HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-23, Page 1VOL. XVII. ---NO 47.
WINO -j-. AM, ONT., F IDA. , NOV. 2.8, 1888,
—VII, Ross of bre a Mateo and lot for
sale, See ad, i
r. R. E. To has opened au oface
n Bely,rave,
r. Wm. Clog :on Tuesday made a
ratshipmeet of gee bushels of barley
purchased at Be1g ave this year,
• —Ur. 1. F. Mor iy, the old and reliable
directory igen, of preen, was in town
last week 'inking r rraegements for his
' next edition,
ed,r. 1. Petchi , from near I3elmore,
eo0ntly sold to . r: M. II, 14Zoludoo a
dressed turkey we hiug 22e pounds./It's
like is seldom seen
,tom —J 11 V'anetone has the fluent and
F : largest stock otone set rings, keeper
rings mid plain „old trots ever kept.
Wingham et pewee that cannot be beaten.
•,raUr. Geo, •Me. euzio purchased by•
private bargain the two lots offered for
seule`ou Tuesday by ,i r. James Johnston,
of Palmerston, e lots adjoin Bristol
Terraces'which M MoSeuzie recently
--111x. •J: T. H. Brown; for some time i:n
the employ of Mi. W. F. Brockenshire,
leaves at an early d e to open a gallery at
Listowel.)A. clever a int, a genial,soholarly
and exemplary yon', man, wepredict for
slim, a successful busi ess career,
--George•, sou of is r. Geo. McTavish=
attending sohoel exce t holidays, got part
of his secondYtiiver o his left hand takers
off by one of the saw at the Uuiou factory
on Saturday, ' ft yeaextravagantly stated.
that he had lost thre of his'fiugers.
—A Bonsai under
Pri3sbyterian oburo
given in: the church
nest„ At interestiv
talent is lteiiig arra'
tion will; be taken.
se auspices of the
Bible glass will be
n Tursday evening.
programme of local
d•, .9i silver collate
--•If yots want, good• reliable time
keeper, either in gold or silver,or in
ladles' oe gout ' watches Vanstone's is the
place to d.ir: you can get them at
rook hat sit, The latett styles in
ladies' gold th arena brooches, earrings,.
dm. I'rice0,a • : y'<lown.
The miracle of oa 'ng out devils wag
petformari at the l3 1 arson Army barracks,
Watford, on Satury night. The unruly
spirits in this ease ere printers' devils,
'who could not res 'n their hilarity and
were seized strait; ay by the chief
botincer and fired ou • f the synagogue.
—.Rev. W. A. Grab • m, B. A., of Mark.
dale, will,00nduot the ervioes in .St. Paul's
church next Sabbath. Rev. J. H Moor.
house takes the. day's •ervicesatMarkdale.
He also has arraug for conducting a
number of mission 7 meetings in that
notion of the countr
-Mr.S. J.
funeral, at., a tett, the
rubles • t tai
oft'1Lit •r
day on • ,i
a e1,10r,t . . iu•lius
• A014tt'br Bu
emuth attended the
week, of Mr, David
rand at old resident
pped dead on Satur-
Mr, Little was for
ess in' Wingham with
'a couple of months ag
ha'waele*e qtr , a -bort visit, Tao was
sueferibee•erom hear disease.
Mr. T. A. ilei , principal of the Tees.
loschool •ne f ' tfddap ells i , 'ave . a riendly call
on $4.tu da;y. Ful of energy, ambition
= 1
and otjth nsia tea t y in toys with his
work, Mr. Reid ea .high iii the teaching
profession and iiia _ Meea are appreciated
1t' the Teeswater .oliocl board, being en-
gaged fin next y; arm $e is besides an
active, clearheaded. hd intelligent citizen.
G. Gurn• b, of the Ingersoll
Clhronicli, was in t• vete ' last week and par.
chased 111•x, D. tewart's two.year.old
Ridgewood telt at • handsome figure, :A
lekt owood bought .y e r.Guxnettfront Mr.
Stettrart a year ag• turned out an exceed-
ingly valuable seine t,;and is. Still in the
purchaser's Tresses on. The itidgowoods
are exceptienelly s e stock andiu excellent
-}tEettder elfe oepieee of the ,[royal
'Templars of Tel eranee a series of
temperance revival 'Meetings began in the
Methodist church en Thursday evening.
The members of he "Life Boat Crew,”
Masers. Irish, ;uta don and 111111s, will bo
preseiat. rhe se ice will consist of
tfsli g
, ratitation short addresses.
Very favorable rep rte oomefrom Seaforth
and other plaoes ' ere these evangelists
have been at work. he services may be
changed to sonie of he other churches, an
the meetings are nbirely undenotninse
--If you want a ti local paper, subscribe
for the Times..
Skating was gl fully indulged in on
the dam on Wodue day.
--The 0. P. R. ain warehouse is corn.
pirated and isbeing painted.
—For a good firs • class American watch
at:reasonable prices, call et B. F. Gerster's.
—The last boat uvea Owen Sound for
Port Arthur on S'urday.
E. F. Gerster itts the an
assortment of Americanwt tches and
jewellery iu town.
—The gteas•you- lease rao0 is to take
place on Monday ening next at the rink
and is to be an in resting nee
—If you want your watches and olooks
repaired in first class style and warranted,
give .L.F,Oerster a 'rail, elatisfaotion guar•
anteed or money refuuded.
-..Knapp's barbe shop has been made
more attractive b the addition oz new
furniture and som pretty, large pictures.
Business is boomi g.
---I have the celebrated Boss speotacle
either.' 'gold or steel £races, formerly
sol b , Park, which I ata sellingat a
r, J. H. Vanatoue, agent,
—The cattle de ler referred to in last
week's Turnberry ews was not a local
matrbutone of t e western cattle rings
located fnrther we than Wingham.
—It is jiot stall
should sot as rutin
nye "their iuflue
individuals or b
dangerous work t
ttinie that railroad used
re for certain houses or
ce in behalf of any
siness concerns. It is
—Mr. D. Stews t rented his store on the
west silo of Jo 'phiue street, next to
Hanna's, to Mr. , gus Maodonal4, former-
ly of Lakeleb, whintends to open it out at
ono as a flour .a d feed store.
—The curling .eason was opened on the
dam on Wednead y. Moue. S. Kent, G.
MeEay and ".. Scott were arrayed
against Messrs. .. NeelaSxl's, S. Coad, J.
Xlinsley and J. ID lie, the latter beating by
three points.
..-Conductor. el 'rk was, .taken with a
very severe • tack : of inilammatory
rheumatism whe • he reached Palmerston
on Weditesday,a. d had to return home,
leaving his train the hands of a substi.
John Fa row, mail elerk, recently
removed from '•'ingham, is at present in
Toronto withh a eve to having one of hie
limbs amputee on account of a bad
abscess. It is eported that his ootdition
is very critical.
Mr, A. S. Mur
spent Tuesday b
ter's jewellery a
number of gl; :.
y, optioian, of London,
sily at Mr. E. F. Gem -
ore, He fitted , quite a
es and gave excellent
purposes being here
-The Waterl. • Chronicle oomes to hand
this week in a br hd new and very elegant
typographical d ess, having dispensed with
the patent outs • 0. It is a newsy and
oacef1i1ly edited : eet, highly creditable to
its talented aupopular proprietors and
managers, Iles > Dipped and Bean.
Continued sticaese.
--Mr, T A Mills • as called away this
week tq attend the uueral of his nephew:
Ernest Mills, who as aeoifiently killed on
the railway at Wo dadate, gem deceased,
who was about slate n yea's of .age, had
been going to solioo iu Wingham for the
first half of this y • r, and wale an active
and intelligent yo g lad. Standing near
the track he slipped and was run over by
a passing train.
The text moeti •g of the Liberal Asso•
elation will be be . ou Tuesday evening
the 4th of Deoembe , when a lecture is
expeoted to lie deli erect by either Mr, A.
II, Manning, of 01' • ton, or Mr. Wade, of
Brussels. The la: t meeting was full of.
interest sod profit tid still better' things
are expected in f • tura. The attention,
and sympathy a d cooperation, of eII
interested in publ' • (pastime ought to be
arreated, and thei attendance witnessed
at the meetings,
Mr. David It e, rdoe, a member of en
extotisivo dry go• s firm iu Glasg+ow,
Scotland, was on : visit to 1slr J', Noolands
this week. Mr. G rdon carne to Canada
some25 years ago a was about a year in
business with Mr. • eelands at Lodes -
bore'. lie Mao tau, bsahnol in Canada
for souse years., H. ieeno of thoaoshrewd,
pushing.businose m n, who is tborouglily
alive to the iuteres a of his calling. Ile
is also an able con rsatiouaiist, with 6
wide a ofmoo's a
r modal td political grasp1 i cal questions
at home and abroad,;' ud ran ardent sup.
porter of the "Graz'; Old Man;' Ile is
greatly pleased wi AmoriOan business
methods, and aokub leges that wa aro far
*heed of the old lan • in social improve -
mate. On Tueeda to trent on a visit to
relatives fiearMilver
—See Geo. ]R
—Literary so
Mg next.
asou'e ad.
iety meets Tuesday even:
--Ur J Bell ade a satisfaotory test of
hisresaw on W acridity.
-t-Several live, ushing business men have
fresh announcem uts in this week's issue..
—dust received. E. F. Gerster has just
received the latestand most artistic de-
signs in silverware.
The TUXES will b sent to any part of
Cataract or the State for 0110 dollar a year in
—k;. F. Gerster makes a specialty of
railroad watches and consequently keeps
the best time keepers in stook that on be
--The Tis as has nw live correspondents
at Teeswater, Gerrie Lucknow, Wroxeter.
In fact our whole co pa is one of the most
active and.00ient. o taivable.
—Bud eyes. ear. A. S. Murray, of Lon-
don, will visit E. F. Gerster regularly,00m-
mencing in about 10 days, Due notice
will be given of his visit. Auer person with
bad eves•should oall and consult with Mr.
Murray, as ho is the beet optician in
Can da.
A speoial nacre • 'ng of Court Maitland.
0, O.r`„was called •n Wednesday evening
andtherewas. a goy d turn out. Addresses
were given by D . U. M. Stanley, of
Watford, ohairmaof the medical board•;.
re+«Giertumpy,efeelirl erton,•oare ofe-thexHigle
Qausibeteetuditers; Dr, Ittacdonald, Da.•
Towler, E C Clair e and B .B'lliott.Dr.'
l3tanleZ has been romiuently' cosi eoted
with the C 0 F .rgairizatioe siuce its
ince +time,
—The boiler au engine'for the Union
faotory has arrived : nd are . being pluoed.
Everything isi ow i. readiness for placing.
the machinery. A.oub sixty hand:Lamve
been engaged steadil' since the work began.
Messrii KinoaidBro= expeotto be ready for
operatiions in abou a fortnight. ---Messrs
Lloyd & Sons rive purchased their
machinery from Me ars Goldie tie MoCul:
loch. Marvellous p ogress has been• made
at all the factories:•
PEnsoNALal,-1*. Alex. Terealeveti, of
Dungannon, and M . G, Strother, of Tees-
water, called on •Mr. ' , Maiuprize, of the
Union factory, on uesday.—Mr. E. P.
Gerster was on a b :Inas trip to Toronto
this week.—Mr. W H. Hill, at one time in
the employ of. Mess's. Gordon & McIntyre,
but who has of la e been learning the
barbering business u Brussels, opened out
a shop at Atwood Mr. Hill is naturally
of au artistic •isposition, exceedingly
genial and acro modating, intelligent,
active, stetting an . reliable, and he is
with these element of success sure to
suooeed.—Mr. Jame MoTavish, of Huron
township, a broths of Mr (Teo McTavish,
was visiting a•few i ays'iu town this week,
--Mr James Thor peon, of. Owen Sound
an uncle to Mr J . Dulmate, has been
visiting of the Bru :wick house for' some
days. Mr Thbmpso. is one of the pioneers
of Middlesex count and is aetiye and
vivacious although b.rdering on his 90th
°Ansel of ar. y inbeearly s n, hqueer
e8days i
mowing are
pleasantly told by t is aged pioneer.—Mr.
George Tennyson al d family have remoy
od here front Luokn• w.—.Miss Leila Mao•
donald left on Frid. • to visit friends at
Cliutoti and other poi itrt—Mr P L Woods,
of Bramptou,'is ou a isit to his daughter,
Mrs. J A Morton.— r P Cowan, postman.
ter of Galt. until recently 'a leading
Conservative politician,w s in wfiighaan this, week.—
Mr. A. J. noon, of Seat -rth, spent some days in
town this week. Ile is at ,pros.nt employed in
Luoknot•.--•Mr, 13, Lavie as in Mitchell this week
visiting Air. 0'. Daris,w}o as been'oangorously ill.
His health has consider sly improved.—Mr. W.
McCracken, of Brussels, vi ited at the residence of
7 r. R.11111 thle week.—nns S.Burgess,
hhof Meter
is spending a few days this week with her stator Mlss
Burgess, school teacher• -.hers• G. Houghton, of
Wingham, is visiting her aughtor, Mrs. Caren, of
Seaforth.—Mr. 0. E. Wit ' me was in London this
week,—Mr. Jin W.
Chapman, t ListovoI, is now om•
ployed at do union. -1 r. James Webster And
daughter are vlaitinC" frien s in Mullett this week.—
Mr. poo, Iiay of Carrick, as visiting at Mr. A. W.
Webeter's this woelr.—Mr 1t. Cornyn is home from
Toronto greatly improve( its health but casts a much
leerier shadow than fern oriy. Ilia improved con-
dition will be hoard o with pleasuro..Mr. J.
''hones, grain merchant, of Stratford, was in town
th's week.—Mrs. Chas. /Untold, formerly Mies
henie tt rned to Wfnghanaoth a eek and is nowatelydied yiiitth tier
brother Mr, Wm Arm r, owner And manager of
the skating rink. --Mr. V. Anderson, of Snowshoe,
B. Columbia, is espeote hemp in a few days to visit
his brothers, Messrs, J. and Goo Anderson. Ile
has Spent. seine SO year in the far west and will
no denbt have an abun race of information andre,
miniscenoee of that into estilig laml. itr. A. Anetin
(Atilt Listowel foundry vas in town on business this
week. --&Ir. deo. >.awe(t, of Toronto, was in town'
this week.--11Ird. E. r Sanford, of Batavia, Now
York State, niece to Ur, 1, II. I)uhuago teas on a
visit to the Brunsiv,ok h • use (Mental:, Ur. Sanford
islargeiyongaged in th furrier trade in ilatavib is
live e'ity of some Mee thousand inhabitants and a
great educations/ centre. Mee, Sanford %V4s accom-
panied by Mrs, Duncan, of London.
Soho '• ]Boar(!,
Tho regular me in of the Beard was
held on Tuesday evening, there being
present Messrs. 'rot till, Abraham, Gordon,
Inglis and Smyth. It watt moved by Mr,
Gordon, seconded Mr. Smyth, thab the
deed of the old eel el grounds, sold to Ura.
.Johns, be signed.
were ordered to
repairs, 98.951 H
05e; Z. Coad, c
motion et eiteaere, ordon earl Abraham, it
was agreed to offer a reward of $i'r for the
conviction of toparties found gltilt of
deetroying promty or orotting a artisans
in the school or in any property arper.
Mining. The m tiny thou adjourned,
paid I It. M. Robinson, I the
Letnmex, fixing seats, reli
der rwvnrl
. 1:1,05, On The
of t
of n
%the 1r3 tli4ctisolou.
Tete meets g of the Liberal association
he the Caled eau hall ou Monday evening
was well art nded. With the president,
Ur. Scott, in the chair, Mr. Morton ably
iutroduced th subject of Maubood Suff-
rage, setting forth sonde of the general
principles o which it was based. Mr.
Morton axgu Q. that whilst Human inatitu•
tions never • rked as well in practice as
in theory pub'o opinion was strongly in
ifavor of ma hood suffrage. A. correct
application o many reooguizadly true and
solid priuoip :a was frequently difficult to
obbain. Mr Morton argued the absolute
right of every man to havea say in the
enactment , f the Iaws by which be was
governed, Het it is the function of
municipal o1.cars to deal almost exclusive._.
ly iu menet: ry matters, tate speaker con-
tended that hose without some financial
interest one t not to have a voice in the
election et epreseutativess But in parlia-
mentary .atters whore representatives
had to • . with enacting laws for the
moral, ph sinal and intellectual wellbeing
of comms uibies, every man, excluding
lunatics, pa pars, &o„ should have a right
to exercise he franchise. An educational
test for the exercise of the franchise right
was inepra• ticable, there being insupera,
difficult;e:, in the Way. of its adoption.
was incon:isteut •to demand a proper
qualifloati•rn for the velar whilst a park
n e11tary r• .res'entathee" °required non
Pnblio Banti. eat pretty generally roe
nized that al those who contributed to th
support ot t e state, directly or indirecti
wether yo ug or old, rich or poor, ou
to have a :ay in electing those to who
are entru;ted the management of th
state's arra : s.
Dr. lfacd• . aid, Mea'., then enumerate
reasons why, in his opinion, the frauobi
ought to be e teuded so as to have- man
hood suffrag ; 1st. 1'ti"ease of war tire non.
property lir leers and the young were
called to _arvieo. National 0010010a -
tion might a fee through same miecoucep.
teens- p£ a . eaty or indiscretion of a
government in the election of which he
had no voice. This was forcibly ilius
Crated in thee) soot the laterebellionin the
North West,. ••,len scores were galled out
who - never • ad the privilege of the
franchise. 2 d. Under a fleet' policy in
which taxes re collected by ouetoms
duties the poo pay more in proportion
than do the ri , and are entitled .to an
expression of •pinion in the mans gement
of the county's affairs. 8, Those governed.
and burde • . d. had nar right to be triedor
punished oder a law they had no voice in
making, 4 Suffrage gives rise to a
natioual 0en.'ment and clevelopes an
interest lir p blio questions. Gladstone
had express:: his opinion that the,
Northern St es preserved the union by
the national .pirit embroued iu its young
men by exte .lug to theta the suffrage,
oportion to t. • extension of the
se. Greeoe, oo, England, and all
odern nations llustrated the truth that
broader the • eels the more sourer Was
national a' rueture, Seventy years
two-thirds of the mambas of the
aitieh parliam *nt were appointed by the
stooraoy th •e peers were appointed
26 member:; 800 members were
set by ten • erage of 160 voters each,
-day the co my of Huron hats 5,500
ors, As a :