HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-13, Page 10R.11-2,CLINTON.Onne, 11111111 ill II Ql 2-66.863 III III 11111114 , 1111111 11111111111 III 1111111 141011 FOOD IDE for holiday hospitality ' Airmen Escape Injury In Crash Near Hohnesvillc Two Trenton airmen escaped injury when their car skidded down an embankment and lodged against a guy wire on Highway 8, two miles west of IloImesville, on Saturday. Joseph Boucher and a passen- ger, Herbert Fitzgerald, came out unscathed when their vehicle skidded on slippery payement, as the brakes were applied, went down a slight embankment and stopped against the guy wire. The car was heavily damaged. So No-slay GWE WAG GWEET ENOUGH TO EAT .4444i..0411444414,4441.4t, Farm Price Outlook Favourable According To O.A.C. Publication The outlook for faun prices ap,,, pears favourable in almost all cat- egories, reports the Department •of agricultural. Beenornics at the Ontario AgrionAlma 'college in • its -quarterly publieetictre. .40 Farrn Business," The Department sees_ hog price- ea strong for the remainder of 1956, And likely to continue good right into 'late 1957, being very tfavourabIe about next JOne or July, The prospects fox, beef cattle next spring are slightly better than, last, spring, although heavy 4narketinge are in prospect for this fall, and seasonable price dee clines will occur. .Prices in tbak sooroor of 1.957 should be. similar, to prices last summer, The prey- ant large spread between top and. common quality animals is likely to continue, Puy Cows Scare With dairy cow numbers in the United States being at their low- est for 20 years, exports of dairy cows' to the U.S. are ,well above last year. Dairy cow prices are now higher than at duly time sin- ce August, 1954. The Department sees 'limited improvements" prices for next year. poto,to The widespread prevalence potato. blight across Canada will probably mean reluctance to store potatoes, with the result that prices of good quality potatoes should improve very considerably by next spring. Although the 1,14, production of soybeans is expected to be up one-quarter this year over 1955, the total supply of food fats is likely to be no greater than last . year, Since meal prices will pro- bably keep the price of beans down, the price of soybeans is not likely to be strong. Price prospects for corn are "only fair," with the U.S, corn supply expected to be up 6 per, cent above the record supply of last year, and 17 percent above the 1949-53 average. Recently negotiated price in- creases. appear likely to hold for the remainder of the season, and prices for apples will be strong, with normal advances as the seas- son Progresses. The annual meeting of the Stanley 'Township Federation of Agriculture was held in the Town- ship Nall, Varna, on Friday, Dee, ember t, with, the president, Alex McBeth in the chair, The meet-. ing took the form of a social get- Icippeflotes Meet At Leader's Horne our 110044/1 eorrespondent) . Mrs, W, j, F. Bell was hostess for the Thrifty Eippenettes' four-, th meeting held at her home, December 8, with ten members answering the roll „call, Miss Ruth Ann Jarrett was appointed Preeident to replace Miss "Eileen. McLean, who was not able to take this project, Plans for achieve- ment day was discussed. Mrs. Bell, showed the girls how to make bias binding, how to fold the material to get a true bias, also understitching on a collar, and to make these two samples at home. Their home assignment is to work on garments and record books. Roll call for the meeting "A good suggestion for a record book," ELECTORS, GODERICH TOWNSHIP: 111 Thank You as For your Support at the Polls on Monday. 'MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR To You All Reeve John Deeves 50-b together, and progressive euchre was enjoyed during the first of the evening. Prizes went to: men's, high, Victor Taylor; low, Hugh Hendricks;. ladies', high, Mrs. Gordon Hill; low, Mrs, jack Taylor. The minutes of the last annual meting And the treasurer's report were given by George Reid, secretary-treasurer. Douglas McNeil, -Gode r i oh, county president, gave a short talk from county level and Intro- duced the guest speaker, Clayton Bender, gowanatown, zone direct- or, who gave 4 very informative talk on the work of the Federat- ion, its achievements and aims. He said, "We can make resolut- ions .but unless we are willing to work hard to make them -effect- ing, they will accomplish very little," He urged all members . to become better acquainted with the Federation and to bade the directors in their work. A period of discussion followed, when everyone was given the privilege to ask questions and have them discussed. Anson Me, Kinley very ahly thanked the. Speaker,. Alfred Warmer reported for the Bog Producers. Douglas Mc- Neil conducted the election of Pf+.• ficers, On motion of Alvin Rau and Anson MeKiniey, that the 1956 officers. (with the •exception of 5$ No. 4, where Bdwin Dunn, is taking the place of Kenneth Scotchrner, who has resigned on account of ill health were ,eloc- ted, The business part of the meet- ing was interspersed with music- al numbers` by Grant Jones, James Love, readings by Helen Hend-• ricks, Exeter, Two Scotch lass- ies; from Seaforth, accompanied by the bagpipes presented some beautiful Scotch dancing. Mr, lVfeBeeth moved 4 vote of thanks• to the entertainers and after the National anthem; all .0'1., joyed lunch, Officers for 1957 are. Alex Beath, president; Blmer 1-layter, vice-president; School section rep- resentatives, 5S 1, Leon Bedard; 4 East, Edwin Dunn; SS 3, Elgin Porter; $S 9, Clarence Parke; SS SS 4 West, Jack scotch/my; 55 5,, Bert McBride; -5$ 3, Brtice Keys; •-$,S IT, Ward Forrest; 5S. f, Harvey HAYter; $5 10, j40k Tay/. ior; SS 1, William Hanley; SS '14,.. Wilmer Jones. immemommommoolown. NOTICE Tow. of Tirekeorictitir. facilitate snow .rentoval operations, the pahlio is re, qetested not to park ,cars vehicles on roadsides dating' the winter montlis, And Notice is hereby given that the Township will net be responsible for any•daMag.eS caused 'to .such vehicles as a result of Snowplowing opera- tionS• E. P,CHESNEY, Clerk, Township. of Tookorsmith 49-tfb nonnommonsimonommummo opliwl 1111111111111111111(114111111 Ukel HARRY WILLIAMS 9449-4:W4- 011.„1$r A. FIGHTING. CHAMP? THAT $KAT.G 0.1.47 WINTaRTItselg,'TH.g, SCAMP./ HARRY WILLIAMS ‘417, FUEL OIL a% GASOLINE MOTOR OIL LUBRICANTS 'CLINTON N W$-1 C0 TRUIISDAY, StoroloO. FM. of AM Elects Executive,. Zone Director 'VMS Men To Work The "War on Rats" Campaign in Huron County is, now -.entering its fourth week and some returns are beginning to .come in as to the number of rats which have been killed during the Campaign; The material recommended by campaign is a chemical known as "Warfarin", which is mannfactere ed and distributed by several Companies in Canada, on of the Main ones being the Howard Chemical Company of Orangville. Warfaring was discussed five years ago and has' been tested ex- tensively and well proven since then. The first tests and demonstrat- ions were carried out,with the help of a few Junior.Farmer Clubs - in Ontario. Their Project was so successful that . this year it was decided to broaden the scope of the Project and make it available Ito all of the Junior Farmer Clubs 'in Ontario. At the moment 32. - Junior Farmer Club are taking an active part in this campaign. It ,is designed on an educational. has- Jr. Farmers Recommend Warfarin; Committees To Carry Out Campaign Stan Johns, RR, 3, Seaforth; John Pym, ER 3, Exeter; Dave Dins- more, RR 1, Gerrie; Jim Bowman, RR 5, Brussels; Frank Alton, RR `7, Lucknow. Farm meeting committee, Earl McSpadden, RR 1, Seaforth; George Turner, RR 3, Seaforth; Tom Easton, RR 3, Exeter; Mur- ray' Gaunt, RR, 1, Lucknow; Ron Wroxeter; Boyd Tay- lor, RR 3, Walton. Dealer contact and display com- mittee, Ross Smith, RR 1, Ethel; Lavern Godkin, RR 2, Walton; Murray Dawson; RR 1, Hensall; Ivan McClymont, ,RR 1, Varna; Raymond Neil, RR 1, Wroxeter; Lorne „Hackett, RR 7, Lucknow, is. Warfarin is a very effective rat killer although its action is not as swift as some might believe, The action of the chemical dilutes the blood in the rat's body to a point where internal bleeding causes death. Therefore one dose of the chemical is usually not suf- ficient to kill. In order to ef- fectively control the rats, the war- farin should be kept in front of them Until they stop eating the poison, In most cases providing a sup- ply of Warfarin for the rats for foure or five days will eliminate all of the filthy pests. During that period you Will usually not- ice rats which are very stupid wandering, about near the bait. These rats will die in a short per- iod of time. The Huron County Campaign has been organized and headed up by the following cominittees..... Co- ordination committee, Larry Wheatley, RR 1, Dublin; Earl Mc- Spadden, 1111, 1, Seaforth; Ross Smith, RR 1, Ethel; Betty Camp- bell, R,R 1, Dublin:, secretary- treasurer. ' Phone and publicity committee, Larry Wheatley, RR 1, Dublin;' ,gfc Doritg .„,n AM Tl Vvir l ; 4fuli E i Is;idy r;rovide inanti sr - to constar, underlougtfo cozg.coiowe line Batteries are approved by Chrysler, Engineers and OR rg recommended for use in Chrysler-builtvehicies,Instalt aryco Powerline Bastery and big mow •A trademark or the Lion at C CluSteler Coanada, rpora- Limited. • " • • ........ ......... ITinsel-bright and mighty tasty! When guests drop in, make them welcome with individual servings of crisp, buttery popcorn wrapped in glittering aluminum foil and tied with big red bows. You can keep the popcorn warm by heating the foil-wrapped packages in a slow oven. Then quickly tie on the ribbon when you take them out, And don't forget to have lots of sparkling Coca-Cola all ready and waiting. 'Cause the great taste of tingling, ice-cold Coke goes just great with snacks! 141 4.8014 tot. 14.ot tkpoll REGULAR SIZE KING SIZE ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie St. Stratford, Ont. Phone 7S' "Coke" is a registered trade-mark,, and her lodgement was rreproachahle too. She comes .0 South End Cities Service txchtsiveiy. oi-Ae --ss CITIES SERVICE etter'r eivi.eef 'Peer Thelea ----CAS'ecEgelCE•TIRIS / 36c 6 1p;itlo 4044 plot 41.0$4 4•41,44.0,4444 we Him Gilts He Can Wear" Quality Gifts He'll Be Proud To Receive Single COUNTRY White only FORSYTH CLUI; Shirts ,. or Double Cuff Gift Boxed lrA. A.: i 0 $4.95 ,,,,,,, . ov..o - '' , *, ' . . v , i' 4 TIE Jewellery Hickok $1.50 ' and EARS - LINK to Forsyth SETS .$6.5 0 New Hats By BILTMORE ...„ Pz Give him that needed hat or ' ... . a CERTIFICATE for one. , waSolw, , • %.0 Sport Coats Blazers All Sizes and Styles •$r8.95 to $39.50 Ilayon Sport Shirts s, Silks, Washable Wools Dressing Gowns VMS to $27650 will please him. A choice from our large stock Solve gift problems with a Open Evenings Until Christmas CLINTON Murphy Bros. Chrysler Plymouth - Fargo Sales and Service Huron St. • Clinton GRANLEMERE TONY DAY Sweaters ifs SUBURBAN (oats $15.95 to $27.50 Herman's Men's Wear Phone EU 2-9351. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. pmannomumon 4