HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-13, Page 11• 'Tlit'sfeliristattes sea gaily "pft-ufrapped" BANK MONEY ORDERS kVOU avoid Christmas crowds4agt-minute searching. 'FREY welcome your thoughtful gift of cash, which nets them buy what they want most. laoyal Bank Money Orders are 'the sraart, practical, leffortless way to `'wrap up" your gift list. You can ',Ilse them to send a gift of cash to friends or relatives zanywhere in Canada, the United States, Great Britain or the British. West Indies. 'This year, discover how pleasant Christmas shopping 'tan be, at your nearest Royal Bank branch. his brightly colored Christmas folder, complete with mailing envelop'e, is FRU, with every Royaillank Money Order you buy, Just slip the Money Order into-the folder, write your greeting -In the space provided, ,and mail. 41141E ROYAL BANK Of CANADA Clinton Branch: 0, L. Engelstad, Manciger ' ,15ionch; I:Z. 'Heath, Mange LONDESOPRO mail' 1,N.', vorrespontnt OFT .SUGGPTIONS FOR DAD'S CAR - REAR VIEW MIRRORS CAR ROBES SNOW TIRES .RADIOS WIND SILENCERS* FOR MOTHER - TOASTERS• - COPFIEE MAKERS CAN OPENERS FOR JUNIOR' - DUKES , " BICYCLES mid ACCSSORIES H OCKEY MIAMI NT SWEATERS SOCKS TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY LTD. ASSOCIATE i1011E Clayt Dik611, Prop, ,• 4 0 ••/0 0i • P. 0 LET US HELP you CHOOSE Tir SPECIAL GIFT qiits Galore For Everybody NOW C0111. bey , ' 'Chemist and Druggist. PHONE HU:, 2;795 111 CLINTON GALBRAITH RADIO And TELEVISION TREAT THE FAMILY TO A NEW TV A new TV set is o gift that will give your family ,hours, and years, of en- joyment. Choose one now from our wide selection of farnut-rnake*table,' Console and portable models. Buy an Odra gift TV for your den, bedroom, a'r fat the children. Styles and fin- ishes to suit every decor, Prices for every budget, ...„. ..... . ,Mrs. Nelson .PattersenAk concession three-, least. Wawanosh Township, He was a member of the Strange Lodge, and Canadian ,Order ,of Foresters, me. wile, the'former years o J. Taman, of Blyth, died .3t) Surviving' are four sons, John and Iginald, Woodstock; 'William,' East Wawanosh; Russell, Seaforth; four daughters,. Mrs. Mary Holly Man and Ivirs, William Knox Blyth; Mrs. '' -ha,ries Lockwood, 1 CAintom ..Mrs. ' Nelson Patterson, Fast Wawano ; ,and one. sister, Mrs; Margaret Parker, *Owen Sound, ''Concert Held The Sunday School of .Grace Church held their annual Christ- njas concert last -Saturday even- ing in the church basement. Rev. P, Renner was, chairman and a splendid program was presented by ;the various class-es of the Sun- day School. At • the end of the program Santa arrived and dis- tributed the gifts and candy to the\.'children'. White Gift service will be held in Grace Church Sunday School on Sunday, December 16. WA Meeting The Woman's Association of, Grace Church, met on Friday af- te,rnoori last at the home of Mrs. Keith Cox with 15 ladies present. The .president Mrs. Gordon Manning presided over the meet- ing which opened with the singing "Away in a Manger" and prayer by Rev, P. -Renner. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. Aus- tin Harris and roll call was an- swered with gifts to be sent to the Salvation Army. Secretary's' and treasurer's re- ports were given. $35 was given ta,the M of M fund and $100 to the general fund of the church. Rev. P. Renner tdok charge of 'the election of officers .which re- sulted as follows: past president, Mrs. Gordon Manning; president, Mrs. Robert IVICIllwain; vice-pres4 iden, Mrs. William McElwain; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Peter Harrison; visiting committee, Mrs. Bert Harris. and Mrs. Harry Tor- ranee; buying coMmittee, Mrs. Gordon Manning, Mrs. Arnold Harris and Mrs. Austin Harris. Work committees:. stamping blocks, Mrs. Riddell, Mrs. II/IcCmv- an; putting crib quilts together, Mrs. Reid Torrance, Mrs. H. Tor- rance; putting Quilts in frames, Mrs, J. Torrance, Mrs. Gordon Manning; putting large quilts in frame, Mrs. Austin Harris and Mrs. Bert Harris. During ,,,the afternoon a crib quilt was "quilted and at the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostess. The :January meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Austin Her- , ,ris. to the all-Ontario -semi-finals a few years ago. Vdertoi.---goal, Keith .Starbor- ougleffMce, Alcumbrack, Ken- nedy, Thunwall, 1.4iley;' forwards, Evans, Don Vrhshott, Bev tirb, shott, .Seott McNair, -O'Neil, .Hous- ton. Denomme; def. ence, Edgar, Anatett, Carter, Strong; forwards, }Wm.% BoYeS, Colonnoun, T art1ay, Hug:111, on, Bieman„ First Period. 1-Clinton, Boyes (colquholin) 1.00 • (unassisted) .5,35 3-Clinton, Hugill (Carter) 8,05, 4-Ederton, McNair (O'Neil, Ken' nedy 9,24 5-Ildarton, Evans (D 'UrbShott) 13,47 e).-_,Glinten, l3ieman (Garon) 16.28 Penalties: Garon. <slashing) 3,00; O'Neil (broken stick) 3.16; Houston (tripping) 6.04; Carter (interference) 8.56; ' Affe Ida, ir. (hoarding) 15.30 Second Period 7-Ederton, Evans (B. Uabshott) 7,45 * 8-alderton, D, thihshott (Evans, 33. tjuitshott) 12.40 Penalties; Liley (interference). 8.52; Carter (interference) 10.51; Hugill (roughing) 17.42 Third Period 9'-lIderton, O'Neil (Thurwall, McNair)• 9.34 Penalties: Hugill (boarding plus 10 min. misconduct); Hartley .(holding pOck) 1,00; Alcumbrack (interference) 15.02; Boyes (trip- ping 17.04. ,The Woman's Association will hold their meeting on Tuesday,, December IS, Rev, W. A. WO.' son, Blyth, will bring .4 Christmas messages. All those who have not handed in their holiday cards please have them, in by that date,., December 18 Hostesses AM Mrs.; „ Manning, Mrs. ;Joseph Lyon,: rs„ C. Longman, Mrs. Russel. Good, All the. ladies of the eon, gregation are invited to attend, Please note change of date. White Gifts White GM Sunday was Oh.$ep, .voci: in .the ,:United Church last S4odaY, The Junior choir 'under the leadership of Mrs, Harry 14%4' sang an' anthem. The Christmas story was read by Charlie Craw- ford and a children's story was. given by Mrs, N, Alexander, 'The different classes presented their white gifts' at the altar to be sent to' various places,' 40.4-YPTI The Burns-Lontlesboro . Young 0 2 People's- Union held its regular. 0 0 meeting in the l.,ondepboro Unit ed Church on December 9, with GA the faith and. evangelism corrindss. .34 ion in charge. tamp" 'prozom h41rmit IT MW David • Carter • Service for David .j. Carter, 89, tart East Wawanosh. Township,. who 401 in' 014ton Public, hospital, was conducted last •Thursday, De- Member 0.„ at the Arthur funeral. teme.! Auburn, by the. Ttev, Interment was in Union '(leicaetery, 174$ .early life was .spent at Sea- forth, and later, he . farmed. at IkeStfield, end then lived at TIlyth, .1rOr the past feW years• he has: meta his home with his daughter, A bad second. period cost the Clinton Colts their second victory of the schedule on Friday night. As things turned out they suffer,, ed their third defeat at the hands` of Ilderton Wildcats 5-4, • in a: game that was. as, closely fought . as the score indicates. Don Denorame was the Stand- • ent on the ice, He kicked out many Tiderton shots. that.,,seemerl. to be certain 'goals, Bob „gvaris played the best game for the .visitors scoring • two goals besides being the leader of his team throughout the game. The Colts broke .out in front early in the game with Bev'Boyes being the trigger„man at 1.00 with :an assist Ong- to Murray Colau- houn. Ron - Huggill Connected at 5.35 and again at 8.05 to make the score 3.0 for the Colts before the,wild‘ts could get untracked. McNair finally beat Denomrne -when the colts were a man short with Jack Carter - serving a minor sentence, Evans put the Cats back Into the thick of things with a neat goal at 13,47' converting Den. Urbshott's passout from the corner, Hugill was checked .heav- ily into .'the hoards and his re- placement Ray Bieman, banged Bob Gardn's rebound behind Scarborough giving tI Colts a edge at the end of the first period, It was the second period that spelled defeat tor , the hard-trying Clinton youngsters. They 'became badly disorganized with the re- sult that the Wildcats ' tied the game on. goals by Evans' and Don I.Trbshott. • Both teams battled evenly through thefinal 20 minutes but it was O'Neil Who prOved to be the payoff man for Ilderton. The. goal came at 9,34 on a clever. three-way pasSing play With.Thur-. wall and McNair. The Colts had several golden opportunities...so' tie the score but were over-anxious and either-dnissed the net or fir ed into Scarborough's big pads, • The only 'disappointment -in the game was the Act/ that Clare . Maltby, was unable to be in the Ederton lineup. Clare a , former star of the Colts when they went. a. Make sure your clothes AL- WAYS. have that "new well- groomed look"-with dry clean- ing that brings them "back fill to line" . . snaps bagging skirts, drooping pleats, tired necklines back into shape. For experienced workmanship, cour- teous service-call us. *-4-4-40-10,-00-00-00- .--00-40-•--9-+-*-•-•-•-•-•--0,-.- For Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on. King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) Far CeiriNDRYg. 2-7061 CLEANERS `'L.fr ONE CALL PO 17 ALL CLINTON Youngest Pia Lead colts Scoring Although most of the Co4s are having _a "Slight scoring famine Ron Huglii, and Bev Boyes were. able 41a pick up two' goals .e4ch. Ron moved out in front of all his , teattunates with .nine points while 1)ev has moved up into a tie f.of, second with John Hartley two. points back. • Hugill also leads the team_in, penalties having spent half of one; game in the penalty box, . His closest -rival for the badMan title is linerriate Bob Garon with nine minutes. w i :333'13 Ron :13, r lc . Hugill GI Ii°er co'lue Hartley . _GP C ,A, T .P 4 2 5: 7 4 4 3 a 6- 6 4:5 .56. 7-"2° 5 1 5 6 9. JorrY Holmes ...- '5 0 3 3 . 4 Jack Carter . ' 4 1 2 3 .6 Don Strong ,, . ; 5 1 -0 1 0 Ray ,iinsiemteatnt 5 0. 1 1 8 Ray 3 1 Q 1 0 0 0 2 olVfoanit 1;;Epdpgr ,.. ... r. . , 5 4:! 1 0 .0 Murray .Taylor ., 2 0 0 . Goaltender • C4P Don Denomme 5* PHOTO ALBUMS 1.25 - 2.25 BILLFOLDS 98c to 5,50 KEY CASES 1.50 HAIR jinusnEs-- 'For Men 98c to 3.00, For Ladies _ 1,00-6 4.00 ,PLAYING CARDS-=-Plastic Single 1.39 Double 1.98 WRIST WAYCHE,S 11.95 ,and 12.95 ELECTRIC RAZORS-- By Schick -- Sunbeam and BLADE RAZORS-Gillette 59e - 1.29 up to 6.00 FLASHLIGHTS 49e (without batteries) ELECTRIC IlEANNG PADS 4.98 tq 9.95 CIGARETTE LIGHTERS 79e, 1.98, 6.50 SHEAFFER PENS and PENCILS _. 1,95 to 17.50 KODAKS- Hawkeye Set 15.95 Holiday Set "" 11.45 Pony 135 Set 56.70 FLASH BULBS dach „ ... 12c, 14c, 16c, 18c GADGET BAGS-for Camera Equipment ," 6.95 BATHROOM SCALES (Borg()) 10.95 CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxed or Single Ribbons -- Tags -- Seals Paper -- Scotch Tape Bows -- Etc. VERSATILE LOW ,PRICED Here's TV as you like it . . where you like itI 'Wonderful first choices in TV . . ideal second sets for the home, ft was. decided; that the ou People's. would go out carol sing, tng 4P11, Sunday night, .Deeembor 23, There will also be a.pot4t141; supper in the church on 'Member 27, for the Young- People, The Londeshoro Women's.. 1n• stitute met In.,ithe .community hall on Thursday, Pecembet 6, with the president, Mrs, S. 14You .Pre$14, the big,QwThroerigmeoeatienguodperbead z.W.1,airt yh, ,Stewart Collect, Mrs, A, Clark,. sacretary-tremirer, read the mint- :VII insd te:rbre:pzdtenteoe„ the wdovh7 Memorial Children's Hosiptal in London. The roll call was .4.11p, wared by "What I want for Christmas," parg.onl3get mSohtra,brc)Mq.r4S, gave a. nin reported ,on the .'box packed and sent .t1411-.4e "Save the Children Fund." A Clirlatmas message was givisTenmbLyiplVfxyds,E4ipewai%Wm,ors,,,,,u.'4. Saundercock were _appointed to 'help make up boxes for the shut- ins. Any of the members who wish to give .towdld these bOxes. may leave donations with Mrs, It s. Durnin, Clare Vincent played Christmas music on the piano and Mrs, Elgin, Josling gave a piano, WO- followed by recorded Christ- mas music, Gifts for Him PIPES 1.50 to 5.00 POKER OHIPS-Plastic 1.59 GILLETTE BLADES -25e to $5 SHAVING BRUSHES 1.00 to 10.00 UTILITY CASES with Mani- cure," Instruments 4.95 Men's Toiletry Sets- , By Bachelor -'\Yardley - Seacorth - Old Spice ' 1.35 to 5.95 SHAVING MIRRORS 59c TOBACCO POUCHES ► 1.50 to 2.50, WRITING( •PARER, 500'-to 1,85 CIGARETTE CASES 1.50 to 4.50 CIGARS .. . .. 50c - 2.50 - 5.00 TOBACCO--V2. lbs. CIGARETTES,-flat 50's .. 82c CHILDREN'S ANIMAL SOAPS 59c to 98e NOVELTY BUBBLE BATH SETS 25c to 1,00 BABY HOT WATER BOTTLES ............ 1.69 BABY BOTT/4.1 • WARMERS 3.45 & 4.25 BABY BRUSH SETS 49c 1.5q WE WILL GIFT WRAP, YOUR PARCELS FREE OF CHARGE With this handsomely styled compact portable you can take your RCA Victor TV pleasure with you. T h e "Wayfarer" features RCA's famed SILVERAMA aluminized picture tube! disappear- ing V-type antenna and - side tuning. Decorator finishes: Red, Gray, and Ivory. culsrrox mvs.nrcom Colis Lose Close Game To litierton 'Wildcats Gifts for Her Cosmetic Sets-by Tiffany - Yardley - Tussy Tabu - Coty $1.50 to 14.50 DRESSER SETS ,. 4.98 to 9.98 MANICURE SETS 1,50 to x.00 MUSICAL POWDER BOXES ..... ,„, 4.95 to 8.95 SUNBEAM LADIES ET„,.,ECTRIC RAZORS 18.95 Bath Preparations Bath Perles '79c and 1:50 Bubble Bath ..,. lb. tin 1.00 SOAPS-boxed 50c to 1.50 Yardley - Tiffany - 'Evening In Paris. Bath Salts ,... 4.00 to 1.50 Bath Brushes, 1.00 to 1.95 CUTEX NAIL POLISH SETS .... . .. 1.00 to 5.00 COLOGNES 85c to 3.50 By Evening In Paris - Yardley - Tussy - Coty Tiffany. Tabu. SMILES "N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES Christmas Wrapped 55c to $5.00 IMP • be,•••••• PORTER'S HILL Correspondent MRS. DON 11.ARRIS Phone Clinton •HU 2-3862 TV! The gift that keeps on giving! New RCA Victor "Special Series"