HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-16, Page 8/S n T it:68-M Tecewxter o,.i 0 21+1 haat., the wife of Mr. L. Thomas; : aardile:r acnts'rst,I+---AG Teen. •Rte on th; Atka inst., tiro vile Of Mi (,ao.., ahle1. I R daokiiter. 55 14-AtGorier:h on in. 1st nest., the wife ob P. rt.iva s ons Bell , a e n. ILAeE-'•t Jltte-".rli, of the 4th iu a., the wife of I. IL have, of the its;ordc. aoun h'Cr. SNSLL-At 40. 00'41 10 2 _eet Ll. eland, O. on the kith inst., the i:t0e of Alecrt 6ri11; a son. }Ve:u -In Tttrnberry, en titti +tis Inst., the wire of 1,t I'•. ht Weir; a t:au,:hter. McGR sox -At W'ingltam 0 the llthirst.,the wife of tar. Neil Mcl:retic;;; a Ou•. ter. Ann --In Turnberry on th- lith u$t., the wife of Me. Albert Ard; a sot. l3Or.00ss.- At Bluevale, .n the 12th ins4, the wife of 54r. S. Burgess; a son ,C 'CA um). Dane.--Densow--At iLyth, onIthe 7th inst. by Rev. A. McLean, Mr..hit Darr to Miss Elizabeth G. Denbow, both of Grey ownship. October 31st, by the Rev. residence of the bride's e City, Mich., to Mary Monatsos-Rsin.-'O M. Richardson, at th father, H J. Morrison, of Rt'id, of Goderieh. O'CoNNoa-Fetur-At Go rich, by Bev. Father West, an the 7th inst., Josep Michael O'Connor to Miss Mary Elizabeth Foley, nth of Ashfield. EaAr;-ROssstt-At Blv .on the dt tit ult., by Rev. Father Costello, Mr. t . as. Egan to Mies Mary Russell, both of Morris. MoLA roman-ScOTT- t Brussels, on the 7th inst', by Rev. G. B. Howie at he residence of the bride's parents, Mr. UM. 610 • ughlla, jr., of Grey town. shin, to Miss Lottie So tt. Howie-SrURa-At oronto, on the let inst., at the residence of the ide's mother, by the Rev. D. J. Macdonnef, assist by Rev. Dr. Parsons, Rev. G. B. Howie, of Knox c reit, Brussels, to bliss Sarah Spurr, of Toronto. McLl. A. MKSJ, MY J =know, to Mary on the fi st McRae, by Rev. A. D1aKay , . both of Huron. PRAi0-NIOfOLL-At At !ori, en the 31st ult., 'by the Rev. 8, E. G. Edelstei . , Mr. John Phair to Miss Agnes Nicholl, both of }V• lesley. MoNsis-WILsoN-At stowel, on the nth inst., by the Rev. I. Campbell avid McNeil to Maud Wil- soif, both of Wallace, ED. Forman -At Teesw ter, on the 1st inst., Jessie Miriam, infant daugh er of Mr. Wm. Fowler, aged 2 months. Ksaa-At the realencs of her son, Mr. D, Kerr, north line, Kincardi e, on the 31st ult„ Mrs. Mar- garet Kerr, aged 91. ars. MCCASKILL-In Nino.' • e township, on the 2nd inst„ Miss Flora MaCaskiaged 27 years. Goon -In Ashfold, on the 1st inst., John Good, aged 82 years. IIOYirris-In Bullet , on the 6th inst., Simon. Me- Vlttle, aged 80 years. John IRw!N•-In East Wm :moth, on the 11th inst„ Irwin, aged 82 years. WINGHAM MARKETS. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. • WINmmas, NOP. 14, 1888. , Flour per 100 Ibs, - . $ 3 00 to 3 25 Fall Wheat per bushel, - 1 04 to 1 06 Spring 1 14 to 1 16 Oats, • - 34 to• 34 Barley, 55 to 66 Peas, 69 to 60 Potatos, - - 25 to 30 Apples per bag, - - 30 to 40 Butter per Ib., - 10 to 17 Eggs per dozen, - 18 to 18 Wood per cord, - 1 60 to 1 75 Hay per ton, - 14 00 to I6 00: GRAIN ARKETS. TORONTO, Nov. 14 -Wh at $1 18 for fall and red, at $117 to $1,1889r spring - d at. 95o to 660 for goose, Barley steadySt78cto '5c. Oats 40a to 41c. Peas 60c to 6Sc, ankrye at 7'c to 76c. Hay $20 to $26 a for fo equ rte :4 d $ 8 50 to to 8 50 for 26. hinf dquarters. to terse Mutton, 86 tor'. Lam , $8 60 to $9. Veal, $7 to 5a• LIVE STCK MARKETS. ' HAST FuyrALo, No . 12 -Cattle values were 13 cents higher ; prime ceders in good demand ; 700 to 800 pounders avers • ed $3 ; stockers bought at $2 50 toi75. 0. vzal'Oo0, Nov. 2 --There were not many✓ Canadibest an and United ;states ` the on the market to -day. The Lake Huron, with one hundred cattle and five hun- died h had' of sheep, rived too late to catch the market. There was, b•' ever, a heavy run of cattle fromotlier.sources, T ere was••a steady demand, orient, prices showed no . prof eent, standing at 12o for primo Canadian st ers. DAI' Y MARKETS. UTICA, Nov. 12- change to -day; attendari4 light. In another week all October stock will have been taken. Tran: etions: 9}c, 97�o, Ole, 10c, laic; total, 8,820 boxes range, 9710. LITTLE FALLS, . o . 12.Ohoese-Better feeling; but no increase in pri' 's • .colored cheese had the preference, and no s • s of white were made above 8 c Transactions : 9fr0, 9•1c,: 10c, 101c. The sales of farm dairy ghees amounted to 745 boxes, And the prices were 90 to .lo ; bulk at 10}. Butter, 21 to 23c. ROBERT GUNK NGHAM, J 1 INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. 1-4 $6 0 . 0 0 -- $60 OF GOODS GIVEN AWAY I Every person buying Two, Five or Ten Dollars' worth of Goods for Cash, will have a chance to get the following : • N O. 1. The person buying two dollars' worth, and guessing nearest the number of beans in a jar, will receive Ten Dollars' worth of Goods. N O. 2. Buying five dollars' worth and guessing nearest the, number of beans, will receive Twenty Dollars' worth of Goods. 1\T 0. 3- Buying ten dollars' worth and guessing nearest the number of beans, will receive Thirty Dollars' worth of Goods. N" O. 4• Every person trying for the above and not successful, will get five per cent. of their money back in goods. As the stock is complete in every Department, and marked in plain figures at prices that cannot be. undersold,. we are giving this very spAPiaj rbfe" tf• advertise our goods more widely. Will commence Satur- ta y, cru, and as there is only a limited number of tickets, we hope o have an early call from you. Yours very respect£ui]yr• M. H McIND OO•.. • STA.-VE75. Strayed on the premises of the subsoriber, Lot 37, „.Con. 2,Kinloss, about the 1st of October, a one ' year-olred and white heifer. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. GEORGE BOSS, Whitechurch P. 0.• AUCTION SALE. IN TEE COUNTY COURT OF TEE COUNTY OF 110605. ROBINSON vs. LEE. Pursuant to the order for Salein this matter, and bearing date the eighth day of November, A. D. 1888, there will be sold with the approbation of Isaac F. Tome, Esq., Real Representative for the County of Huron, At rho 4aeoa's Hotel in the Town of Wingham, ,Ir, said County, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, oa TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH, 1888, aY PETER DEANS, Avorioxsaa, The following Lands and Premises: Parcel No. 1: Lot No. thirty-seven, on the mat side of Minnie Street, Mary Cornyn's surrey, in the said town of Wingharn. This parcel consists of one quarter of anmenet land,enclosedbyfence,uponwhich is erected a one and a quarter story frame holfee of dimensions sixteen by twenty-four feet, now in the occupation of a monthly' tenant, Parcel No. 2: Lot No. thirty-eight on the east side 'VI :Minnie street, Mary Cornyn's survey, in the said ••itown of Wingharu. This is a vacant lot containing one quarter of an acre of land, enclosed by fence and suitable for building purposes. Parcel No. 3 : The south half of Lot number three on west rzsvethtsurvey id • of -park sienandei , in the teaifd,gaf tfrtrg ttt.crooinhavinaontageothiytte #set on Josephine street. There is erected upon it a two and a quarter storey frame building of limen. alone twenty by forty feet and containing eleven rooms and a store. The upper part is occupied by a Monthly tenant, The store is vacant. The Beat iepresentativeMay withdraw any or an n an adequate e ptd price bid ! from therefor, ale if in ITheis eparties to the suit aro entitled t0 bid, T'y ii115 011' SAL.10:-- Terri per cent. to the von. dor's solicitors on the day of sale, a,id the balance wfthkii onomonth thereafter, without Into'CCt, when the ptirehalers will be entitled to conveo atlees. Further particulars and conditions of sale earl be obtained from J. . Alorten, Hiq. t;olieitor, Wht-• 1•am and frorn a Venhor'e S011eitora. Dated tine fl:a dry of No Owl, 1888. L YEA h OK15s01. ISAAC P. Toms, Ven sbolloitors. Bed Itcprtaantaiico, THE CITY RESTAURANT. I beg to announce to the general pnblic that I have opened out The City RestaUra11t in Green's Block,. Wingham,and have now on hand a nice, fresh and varied supply of everything kept in a - irst Class Refreshment Room. I have fi .: , up comfortable rooms for the comfort and onvenience of customers. EonE1tT HILL, To tho I'tiblllts We desire to tender our sincere thanks to our patrons and the public generally for the cordial business support accorded us ; in the past years. COUTT8 & 1670129. The undersigned #legs leave to state that arrangements have been made whereby the business in future will be conducted by himself, as the existing partnership has been dissolved. I hope by close attention, and consideration of the requirements of my customers, to merit and receiye an. , extended patronage in the future. JAS. W. TIWWX4B, 4Vipg1}am, Optgller 26t4i Ps . GRICIMIST B. Idaviu ; haa;:ut the Business of J. Rr4SC wu as the DOMUJXON M i ZZRY, 1'urpos rrying on BAKING AND CONFECTIONERY in al: their departments. GEORGE GILCIHRIST having had a lengthened` we experience eetthetwants Of Our Customers we feel in eveat ry respect. 6&T A bull Stock of Confectionery will be kept, Oat Neal Kill Opened., 'file undersigned desire to inform farm• era and the people generally that they have reopened their • an Meal Rill i znghnw And aro now prepared to purchase Oats in. unlimited quantities and at the Highest arket Pries.' They will supply customers with the BEST' GiuA0ZS in Oat Meal, ELDER & GLEGG, 'W'INC3-1—I —Say' , - - 011TT FOR SALE OR TO RENT. ivr. W. B. EUTTON, BAYING DECID'EDSTO' 1�� remove to his premises near the Upperr offers for sale or to rent .his property and residence in Lower tVingham, opposite the Salt Block, con - slating of 2/ soros of land, well. fenced, with goods orchard, well, stable and large, comfortable reel.: denco. Also for sale, lot on Josephine St., Winghani, north of Tamlyn's Block and opposite T. A. Mills' Store. .A desirable business location. Also for sale 2 lots on Frances St., a short distance south of the Public School, To The' 'Ludic$, o WinghaR and $urnoutiding Goantng :. We beg to intimate that we have =hand a very Complete Stock of FANCY', GOODS, Comprising, the CHOICEST ARTICLES arid LATEST NOVELTIES.. Betttiftil: Goods f v 7 Department.., AN INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK, SOLICITED:' Its" PPri:ces Very Reasonable. MISSES BONTHRO To the ?ccc of Winzirim 'ntt at lap: —Having opened oat f:, large stock of-- Watches, f watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, r am prepared to meet the wants of the people in every respect, NOT ONLY in the lowness of prices but in the quality of goods as well. �, XJ..LZI �rT1.1.JEP►SG�.J'Sirl.wLY.1..E.1.V .1.. I am prepared to do e, 11 kinds of work that is in idly line of business and SATIsI"AcTX0X GUAnANT ilin YOU' OUGHT TO GO TO• SL%E'S 'cLOTIIII G Where is to be found the FINEST, BEST SELECTED ' and CHEAPEST As+ SORTMENT of all the Latest Patterns and Most &liable makes in SCOTCH, ENGLISH,., 'ISE and CAIsIADIAN Made Goods.. J. H. VAN TON]1, SUCOESSOR T'O . PAM Find Reich pintingo,: Wavgteds n Oyereoathigsi. A STOCK OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES FOR CASE!' FOR RELIABLE GOODS AND GUARANTEED FITS,' JOSEPHINE . ST., EAST, . Gd TO T. LESLIE,. •WIPIG`HAM, Obi:; OUT OF THE FIRE I HAVING FULLY ASSORTED THEIR STOCK, .MESSRS. McINNES & TALBOT ,---HAVE OPENED OUT IN Henderson's Old Stand, --AND OFII'.ER— S 'LENDID INDUCEMENTS READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROG. RIES. BOOTS & SHOES, AND C LAf,SS AEE9 Colored wad White Shibt3 10121TCHMalt T ar GREAT BIG BARGAINS/ win= LVEEUIODY MOM TO wr OBsz.wE Ann. PROFIT Yo li