HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-20, Page 15PI II WS Of Brigerle10 COrresPondent — MRS. H. P, DOM • Co-open pick . Seaforth We are Live of them u Please PHONE Phone at your shipping Ontario farm, H. S. --Day F , ARIVIER-S and COIXIECT Farmers cattle every solicit Hunt, Manager not your later Saturday than Co-operative' Patronage. for United We will Friday. nights, . 481w 9, Evenings 39-tfb Special Meetings Ontario F akin Union ,ALBERT CORMACK, GUEST SPEAKER - Thursday, Dec. 27 2 p.m. SEAFORTH TOWN HALL Friday, Dec. 28 2 p.m. VARNA, • TOWNSHIP HALL Thursday, Dec. 27 8 p.m. AUBURN ORANGE HALL Friday, Dec. 28 8 p.m. ZURICH TOWNSHIP HALL e. Everyone Welcome SPECIAL INVITATION TO THE LADIES 51-b NOMINATIONS A NOMINATION MEETING. FOR THE TOWNSHIP .OF GM:PERIM WILL BE HELD IN THE 'TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28th - Between •the hours of 1 and 2 p.m. Nominations will be accepted for the position of one Councillor. IF AN ELECTION IS NECESSARY IT WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 7th Between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the following - places, and with the following Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks in charge; Sub- Deputy Returning Division Place Officer Boll Clerk 1—Orange Hall V. Falcener , H. Fuller 2—House of Howard Sturdy H. Sturdy Cliff Sturdy 3—House of Albert Schilbe Chas. Wallis Wm.IVIcIlwain 4—House of H. Tyndall Elmer Trick Don Middleton 5—House of H. McCartney H. McCartney ,. Les Pearson -6—Hotise of R. E. Rowderi R. E. Rorwden „.. Reg, Miller R. E. THOMPSON, Cierk 51-2-b Brownies Party, Has Awards And. Christmas Gilts - .(By our Hayfield correspondent) ,At the Brownies' Christmas party n<Trinity Parish }Tall last Friday, Mrs, J, B. Higgins (Brown. Owl) conducted the enrollment ceremony, 'Three weenies graduated to Brownies., They are Ellen stray, Janice Merner and Bonnie Johnston. Ellen Lindsay's moth- er, Mrs; :4. Lindsay, president .of the local association, fastened the pin on her daughter and since it was birthday, all, joined' in singing, "Happy Birthday." Follo-Ring, received. service stars, second year, Carol Wallis and Jackie ,Weston., First year, Joan Mote, Ftarbara Semple, Shirley Darnborough, Gayle Turner, Rose- mary' Toriand Margaret Semple, Mary E, Ervine, Sandra Middle- ton and Gayle Mote. Two awards were made; first to Lynnda Scotchmer for neatness; second to Lynda Gemeinhlartit for the most progress shown, and neatness since enroll/tient; These awards Were,' given to encourage the Br4wnies in their, work. ,Brown Owl was-assisted by Mrs. Robert Ttirner (Tawny Owl) in a program of games and relays per- taining 'to Brownie work. - • `• Since thiS was also, in the nat- ure of a Christmas party the mothers of the Brownies And Tweenies had .811 been invited .to attend. • There\ was A. -beautiful ,Christ- mas tree, .gay with gifts for all the Brownies and .e.fweenies. Mrs. Robert Turner tendered her resignation as Tawny Owl. Mrs. J. B. Higgins (l3rown Owl) was assisted by several Brownie mothers in serving lunch. • ••••:••••••• • • VARNA Skating Rink The Skating Rink donamittee met last week and decided to op- erate the rink again this winter in spite of the $40 deficit of last year. Any donationsWill be grate- fully accepted. ' Entertainthent The 'United Church Sunday School Christmas entertainment will be held 'this Friday evening, December 21. Nelson Reid has been on the sick list this past Week, and his many' friends wish him a speedY recovery. ,LOL No. 1035 At the-annual meeting •of Varna Loyal Prange Lodge No. 1035 last Thursday, evening, Lloyd Keys was elected Worthy Master, succeed- ing Wilfred Clutter who has been Master fol' the past three years. Other pfficers are:." Deputy Mas- ter,, Frank, NIcelingliey; chaplain, Charles Reid; recording secretary," George L.. Reirk fi4ncial secre- tary, Louis Taylor; treasurer, John Aldirigton; marshall, Grant Webster; leeturers, Gordon Cole- man and Charles Pilgrim; 'com- mittee, Harvey Coleman, Carl Diehl, John Ostrom, Watson Web • - ster and Ralph Stephenson. They were histalled by COunty Master Joseph Caldwell, Grand Bend. 11111111111111111111321111110111111111111111,ii HI MEE NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith io facilitate *snow removal operations, the public is re- "- quested not to park cars or vehicles on roadsides during the winter month's. And Notice is hereby given that the Township wilLnot be responsible for any damages - caused to such vehicles as a result of snowplowing opera- tions. E. P. CHESNEY; • Clerk, Township. ,of Tuckersmith 49-tfb 4lu ill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF.TUCKERSMItH DUMPING GROUND. ' WILL BE CLOSED" NOTICE is hereby, given that the Township of -Tuckersmith Dumping Ground, will be closed after December 29 until further notice. E CHESNEY, 49-50-51-13 to p at this ;:* *ferry' Christmas Time! anada Packers Limited Phone HU 2-3815 linton Ontario Sleighs -1- Toboggans — Doll Prams — Wheel Barrows Rocking Horses — Doll Cribs — Wagons — Kiddie Cars —o-0---0 These are lust a few of the many items we have for• you — -- Drop in ,„, and see for yourself. "It's Always a Pleasure to See - and Serve You" Last Minute Clinstmas Shoppers Our Shelves Are Loaded With Specially Priced Christmas Gifts For You. TOYS ON SHELVES AT 10% DISCOUNT GIFTS FOR MOM GIFTS FOR DAD and SON Electric Presto Looker Electric Fry Pan Dormeyer Electric Fry Pan Darnaeyer Electric Food Mixer Electric Steam' Iron Pop-up Toasters Electric Kettles Bathroom Scales Electric Razors Electric Hair Clippers .Hockey Games' Hockey Sticks Hockey Gloves Electric Drill Set • Electric Soldering Iron Tools GREETINGS— TO all, of you who have favoured us with your patronage, 13 est wishes for a jolly fun.-filled holiday, from our entire staff. Hugh R. Hawkins :Hardware 51-p CLINTON NEWS,REGORD• THUR$PA,Y, PgCF,MBER 20, 1.0.$3'. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence LeXAQA , and babe., .London, visited 1$14„ par- eAts, Mr, and Mrs-. A, J, Larom. • on l'$,Iesd4y, PAGE F.01713,7%E.N. At the ll.. N, Brandon home er the weekend were Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Heard, Bobby and Shirley Brandon, London. vr aNio. v .1 ' n tese. I - There A Sportsman, 1i Your Home HUNTING FISHING — BOATING SUPPLIES Perfect Gifts For The Perfect Sportsman! at we advertised as closing November 30, been extended until Christmas. NTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS hone HU 2-9622 Mr. McLaughlin, Montreal, vls ited over the weekend with• Mr. and Mrs, 13,o.ss Scott, Mks,. .Tohn Melqurtrie, Hensall, ViSited ,with Miss Mary Gibson, last Thursday. '4r, and'Mra. Harry Dinnin and -Kathy, Petrolia, called en Mr, and Mrs. W. V, Dinnin on Friday ev- ening, The Sunday School Christmas concert will be held on Friday ev ening, December 21, beginning at 8.30 o'clock. Mr, and Mrs. Ninian Heard, 4immie and Miry, Holmesvilie sPent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdge. Alex Paterson has• been trans- ferred from Clinton Public, Hos- pital to Victoria Hospital, London, for further surgery. Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge and Mary Eller, Cobourg, called on Monday, on the former's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Burdge. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie and family, St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mn, McKenzie's par- ents, plr, and Mrs. S, McKenzie. peW'ayne Elliott," eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon- Elliott 1,e- came ill while in Clinton on Sat., urday afternoon. He was taken to hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis, Mrs. Ben Keys recently return- ed to the village from a visit with her daughter-in-law Mrs. Gordon Keys, Forest. Gordon• had flown to Winnipeg, Man„ to be with his brother Mervyn Keys,, following word received here that Robert Mark, nine-month-old son of Me, and Mrs. Mervyn Keys, had died quite suddenly. Surviving are three sisters, Mary, Susan and Allison, 0 While most of Canada'S Eski- mos today live north of the tree- line, about 2,000r years ago their ancestors are thought to have liv- ed•, among the forests of Lake Superior. . Mrs, Bmerson. Heard was in London, from Sunday until Tues., day. Glen Brandon, Streetsville„ was with hiS wife and family e the 21 parsonage over the weeke 1. 'Mr. and Mrs. E, W. Od leifson,. London, were at their home on Main Street over the weekend. They entertained guests from Mount Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brandon, Gary and Brian, moved to their new home which they recently purchased in Stratford, on Wed- nesday of last week. 1*. and• Mrs. Warner Payne, Patricia and Paul, left on Sunday to spend the night with relatives in• Port Huron en-route to a, vac- ation at St. Petersburg, Fla. Corporal and Mrs. Ralph, Moyer and three children, who resided in^ Bdyfield for some time, before moving to Adastral Park over a year ago, leave this week for Comox, B.C. En route they hope to spend Christmas with Mrs. Moyer's parents in Alberta. Willing Workers The Willing Workers' of St. Andrew's - United Church met Wednesday, December 12, at the home of Mrs. George Heard. Pres- ident, Mrs. Robert Welsh chose "Christmas 1956" as a topic. This was /followed hylprayer ,,,by the Rev. Peter Renner. Twelve members, answered the roll call ,with gifts for the Child- rere's .Aid: ' Following business discussions, Mr. Renner took charge for the election ,of officers. ' They are: president, Mrs. Grant Stirling; first vice-president, Mrs, Arnold Makin; second vice-president, Mrs. Reg. 'Francis; third vice- president, Mrs. John Scotchmer; secretary, Mrs. Edgar Ratluwell; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Blair; flower and card "'Convener, Mrs. Kenneth Brandon The meeting closed with the Miipah •benediction, after which refreshments were served, by the committee in charge. Knox WMS The Christmas theme was' car- ried out by the Woman's Mission- ary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church meeting' at the home of Mrs. Bruce Menerey, on Wednes- day afternoon, December 12. The president, Mrs. C. W. Brown, was in the chair. The roll call was responded to by a port- ion of Scripture pertaining to the first Christmas. Federal Aid To Preveution Of. Dread Brucellosis Rt. Hon. James G. .Gardiner, Minister of Agriculture, has an- nounced that a program of area testing, and eradication of Brucel- losis disease of cattle will be ent- ered into by his department. Brucellosis, or Bang's',3 Disease, is 'a bacterial infection causing abortions and breeding difficulties in cattle. Losses' froth it are esti- mated' to cost Canadian cattlemen nine million dollars annually. Brucellosis infection in cattle is responsible for undulant fever in , humans, both being caused by the Same organism, Procedure will follow, the pat- tern which has been, applied suc- cessfully in .the virtual eradication of tuberculosis from Canadian cat- tle. An area will be accepted un- der the program on, the recoin- mendation of a provincial depart- ment of agriculture. .AII suscept- ible cattle in the' area will be test- ed and infected animals will be disposed of, with compensation paid to the owners. A 'joint federal-provincial policy of calf vaccination against brucel- losis has been in effect since 1950. Grey F of ,A Man Accepts Job With Hog Producers James Boynton, Chesley, Ontar- io, has been appointed secretary of the Ontario, Hog Producers' Association, _CO-operative, and Marketing Board. He was form- erly secretary-fieldrnan of Grey County 'Federation of Agriculture. The Board of Directors of the Ontario Hog Produceri' Associat- ion, had received 61 applications for the position. LOCAL FOOD 5701:11.:' The Reverend and Mrs, 13, Mac; donald, Hensall, were present. Year-end reports given' by the Secretary and treasurer showed that this, group had sent more than their pledge of $100 to Mis- sions. Mrs, H, H. Ormond favoured with Christmas carols on her ute- cordian. Mrs, W, R. Talbot • took the chair for the election of the pres- ident. Mrs. C. W. Brown was re- turned to office and. resumed charge for remainder of the elegr, tion, Other officers are: Vice- president, Mrs. W R. Talbot; secretary, Mrs. Russel Heard; treasurer, Mrs. Bruce. Menerey; literature secretary, Mrs. J, J, Richardson. Following, the closing prayers, the hostess served tea: Trinity Guild The annual meeting, of Trinity Church Guild was ifel.d in the home • of • Mrs. Merton Merner on Tuesday evening, December 11.. Mrs.. Percy Weston, President, op- ened With the Lord's prayer and the creed in unison. Mrs. Fred Weston,. secretary, .gave her re- port and read a telegram 'of con- gratulations on the golden anni- versary from George and Dorothy Adams, Red Deer, Alta.; Also the resignatiOn as treasurer of Miss Lucy Woods. Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer read the treasurer's statement. The sum of $50 was voted' toward tables ?and extensions' to match the nest- ing chairs. The birthday money was turned in amounting • to $7.51. The Christmas party, for the Sun- day School was planned for the. Saturday after Christmas in the parish hall, Mrs.- A. Al. Bassett then took the chair for the election of of-- ficers. Mrs. Percy Weston was returned' for a third term. as pres- ident. Mrs. W. S. Outerbridge, Mrs. N. W. Woods were nanicd as hono;.ary presidents. Others el- ected were: vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd• Scotchmex; secretary, Mrs. Merton Merner; treasufer, Mrs. Fred Weston; card secretary, Mrs. R. Fitzsimons; flower committee, Mrs. R. Larson, Mrs. A. M. Bas- sett. All member$ were asked to he parish visitors. - Mrs. William E. Parker closed the meeting with prayer, after which Mrs. M. Merner served re- freshments. CLERE-VU AUTO WRECKERS CLINTON - ONTARIO Now Wrecking: '50 FORD ' '50 MONARCH '49• FORD '48 CHEV. Parts for Cars '24 to USED TIRES & TUBES 16" - 1'7" - 18" - 19" - 20" - 21" Recapped Suburban Tires 600/16" - 670/15" - 710/16" DUNLOP TIRES. • Auto-Lite Batteiles Sales and Service We Buy SCRAP METALS WANTED: Old Cars for Strap Phone: IIU 2-3211 41-tfb News 'of -Bayrield By MISS LIMY D. WOODS 1955 Ontario Champion Rural correspondent PHONE; HAYFIELD 45 r 3 1 OP AT HOME • A BETTER LOAF OF BREAD •