
ship of Brucefield chopping mill..
F. WW Kirby, L,Th., B.A., graduat-
ed from Huron College. - .. $2,222
raised by local Red Cross chair-
man A. J. McMurray. - . Lions
Club 20 years old. Town soft-
ball league organized. . .
May 24--J. •Murphy heads Lions
Chub:.. Public School pupils pre-
sent "HMS Pinafore". . . Parker
House Motel ..with 14 units, Opens
on Highway 4 near Clinton.:. TB
Chest x-ray survey begun. . .
May 17—Tornado ruins barns in
Brucefield-Seaforth area... Town
mill rate set at 74 again. . Flash
floods causing damage in Mary
Street drain afea. . Bev Bayes
wins tenor trophy. at County fes-
tival. . . CDCI cadet inspection
held indoors.. .
May 31• -'-New County Court
House opened •at Goderich' . by
Prime Minister Leslie Frost:' . .
Hayfield's -slew school opened of,
ficia°Ily by Gordon Duffin, Toron-
tb, . , .Kin ,hold two car 'bingo. , ,
June 7= -Summer ;j.dng series of •
Doesx t ,, Sound Bad At All, says Director �Vh dletn"
• theMC/ comme1eenient Ross Middleton dieovered a novel way
' .y
• afterwas er re he is listening to the• clear . young
Directing mixed choir
. the event a t a Hee g`y g
of eiij'bying the over• -all effect
voices of the junior choir fz+oin the, tapes of a rec rding .t1naehine, W.'th him are Nell 1V1�CGi"e r
and Jacit Pyreman (.right) who are mothers of the set df choir, which also tock part in the eotn,•
meneeffient program (Nt,Ws-itecord Photo)
out -door -church seryices begun at
Brownie's D -r i v e -I n • Theatre,
through arrarigenitnt of the Min-
isterial Association on invitation
of the new management. : . Spring
Shaw was largest stock. show yet.
to be held with a good crowd at-
tending,- despite cold weather
TB Chest X-ray survey.• in coun-
ty, completed. . .
June 142--iHarvey C. Johnston
named superintendent of Huron
County Home. . . Gerald Smith,
Kippen, named champion fiddler
under -'20 years at the Ontario Old
Time Fiddlers contests held in
Hensall. . .111, Cardiff warned
OFU local that -100 percent parity
would disrupt markets as it head
in the USA. . . Terry Haughton
•hurt when thrown from, bike in
car mishap. , Memorial fund to
Miss Jessie Grainger' announced at
the Clinton , Public Hospital.
Air Force Day celebrated at Stat'
ion Clinton. , . Lonnie Matthews
wins $25 for bowling skill in Wat-'
erloo.. ,
• June 21 --+Hugh. A. Ball, RR 4,.
Clinton, is first Huron County
Farmer to use irrigation system
of pipes to water his land, .
Woodstock man wins $1,000 at
Lions frolic. , . Rev. C. S. Inder
inducted at St. Paul's Anglican
Church... Roy Elliott's barn and
livestock burned, .. Kenneth En-
glestad, winner of silver dollar
essay at Clinton Public School.. .
First Golden Hand awards given
to Clinton Brownies, . Hullett
Township holds field day. ,
June 28 --George H: Jefferson,
upon retiring from "principalship
of, Clinton Public School is hon-
,oured by pupil's, staff and sohool
board, .. Masons install Harry."D.
Bog Producers consider local as-
sembly. yards. Tingley . draws
cartoons for Bayfield school pup-
ils. . .
July 5 -- Graduation 'program
and"dance for Grade 8 pupils in
Clinton; Council grants permit
to B -A 011 Co., for new garage to
oost $28,000. . High "winds dam-
age hydro lines in -prolonged
storm.: , Rev. R. Hiltz inducted at
Auburn chU'ch... Contruction be-
gun on mortuary chapel at Clinton
Cemetery. .
July 12 --Huron. Fish and Game
Club host to delegates of anglers
and hunters lir the zone.
Storms continue; lightning strikes
Bellinger's home, gardens and
homes qloaded, • Unroll County
judging team ruins in weekend
judging' competition in Michig-
July 19—bounty 4-H Clubs, 470
strong, enjoy train tour of Niag
ora .Peninsula and the Falls, ,' , Ran'
F1ewl,tt accidentally and fatally
hurt while playing` at home.
Clinton p+ife and Drum. Band ties
for first place at Orange Walk
staged In Seaforth... Miss Jean
14'41eoner, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W, Y, Falconer, Brucefield,
assures duties of supervisor or that day,
Mr. and Mrs, :Grigg had joined
forces in making their home lov-
ely, Bill is a ,carpenter by trade,
a ,pd SO, the job of Making •rnQ4el
reindeer, sled and Santa was reas-
onably easy, and he's full of ideas
:for the next year's attempt, Mrs;`
Grigg used ideas she had gained
while in: the Beck Sanitorium last
Christmas, when the windows, she
helped decorate • won first prize
there: She did • the manger scene.
and shepherd picture in poster
paint .on the picture windows.
Coloured lights and greenery cam-
pleted the over`-alr decoration.
Seeend ;and third prize winners
were the' home of Flying Officer
and Mrs. G. L. "Bud"" Hayter on.
Rattenb-ury Street and of Dr, and
Mrs. G. . S. Elliott, Cptter :Street..;
The, judges remarked• upon the
variety in decoration of the Clin-
ton homes, even those not enter-
ed in the contest, and said they,
had a difficult job to decide which
to award the prizes. After their
work was done, they were enter-
tained at tea in the home of Mr,
and 'Mrs, Clifford H,• Epps -,both
of whom are active participants in
the work of the town's • horticul-
tural society
The Clinton and District C1iam'-
ber of Commerce and the Clinton
Citizens'. "Horticultural Society
who sponsored this event for the
first time, hope to 'make it areas.
nual event, p.nd they predict that
next year •, a good many More
homes will' be decorated. This
year ten ,families entered their
decorated homes in ,the contest.
Silver Wedding.
Aa At Ba. 'd .
Day � S. * .
Friends, neighbours ,and relax
tives gathered for a surprise par-
ty at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Norman Baird,' RR 1, Brucefield,
on Saturday evening, ,December
22, to mark the silver anniversary
of their hosts. Progressive euchre
was enjoyed by all.
The dining table was, centred
With a three layer Wedding cake
and 'silv'er anniversary candles::A
buf cut luncheon was' enjoyed by
.35 guests.
The presentation • was' read by
Stewart Baird, whsle the wedding
imarclr- Was. being played in the
background. °.
The guests' of honor • received
some • beautiful silver anniversary
gifts, and *tie -a fitting , res y in
Their wedding anniversary on
Christmas day was enjoyed by 52
relatives for a turkey .,dinner and
supper. R;elativev,, attended from.
London, Komoka, Seaforth, Hen -
'sail and Goderich.
nursing at the. Huron County
Health Unit_ ,
' July 26—Group Captain K. C.
Cameron succeeds Group Captain
I C: Ashdown as Commanding
Officer ` at RCAF Station
ton. . . Bishop W. A. Townshend
dedicates parish hall at Trinity
Church, • Bayfield..: John Anstett
buys additional jewellry stare in
Walkerton, . . Service Clubs'- an-
nounce their Antention to build
swimming pool for Clinton, .
Bayfield Lions hold successful
carnival. . . The News -Record go-
es ABC. . .
August 27 -Prof, George Raith-
by, OAC, spea.ker'•at Soil . and Crop
twilight held at County . Home. , ,
15 tons of brick come down. off
Town • Hall as chimneys are re-
moved in general .renovating. •"
Cyclone fund set up to aid storm
victims. . .
August 9 --Post Office prepares
for service by truck, rather than
by. train.:: Kenneth Merner's barn
burns.... Council accepts - respon-
sibility of maintenance of propos-
ed swimming poor. . .
August 16 - Legion Auxiliary
has gala frolic at Legion Rayl.. .
Cost ofproposed additions to
Mary Street^..drain estimated at
$15,000. . . Accident at Bayfield
Curve sends six to hospital. ,
Royal .•Paulson, RCAF Station
Clinton, broke leg in fall from
bridge, . 'Clinton chosen as loA
cation for Ontario Baseball As-
sociation annual meeting. in Mar-
ch, ,1957.:. William Taylor named
road .superintendent of' Stanley
Township, .
August 23-300 attend Clintor
flower show. ; • Several ,false al•
arms by fire siren... Tender lel
:tor swimming pool, , l ayfieic
Girl Guides receive gift of spec
Jelly embroidered blanket fron
Rosalind Carew -Jones, England.
August 80 — Holiday week. .
Newsy -Record picks Up third prii
for first front page, in conpeti
ion' with other weeklies acro
Canada. ,
Sept. 6—Eph Snell wins all t
prizes for sheep championships
the ME. . Donations to swi
peal elcared for Ineorne• tax E
emptions„ . . ' xcavation is beg
on the pool, . , $1,100 mostly
(Continued on Page Two)
Over 80 Birthday Ch
Mrs. Minna 'Sutter will e
brate her 90th birthday at
Borne of her son and daughter
law, Mr, and Mrs., John A. Sut
Open house will be held there