HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-20, Page 1THE NEW ERA,—Oncl YEAR • THE NEWS-REWRD 75th YEAR C$.INTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 956 FIRST SECTION—,Popes 1 'to B 0, I No. 51—,The Home Poper With the News. Three -,Local Nominations NextMeek Three local munieieelities will hold mental meetings next week, and make nominations for their municipal leaders for the coming 12 months. At these meetings reports of the past year's-work will be -giv- en, and, plans outlined for future improvements... Though the spirit of holiday season may urge peo, ple to stey at home, it' is their duty to attend these important meetings and make their wishes heard. Bayfield Village A nomination meeting to name candidates for the three-man trustee board of the police village of Bayfield, will be held in the town' hall there on Friday even- ing, . December 28, from 7 to S o'clock. Trustees serving through- out• 1956 have been Reg. Francis, secretary; John H. Parker and John E, Howard, The annual, public school sect- ion meeting will be on Wednesday evening, December 26, in the school. Reports will be• heard, and the election, or re-election of one trustee will be necessary. There •are three members to the board of trustees. Merton, Mer, ner (who was elected last year) has two more_ years to serve; Spencer Irvine has one year and Mrs. T. C. Bailey, chairman of the board, has completed a three year term, The villagers are urged to come out to these meetngs and hear the reports of their elected represen- tatives. It is through attending this type of meeting, that a good many problems can be settled in a business,like manner, and the trustees can receive some guid- ance on what the villagers want in the way of local government. Stanley Township Nominations in Stanley Town- ship are scheduled to be received next Wednesday afternoon, on Boxing Day. The time for these is betveeen one and two o'clock in the township hall at Varna. The present reeve is Harvey Coleman, and councillors are Har- vey Taylor, Alvin Ra,u, John Scotc.hmer and Ernest- Talbot There was 'an election last year, in,'whith, theelatter two men.earn ed their seats as new men on th council. Paper Will Be A Little Late --Next Issue For That Perfect Gift Not Too Late Tuekersmith ' Nomination day in. Tuckersmith Township will not be held on the usual day, Boxing Day, -but will be, held on Monday,' December 31. Goderich Township The ratepayers' in Goderich Township are holding their second nomination day of 'the year next Friday, December 28.. The reg- ular one was' 'held early in Dec- ember, and at that time teeie Men qualified for reeve and.• three for council. The school board members were acclaimed. An• election was held since, and John Deeves ' the present reeve, was returned to this office. How- ever, a second nomination is need- ed to -fig that vacant seat on coun- cil. If another election is nec- essary it will be held oneMondayi January 7. o Girls' Club- At Chrigtmas Dinner The Girls Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church held a Christmas dinner for their Dec- ember meeting, in the Sunday School room of the church last Tuesday, December 11. After dinner an exchange of Christmas gifts was followed by a short 'bus- iness meeting and Mrs. D. J. Lane conducted a carol sing. Officers for next year are: hone ourary president, Mrs. D. J. Lane; president, Mrs,' E, J. Jacob; vice- president,, Miss Anne Shaddock; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Mutch; secretary, Mrs. Allan Grahani; social convener, Mrs. W. J. Mutch press secretary, Mrs. ,Elmer Mur- ray; flower convener, Miss B. Gibson; program convener, Mrs. Eric Sims. 0 It's still not too late to send that gift-which will be enjoy- ed for 52 weks in 1957. Just drop in to our office and buy a gift subscription to the pap- er with. the news. It's only $3, Here's a gift that doesn't need any wrapping or mail- ing, and,well give you or send out (free of charge) a seas- onal gift card to tell your friend that the Dews-Record is on its way, There's no' gift ehat a boy or'girl from home, a brother or sister in Western Canada, ▪ or friend in hospital or shut- in will appreciate more than a lovely account each week Of ALL the news from their home town and district. NativitySceries at St.Paui. s .,...,„ qain,ByP6pularDeman , Last year, a Christmas Pageant the temple between leery, Joseph, 'bins; third king, John Hill; pag- was enacted at St. Paul's, .It and the old man Simeon. The es, Borden McRae, _Doug., Frem- aroused such wide-pread' interest, narrator continues the story of lin, Stephen Cooke, Peter Stare- that it has been decided to do the coming of the Wise Men, the forth; something along the same lines Three ,Kings from the East. The Swit- this year. And so, another Nat- Kings arrive; accompanied by Shepherds, G. Harrison, E. Rec- ivity Play has been chosen, this their attendents, and present their er, Teddy Bridle; Isaiah; The time with sPeakin Barbarag parts. gifts. The play concludes with tor;Micah, The Rector; angels, and Cathie Draper, Bar- To enable everyone In the cong- the reading of The Mystery. In- bare inder, ` Wendy Leybuene, regation to see clearly what is terspersed in 'the play are hymns Linda and Jeanne Murphy, Sharon happening, J. W. Counter kindly for the congregation and special music by the choir. Switzer, Heather Winter; narra- offered to provide material to con- struct a platform in the chancel, the Cast. tor, The Rector. Organist, Mrs. Theo Fremlin; thus raising the actors, to en die- music director, Mrs. J. M. Elliott; eration from which they will easily emery, Mrs, \mem Craig; Jos- be Seen from all parts of the eph, Cearlese, Bartliff; Gabrliel, singers, St, Paul 'e choir; lighting, Kenneth.Engeletad; first' king, W. G. L. Hayter; assistant, Richard church. `-, Feeee lle; second king, a F. sage. eireenlire costumes, Mrs. L. G. The Stoty i Winter; properties, M. W. Cole; rhe Nativ‘ty Play begins• with staging, W. Jr Counter. the leophecy of Isaiah (Isaiah Attempt Break-In Elizabeth Sterling Neynes, whose The play is being direeted by being a venerable gentleman with &ming robes and a white beard). At Len Cole' - experience in direttieg is Meal- The Prophet Micah follows, with liable. A note of interest to music his prciheey that One' shall ceme Service Station e lovers—three scenes in the play who shall "Stated and feed his will be accompanied by the Ree- fleck in the strength of the Lord, An attempted break-in, et the for and Elizabeth /rider on their in the majesty of the Name of the recorders, Recorders are wind Shell gerviee Station, Vid1 waY 8, 'instruments which were very pop- Lord his God" As -repotted to the Clinton Poi- teat in the days of the first Queen Thee comes the Annunciation edene, with Mary, Joseph, and the ice Deparkment early yesterday tlitabeth, AngeleGabriel. The narrator pro. morning.t The proprietor of the Next Sunday eeede with the stareeentii the po. Statiore Len Cole discovered the This Nativity Play will be poi,- itit where the shepherd's are dis- attempt that Mottling when he formed in St. .Paul's •Church beet covered around their fire, Gab- arrived to open up. i Sunday evening, December 23, bee reil appears to them with the A' mall leek on the outside door ginning at 7:80 sharp. It is hoped good news, ,Neet, the shepherds was broken, bet apparently the that' many people will take the go to Betlifelieen and find Mary, attempted burglar became fright.. opportunitY to see tire;, Christmas end and Made Off before gng ;Story reverently performed in the further. The inside door Was riet setting where the Xativity Play pried. ' 'briginated---in the Church. ' • "Blond y" Cook Receives CA.; In.Taxation William (Blondy) Cook e Kitch- ener, hes received notification that he has been successful lie passing his exams and is now a chartered accountant. ":.Bondy" is well-known in Clin- ton, having attended Clinton Pub- lic School and Collegiate before joining the RCAF as a Fighter pilot where he had two complete tours of operations overseas. After the war he resumed his studies et the University of Western tenter. lo, graduating in 1940 with a n,A. degree hi Business Administration. has worked with the tree counting' firm of •Breck, Demi Se Dunn, Xitthener, and is presently employed with the taxation de- petterieM of the Dominion govern- ment stationed in Kitchener. 0 Yes, we're publishing News-Record next vveek. With both Tuesday and Wednesday celebrated as hel- idays, things will be a little difficult for us to get the home paper out on time, so we're planning to go to press Thursday night instead of Wednesday. This means that your paper won't be available until Friday, December 28. However, we're planning Something just a little spec- ial, and you won't want "to miss the look into the past, at the old year 1956: • Yolk- co-operation in getting news and advertising to us, just as _early as possible for that paper, will be very much appreciated. The office, will be open all day Monday; then again on Wednesday Morning, and then back to regular' hours again. • Correction! Last week We incorrectly rei ported that Kenneth Verilliesee had been accepted on the Civilian fire fighting brigade at RCAF Station Clinton. This was Meer- reef, Xeres older brother, gobert, better known as "Tex:' is the -One Who has this new job, nioang. "The reit Wilder of the issue may be clean as.clean can be. . Joseph, And the 'babe. They pro' but that TypographiCal error' is, sent gifts to the infant, the biggest thing you see. -I Then followe a lovely scene hi • 'Now, while the festive coloured lights are blazing their message of cher and good will toward all men,- and the last few .days before the-25th are gradually speedingJtp,' and everyone from the -smallest to the oldest is looking forwrd' to the climax of that morning... the Home Paper With The News takes pleasure in wishing all its read- ers the best of good. thing's at Christmas-time. . A. Merry Christmas everyone! • • • •• ' ........ eee- 411`frereete weereeee• - • ...m.070.1=1;;Heete-'1W:" eeieee , • • Ron McKay, New Mayor 'Teen Town. Ron MeXey was named mayor of 'Teen Town on election bight held for that thriving youth group, John Elliott) who Was runner-up in votes for the mayor's chair was named reeve. Judi Oaf is set-- rotary and Mary Relen Yeo is treasurer, Six Iceencillors eheeen to serve for the coming year are Sandra ieticlieere Sylvia Bell, Preelt Me-- Donnell, jack 'Inlay, Wayne Me- tee and betties NOtineei, W4). p„) Acrum.4_,Y, O ufz, .g, A al,t Christmas buying plan 110- gone • off rather Well. There ere'eely a mere handful' ne gifts to pick .411d; choose;, e for that ,rnetter there •.e deoreasing reept.er things in the stores to pielc. and ebeeee from, , However, we'ee. pi:atening a bane-4P stepping tour once more •around the town before- nest Monday Piglet • * .* SOMEI-10W 'THE BEST OF giftebuying, time, to us, is, the visits to the farmOf all the nieces _and nephews, , They the place to life, , and, make the holiday season well worth while, Of course the parents of those youngsters are- a very welcome sight, too. . but children make a • Christmae., Our greatest •syne- petby at •Christmas time is foe those - houses. where there are no little ones. * * THE exeT OF ENTRIES IN Clinton's home decorating contest are now in the hands of ()hie- ials. and the official judging Will be clone this weekend... How- ever, we've already noted a good mane.. •unofficial judging going on, and people'are going around town, dooking the pretty places over to decide for themeselvee which one they think is the best. . . We do riot env the jud- ges in this 'contest. . fee' after air their decision cannot possibly match up with everyone's choice. . . The contest, has how- ever done a •good deal 'toward making the town beautiful for Christmas,. . * IN TOWN WE HAVE QUITE' AN example to live up to. . , for with RICO' Station Clinton , right next door. . . there is quite a record to bea.t. , believe there must be a dozen trees lighted up outside at the Station. . . besides the strings of coloured lights which outline a good many of the build- ings, the silo and the fences. • We were pleased to note 'a well- done nativityt scene set up • at the new entrance to the,Seation„ It is a reminder to folk„either leave ing or arriving 'et the Station of just what all the rest of the col- our and excitement is ecom- mernorating• • • * * THERE MUST BE SOMETHING rather shaking to a small child's faith in Santa, though, when , he drives around At this, time of year, and sees 'so many of the jolly old fellows. . . They seem to be posed - on half the roofs. . in front of many doors... . and in so many store windows we lose count.. . 4, * ,CAIN '1111E4:MINTON BRANCH of the Legion held .a very satis- factory •Christmas, partY for the member 5' children. . .-'in the hull last Sunday afternoon. . Hund- reds of the, lithe folk turned:up to have a joyous time around the Christmas tree. . . * * * WE'RE RATHER. UPSET TO find that our civic' duty, is upset- ting our desire erattend a sports event e.„ and not just "an event", either, but probably the most in- tereseing, hockey game ,of the sea- son. . On Boxing Day, in the afternoon, Goderich is playing -the Clinton Celts in the Lions Arena; for the first time in many a year. . . This is k scheduled' game, and just happense to- be the second time . tfie Colts have met with Goderich this year. , What makes it more disappointing than ever, ,is tha,.a minor hockey game, is scheduled i to take place just-'be- fete hie seiner -game. . . Game time: peewees, 2 o'clock; inter- mediates, 2,30... And there where will this columnist be? Out in Varna, attending to business, and covering 'the all-important nomin-• ation, meeting: of our country,' home municipality, ., the Town- ship of Stanley. . . • e * OH, WELL, DUTY CALLS . but the rest of you, who don't have• to be at the nomination meeting... would do well to think about this special hockey game.. . It's planned for afternoon so yott can bring your Christmas guests beftire they have to start back to work. . . Turn out- and show the, Colts that Clinton is still a hock- ey town... and mightily enterest- ted in the .way the lads, hold up the name of the Colts:., • • * BY THE WAY. . , AT THIS Brodng. Day hockey • game. . . tickets are being sold and a draw will be made on turkeys, etc.. . aed this might well be a •good time to pick up a bird for your New Year's Day dinner. Wort it thinking about, BUSINESSMEN IN wIARTorf are doing something concrete to keep industry in their town. . When the teriniture factory Was to sold for scrap, 29 mdn get to-, gether to raise the money to buy, it. , and, they plan to keep it in, operation and will sell it te soon as they can to someone who Wilt operate It. „ * * "The TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR is a slippery thing and and . you can hunt till you are dizzy, but it somehow will get by. . Till the fornes are off the PresSes it, is strange how still it keeps; it shrieks down into a eorner and it never; stir's or peepe„ "The typographical error is- too small for human eyes. till the ink is no the paper; , when It gems to mountain Mee. The Boss. he staves With haver, then he grabs his hair, and groans, The copy-reader deetel his heed eon his hands end