HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-20, Page 14CLOTHING FOR SALE ' MR :COAT AND FOUR-MINK stole.; beat and stole new last winter, Will sacrifice few. quick sale, . Phone Ed. Wendorf, Clin- ton, HIT-2-7089. 51-p EMPLOYMENT WANTED . FULL TIME -EMPthYMENT wanted In store in Clinton by high school student. Phone HIT 2-9772, 51p - FARM WANTED CARDS OF THANKS . . .„.. Mrs. Addle McKay wishes to thank her neighbours .and friends for gifts and kindnesses shown to herself and family on their depar- ture'. from Clinton. 51-p • Mrs. "Bud" Graham wishes to tleank her neighbours', Drs, New-- land and -Oakes, and the nurses at Clinton Public Hospital, for their, kind treatment during her stay in hospital and since. 51eb- It is our fondest wish that you enjoy every" • happiness. A. G. Grigg' :St Son Fuel Oil and Coal Phone HU' 2-9411 Clinton 50-1) STOP A mItsaITEr SAVE A LIFE! Learn cancer's warning signals. The life you save may be your own. CHRISTMAS, EVERY-ONE! FITZSIMONS /FOOD FAIR Norman. L. Fitzsimons and Staff HAVE- &JOYOUS Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 130 p.m. One Man's Herd 1 cows, De CALVES, SOME 'YEARLINGS. Nurribee. of Pigs and 800 Pullets. Seine of these cows are fresh; balance to freeheil In ,ifitiitiary, TERMS CASH 8. W. ELLIOTT,' Atietieheer `, COREY, Sales Manager W. COLQUHOUN; Clerk It k oue hope that this' avristmasti rne be the merriest you have ever known Lloyd Butler SERVICE STATION Huron Ste Clinton From man to woman, from heart to heart, a diam- ond speaks in ten- der terms of happi- ness and love. Such an import, ant gift as a diae Mond, shotdd be chosen with spec- lal care. Take Time To Choose Your Diamond In Privacy-- Phone Collect for an Evening Appointment TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED IrliURSDAY, )?F‘CEVII3ER .20, 195g. CLINTON K8WS-R8CORD RATE$ No charge for announcements of Rirths,. Marriages and Deaths - Articles for sale, 'rent, .etc„ Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements Oc a word, minimum 75c. Box No, to this office 15c additional. Repeat in- sertions .2c%a word, minimum 50c. CASI-1 DISCOUNT: % if paid by Saturday fele lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 1.Qc• added each time bill is sent. Latest Thne for Insertions, 12. noon Wednesday HOW .BOUT THAT Na INCONVENIENCE PAW TI4ERE GOES THE SOUN FORTY. AND MA HAD t.IER' 1.1EART SET ON USING SOME OF The CROI, MONEY ON A NEW STOVE, WERE, READ T141 $••••• LMR.MAILMAN. IS THAT TI-1E NEW PART . FOR PA'S TRACTOR? WEI-1,4,MS JUST GOES TO 51.10W TI-IAT IT'S A LOT SAFER To bUY, YOUR IMPLEMENTS FROM OUR DEALERS IN CLI N TON PAGE T Drawn Especially for Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News-Record by Ralph Tee, Accommodation For Rent -rUPNISHEI) AP A R T NT, .suitable for couple. Phone HU :2-9572. 51-b :,FIVE ROOM HOUSE available January 4.; six -room house avail- ; able ,January 15. K. W. Colqu- hottn, Real Estate, phone--HU 2- " 511) ..FURNISHED , SET,F-CONTAIN'- %fed, newly decorated.ebed sitting eef= and /kitchenette, rnodern 1.tenvenierices— Heated by oil fur- i-nace, Phone HUnter 2-9634. 51-b FURNISHED HEATED apartment suitable for couple. Utilities paid. -Electric refrigerator and stove, Wise of electric washing machine and laundry. Phone Goderich 380. 444 Caledonia Terrace. 44-tfb 1-'BUSINESS WITH ROOMY ivelowntoeen apartment, would like ;to there it with one or two other 'lleiaelness women. Furnished. Self- Contained. Available. January 3. Phone HU 2-3844 or write Box 140 Clinton News-Record. 50-tfb 'i'VER,,Y NICE FURNISHED, SELF t contained apartment, in Goderiche ',near the Square, available soon, :.living room, kitchen with built:in 'cupboards, large bedroom, 3-piece bath, hot water, fridge and elec- !tric stovesupplied. Apply .,59 ~Hamilton Street, or 110 Park Street. Phone 1102W. 50-1-b Accommodation Wanted :HOUSE OR APATMENT urg- eently needed by R local family. :Phone HU 2-9078. p 51-2-p Articles For Sale "EMPTY SILVERWARE tuckaway chests. Special $9.00. Anstett • Jewellers. 51-b 4-BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE, oven. Phone Clinton HU 2-9084. 51-p ,SF.k OUR ONE' AND TWO dollar bargain tables. Anstett's Jewel- lers. -ROYAL ALBERT BONE CHINA :Dinnerware in open stock or sets. See the new patterns in this fine 'dinnerware at COUNTER'S Jewel- lery Store. 51-p -NEW STOCK of CORN FLOWER 'Crystal at. COUNTER'S Jewellery Store. Prices have been very .greatly reduced on most items. Make your , Christmas selection :now. 51-P LOW DOWN PAYMENTS AND _may after • Christmas. Anstett :Jewellers. 51-b ,'COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store ehave just received new fall creat- ions in Diamond Rings. Special :low prices to give you the best val- "ne' ever. See them; today~ W. N. Counter—Jeweller. 51-p TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move —Iestall. Complete "-service meal' • makes of rotators and antenna. 'All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderiah-13441V1. -234th SPODE, R.0 Y A L liOULTON, Royal Albert -:dinnerware. Corn :flower. Anstett Jewellers. 51-13 ' CLINE cmoc BATTERIES. :New condition, 1000 chick capaci- ty, each. Also can supply orders for 3 to 4 Week old capons, 'Terms. Also milk edws, either Jersey or Holstein. G. Martin, RR 4, God- erich. Phone Carlow 19r22. 50-lp -SPECIAL. SEVEN PIECE silver 'tea service, including tray. Only $125.00 at Anstett Jeweller's: 51-b Articles Wanted "PABY'S CRIB IN GOOD condit- ion. Phone Clinton HU 2-9884. 51-b Automobiles For Sale 1950 CHEVROLET, DELUXE 'Cab, pick-up, for sale; in good condition. Phone IIU 2-3323 or ''apply at North. End Store, Clin- ton. 51-p ..„ . 1956 DODGE SEDAN; custom radio, low mileage. Red and white, 'sport paint job, Reasonably priced for quick sale, Payments can be arranged. Phone HU 2-7057. 50-1-p BABY SITTING RELIABLE MOTHER W I L L beby sit by the day or hourly, Rea- ' sellable rates. Phone RU 2-9765, 14Qatfb Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS,, tontact L. (. Winter, Real Estate, 'High Street, Clinton. Phone Miro Jon JILT 2-6692.. ...la-tro 'CUSTOM WORK SPRAY/NO CATTLE FOR, LICE. Apply Santee "Leishrilan, Melia 'Clinton HU 2-0884. 51,b siftPtAT CARPENTRY, repairs, hiterations and remodeling Witch- 'en cupboards, Storni sash made to order. Rtlegell -L, "Jervis, phone `111U 2-9396. 40.50-1P WANTED TO BUYp 25100 acres pasture land, must have stream, Buildings immaterial. Write P.O. Box 329, Petrolia, Ontario, 49-50-reb For Sale or Rent BRICK HOUSE, FURNISHED, seven rooms, all conveniences, half' a garage for rent. Phone Bay- field 53r2., 41ttfl' Furniture For Sale 30 STRAIGHT BACK WOODEN Chairs; also two' dozen' wooden folding chairs for sale. May 'be seen at Agricultural Office. Or phone Clinton HU 2-9744, 51b HAY WANTED BALED OR CUT HAY, Box 502 Clinton News-Record.. 50-1-p Help Wanted—Female WAITRESS FOR FULL TDYIE em- ployment. Apply in person. laa.rt- liff Bros. 46tfb GIRL FOR FULL TIME. Exper- ience not necessary. 'Town resi- dents preferred. Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 49tfb RELIABI7F„ MIDDLEAGED housekeeper for small village, three adults. Good home 'for right person. References required. Write stating wages, experience to B6ix 510 Clinton, News-Record. 51-x Livestock For. Sale 18 PIGS, 11 WEEKS OLD. J. W. Henderson, phone 2-7450. 51-b SHORTHORN BULL, Registered, serviceable age. William Pepper, RR 3, Seaforth. Phone Clinton HU 2-7534. e51.p, Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS: Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada, Ltd. 48p-trb Miscellaneous ART SUPPLIES (Winsor New- ton);' religious goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all occasions. MacLaren's Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 p.m. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9401. 29-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE, your rings and jewellery like new: Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to yeller satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 51-p PRODUCE FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE, Spies, Greenin,gs, Peevalkie, Del- i`Ciciaa, Baldwin and Salome, Phone IIITtater 2-3214. Fred MeCiymont, Varna. . 51-2-b Property For Sale 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, IN Clinton. In good shape. Apply to Box 500, Clinton News-,Record. 50-1-b REST HOME BRAESIDE REST HOME FOR elderly people and convalescents, Telephone Mrs, Boyce, 126W, Mitchell. 50 to 12-b Sakimen Wanted IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, you can "make good with a Rawleigh business in Huron County. We help you get started. No exper- ience needed. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ,L-169-2, Montreal, P.Q. DEATHS BERRY—In Westminster Hospit-' al, London, on Monday after- noon, December 1.7, 1956, Char- les Simpson Berry, beloved hus- band of the late Maud Howard (formerly of l3ayfield) in his 74th year. Funeral this morn, Mg, December 20,, 1956, from the chapel 'in Westminster Hos- pital, by the Rev. A. Gardiner, chaplain, to the military plot in Woodland Cemetery. BLAKE—In his sleep et the home of his parents, Elwyne and Geraldine Blake, Hespeler, in- fant grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake, Clinton, aged\four and one half months. Funerdl from the Stagger funeral home, Galt Street, Hespler, one Tues- day afternoon,, December 18. CAlVaPBELL —In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, December 14, 1956„ Amelia Barkley, belov- ed wife of . Albert Campbell, Au- burn., in her 66th yew): COOPER—At his home, 157 Hope 'Street, Toronto, on Saturday, December 15, 1956, James Thomas' Cooper, beloved hus- band of, Florence Bulpitt, and dear father of James, Clinton; John and Violet (Mrs. C, Mac- Donald), Toronto; Florence, (Mrs. W. S. Woof) Amherst- burg; also survived by ten grandchildren and two great granchildren. Service from the A. Roy Miller Chapel, 1695 St. Clair Ave., W., Toronto, to Pros- pect Cemetery on Tuesday af- ternoon, PN.3@i-rbgr IDSINGA—As the result of an accident near Ingersoll, on Tuesday, December 18, . 1956, William Idsinga, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Idsinga, RR 2, Clinton, in his 21st year. Resting at the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street East, until Friday morning, and fun- eral service will be held at 'the Christian Reformed Church, by G. J. Hoytema, commencing at two o'clock. Interment in Clin- ton Cemetery. „Casket will re- main closed. McleENZIE—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, 'December 14, 1956, Donald McKenzie, Brussels, (formerly of Clinton), beloved husband of Betty Evans, in his 33rd year. Funeral from the Rann funeral home, Brus- sels, to Brussels Cemetery, by the Rev. M. Thomas, on Mon- day afternoon, December 17, ViECREERK—In South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Sunday, De- Cernber .16, 1956, Cornelius 0. Verkerk, "' six-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Verkerk, Exeter. Funeral by Rev. G. J. Hoytema, Chrittian Reformed Church, Clinton, to Exeter 'Cemetery, on WednesclayeaDe- cember 19. WEBSTER —"In - Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, December 16, 1956, Joseph Webster, be- loved husband of Maude Gar- rett, in his 83rd year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street East , Clin- ton, to Blyth Union Cemetery, by the Rev. H. C. Wilson, on Wednesday, December 19. AUBURN Evensong Evensong was held in St. Mark's Anglican Church on Sunday ev- ening led by the rector Rev. Bren DeVries, The A.Y.P.U. presented the Nativity play. The service was entirely from the Bible, arranged in dramatic form on the plan of a mystery play, picturing flee incidents of the gospel story of the Nativity and accompanied . by Christmas carols, sung 'by the choir. Rev. Bren DeVries was the narrator. Don' Why Snow Tires PARK, THEATRE GODERICH NOW: "THE MAN FROM BITTER RIDGE" In color with Lex Barker MONDAY, TUESDAY and- WEDNESDAY Christmas Special Attraction "The SWAN' In CiriernageOpe & Deluxe- Zioloie: A. great Blue Ribbon winning pic- ture tells a story of the happier Hungary of 1910, and of a princess who nearly married fonleve. • Grace Kelly --- Alec Guinness and Lea's Jourdan THURSDAY, FRIDAY , and SATURDAY John Derek -- Jody, Lawrence and Paul Douglas In which a parson turns prize- fighter to raise funds for the needy in his congregation. "The LEATHER SAINT" Coming: Martin and Lewis in "PARDNERS" Vistavision NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of EDYTHE E. MOSSOP, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Edythe E. Mossop, late of the Village of Varha, in the Township of Stanley, Spinster, who died on the 27th day of November 1956, are required to file particul- ars of same with Bell & Laughton; Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 29th day of December, 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL it LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter - Ontario 50-1-243 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas G. Elliott, late of the Township of Goderich, in the 'County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 12th day of September, 1956, are required to file the -same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 5th day of January, 1957 as after that date all the assets of the estate will be 'distri'buted. DATED at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 11th day of December, 11956. HAYS and PREST, Barristers, etc., GODERICH, Ontario- 50-1-2-b NOW—THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "BEHIND THE HIGH WALL" Prison drama t ie * ; ;pleafie the action fans. Strong, human interest line. Tom Tully Sylvia, Sidney -- 4ohn Gavin MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THE LEATHER SAINT" Warm and heartening 'story' of a man of the cloth who packed a wallop in his fists. Paul—Douglas — Jody Lawrence -- IJohn Derek HOLIDAY MATINEE on eBOXING DAY-2.30 p.m. COMING NEXT 9 "ROCK AROLND THE CLOCK" Bill Haley and his Comets -- Johnny Holuison -- Lisa Gaye In order that the people of Clinton and Dittrict may enjoy the finest in Motion Picture Entertainment, we are installing Cinemascope in our theatre. Coming soon—watch for it! • Heartiest Christmas Greetings! Bright and cheery greetings to all of you from all of us! W. N. Counter 'Tor CHRIS MA :7; 1'. AZALEAS -- POINSETTAS-- CYCLAME POTTED 'MUMS' 'ROSES -- CARNATIONS -- 'MUMS 4191919......1.+••••• NI NI CANARIES- Budgies Imported from Germany—GUARANTEED MALE ING CANARIES in a good variety of colours. CANADIAN BRED BUDGIES in all colours strains of finger trained birds. Hartz Mountain Budgie , and Caner Food, Bird Cages, Fish Bowls, etc. The supply of Budgies and Ca be limited so please come early as possible. Flowers Wired A •SF9',F-CONTAINED apartment for `rent, 3 roams. Apply to Roy Tyn dell, Phone Clinton HU. 2-9928. 47-tfb ''llIEREE ROOM FURNISHED -heated, apartment, one bedroom,. 'share bath, on King Street. Phone IU 2-3434, after 8,30. 51-la "..F1.311NISHED TH'RE'E R0'0 M -apartment, private entrance, priv- ate bathroom, Available Decem- Aer 15, Phone HU 2-6665. 50-1--p 51b until you see us!! HAVE YOUR TIRES Skid-Defied Stops Slipping — Sure Grip WATKINS' Service Station Huron Street -- Clinton Phone HU 2-6661 51 to 5-b rar townesmoiwporo.owninno#4Finin Harvey's Taxi (At Mid-Towne Restaurant) PHONE HU. 2-9054 NIGHT HU. 2-3880 Harvey Ashton GIFT of LOVE!. CLINTON (Phone HO. 2-9525) and WALKERTON Expert Watch Repairs and Engraving ittilLOVA OVMA and OUTTEN WATCHES IILVE RIVER grid. BUM tiliAMONDS SPODE ttliNIsttittWAttit Jeweller ROILY THEATRE Clinton Galbrai RADIO and T