HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-20, Page 4ITIMSPA14 DE:0MM-20,3•954 ,Night At WeslessWillisi tiediger Horned Mon'iProsident The annual Ladies' Night of the [ens Club or the Wesley,Willis- [01nleavilla charge was held in 'Church on hursdaY evening, Detemher hen over 100 were present. A elieletts tnriteY dinner was ear- bY,tbe WA Of the church, dent Charles Nelsen Was in large of the meeting, 1471/1404 Jervis gave the report the nominating Committee, hich, was accepted, with the re. dt that the following slate of, ofr wens was named for the coming 44.1 past president,.Cres eI- );.president, John Nediger; .ce-president, Elmer Hugill; sec, Aary,. Frank McCrillouget; •trees- rer, ThomasRileYi 1=01 cOln, ittee, Benson Sutter, Dewar VDU CAN DEPEND ON Wham kidnaYs fail to remove excess adds ,and wastes, back - sale, tired (poling, disturbed rest often follow.- Dodd's KidneY Pilis stimu- late kidneys to stormal duty. You feel better—sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's at any drug store, You can depend on Dodd's. yr 50 •MINTON Npws.amoRp I!, PAGB THBEZ ! ening was .X4011 Calr041 Tor- . onto; from '04110,4144 lfmluStries: Limited,. Ur. Campbell wsbon r 141-.S.Qotland and at. the age or 3,4 •ran away to sea,. lie later ser-- ved, the Great Laltea, and dur- ins the last*Vig WAS,a Captain, serving ,with the -Itoyal. Canadian. Navy. e .came to -Canada more then .30 years :ago,. And is ..extrem, ply .proUd of the country of his adoption, stressed that Canadians sbotdd become more Canade,con- scions., end urged his- listeners to till* in terms:Whetter -0*er:44p kre -stated he was appalled at serne .of the dirty, tattered, -ensigns which you see .waving in the Narman, Blm.er Huai, Ma pew, es; leader of Tyro group, X, E, IluolCln; Program. ecIPOlitteV) li Hanly,'Wesley H011and; Member, ship committee, Benson Sutter, Gordon Manning', Bruce Holland. Garden Manning expressed the appeiatioi f all'present to the ladles fpr the deliclotie meal Aor- yea, to which Mrs. DoUglea An- drews replied. st. W,.resin very' fittingly expressed thie apprecia- tion •of the club to, the retiring executive for their efforts during the Pest year in holding meetings which were enJoyed by all „Who had been able to attend. • The president 'minted out that one member a tuo- club, Frank Midr4WS. was that clay celebrat- ing his. 45ti1 wedding anniversary, and Congratulations were exgess- ed to Mr, and Mrs. Andrews who were present at the ,hanquet, The program of " the evening was in charge of :Benson Sutter, and opened with a lively, singseeg. led by various people4preient, with J. $Ules, Goderich, at the piano. Mrs. IL Go an, also, of Goderich, and accompanied. by Mr. .Stiles, favoured with three solos, "It's beginning to look a lot like ,Christneas," "Gesu, Bambino" and "The Birthday of a King." ne guest speaker of the ev- TOekersmit4 Sets 1.956 Min Rote Bates of taxation in 'wow- .-,smIth Township for 1,956 have been set oi follows: .coittity,, 11.9; ,general township, 1.0; general school, 2,71. trustee requisitions,: Area, 7; $S 3, 6; $$ 10, 12; Union (Tuckersrait13; McKillop and Wb- bert, 5:2; .Seeforth separate, 10;0; ColUmban, Separate, 9; Sea.' forth Igh, 0;9; 'Clinton 7.41; South Huron -High (Zotet), breeze from some flagpoles which 7; 4montiville street lights, 1,6; Should he proudly displaying the flag of our country. He felt that the flag if thecountry should be raised and lowered each, day and •should always be clean- and not tattered so that it could easily be recognized, He was greatly alarmed that the people of Canada, by and large, took such an indifferent at- titude to the use a the franchise. He pointed out that in so many centres at the time, of the munic- ipal elections the' percentage 'vote was considerably less than half. He stressed the fact •that cowl, tries like Hungary were now pay- ing for their lack of interest and sincerely hoped that .the same fate would not befall Canada, Mr. Campbell was' introduced to the gathering by W. E. perdue, a friend of some .20,years' standing, Brueefield street lights, 1,2. Nomination meeting in Tucker - smith will be held on :December 31, from 1 to 2 p,m, in the Sea - forth Town Hall, The final meeting of the 1906 •council was on December 15. and appreciation was voiced to him by K, junkin., ; The men a the Wesley -Willis. •choir under the direction of M. IL Rennie, with Mrs. Rennie at the piano, favoured with two numbers "A Stronghold Sure" ancl "Fol- low the Light." After some Christmas Carol had been sung, Rev. H. C,,,Wilson cyffered prayer and . closed the meeting with the benediction. • Reified Mrs. 11.•60.Manniog To Head:Bella Couple Good Wili. Cob At WeSleyAllis • Have Golden Anniversary Day A -delicious pot luck supper was served to the Good Will Club- of Wesley -Willis United Church and some friends en December 11, in •the obwro, hall., A aing.song of Christmas .carols followed:, with Mrs. f3, Q. Hearn as pianist. Stone; visiting* MM. 4P.Ps; work. .convener, 'XiSS, 1, Welkin. ShaW; grellP leaders, Mrs„ J. ;fen-, lOns, lYkra, V; Vpps, Mrs. A. 13ondi agrs. L, Ball; Mrs. W., Pinning, - Mrs. Nx. Steepe; Mrs, Roclges, B. Jenkins; IVIiss W. O'Neil, Mrs.' PInglandi pianist, M.rs.. Hearn; Mrs, H.-0. Manning presided( a.ssistant„ Miss. M. Torre.nce, for the 'business part Of the meete . ing and Prog.ratn, 41.$. hymn was ,. sung, after which the Bible re44" Carmel Lames log. from Luk 2; $44 and a .devo- ti:ohal Christmas theme were read by Mrs. M. 'Steepe, The minutes 'were read hy 1viiss. V., Jamieson and financial report given by Miss L. Walkinshaw, Carnations were to ,,be ordered for .the decoration of the church at :the Christmas season, Mrs. BN. 13,71:9S, favoUrec.1 with a Christmas reading, "What shall. I give her?" Mrs. G. H. Jeffer- ferson . read a. 'splendid paper on •"Christmases in Canada 1534,- 1.13$7." They were thanked by the president. , . A hymn and the ntiz, pah benediction closed. A nenOoy- able meeting. Mr.. Grigg.. and Mrs'. H. jenidns were. conveners, ". The 1956 officers were re -elm, tea: honorary president, Mrs, II, 0, Wilson; past president, Miss W. O'Neil; president, Mrs. H. G.Ian- ning; secretary, Miss E, E. Jam- ieson; treasurer, • Miss ;show: flower convener, Mrs, H. Jenkins; current .events, Miss I• Mile DRUG. STORE - - . . . . . . Budget gifts, practical gifts, luxurious gifts fa ladies, men and children too . . . you'll find them oil at your t.D.A, drug. store! SiFfieM: e "Charmer Set" contoinin4 miniature sizeepf • Friendship's Gorden, 'Toilet Water, ;Talcum, Body ling Both Crystals .......... • • 'flap Set" -- slwillor to above set but tea- ttitif10 frogrance . . .. . ..... 31.S0 • Il PHOTOGRAPH IC FTS liOer An ideal gift for. anyone in 'the family — just the thing for recording Christmqi-day activities indoors or out - SISoletvort* !tree 11* UPStICIA‘t OUSh` .14i4leS1 Stl'-eiadeS COSe, env hOt to MateTA rtd 0 *1 S Swive 'Lipsticks 02.01- OS° efordrf • fiS6 $achet ‘Bubb "00011 Powder phrs tree stt 9ottie 0.1140 0 POendship'S Getders dir'Old Spice...... . . !. ... . . 35 - "CAci SPice • • - . fillfAilt - ' $%$401%d II roortosse "petuiclit*Issell --- 6 ;',/4 ouriounces Ir ee ittion ot Geroey paihnhe in on OttrootiVe gift package "Vol 4e,a09i5 • e". -1:o generous three oui'' sirouleted- cut gloss bottle smith gold -colour : • cOP Auxurious-loolsing gitt ,t.,„ . :....,.. *LIS, • .1/4C),1c1 tL,IVE% COI.OGSE Irt HosInat ---- .6 404 bottle lif Adelightful cologne in o populor , A:: . .: ...... .:.... . .'. . .:. .. ., . ... . S.S0, S3.42i op . • . YERE9tAE.A1004170.:.$1.700,, $2.2.S, S4,00Tup "41111111111116.810.40-1,SA for Men or woMen-inc - ' • ciels os--- ., . 'Mara- thon GOLF 'BALLS • . 3 for 1.25 12 for 4.75 OROWN1E'HOLIOAY • FLASH OUTFIT (Illustrated below) Includes Brownie Holiday Flash Camera, Kodalite Ffaisholder six • M2 flash- bulbs,' twn batteries, two.. rolls of film and 16 -page lnstruction book. • $11.45 • We con also. supply you with other ,flash outfits .at 05.95, $23.25 and up, or with other Kodak still or movie cameras Call in to see our complete display. 7.ippered teoroco teethe flaffold English Morocco Billfold, 1230 value ..... .$1'.1,9 $4,00 .40•1U0. ....... , ... 0. -SO • s • Your Store has a complete range of tags, seals` and, wrap- ' phib paper. 111111iMPO" ' St110/1TAG $1a$01:. Pure.bodger hair $6.50 vakue CLOS SPNISH 0• 4 COIAS Solid lucite bock: brush With , nyion bristle's and rpotching • cereb-41,65 value ,. ..... 913t ' "MAGOAISTS,," MlIcii;ilit ...: $4.95. , • d, Siptalr for bliea After Shove Wien ..... , $1,35, S'ib ShaqIng ................... Eleatic Sh02,4e ............. .... . ...... ; $125 : 6,010tofselk $111101111,6 011111110 . . G1113111. Gill In• gay Christmas cottons •50 tor WO 100 tor' $5.00 • palette iTkee. Stades Super -Speed GM Set t' Featuring the Super -Speed Roza ond dispenser of six blades in travel tose ph.is 10 extra blades ancl.tibe Gillette Shave Cream PO • *ILIA AM' 0 INN Set. itc The gift camera. owners would chime for, themselves( Christmos tPeck of 20 SYLVANIA :".PRESS 25" FLASHBULBS $3.20 • A gift that con be useltil right on , Christmas (idyl FROSTY SNOW A unique decorating material to •sproy on trees ancl windows., In 'aerosol "bomb" • 5 oz,' 8•9c 1G-Nrice fin and stencils $1:29 Contains' o.,5 -oz. Aqua Velva otter shave lation and double _ size )Ather ,Shave in -Oa- • coiour pochpge $1.S0 Pas value FITTED TRAVELIANO SET 0.99 Zippered ,se' complete with hob brush, comb, soap dish., •shove and tooth brush,hoiders, Mirror and nail this., '0 SpeclallValue brush skth 'bristle cord ond badger hair ccising ..... . .... . ... .. .. ... $2.0 100°/a, genuine badger, hair • brOsh ...... . . . ... ... 0.0 Other a 9.ubtesef Brushes *1 v ‘1150111AV 01/4.0 st‘Pitit ifs "a honey% Ittat',s what he'll soy. \Olel he tries it out thristmasillOW Mg. 'the way the • SpeCtol stretches the skin so the revolving seh.tharciening blades- cui oft those • whiskets hush with the skin IS boUnd tO please him, cornplate zAppered leather CO' NORTH -RITE BALL POINT PENS A useful gift to put in stockings of "school,. agers" Gift Set contoining 5 az. 50) Boot, 4 -oz. After Shave ' lolourn on& lorge tube 'Menthol 1:Other Shove *1 Skin tracer end Shdve lalturn Ott box .. *00 "Isftei" ShoveLation OAS .."i;artn-a-tot" $001, WARMER 51,98 Itattlacraft !WTI( WARMSS Hat outornatio torirol, tb hot bohy's milk to just the light temperature. Element is replaceable .. ..... $3.45 Above Wormer with Vaporizer too for* "tecir,,tretih" colds- .„... ..... $4.25 9 • DURO BOTTLE STERILI2ER „ „ „„.. $230 BRUSH and COMB SETS ..... Oa, $2,50 "PLAYTHING" RATTLES 79t GIFT SITS "Happy Ilatiy" Set els showri tontain powder, oil, Sikip and t011On buds $2,25 "Nursery Neetft" pOwd04 10t106, Oil, hOMPOtt tind Cotton bids . . .... "Bail t OM" Set .... .. . .„.., $145 3St NORTH - RITE "Canadian" Retract- able Boll point pen.oto Twne colours. A9t Order CANADA OAT by the case nowt 4.04..0-0.00••••••or E. B. Peonebaker • • •Vour LD.A. Diuggid Phone Clinton HU, 2.6626 ol•ittdetttiO We have a full range of cigars, pipe 'and cigar- ette toboccos and cigar- ettes ideal for gifts, Macdonaid's "IMPORT", "Canada's Finest Cigarette A' fine "extra" gift to put und9r the tree or in stockings.. 20's 25's 50's• 33c .4 41c 82c Choose EXPORT "A" Filter Tips for the 'ladies. •• • l'Elppeft STORM' LIGHTER tturdY, deeendoble,-( neat-loolcing. • Guaranteed to be fi stisfactory. A good gift for cigarette, • cigar or pipe $3.95 smokers, Sackilie PIPES A cool, sweet - smoking filter pipe in bent, bulldog or standard shapes, Always dry!' .yways clean, $1.50 • "Cliornp" Rein or Shine' STORM LIGHTER 2 -tone plastic -covered • leather - guaranteed $1 °4141e" BATHROOM CALES "Borg" 10,95 "Rega" 6.95 Cadbury's MILK THAT CHOCOLATES A delicious otsortment of selected teritres creams, nUtS, crunthes and caramels — geridersuAy cboted with the. famous Cadbury Dairy 'Mik Choeolote. :Half pound box One pound box 8 $1..50 • We also hove 0 'fine selection offresh boxed checokites by such featious makers as 'Nankin% 'Srhilasity Chukles Mlts, Rowntrees, etc. for gifts or for your buffet. Bogged CANDIES for stbcking or teble C4.04,41to—C tempting, delieleut ossortmeet ot cahews, petors, filberts and almonds in On -attracive .Christrno.deorated plastic cOntaltiet. bunt0 51.60 14 ottfice $1,9$ . VA ',IX. tut t it; • rttt -,11r1111,11it ttt.,••• WATERMAN'S PENS or SETS Noestyle ortridge.illed Petit $3.95 up. • 'CO Pei Oki Liquid Peed! Sett $15; $25 LedBy Mrs. Clareuee .Reid • (11$ our xiensali eorresponclent) The I-adies! Aid pf Carmel Church met Mondy, December 10 with: the devotional in the charge, of Mrs, ,Clrence Reid and heir group. .Scripture passages were. read by Mrs, Minnie Sangster and the .dvotional "Chistmas 100 years ego. "was" ggiven- by Mrs, Glenn Bell. Mrs, B., munn.-favourd with a. piano solo; a poem, "The .Lighted Candle" waz given by Mrs. 'Archie BHrwaogger,th; sOlo by Mrs, am Mr. .Malcohn Dougall, presi- dent, presided for the busiess' period. The group donated $5 for candy .for the Sunday School, Christmas party, It was decided to hold the Jan- uary, February and March meet- ingsin the afternoons. .Mrs Harold Bellchoirdirector,. expressed thanksto the ladies for their donation, of $25 to the choir. The 1957 oficers were installed by Rev. D. 1ViacDoa1d, Luncheon was ..served by Mrs,. Reid and her group. , (By .ettr Ifensell eorreeendent) Mr. and Mrs. Milton RUssell, Heeell, 'held .open house. Deem. her 12„ in 'hoor of their- golden wedding Aniversary. Their ITI,4„2.-• 1.1440 WAS' SOIDTDDIZed. Deeember 12, 1906, at the home of the bride's parents on the Lake Shore Read,' Stephen, by Rev. D. W. .Collins, rector eCTrivitt 1VIenorial CUrroh. aIro, Al.19$441 Was the: former Maty Clara punsford, daughter of the late Mr. and Mr, 'William, Duns, ford They are members ,of St. Penrs. Anglican ,Church, Hensel', and Mrs. 'Russell was an active mem- ler of the I4arlies' .Guild until ill. pess several years Ago prevented her from 'continuing to tae van.. The couple have 4 fafTfily o five: Horner; on the hometeatl; four daughters, Mrs, Donald D. Wilson, Chicago;- 'Mrs. Margaret Rosser, Blenheim;Mrs, Harry Bossenberry,Grend Bend And lefes Donald ,laynt, Ifensall; and 15 grandchildren, • Heiman WI Hear - Brownies Choir (By our' Benson correspondent) Hensel -1' Legion Hall, lovely in Christmas motif was the setting for the Hensall Women's Institute meeting, December 12. Mrs, Earl Rowe and Mrs. Raye Paterson were program converters, and host- esses were Mrs. R. Peck andlVirs. T. 0, Coates: Mrs. Rowe introduced the Brownies, First Hensall Pack, who sang. three delightful Christmas numbers in fine voice. Rev. C. D. Daniel, guest speaker, gave a,most excellent address, speaking on the theme, Henry Van Dyke's Christ- mas story, "The Sad Shepherd". The speaker was P. intmloced by Mrs. Shirray, and thanked by Mrs. George Hess. President Mrs. A. Shirray took the chair for the'btisiness portion. Roll call. responded by a collection of $12.25, which will be forwarded to the War Memorial Childre's Hostital, Loncln.` The group,vot. ed $10 to the Hungarian Relief Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Peck and: Mrs. Coates and helpers.' • • • • g•WWwsiwaW•W May the day be merry wit you in your most gala hall day frock or formal.. Wh not 1et us get it ready lo you NOW—beautifully fres spotlessly elean, ea,ref pressed: Then you can j slip into it with no last mi ute vvonies. •For Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Offic on King Street (formerly Simpsons -Seo MERRY- CARISTIVIA,9 to ellour friends old and hew --- may it bring the best for Youf Flora Beauty Salon Princess Street — Clinton • asennimmo GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Short term—.4 years • pay 4V2% interetf, payable half yearly • Unconditionally guaranteed as 10 principcti and Interest • authorized blVestnient for frug funds IN 5 YEARS $430 AccumuLatti VI $624.60 'THE STERLING ^TRUSTS t 1tOditAtiON Hood coke: - traiith OffItti En Lay St y Ttirohte t.3 Dunlop •Sfo.