HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-20, Page 7W4terloO Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better,Btills Are Used" • A. PRO-MOTIONt641, EDUCATIONAL MEETING will be held ' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1956 at 1.30 p.m. Department of Agriculture Board Room, (Above the Agricultural Repersenfative's Office) CLINTON, ONTARIO You Will hear' reports on the post year's business and nominate a director to serve on the board of directors of the Waterloo Cottle Breeding Association. GUEST SPEAKER will be Dr. H. D. Branion, Head f the Department of Nutrition, 0.A.C,, Guelph. A ,Movie on Artificial Breeding in Ontario will be shown. Everybody Is Welcome 51-b Car Accessories As Christmas Gifts! WA Meeting The Woman's Association meet- ing followed, with 'the presideot, Mrs, Jack Yea in the chair. The meeting opened with the Theme 'song and creed. The scripture lesson and comments were taken by Mrs, J. Yeo. Mrs. Edward Grigg gave the tre'asurer's report. Plans for the Christmas gifts from the WA were made. -.Mrs. H. C. Wilson conducted the installation of officers, Mrs. F, Mulholland rea.ding the slate for 1957. The.,,meeting closed with. "Silent Night," and prayer by Mrs. J. Yea. A "pet ludic" supper was served. Wu officers for 1957: president, Mrs. Stewart Farquhar; vice-pres- ident, Mrs. Jack Yeo; secretary, 'Mrs, William Norman; treasurer, Mrs. Edward Grigg; flower com- mittee for sick, Mrs,S. MacMath; for church, Mrs. D. E. Glidclon; buying committee, Mrs. William Norman, Mrs.. 13. MacMath and Mrs. E. Grigg; press' secretary, Mrs. F. McCullough; ...property. committee, Mrs; E. ,Trevvartha t. Mrs. W. Yea; ways and means committee, Mrs. Irvine Tebbint, Mrs. Barrie Walter, Mrs. T. Gah- weiler, Mrs, W. R. Labb; manse committee, Mrs. J. Yea, Mrs, E. Grigg, 0 Legion Auxiliary To Pack Tared At Hensall Hall (By our Hensall'Corresiondent) At the annual Christmas meet- ing of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Henson 'Legion, on December 4, the Members agreed to send a war 'veteran in Westminster Hospital a Christmas parcel, and also send 'Christmas boxes to servicemen overseas from the village. In charge of packing were Mrs. S. Ronnie, Mrs. Ron Mock, - Mrs. Byran Kyle, Mrs. Shaddick. Christmas boxes will go to sick and shut-in members of the Legion and Auxiliary, -Members are ask- ed to leave all donations at the Legion Hall; December 21. in the evening. An electric clock was presented to the kitchen by 11 members , of the Auxiliary. Nominations were held and in- stallation will, be at the- January meeting. Mrs. William Brown won the mystery prize. The hall was beautifully decorated with a lovely illuminated tree •from which mem- bers exchanged gifts. Mrs. S. Ben- nie and Mrs. E. R. Davis' were the decorating Committee, Winners of euchre were,Mrs. Wes Venner and Mrs. J. Drysdale; crokinole, Mrs. William Brown. Entertainment, committee was Mrs. J. Henderson and Mrs. L. Baynh am, HOUSEHOLD FINANCE oSP b. F. Bedford, Manager 35 West Street,, second floor, phone 1501 GODERICH, ONT. Pay old bills today., -sleep better tonight. Often a loan from HFC can help preserve your peace,- of mind. You can borrow from HFC, pay outstanding; bills, and repay your loan on a businesslike, budgeted:: bagis. When the need for money arises, more people come too HFC than any other company in itq field. Loans are made promptly, in privacy, on terms you approve.Yeu. can borrow with confidence from HFC—Canada's only consumer" finance company backed by 78 years experience . AMPLE TABLE . CASH MONTHLY NUMBER OF YOU RECEIVE PAYMENTS MONTHS $103.75 $10.00 12 30E48 24.00 15 510+,65 — 27.00 24 756.56 40.00 24 Canada's first and foremost consumer finance company ci • This is (me present that has a wonderful future for the small-fry. because festive Christmal, passbook covers enclose the gift of thrift that grows with the years ... B of M Savings Accounts, of their very ow?. • Wittivt.• cu&a, naas Aittett Alottists two, HE TURNS. TO THE B OF M k If you, too, are a harried Santa Claus, caught in the Christmas rush without enough time to shop fox all your gifts take a deep breath and relax. Just follow Santa to the nearest branch of the B of M, 'where you can solve your Christmas shopping problems with a few Strokes of a pen. There is a practical B of M gift for everyone on your last-minute Christmas list ...for friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces — or for your own.. youngsters, or your grandchildren, as a special, extra gift. So drop Into your neighbourhaod B of M branch today. See if it doesn't restore that cheery Christunes chuckle to your gift-giving. BANK Or MON 'MEAL 444‘444t!iseva atit4 Gaily decorated B of ltt Christmas Cheques are: the ideal short-rut to shopping for the -hard.to-please, to acknowledge services rendered, and to put a seasonal lift ipto the youngsters' savings, accounts. People like to receive a, practical B of At money,. order in its special colourful Christmas envelope because it enables them to select exactly what they prefer, It saves you needless guesswork and disappointment, An especially practical gift for servicemen at home, and abroad, Note to Employers: Brighter' up your staff's. Christmas bonuses by using oalourfttl ld of ?t Christmas thequei. Clinton branch: 'WILLIAM MOR1,0k, Manager Londesborough (Sub...Agency): Open Mon. F.: Theirs. WORRIN6 CANAL ANS 114 EVERY WALK OF L1FB tINce 181/ ti l 4 INTON NEWS.-RICC0 41;1 THU DOC,TlvIBEA 29, 1-$5,0-. wigB Meets The Woman's Missionary iety of Hohnesville United Chur- ch met in the Sunday School rooms for their .Christmas meet- ing., Mrs.- Carman Tebbutt, and her group were in charge, and the meeting -opened with the sing, ing of Shepherds Watch- ed Their Flocks," Mr; W. R„ Lobla read the Scripture lesson and' Mrs. W. -Yetivied in prayer, Mrs, 1.1,. Wilson gave a talk On a, "Pre, view of Christmas," as taken from ",Lers Keep Cbristmas," S Peter 'Marshall The business was conducted by the _president,„Mrs. Leslie ,Jervis. Mrs, a Q. Wilson conducted the installation. of • officers for 1957, Mrs. Edward Grigg read a Christ, mss „Story by Miss' Miranda Brown. The hymn "Jay to the World;'" was sung. -A - candle lighting crevice; with Mrs. car. man Tebbutt, Mrs, Edward Grigg, Mrs, jack Yeti, Mrs, W. R. Lobb, Mrs, W. Yea, and Mrs. M. Jones taking part, brought the meeting to .a close. W1MS officers for 1957; presi- dent, Mrs. L. Jervis; first vice, Mrs. N. Heard; second vice, Mrs. .L, Bond; third vice, Mrs. C. Teb- bUtt; fourth vice, Mrs, E. Potter; treasurer, Mrs. E. Potter; secre- tary, Mrs. M. Jones; assistant Two Car Crash Sends, Axe .a into ifospital Damage was eatirnated at $1,090 in a, two-car crash on Victoria. street, 'in' Clinton, December8, Thomas Woodcock, RCAF Station Centralia,„, was taken to hospital with head lacerations. WO‘O.0coek's car skidded on slip- pery ground earning over the brew of they Victoria Street hill, and slammed Into a gap driven by Ivor McPherson, RCAF Station Clin- ton,• The accident 'Was investigated by Chief H, R, Thompson and 'Constable Perdue- iliimites From 1909 Recall Members W1i 'Ina" rated The Trinity chuid (fty ow, B10004 corPeWondoxin ° South End Cities Service cn'its StaVICV PitODVOTS Phone- MU 2-7055 CLINTON ONTARIO Mrs, Fred. Weston, secretary, read the minutes pf the first meeting ,and an adjourned 'meet- ing held at the rectory; • "Trinity Church Guild, Bayfield, November 24, 1906. There was a meeting held at the English, •Church Rectory .on.'Noyenh.cr ,21st to interest the ladies of the par- ish io :general work of the church, Members; honorary president„ Mrs, Mae. "Moved by Miss K. Parke, seconded by Miss F.. .Hinde that Mrs, David MeNaughtori be president for ensuing year.' Moved 'by Miss K. Parke, sec- ond by Miss Grace.. Cameron--that. Miss Kate A. Parke be vice-pres- ident (carried); Moved by Miss L. Cameron, see- and by )Miss M. Cameron that Miss Marks be secretary, .(car, ried).. ' Moved, by Miss E. Marks, sec- ond 'by Mrs, D. MoNaughton, that Miss • M. Cameron will act, as as- sistant secretary for the ensuing year (carried), Moved by 1\liss, Parke, second by Miss Hinde that Mrs. Tippet will be treasurer for one year. Other members at first meet- ing, Miss F"arke, Miss, Hinde, Miss G. Cameron, • Miss Kate Parke, Miss L, Cameron, Miss Kate Har- rison, Mrs. Hinde, . Hensall IVNIS Has Candlelight At - Annual Meeting our Homan Correspondent) The Woman's. Missionary Society of the Hensel], United Church met on December 6 with. Mrs, W. B. Cross presiding, The Christmas devotional "His Constant Lamp"' was held in, a candlelit ceremony with the 'fol- lowing memb ers participating: Mrs. Cross, Mrs. T. C. Coates, Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. A. Alexand- er, Mrs. M, Traquair, Mrs. J. Pep- per, Mrs. S. Mitchell, Mrs. S, 11:001301; Mrs. Coates was soloist. "Joy to the World" and "Silent Night" were sung. Mrs. S. Roobol gave ,a talk on "Christmas ,in Holland". Mrs. Armstrong read a presen- tation address and Miss M. Ellis presented Mrs, R. M. Peck with a life membership certifidate and pin; Mrs. G. Armstrong, the presi- dent, was' also presented with a life membership certificate and pin.,,Miss Ellis reading the addresi to Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Peck made the presentation, These life membership certificates and pins were donated, by Dr. Jennie &Mi- lle Robertson, Toronto. Mrs. Davison, Brucefielct guest speaker, spoke on thought from "The Old Story of the First Christma.S". What will this Christ- mas' mean to us," she asked. "Many homes will be saddened this Christmas owing to conditions in the Middle East. We 'must all think of the wonderful gift of God's Soil," she said. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. C, D. Daniel and thanked by Mrs. Cross. The president,. Mrs. Armstrong, took over the meeting and expres- sed her thanks to Mr? -. Coates and group for the wonderful devotion- al,c and lovely Christmas decora- tions. The annual Meeting will take place and election of officers held at the January meeting, Speaker will be Rev. C. D. Daniel, and de- votions will 'be in charge, of Mrs. Daniel. Mrs. Sherritt will be program convener, and lunch com- mittee members 'are Mrs. W. R. Stephenson, Mrs. N. Jones, Mrs. W. R. Dougall, Mrs. G. Hess. • Outstanding consumer credit averaged about $700 per Canad- ian family in November, nearly 20 percent higher than a year previously. Clinton Farm Supply and Machine Shop theories NOlton Jack Nediget Name to he adopted at meet- ing—moyed by Ura,. horde, see, and by -Miss Late Parke that the name be "Trinity Church Guild, (carried), The next meeting to be held at the residence of Rector On Wed!, nesday, November '2S, at the hour of seven-thirty. Owing to the in clemency of the weather end .dirkneaS of the night, it was thought best . to adlotirn for one. week, (carried)., E, Marks, secretary, - There was a meeting held on . November 29 at the residence of the .Rector, And the meeting was opened by Rev, Hinde, with reading _chapter out of Bible and, prayer: • VI/embers present. Rev, Hinde,. Mrs, Hincle, Miss Hinde, Mrs, Brandon, Miss L. Cameron, Kiss) m, Cameron, Miss' M. Parke, Mrs: Tippet, Mrs, T. King, Mrs, Pol., lock, Miss K. Parke, Miss F, E. Marks. Mrs. David IVIcNaughton re, signed her office as-president, .so it'was moved by Miss Marks, sec- ond by Miss Pollock, that Miss L. Cameron be president for the en- Again we extend the Season's Greetings and our Best lfrishesl WELDING and MACHINE SHOP "Hec" and "Lcirry" suing year, carried, Moved by Miss K 1.34 Parite„ second by' Miss L. Cameron that the nlinntes read be Adopted, Moved- by Mrs, Tippet, second by Mrs. Brandon that the mem- bership fee be five cents per mon- th, carried, (The Rector paid ten cents and all the other ladies five cents each). Moved by Miss Marks second by Miss Parke that Miss F. Pik lock and Miss M. Cameron will act as collectors; (Carried), Moved Miss Nuts, Wont by Mrs. King that the meetings will he held on the first Weelne4,-day of. every month at two o'clock, carried. TM Moved by Miss- L Cameron second by Mrs., King -that them will be a social in Town Hall on the 28th of Decerniler,- Carried. 'The next meeting to be held: at Rectory on WedneSday afternoon., December 5, at two O'eleek, sharp.. carried, L, Cameron, president F, Marks, secretary, ews o olmesville C3orresirotltlent .-K MRS. 7E'. lgo03441An1011 Phone 147 2408 ......... . , .................. Mission Bartel The Deeember Meeting of the ilheInthle Mission Band was din the school, with the pres- ent, Leonard' Wilson, in charge the program, The Meetir)g op' ed with the carol "JOY To The arid," followed by the 'Mission d PtApese. Erie GahWellea d a 'Short temperance story, Bail ,Hoggart gave the prayer, arle8 Houghton, read a poem; ay In A Manger"- was sung, d Marilyn Yeo read a peace cry. A carol sing was enjoyed, e study book period, was taken Mrs. J, Yet) and 'Mrs. F, Ma, °Ugh. The meeting closed t.h the singing of "Silent ight," and the Benediction. Tile slate, of officers for 1957 e, as follows: president, Paul dmore; first vice-president, Bob orman; second vice-president, arilyrt Yea; Secretary, Mary uires; treasurer, Jim McCul- "ig11;• World Friends secretary, hu Ross; .corresponding :secret Shirley Norman; pianist, athie Potter; ,assistant pianist, rs. F. McCullough; hymn books, ilton McClinchey; peace corn- ttee, Bob Norman, Bonita Wil- ms, Jim McCullough, Eric Gah- eller, John Ross; temperance, '11 Hoggarth, Donald Yeo, Mar- n,Leibold, Marilyn Yea, Freddy ndali. "Wes" HOHCIrld "Dory" Rutledge Your Neighbourhood Ci CITIES ti6 Service Saltine. Dealer Has The Best Yes, they make wonderful and unusual gifts. Here are some of them: directional signal kits, fog-lightst rear View mirrors, back-up lights. Think it oYer, for Christmas—then drop. be glad to Show them to you. ,seiretary, Mrs. F. Mulholland; Flower committee for sick, Mrs, H. Oucimore; for church, Mrs, H. Williams; literature secretary, Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt; stewardship, Mrs. W, R. Labb; temperance, Mrs. II. C. Wilson; visiting com- mittee, Mrs, C, Tebbutt, Mrs. H. Cudmore; Mission Band' superin- tendent, Mrs. F. McCullaugh; as- sistant superintendent, 1Virs. J. Yeo; pianist, Mrs. Edward Grigg; assistant pianist, Mrs.' W. Yea. Our Yuletide wish— that your heart be gay and Our path be lit with peace and jot