HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-23, Page 20:4 am 01111 t5
1'lL° 5•aJ• M,a are 2a
;1... seek o ; t: OF tel6CONT1 NT.
Vta t vee ant position ae bookkeeper
s ; A ` oltee43, newspaper olUoe recently,:
,jai th•.te were no less than three
init"t1red applications. The existence
f this ctr tiitinut of things has caused
tiutuereas reAeetious as to why so
many y"1:1R mon are out of employ -
meet, levi tahtly there is somethiug
r:ldi.:aly and seriously wrong. The
salary attiwht'd to this position was
not suliii•iettt•ly I.1rge to be the great
inducement to applicants. Mac11 the
snot thing ceders frequently when
vacancu s take place iu many of our
puleie eelinels. There are, no doubt,
too many young nice Of superficial
education, and guided by the lamp of
self-coliceliewho have a very erroneous
impression as to what constitutes
genteel employment. Ouviously there
are too many who have resolved to
abandon niattuai labor without any
clefiriite idea afi to what they can or
should clo. Notice the rapidly increas-
ing; number who are yearly attending
out• high schools. We do not wish it
to be inferred that we disparage edu-
eation or think that it in any way
unfits boys inr undertaking' any sort
of work. Other thug's being equal,
the best scholar makes the best farmer,
the moat ski.fnl meclianie, the most
successful 'railway official, the most would wish to impress is : That by
wae a scarcity of t1hOrSet required fer teoutlt Of tho•salt indnetty. This
other hinds of work. It may In sail
that vino ohilcli'eIi manifest no ;,;envie
for, nor interest in 41ne sort of work
more than another. This does some
times occur, but not frequently, and
closer observation or a little judicious
parental stimulation might still further
lessen the number of eases. There
are some children with genius
different directions, but possessing only
small amount of concentration, #ho
develop into "jackof•all-trades." This
trait of character is early manifested
and can Le largely counteracted. The
great necessity of the age is concen-
tration of effort. It is impossible that
a man can master every branch of
knowledge in the compass of a lifetime.
It is the specialist nowadays that the
people wish to consult. If a boy has
a fondness and natu.tal adaptt►bilityfor
any sort of work he will succeed iu
that line and parents should not
prevent his undertaking it. We have
before our mind the. caseof a boy who
has a great liking and remarkably
genius f "r wooci\working and carving,
but his parents say: " No, that work`
is not suitable for you -that is, it is
not respectable .enough." Another
exhibits great artistic skill, and d at
ten or eleven years of age can draw
with a common lead pencil a picture
so as to bring out clearly the different
expressions, yet his parents say he
cannot be spared from the farm. We
could multiply inetances of this kind,
but it is needless, The truth that we
o'' ftfittirfi he attributed mainly to the
action of the Dominion Government
r. .
in sacrificing Coterie interests to
please the Eastern Provinces, Ile
had iso utijection to the admission of
salt free for curing fish, but for other
purposes it should be taxed, and as
can be easily' ascertained, not cue.
fourth of the salt imported is used by
the fishermen. Tile salt manuftwtur-
ers have 1.0 pay heavy duties on 'coal,
boiler plate, and nearly everything
else vehicle. they use, while they have
to compete with free Buglish salt. 1r.
ktausford said that as everything the
salt makers use is heavily taxed, and
as the policy of the Governuaent is to
protect home industries, the salt
industry should be fairly protected.
Mr.Italhaford regrets ever investing
capital in Cenacita,; Today, if sold,
bite pleat would not realize20 per cent.
of what it cost. Though the salt
trade would be benefited by protection
against the knglish, yet he would
(ouch prefer, reciprocity with the
United States. 'The American he
considers ilte best and most natural
desirable citizen. The great evil of
the present day is that, with the in-
creased knowledge comes the impres
slot& that the individual has to go into
some Profusion. to give scope to their
expanding intellects. How se''dom do
we see is boy who has spent a term or
two at Fa IILll School go beck to the
farm or the nhechanic's shop. Parents
generally realize that the professions
are overcrowded now and that it is
. only the really clever as well as
. thee-m.111y peisevering who eau make
their mark in rt profession. But what
• parent, forsooth, does not c' -early dis-
cern these essentials in their promising
children ? \Va think one of the most
gigat,tie evils of the present, time -it
,always bas been an evil, but never
attained its present proportions -is
the fact that s many are struggling
discontentedly iu callings for which
they have neither inclination nor
natural aptitude. It is generally Ad-
mitted that there is some one thing
that almost every cue can do better
than be can anything else. Some, we
readily adni t, have ability which
enables thein to do several things
equally well. i3ut this is the exceee
tines not the rule. The question of
choosing occupations and employments
for boys is one of vital impertanoe
and often one of real difficulty and
perplexity. Children very early mani-
fest preferences and likings for certain
kinde (if work which the thoughtful
and observing parent can and ought
to turn to account. One boy delights
in sailing his toy ship. Another ilh
marshalling and disciplining his. little
.army of playmates. Another in
addressing real or imaginary audiences.
Another is absorbed with hie pencil in
some simple drawing exercise, and
still another in exorcisingg his fnochani-
Cal genius itt different ways. These
1,eeuliarities in ehildren all have been
noticed, bat Teeny look upon then as
childish and insignificant. From
watching these inclinations arid dis-
positione, the natural adaptability cif
ehiidr'ent may he ascertained with
marvellous accuracy. When these are
known, parents should throw aside',
human preferences and gratify the
evident hent of the child's uhind. It
is a remarkable circumstance that in-
clividusla are to Le found with prefer-
ences ant conipleteaptitudes for every
imaginable kind of work, aua we
think if genius were not driven out of
its proper channels, often by the in-
flisoretiou of parents, there ivould not
lie a tsurp'tis of young men demanding
yoficiv.11a ikt curtain Burs, whilst th"'re
studying the dispositions and .inclina-
tions at an early awe, -=much earlier
than the utnjnrity of people imagine -
we may find out the natural bent of
the boy's mind, allot him his proper
sphere in life, and avoid much of the
confusion, dissatisfaction, discontent,
failure and overcrowding of profes-
sions now so awfully common. .
Conductor W. K. Snyder has been
secured to preach the anniversary
services at the Methodist church on
the 2nd. of December.
P+ I..A.Ri'.n:tuasysaiG°iST.!'9ta.7i-reg'- mrSecatem•'S7r.1:'.
Unfree Iarostfj'tor. r.
The regular meeting of Bum
Pre&'y'tery was held in St. Antlrew'e
church, Blyth, on Tuesday, 13th inst.,
Bev. Mr. t+lusgrave, molder - tor, pre-
siding. Rev. J. Wilkie, missionary to
India, and Rev. Air. Me4eller, of
High .Bluff, Manitoba, who were both
present, were invited to alt and eor
respoud'with tut•tnbers of tie Presby-
tery. The remit from the General
Assembly, OH pastoral vaeaacles in
congregations,. and the method of deal-
ing with vacant coni regatit,ns, in the
natter of supply of divine ordinances,
and the settlenteut of pastors at at•
early a elate as possible, together wit',
the settlement of probationers, was
referred to a committee, with inetrtto-
tions to prepare a scheme, and report
John Robertson, formerly a chese-
tnaker in the Morris and Grey factory,
now an instructor in the cheestnaking
art in Scotland, is hneeting with splen-
did success, his pupils taking first
prise on every side.
w Langside.
The members of the Ontario Mining:
Commission visited this county last
week and have reported lengthily on
the condition of the salt industry,
From the reports made we conclude
that no Canadian industry today is in
a more depressed or unsatisfactory
condition. This is the universal
opinion of all those engaged in this
branch. The saltie clepressicn prevails
everywhere. At Godericb, out of a
total of fifteen wells or salt blocks, as
they are culled, only -five are bt ing
worked at all, four of which produce
each annually froth 20,000 to 25,000
barrels, the remaining one front 7,000
to 10,000. There is not one that is
worked beyond one half its capacity.
M1 the manufacturers who appeared
before the conunissioners had the saute
complaints as to the treatment of the
salt industry by the Dominion Govern-
ment. The price at present ruling
for salt is 55 oelitte a barrel. The
cost of the barrel itself is about 20
cents. The principal cause of the
dullness is, according to the evidence,
the importation of salt from England.
There are annually some 2,400,000
harrele consumed in Canada. Of this
amount 2,000,000 barrels are imported
from England. It comes over as bal-
last in the steamers, and, as there is
no duty on coarse salt, it is impossible
for Canadian producers to compete
successfully. English salt can be
shipped from Montreal west for one
quarter the cost of the freight payable
on Canadian salt going from this dis-
trict to the east. The removal of the
duty on coal would assist . to some
extent, but, in the opinion of Dr.Cole-
uhan, of Seafortll, if the industry is
not to be discontinued in Canada,
either English salt mut be shut out
of the market or a new market opened
up in the States by the adoption of
Free Trade or Commercial. Union with
that country. Thtt salt front this dis-
trict is very pure, '98 per cent., and
Inanufaetnrers are confident that wltll
an open &merle= market they could
more than hold their own. Mr. Joiln
Raueford, of tho " Stapleton Balt
\Vurirss" tl:ilttnnin a wo A git only no-
Hallotie'en was not remarkable for
great depredations this year. The
only amusement was a dance which
was only patronised by a part of the
aristoeracy of Lueknow and Langside.
Although the night was intensely dark
yet the vehicles which conveyed the
pleasure seekers found their way to a
sake forty rode distant while their
baggage was partaking of lunch.--IVIr.
William McDonald left on. Tuesday of
last week for jla.ichigan.-A lumber
of the farmers have beim having their
fames surveyed, which is to the satis-
faction of some. -Quite a number of
hogs have been bought by Messrs.
Waddle and laM'ciiinnon which were
shipped on Monday. Mr. J. G.
Manly, of Toronto, delivered a very
itnpreesive, instrnetive field Interesting
address in the Methodist church on
the 4th ult, His discourse was on.
"Babylon and Israel,"
iT"4°+tire• erelee+KaNMC�7+t tte.tereeZreeee '
Ltt i 'Geta C
++r-18 PUII1sfilIn•-
TO3LettIDA.1 WOlt1r1.1
e I i'v3ES F'F1Cf�, o' 0sgPettN9 k �a ent ET,
sttaserfat3ouprlse, $s tere aceetee:Jce.
Space. 1� 1yt. 1 title. 10 me 1 t an.
One Cohnun"-0 t! 00 ,` 1, 00 i 4 0 D0 as ite
Ilan. " as 00 so nn 16 W e Oa
(Natter'" ' .0 00 DI 00 1 7 00 4 to
DubOne lh iii 5 00 00 2 00 l 00
Loeal surd ot ter casual lute rtiotnu:nta Fe.put tine
for first insert! In, and 8I. per line foru•u.h st beequent
Local nottcea, in nen'eareit type, I0e. for first in.
semen, and 5a per tine ercad subeequont insertlor.
No tarot antic° will bet !carged less than 25e.
Aciverticements of Last, Feend, Strayed, Situations,
to next meeting. of Preebytery. tIhe' and LLemmashs Chances Vimeet, not exec.:We lr is slant
remit in relation to the book of nartitateil, 81 per moats .
Iionsee and Parma far dale, not exceeding 8 tines, ),
Forms of Proceedure, was refereed to Siva. Met month 5oe, to subsequent mouth.
the committee, to whom the matter
had been referred last year, with in
structions to report. to next meeting.
The consideration of the remits on the
question of marriage with a deceased
wife's sister, and as to travelling ex-
penses of com►niseioners to the Gen,
eral rassetnbly, were deferred till next
meeting. A communication from the
Convenor of the Assembly's Home
Mission Committee, advising that the
grant from the Augmentation Fund,
for the congregation of Bayfield road
and Berne, which was recommended
by the Presbytery, was not, for the
present, allowed, The next tweeting
will be held at ilensall, on the 15th
January next.
Rev. E,A. Hughes, of Lion's Head,
has accepted the appointment to this
parish. -Mr. F. McDowell was pre-
sented with an address and a gold
headed • cane by members • of the
Methodist church . previous to his
removal to Toronto.. - At a late
meeting of the council permission was
giveii the Reliauce Electric Company,
of Waterford, to erect poles, &c., to
put in lights on trial, The price asked
was $72 per Iight. Subsequently ten
1iLhts were offered for $1650 yearly..
At a later meeting of the council the
following resolution was passed : That
the time has arrived for lighting this
town with electric light, and we invite
the Relienctl and Ball Electra Light
Companies to give us offers for say ten
2,000 candle power lights at so much
per light each year; the contract for
the same to be for three years; said
offers to be in one week from today, -
Mr. D. D. Hay, formcrly.of this town
now county registrar of North teeth,
is writing open Tetters for the city
press the last one being O'1'sanitary
ratters, -Messrs. Kidd Bros. sold a
two-year-old Chicago Volunteer colt
to Mr, J. P. Mabee, barrister, of
Stratford, for $1,000.
Stxnou'sCouasi and Ocnsuniptign Cure is
sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con-
sumption, For sato by C. E. Williams.
These termo wife be strictly adhered to.
Special rates for longer Advertise:mote, or for
longer periods.
Advertisements without speoific directions, will }w
inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran-
sitory advertisements must he veld in advance.
Changes for contract advertisements must be in
the office by Wednesday noon, in older to appear
that week,
tlaorf:laTOR AND PIrsLRUroz.
!!R. J. A..tiELDltt:tli:
iJ Honor Graduate of Toronto University.
Oflieo and Residence --The old` stand formerly acett.
Pled by Dr. P.etlruue, at the corner of Centra and
Patrick streets,
Wznanazi, - - -• 0%T,
Solicitors for the Bank et Hamilton. Commtastonem
for taking atLthwlts fax Manitoba. Private funds
to lend in atcai,rllt loans at lowest rates. OfUccs --
tient'? Block. Winghrhn, Leckncw and Gerrie.
n. W. 0. ltnrl,n. E. L. D101111448014.
C. 3. R. TIMB Te+t13L11.
Trains arrive and depart as follows
5:27 a. an..........For Toronto., .......5:27 a. to
1:45 p. m L I.1:41 p.m
3:15 p. in. .........For Teeswater....... ..30 ,50 5 ''.
10:20 p, to
GP I D TRti TTIC R'7. •
A. 0. STftATIIAEE, AGENT, Wine11Att.
Through tickets to all, points in America -North-
West Pacific Coast,etc., via the shortest and all
popular routes. Baggage chocked through to
dcstmution. Lowest freight rates to all points.
LEAVE waiGl1A5t. AARIVtt AT 1Y15a11A5l.
0:30 n.m.Toranio, GNelplt, Palmeiaton, &c. 3:30 p. Win.
11:10 " 10:10
3:4n pant " " Clintotr, "
7:25 " ....Palmereton lifxod... 10:20 a.m.
7:05 a.tn London, aa..o..... ..11:00 "
1 7:40 .a .
11 10 ul:m:.. ...Eineardtuo, &a.... . 0:30 a.nl..
3:30 pan ' 11:10 '
10:10 " " 6:50 p.m.
This commodious ball can be secured for enter-
tainments ot every kind at a very low figure. For
terms ao„ apply to
AD Cline 8a Co's store.
Consumption. Surely Cored.
To T(IC Entron :-Please inform your readers that 1
have a positive rertedy for the above named disease.
By Ito t)moly nee thousands of hopeless eases have
been cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of
my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have
consumption if they will solid me their Express and
P. 0. address, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCU;d
87 Yong° St„ Toronto, Ont.
The tionatc of Victoria 'University
outvoted federation by 21 to 14.
f� Turnberry has about.38,000 to loan on aiort-
gages, rot terms apply 40,
Tr. TREAsor4•n, Wingham.' Rums, Glenfarrow,
Winghaln, May
Having purchased -the Butchering business of T
Drummond, keeps constantly on band the choicest
and most varied assortment of
Citizens of Wingham will find it advantageous to
call and inspect his stock. .
winghant, Oct. 26th,'88,
VT21�7 G2IAM_'
Catarrhal Deafness, Hay Facer.
Seeress are not generally aware that these dfa•
eases aro contagions, or that they aro due to ttlo
presence of living parasites in tihe lining membrane
of tho hose and ouetraebtan tubae, tti0roseopie re•
starch, however, has proved this to be a feet, and
tl13 result is that a simple remedy has been forma.
ltted whereby catarrh, catarrhal deefuess and hay
(over ate permanentiy cared in from one to three
simple apptieations matte at home by the patent
ea:ee in tee weeks. N. 11.-•rcr catarrhal dischartee
y eculiar to females (whites) this r0Iuedy is a ellecii10.
I. pamphlet explaining tide new treatment is sent on
rseeipt of ten cants by A. 1f. Bites a see, 130,1 l eii
Ring St„ Toronto, Canada,-tteientitic American.
a Su`errers frome.v4atrltal troubiti Avoid read 'ilio
Sterling Exchange and Drafts on flew York
Ovvian limas : 10 a. m, to 8 p. m. Saturdays, from
10 a..ul.to1p.m
B.'WILLSO3 , Aosta.
MEvtnt $ DtatnNsos, Solioltors
sy .... s1 III i.
WXNORArt, Ooro:Ea 4r1t, 1888.
Wingham, • Ontario.
OFFICES -beaver Block, WINautAtt, ONT.,
Go'aalt and /limn, ONT.
Private and Company funds to loan at low rates of
intereet. Mottga es, town and farm property
bouscht and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty
DENTISTRY.- J. S. 3 GROME, \Vine/ ir,
014111" beautiful rc ydrrty Artificial Teethter 300 por
gi ti sett,
and Plain Teeth, per sett,
Prices In all other branches of deutlw
try -1st proportion,
Vegetable Vapor administrated for the ppenlnlesa
extraction of teetb, the only tete anesthetio•khown .
OFFICE: In the Beaver Bleck, opposite the
Brunswick hotel.
�i1TISTRY - W. 11. IsIA01}01 ALD, wlxatiA:1.
Maker of Vnielptite, Cefnloid, Alloy �••
tiSiler, Gold, 000., etc., Plates, ranging 'iii.
rin prices from 000 upwards per set,
arewnng and bridgework. Teethex-
tracted without the leaskpaih by the use of Vital-
ized Air. Head 011103), Wingham, side entrance op-
posltothe Quern's hotel, open daily(Sundaya except.
el) from 0 it in to 5 p fit Wail' bo at 'Blyth every
Saturday -Once at 'Slane s hnttii; Gerrie: Pit and
8rd Mondays of each month--Oflice at Albion bete! °
Lucknow: 2nd and 4th Monday and Tuesdays o8
each manth-Offs° at rl'hiteley's hotel, Extracting,;
55 cents
ii. J. ANDERao?, UNDLitTAI1t1t.
Caskets, Coffins, Bribes, eto, always on bud.
eittut1E ! 1.109010 PRICKLY IttT443EP TO,
WINoat t,
(Y ECRO1:MctLA.T, Wingitatn, Licensed Auctioneer
• for the Counties of Huron and Bruce.
At moderate rates, sales will be conducted in any
portion of the Connties.
Orders can be tuft at tbo Twee
Orders left at Tim' office promptly attended to
Sates attended in any part of the Oo. Charge,'
Moderato. -
LreiSOIID AtierrogneR vor. 00014T1118 Heats AND.
Ail sales attended to promptly and on the Shorteet
Charges Moderate aunt Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All necessary arrangements can be made at the t
Tines' mike.
\VixenAs, ONS.
11/0/107 to Loan on. Notes.
Notes Discounted:
'AT rtnA'Soi`IAtLm RATS,
?Eye 0ra01f+01°vlti.otihl.ed,c; tat t1.111Mo0t?need e085gu0y 31y0aent&. w,filt=x
XtOUT, rezoINDoO.
0t'Fteli,- 310avcr Meek. Wiugham, +ani.
Sa 31. _3i. ou.I..ii:i11's
A number of Building tots and Residence ProperA
tics toeAate
rinsedeebir4, iometkeahome In WI tehareshould
communicate with, t•: apply in parson et me Ofbsit,
Iritai ail tt4Ciasxt;J hdti,uua ioar ts,u'1w pbtatead,