HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-20, Page 6Wishing you, all the ioys of the Season — -Good health, good friends, good cheert m urphy,Bros Chrysler — Plymouth Fargo Sales and Service St. Clinton Off Again Stevie climbed out of the wind- ow into the sleigh and gingersnap cracked his. Whip in the air. The six little reindeer shook there heads and they were off, rushing. through the night air, Soon it began to get very cold And Stevie shivered. Gingersnap dragged out a searlet cloak from the back of 'the sleigh and Stevie "huddled in- to it, Faster they went, and fas- ter, and then far ahead Stevie could see brilliantly colored lights dancing on snow, "That's the ,Aurora Berealis," said Gingersnap .cracking, his whip again, "The Northern Lights, you know. We're nearly there now.;; Suddenly Stevie saw something gleaming In the starlit sky ahead Of them, Ne. rubbed his eyes in amazement, but it was still there. "It's a flying saucer," he shout- ed against the wind, "A real fly- ing saucer." OP • "Course 'it is—Santa's own spec- ial flying saucer—that's what we've got the equipment .in and without that piece of tinsel in your hand she just can't "But, flying saucers," gasped Stevie, "They're not ,real—every- body says they're not real," Gingersnap's loud laugh boom, ed across the sky, "This one is, Stevie my lad, and it's the 'only flying saucer in the world. Santa built it specially in case we had to move," . As Gingersnap finished speak- ing the sleigh pulled in beside the huge silver saucer. The little man pointed to, a door in the side of the,saucer, "In you go, Stevie— Santa's in there waiting for you. Scripture lesson. Mrs. George Mc- Dwain sang a solo "Dear Little Saviour," accompained by Mrs, Frank Riley. 0 The News-Record Sells Counter Check IlOoks May all the joys of this Flolid.ay Season be yours! Public Utilities Commission MANAGEMENT and STAF.V.- To alt of you whom we have been privileged to serve—we extend our thanks for your patronage and .011.r best wishes that 'your Christmas be filled with much happiness and joy; path year we Appreciate morel gully the loyalty of friedds. A Merry Chrisdrta4 to ant o 11 i tel Clinton _., Glen Cook — Frank Cook *143" 10.,10 .974" • It fief,7 - 0( c r 110 pm. Jtt '414' W. E. Monaghan PLASTERING and STUCCO R.E. 5, CLINTON — Phone HU 2-7471 51-pt * **4, * 4 • 47 * ..!-",14"/"., " "Itoommitirreti o ir # • • e • 4 .0 '4 I Our entire staff iolds id wishing YOU a Christmas that is filled with peace orki happiness'! JACK SCRuiroN Cities Service Distributor jack forester Jack Woods dock Elllott ,CUNTON min.--rt,Nm4P AC+4 Mrit IrTivasimy, I GFM JG 20, 195. Palzner's lipauty Solon $YBIL and POWS to all our friends and withiuq you Much haPPluttel Borden Drown, Joyce and El. -able, visited friends in ThrieVer$ on Friday, Mr, and Mrs-. William Dewitt, - entertained the liullett Township Council members on Saturday . night Mr. and -Mrs, William JeWitt. and IVir. 414 Mrs, Franic Riley at-• tended the Forum banquet in Bly, th. on Thursday night, Miss' Janet lVfoGregor, Strat- ford Teachers' College, spent the weekend with tier parents, 'Mt, and Mrs, Ross McGregor. Mr. and Mrs, William .Dewitt and .family attended the Christ- mas concert at St, Ives' School where their daughter is teacher, Social field 'The young People of Constance United Church held a, social even- Mg on Friday night at the home Of Douglas Diley, Progressive crokinole was played and the prizes went to; high, Joyce .TOW,, itt and Lawrence Taylor; low, Wilma Dale and Kenneth Cook) Lunch was served, Marilyn Tay- for moved a vote of thanks to Douglas. for the evening's enter- tainment. WA-WMS The Christmas meeting of The Woman's. ASsociation and Worn,. an's Missionary Society was held in the Sunday School rooms, Wed- nesday, December 12, Mrs. Verne Dale preside& for the WA and opened the meeting with a hymn, followed by a reading., by Mrs. Dale, The W,MS meeting opened with prayer by Mrs, W. L,-Whyte, who presided. The wavrs ladies are 6ntertain- i'ng the Mission Band and Mrs. -Earl Lawson, Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and Mrs. Lorne Lawson wore ap- pointed to make arrangements for a social evening. The Christ- mas story was told by Mrs. Will- iam Jewitt, followed by a...temp- erance reading by Mrs. Verne Dale. Mrs, Kenneth HulIey* read the (ONSTANCE Zfx. Aklit Moot Our thanks to everyone for being saoh loyal friends to our firth. - Our wish—a 3oyous )rule to Ail! .NOTICE We will 1,0 dosed front December 21 to "January '7 to allow our staff their ritittUttl 1161144Yr .i.i4.440.44,40444,0404•44.4.rdnir We're pulling in *4 the Holiday Moto Line with a load of old toshioded greetings to soy "'halals, rtioddsl" for yaw past wIltonoo► ottd to }tape httve) A GAY AM) HAPPY CIIMSTMASI I've' got to take these reindeer n dowtO the stables,"" Stevie opened the door and en, teed the ship.. A little elf inside took' hire straight to the Control. 13,004.1 and there was Santa, with his scarlet suit and white beard and all. Santa showed Stevie a little metal 1)01c with a. glass "This is where the piecef magic tinsel is kept, It's very special magic, When we turn this dial on the side of the box, the saucer can go in and land right at, the North Pole, One of the porthol- es was open and somehow the lid of the box was knocked to the floor, The tinsel must have ,pne out. through the porthole, !..." "And fell right in front of my house," finished SteVici • Magic Rubbed Ott w'fillat's. right Stevie," Santa said, "and because you thuched.it, some of the magic has rubbed off on to you. If ,you put the tinsel back into the lioN there, why we can land at the Pole and get all this equipment unloaded. It's on- ly five months to Christmas and we still have lots to do." Stevie laid the piece of magic tinsel in the box and carefully closed the lid. Santa said, "Now turn that dial to 'N' Stevie," Stevie turned the dial on the side of the box and instantly there was •a weird upside-down feeling in his tummy. In a few minutes there was a bump and the feeling left his. tummy "We're here," ' said' Santa. "Would you like to come with me and watch them unloading?" Stevie was so excited by now that he could only nod. Santa took his hand and led him out of the ship into an enormous hangar all made of ice and they stood and watched elves unload the ship. r cannot tell you all the wond- erful things that were taken out and stacked in Santa's work- shop. . . there were dells and dollhouses, and soldiers and forts and farmhouses and tops and bicycles and red wagons and sleds and skates and- balls 'and building- bricks. In fact, every kind of toy that you could ever imagine was taken .out of that flying saucer. When all the toys had been un- loaded, Santa ,took Stevie on a tour of the North 'Pole, and Stev- ie saw the Past Office where all year long the elves sorted out the wishes (for every time you wish few something, the wish goes straight up-to the North Pole, and then at Christmas Santa chooses the best wishes and packs them, in his sleigh). Stevie saw the Sugar Plum room and the Christmas Tree room' and the Magic Sand- of-dreains room where the fairies pack the magic sand that makes good little bays and girls sleep tight all Christmas Eye. The last room that' Stevie saw was the "Don't-Believe-in-Santa" room. And here gnomes were busy wrapping up ties and• scarves and gloves. Stevie asked Santa why there were no toys here and Santa said, "Well, you see Stevie, a lot of people, when they grow up, just don"t believe fin me anymore. But even though" they don't be- lieve in me, I still have my job to do. Mostly, they just '"wish for scarves or gloves' or .such, Some- times I do get a wish for an elec- tric train or a cruise round the world . . . but not very often. People don't wish much when they no longer believe in. me, They still get gifts though." Tiny Reindee'rs At last they came to the stables, and there was Gingersnap just harnessing the six tiny reindeer. "Well Stevie," said Santa, "It's time for you to go now. Because you were honest and Unselfish, you deserve a special wish. What would you like for Christmas, . something extra special now?" Stevie didn't have to think. "A basset hound . . a real live basset hound with long ears and short legs—only Mother says I can't have a dog because he'd only scratch the garden. But that's what I'd really like." Santa smiled, "We'll work on it for you Stevie, Bye now, and thank you again." Steve climbed into the sleigh, waved to Santa and in no time at all vv.as..back home in his own bed. All this happened way back last. Summer, and things happened at Christmas. Stevie didn't write a letter to Santa this year because he knew what he. was going to get---a real live basset hound with long ears 'and short- legs. And" was I so sure? It was whispered in my; ear by a little man with a long white beard and a 'pointed red cap. Santa didn't fail. And Stevie's been an ex- ceptionally happy boy ever since. he' picked up that gift under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. mnummmimmgimwoomspmorimimimimuw, So(71480-il WE TORE I-H5 PAL ‘ 0 0101 ,f1,6 . in irritation of himself for not having conic to South End Chios Stoke in the first place and saying himself uritieteS.. vary running around. 7oss j. Hu CITIES SERVICE SERVICE NotIonei Pey y Rilfleafgr CAC•cfP.viCE•71RES e ' ' et, (continued from page four) on to you, so you will have to come with me as well, hop in now." Lois Contracting Limited Ciinton, Ontario jt*nik.04,41444440,444444,714.444.04,44.044,444444.44.044