HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-20, Page 12Mrs, W. 4.11drews., president, Was thanked ail the retiring officers in charge of the December 4 meet- for their work during the year. ing of Wesley-Willis United Chur- Mrs, Shipley presented, the slate vb. Woman's Association', when, of new officers and lunch was mrs. Shepherd presided 'a the served under the convenership of piano. Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Mrs, Mrs, 'Wilfred Jervis. M, Addison:and Mrs. Shipley took Officers for 1957 are; honorary the devotional period, president, Mrs„ 1.1,.C, Wilson; Pres- A short report was received ident, Mrs. pranic. Andrews; first frOtn the secretary on the presby- .and second vice-presidents, Mrs, terY }fleeting held in Goshen Reg, Shipley and Mrs, Jelin Ned- chirren on November 1, and as a iger; -recording secretary, Mrs. result of this, a cash donation was Douglas Andrews; treaturer,,Mrs. made to aid in the renovation of A. Shaddick; corr6ponding Sec- the Knox chapel in Switzerland. rotary, Mrs. M. Shearing; press Decision also was reached that at secretary, Mrs. Fred Reid, a later date Some support wenid Pianist, Mrs. N. Shepherd; con- be given the McKinnon house pro- ivnestnsw:; program, Miss rsr FssreoL pWottaelkri; ject in London, ' Mrs. F. Fingland, speaking for citizenship, Mrs. J. McGill; sew- the Society for the Prevention of ing, Mrs. Laidlaw, assisted by Mrs. Cruelty . to Animals, made special Cameron.; social, Mrs, G. Beattie reference to the cruelty to horses and Mrs, M. Steep?, assisted •by in the hunber camps. She also re- Mrs. McLaren and Mrs. H. G, ported for the manse, showing the Manning; property, Mrs. C. Nel- 'VVIA ' •contributions towards ,the son assisted by Mrs. W. Pinning, furnishings there. Mrs. E. Hugill. , Mrs. D. AndreWs presented the Visiting, Mrs. Addison; group WA With. 'a gift of lovely luncheon leaders, Mrs. Leslie Ball, Mrs. cloths and was given a nearly Wilfred Jervis, Mrs. 'Goldwin vote of thanks.' A gift of cash Smith ,and Mrs, HarOld Adams; was voted to Mr. Cornish. manse, Mrs. Beattie, Mrs. Hearn; The members unanimously ag- Mrs, Shepherd, Mrs. F. Andrews, reed to take gifts• to the sick and and representing Hohnesville, Mrs, shut-ins as in former years. A Jack Yea and Mrs, Edwa.rd. Grigg. formal opening of the ,new manse o is hoped for in February of the From. 1951' to 1956 Edmonton New Year. . and its metropolitan area had a "Mrs. .D. Andrews and Mrs•. W. population increase of 43.3 •per- Holland favoured the meeting cent, largest.proportionate in- with the duet "No Room far the crease of any of Canada's princ- Saviour." Mrs, H. C. Wilson ipal cities in the period.. . - News of Hensall Correspondent --- •MRS. M. REDDEN Phone Hansen 5 Verkerk Rev, G.G J,. Hoyterna, minister of the Christian ReforMed Church here, officiated at the funeral ser,, vice for Cornelius 0, 'Write*, Pant son of Mr. and Mrs 'Vex'', kerk. Oxeter, Sewice was on. Wednesday afternoon, at the pin- riey- funeral hemo in Vxetor, and interment was made in ;Exeter Cemetery. The .six-month-old baby bey was one of twin sons born hi the South Huron Hospital, Exeter, And the - thousandth child horn in. that hog, He died of pfleetttOnta. viving ..are two brothers andteight sisters, as- well as his parents. grandmother, Mrs. Cita, Hespel- Vii14 The -',Ft7.0.e..,M00,njinig Of --Chitigtmas: -Mite041ing The Church O# Yttnl.i:Faith,, Centuiies ago, a child was born in the humblest stable in Bethlehem. The Child was the Ste of God, and He brought to mankipd a new spirit, of love and,forgiveness - and the proMise of eternal life. Let remember that Christmas is :the celebration of His birth.. Let us find the true meaning 'of the ,day by attending church at Christmastime. SPONSORED BY 1\ 1BARTIAFF'S BAKERY BALLI,p0.,MU,TOII‘ BALL-MACAULAY Ltd. CHARLES HOUSE of RVAITTY, I. W."COIYNTEII; BUILDER ' SUPPLIES CLINTON ELECTRIC SHOP CLINTON LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS - CLINTON BODY and RADIATOR SHOP Firificon EPPS CLINTON LOCKER SERVICE FITZSIMONS' ROOD. FAIR FAIRHOLME DAIRY GLIDDON atir,A.wois HEARN WHOLESALE Ltd. H. HAWKLINIS HardiVere HERB'S roop MARKET, HERMAN'S amvs WEAR LEN HEARD, Barber IRWIN'S' LADIES WEAR ' JILL'S cgolmwo and FOOTWEAR c. J. LIVERMORE _ MARTIN'S ,DEPT. STORE MURPHY BROS. MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC - MeEWAN'S MePHERSON BROS. Gaftage W. C. NEWCOMBE JOHN FLUMTREE F. B...PENNEBAKER PIC/iEtT 8 CAMPBELL Ltd. SUTTER-PERDUE Ltd. , 'SOUTH. END CITIES Service SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET STEDMAN STORES STANLEY'S SUPERMARKET WESTERN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE Clinton • Co-Operative Merchants AIKEN'S ANSTETT. JEWELW BEATTIE EEENIT E LORNE BROWN MOTORS Lid tome, Yet abate *int!" ••• 44.1, ra \AU\ /Vs! \i\ Thritiy, as of old, the promise of Peace and Good Will inspires mankind with new hope .as Christmastime approaches, may the blessings' of the season be yours Merry Christmas to alp (LINTON;NEWS:gRECORD 4 4 • Prank Aiktwah... -" Laurie .Cokivisiottn Harry Metwat nay Coiquhoun Wilt .a tthinirr Ciarehee Cooper gurra'y MeEwan , 'Rubber Stamps Marking Devices of every description Also Stamp Pads sold- by News.Record • STANIFORTH SHOE STORE - SLIPPERS Cosy! SLIPPERS Gay!' JUST THE GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS DAY! A wide •'choice for the LADIES — from For the MAN of the houge— Comfortable and Practical , 95 SLIPPERS -- from - Men's -- Women's• — Children's OVERSHOES Always An Acceptable Gift! $L59 C. .Stan,ifOrth NOTWE There Will Be No Milk Delivery December 25 7-- December 26 or January 1 CLINTON FAIRHOLME DAIRY DAIRY , DRESSING GOWNS SMOKING JACKETS Priced from '6.95 up GIFTS. for BOYS— SMUTS, SOCKS, SWEATERS BELTS, PYJAMAS, Etc. SCUTT t011tNER FOR HIM GIFT Suggestions: •, TIES — SOCKS - SHIRTS , SWEATERS PYJAMAS - BELTS JEWELLERY — GLOVES - -SCARVES - Etc, • ,ti . NYLON TRICOT SHIRT ' Ara A r Single my Double. Cuff .„„„,.„... .... . .... , ... . ... .,„,,„„'7.73 Give A GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES Open Evenings Until Christmas • At r itne .We Wish OtirTriehds .and Patrons A VERY MERRY. CHRIST M AS MPBELL Limited CLINTON 77,10113SDAY,,D=MBLR 20, 1.00.0 „, C TQ NDWS-11=013,D. P494 MEM) served and a social hour enjoy, ed, The following, is the slate of of- fieers' for 1%7, as presented by Mrs. 11, Shepherd, convener of the nominating eorninitteeq honorary. ,president, MrS, H.-C. Wilson; prep, ident, Mrs, Charles .Nelson; treas., urer, Mrs, B. Hearn; recording secretary, Mrs, - George. Beattie; corresponding secretary', Miss Ida wallOnshaw; press secretary, Miss Bertha - ,Cominunity friendship seem, tary, Mrs, Ruth Jenkins; Christian - stewardship.seerotary, Xiss. M, Stone; supply secretary, Mrs, M. Addison; literature secretary, Miss. ESther Jamieson; Christian .citiz- enship, and temperance, Mrs.J. W. Nediger; , membership secre- tary., Mrs, E. EPp.s.;, associate inemtiers secretary, Mrs. N, 'I'rewartha, Mrs. Lorne Jervis; , giSSion Band leaders, Mrs. Mc- Gee,. Mrs, Mrs. Harold Vc.rje;,Tsa,bY.B.z..1: leaders; Mrs, W. Jervis, Mrs,. ,Shipley,. Mrs. H. Currie; pianist; Mrs, J, A. McGill; grOup- leaders, Mrs, Daisy Holl- and,. Mrs. Nr '$11eplierd, Mrs, B. McRoberts. of ,th*. World;"- was. given, SM. Glenn Wise gave a. reading ."No Room in the Inn'". . lvIrs„ Wilson , told some interesting facts ,about the life .pf the late Pr, Peter Mar-, shall And read his Christmas ser- mon.. Delielm..4 refreshments were Mrs. Frank Andrews .:Heach A at Weilley -Wilik • lie Wernan'S. Missionary SO;- y of Wes.loyAVIllis" United" Char- , with the. MOther'S .Study Club d Associate Members as gneStg,.' at the borne of Mrs. 21..Stit-. December 13, for their L-ristrass meeting, kim, -.Charles Nelson presided 4 WelooMed all present with 4,0244 plegage, It was decided send $1() from the Christian wardship fund .to the WMS SsiOnary for prayeri Rev,. lirfarg- nerite Cosens. Mrs. C, 'Wilson .extended an invitation to the members. to at- tend' the Mission .Band ,Christmas. meeting, December 17, at 4,15. P411., It was -;decided to hoId the Meetings in the .evening for the coming year instead of the after- Moon. aVirs, H. C. WilSan presided• for the installation . of ' .officers, Goxi- gratiilating Mrs. Nelson for her splendid, work '.as president. The Toil call was Answered by. "One Way we can keep Christ in ObristrnaS." The study period was under the leadership of Mrs, Norman Holl- and, Christmas carols were sung, The -Christmas story from St, Luke was repeated in unison, Some fine thoughts on the theme, "Emmanuel, God With Vs" were given by Mrs; Holland. Mrs. M.' Nedigar sang two beautiful solos, "Oh the :Glary of Ins Presence," and "Brahmul- laby" accompanied by Mrs, Shep- herd, A. Missionary candle light: ing number depicting "The Light Mrs. Ross Corbett was the win- ner of a five ponnd Christmas cake in a draw at Kippen, Satur- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, Thamesville, spent the weekend with the.latter's• parents; 116. and Mrs. John Henderson. • .Mrs. E., McQueen, Wiro had been a patient in South Huron Hospit. al, Exeter, for the past six weeks, returned home, December 10. Tomorrow, December 21, Gen- eral Coach Works of Canada Ltd., Hensall, will present itirkeys to 150 employees, as a Christmas gift. Fred 'Kennings is, spending Christmas with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and family of St. Cattier- The staff of the sell' Telephone enjoyed a banquet' dinner at the New Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on December 5, followed by a theatre party. The Amber Rebekah Lodge has donated $95 to the Home Exten- sion -Fund for the IOOF home at Barrie. A marathon is planned afteF Christmas to raise funds. Jean and Robert MeNaughton, Jack Caldwell, and Mrs. Ross Chapman, received prizes far sell- ing*the most tickets an the Christ- mas cake draw, sponsored• by Kip- pen !,,get " Dr. and Mrs. D. J. 1VIcKelvie, Essex, visited with friends in the villiage on Thursday and attended the banquet given by the Kinsmen ,Club. Their many friends, were Pleased to see them again. ;injured June Munn; 14, year old twin daughter of Mrs. Beatrice Munn, was taken by Bonthran ambu- lanee on Sunday to Victoria Hos- pital, London, with injuries she sustained While playing 'basket- ball on Thursday of last week. A student at Seaforth District High School she had' been hit on the back of the head., and on' Sunday she complained of pains in her head and back, '"" Cordially wishing you all a jolly Yuletide Season! RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Roy Hoggarth — Carl Cantelou "The place where you never have to blow your both" "We Pickup Arid Deliver" Phone HU, 2-0032 Clinton Onto to OVMS• at slams 1957 • Officers. Baby Blake A four and one halt Month e):d grandson of Mr, And Mrs, F44.1 Maim'iled in hi sleep at the home' Clinton, ei his parents .glwyne and Geraldine 331alw, Hespeler and funeral services were .condue- ted Tuesday afternoon, Decem- ber 10, in the Stager funeral home, cwt. Street, Hespeler, The baby W-49 was Dern 'On August 0, 1006, Ad had. a virus cold. recently. . Surviving heSideS his parents and grandparents, are two sisters, Judy, 1,0 years and. Janice, four years; one brother, Gary, eight wears, a great grandfather, David mcwhinney, Dungannon, a n d united Church Hensall United Chuich observed White Gift Sunday, December 9, and the special .collection,of $170 will be donated to'the Hungarian Relief Fund. The following infants received the rites of baptism, Joan Carolyn, infant daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Edison Forrest; Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. S. Blackwell; Daniel Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith; Don- ald Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Joynt. Rev. C. D. Daniel for his serm- on topic spoke on "Gifts." A duet was sung by Mrs. Pearl Pass- more and S. G, Rennie. • The lovely Christmai decorat- ions were arranged by Mrs. Wal- ter Spencer, Mrs.'R. J. Drysdale, Mrs. Russell Broderick, Mrs. E. Chipchase, members of the Even- ing Auxiliary, assisted by the flower committee. The regular Christmas service will be held this coming Sunday, December 23, at 11 a.m. A spec- ial feature of the evening service will be the presentation of a con- tatta, "Christmas Song of Songs," by the choir of 35 voices. Even, ing service will, commence at 7.30 p.m.