Clinton News-Record, 1956-12-20, Page 16k. ..,9: 'We'"Nvislr you every joy and blessirig of this happy Christmas Seaskill Colts 20,. 195e czmixoN SEWS-Rzoom PAGE PIFTZ Far two periods on Tuesday night it was the same old story but during the last period of the game, . it was a•differentelhing. The young Colts literally skated their more experienced opponents into the ice. . , and came 'back from a 7-2' deficit to pull within one goal, of tieing. Sad part of the thing wag a couple of errors by the referees 1. Clinton, McLennan; 2. Clin- ton, Livermore; ,3. Clinton, Gat- tinger; 4.. Clinton, Murney. Penalties, Smith, 'Cummings; Livermore. Second Period 5. Clinton, , Smith; 6,, Clinton, Smith; 7. Mitchell, Robinson.; 8. Mitchell, Neil; 9. Clinton, Liver- more; 10. Clinton,' Gattinger (lV1C- Lennan); 11. Clinton, Jacob; 12. Clinton, Smith (1VIcLennan)• Third Period 13: Clinton, Smith; 14. Clinton, Smith; 15; Mitchell, Cqok; 16. Clinton, Cummings; 17. Clinton. Livermore; 18, Clinten,.McLennan; 19. Liverinore;. 20. Clinton,, Smith; 21. Clinton, Livermore. Huron Street Fair' holme Dairy Albert Street ' : Clinton- May +his Holiday Season be the ,nicest you:ve • ever had! 'Clinton Colts almost burst the Mitchell bubble at the Lions Arena last Friday night when they bowed to •the legionaires 8,6. It took a goal fired ing?0,00he empty Clinton net to clinch the issue. „ . Mitchell during the past few years have proved ,to be the nem, esis of the Colts in both, hockey. and baseball. , they have insted the .hockey ,Colts the last three times these, teams have met in the playoffs, sters showed no mercy on their rivals connecting for four goals- in the first, eight- in the second and six in the final twenty minu- tes. - Clinton—goal, Wilson; defence, John Jacob, Charles Bartliff, Paul Draper, Bill' Murney; forwants, George Smith, Dale Gattinger, Dave MeLerman, Ron Livermore, Reger Cummings, Paul Pickett, Budd Boyes, Don Seruton, Stan- ley; subtgoal, Jim Dales. McNaught; fence, Elliott, Ahrens, C. Worth,' Ralph; forwards, McCalAghlin, Chessell, Cook, Warren, Neil, Stapelton, Robinson, D. Boyd, L. Boyd; D. Lemon, "sub-goal. FIrst Period .,Bulldozers Top • AOf RCAF. ;league Friday evening in the' Recreat- Ion centm; RCAF' Station Clinton, was the scene of two eompetitions -aS the RCAF. Ladies' Bowling Lea- gue met for the last time this ;:year, Team standings thus 'far -"are: Bulldozers, 41; Trojans, 40; 'Iotshots, :36; Hornets, 33; King- 0-kniblers, rirOnUO, 4; Hotheads, 18; Safety Pins, 14; 'GAVE THE WHOLE FAMI4Y A TREAT ,THIS CHRISTMAS, WITH .A 'NEW "from Merrill Radio and Electric 'TABLE MODELS and CONSOLES Priced as low as 199.95 MANTLE RADIOS=-. by . ,PHILLIPS, PIIILCO GENERAL 'ELECTRIC CROSLEY from old Clinton Colts almogt pulled the upset of the schedule on Friday night when they held Mitchell ,to a 'close 8-6 decision, The game was so elose that the Colts had their goaltender off the ice when the final goal was bored. -It was a surprising game as in the previous meeting between the two teams went to Mitchell 12-1, - Friday night, the Colts. showed a never-say-die spirit and after being down 7-2 at tone point in the, third period, rapped home four quick goals; and generally ,ran the highly touted Legionaires into the ice. In a,desperate attempt to tie the score, coach Harry McEwan pulled Don Denomme from the ice in favour of the extra attacker. More than once the, gamble seem- ed certain of paying off but Alvin Weber finally broke loose and fir- ed a 1on shot from centre ice into the unguarded cage. A sour note from the Clinton standpoint came 'during the high- ly dramatic ending when 'the Ireferees failed to call a-Mitchell icing infractiOn when they thought the Colts had a man advantage, Jerry Holmes, John Hartley, each scored twice for the Colts. Boyes, Colquhoun were the other marksmen. Charlie Westman and McMillan each fired home, 511n1 LOVE, three 'goals' for Mitchell, Don, Weber picked up the other .scoring ,points, for the visit- ors. Lou Heinbuck continued to be Mitchell's most popular 'badman, He was thumbed to cooler four times: and added to his popularity by cracking Jerry. Holmes over the head with his stick, 'The Colts were playing with- out the services of Jack Carter. and Ray --AnStett on defence, but Ray Bieman and Don Epps turn- ed, in extra special efforts to make up for the lote Lineups; • Mitchell.—goal,' Dolson, defen,. ce, liennick, Bob Hartlieb,. Roh- fritSch, Heinbuck; forwards, West, man, Don'. Hartlieb, McMil n, Weber,. Smith,. Powell, Doirnage„ Olintongoal, •Deriornme; de- fence, Edgar, Strong, Bieman, Epps; forwards, Hartley, Garon, Hugill, Holmes, Colquhoun, Boyes, Taylor, First Period 1—Mitchell; Westman, (D Hart- . lieb) 11443 .Colquhoun, 12,34 3—Mitchell, D. Hartlieb (West, Man) .16,55 - Penalties: Smi t h (hooking) 6.20; Heinbuck. (holding)' 12.00; Colquhoun (roughing).18.30; buck., (roughing) ,18.30,' Team 'N.191# ',Seeo i4 Period 4 Mitchell, Westman (Heiribne) - 4.15 5- Mitchell, 4ylcMillan, 11.05 6—Clinton, Hartley (Caron) 15,50 7----Mitcholl, McMillan` (p,, Hein- buck, li„ Hartlieb) 455 Penalties.; BolifritsCh (tripping) 4.03; -DoIrriage (-tripping) -S.20.; Hembuck..(reughing) Hein- buck •(tripping) laripping)- - • Third ;)E''eriod Westman Hart- lieb. (5,25 9,-Mitchell, Westman 5,55 -3.0.--,:clintort, 'Hartley (Garon) 7,25 139Yes, '8,59" 12—Clinton, Holmes 9,30 13--Clinton, HolmeS (Strong) 16.42 14—Mitchell, Weber, 10.48. Penalties; Holmes (highstick- ing) 11.25; .Heinbuck (bighstiek, ing) 11,25-;* Edgar (highsticking) 17,58; D. Hartlelb .(highsticking) 17.58, Clinton Legion Bantams made an impressive start in their hock- ey schedule• last Friday night when they downed Mitchell 18-3. Led by George Smith who ,scor- ed six goals the Clinton- young- Hensall Industry Holds Party At Goderich Pay. (By our Hensall correspondent) WHY DO -ALL THAT WRITING? When A Rubber Stamp _ will do it faster, easier, and who knows? may- be neater, too. Order one at the • Clinton 'Nevis-Record Davery, Within 10 days. Open Bowling NIGHTLY for the4 balance of . December Excelit Dee. 14, Dec..- 19, and Dec. 26. Special Event' TURKEY'. BOWL ,All persons who bowl ex- actly 105 between Saturday, Deeeinber 15 and 'Saturda,y,' December 29 at 6.00 p.m., will compete on December 29 for a 20-lb. turkey, A second mystery prize will be given. CLINTON BontyG ALLEY s' Christmas Smoker's Supplies Cameras - - Chocolates Bowling Shoes Carrying Cases 50-1-p ANSWER TO THIS WEEK'S KPWOK13 who failed to call Mitchell for ing the pucli. , they thought th Colts had a Man advantage whe. they pulled Don Denomme fro the nets in fAvour of the 'extra attacker,. -These errors cost • the Colts two important faceoffs. in the Mitehell gone. While nn the ...Subject of MitehO the Legion Bantarris certainly re- venged three al3aetrona season Priday night. . , they trounced 18,3„ , izeporteci that this is the first win in a wiled:Pl- ed game for the. Bantams in three SeasOns of plaY.- • It does please this corner to: .s00 the lineup of the Legion Bantams. . , they are -.all graduates of the Kinsmen Pee, wee Hockey League, . , this is the first time that the local minor sports -program shows signs of paying off, let's hope that this group of Bantams come along to 'form the nucleus of .ainton's termediates in a few years. '• -Still on the subject othockey, . the Colts' are trying something a little different' next week, . en Boxing- Day Decorriber 26 they Avi play their first afternoon game It will be against their old riv from Goderich. . , and the. ide .behind the affair is the hope. the a few of the .peOple -.WhO have re turned to their r home- town for_ th holiday season will come...out 'an see what the present team, ,look like. • As added attractions ther will be a minor team game prio to the intermediate contest. -Mr. and Mrs, Ellwood' Bpps an Pon wem in ft party that hav had a highly successful moose hunt. • . their trophies (three moose) until recently have been hanging in- front of Bliwood's sports shop, . . and have attract, ed more interest than a three-ring circus. Here's' • a bookmaker's • night, mare. • a Brantford -nian (who claimed that he wasn't lucky) re- cently purchased 13 - tickets on turkeys' in :three different raf- fles. . . result—be won 13 turk- eys. „ Fowl Bingo At • Hensall, -Winners (By eur Hensall correspondent) .TurkeyS won at the Hensel Legieri sponsored 'bingo Saturda evening; Were' Mrs. 'Mae McLellan Red Bicke-11;-Mrs. Clarenee Reid Mrs. A. Powell, Goderich, Mrs -p.„"Taylor, Jr., Bert Horton, Mrs Baker,. Jr.,:1-TerVey Boyce, J .Smale. Chickens, ,Were- won b Affrs. A. Orr, Mr. TaYlor, .1" Sati'alb; Mrs. A. Clark; Mrs. R Taylor,„Mrs. Thomas••Coates (2) IYIrS. 'Fred Corbett, •John Glenn Mrs, Robert McLean, Tony.,,,Icyle B, Noakes, . MrS.„ Cla..rence 'Reid Bert _Horton,' „Douglas Upshall Door prize -of a'..ltirkey was wo- by Douglas - . re iffy.'"HANK") (Additional Sports On, Page 1_6) Clinton Legion Bantams Get 18 Goals In First Game OMMIOMIN, '••• vorcir#4-04, 410 +., .1114***). Negitg -4 'I made by Mrs, Jean Mercer, 2.39; Mrs, Toyee lVforter,,235; Mrs. Kit- ty Ba.nville, 227; Mrs. Shirley Stewart, 218; Mrs, E. MeDonald, 218; Mrs, Turnbull, 214; Mrs. P. Keasey, 210; Mrs.':D. Gover, 205; Mrs, Dorothy Hamilton, 203; Mrs.. BasteM, 202. iHepcat,s, 13. Winners of weekly prizes were; Mrs, Jean. Mercer, 239 for high single; Mrs, Joyce Morton," 612, for high triple, Good scores of over 200 were RECORD PLAYER ' Music you want when you want $13.95 'up Mixes; -Mashes, Whips, Beats, Stirs, Blends Juices, etc. Heat Control ;Dial, has complete range • of fabric settings. $10.95 up trop 6 core Lash t.911140C, -TQASTERL. Perfeit Toast' Every Time POP-UP MODELS with Antoinette Browning ,.Controls- E $15.95 up CoMbination SANDWICH TOASTER and WAFFLE IRON $12.95 up Automatic, ROASTER OVEN Cooks and Bakes 54 50 t Hoover Christmas Specials Vacuum. Cleaner "Constellation" Polishers 47195 errill Radio and Metric HU 2-7021 Vise — Buy From. A Service Dealer" ONT mule CLINTON ARIO PHONE 66Be it • TV LAMPS CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS — ELECTRIC IlLANKETS HEATING 'PADS Goderich Pavilion was the set- ting on Deceinber 14, for a de- lightful affair when 300 employees and staff of General Coach Works of Canada 'were entertained at a Christmas party. " Officials of General Coach'from Marlette, Mich., attending were president„' John Atkins and Mrs. Atkins; Riley Ramsay, vice-presi- dent and Mrs. Ramsay; secretary- treasnter, Guy ,Arnold and Mrs. Arnold; sales manager, George Nihart and Mrs. Nihart, William Smith, managei- of the local plant presided for the draw and- the winner's were: Mrsi Jos- eph McLellan, Kippen, ,refrigera- tor chest; Mrs. Andrew Anderson, Exeter, steam iron; Mrs. Chris- tina Grarinick, .Zurich, lazy Susan; John Baker, Henson, coffee perco- lator; Mrs. McNally, Goderich, ham. Christmas wrapping -foil waS won by Milton Taylor, Hensall;, Glen Swan, Brucefield; Miss Mar- garet Hayter, Mrs.' James Pater- son, Hensall. Lloyd Wright and hig' rangers frorri OFPX,-TV, London, 'provided music for the dance. Harold Sop- er, on behalf of the employees; thanked 'the management. TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY LTD. ASSOCIATE .iTORE Wishing you all the joys and blessings of this holy Yuletide Beasen CLINTON DAIRY Clinton