Clinton News-Record, 1956-12-06, Page 12-ar
Y01.64 +everythinvyou~~ need fog. rkrChristmas
Shopping at McE.*aii:.'sNobett:0.$01ettionanyWhere..
TREE LIGHTS $1.19 - $1.59 p. $2.00* $5.90
OUTDOOR SETS - 15 Bulb $8.00; 7 Bulb $3.80
BRIDESMAID (in pink and blue) 0, $10.95
RED RIDING HOOD' $6.95 and $9.95
"PRETTY BABY" PLASTIC DOLL with Record $9.95
DOLL' TRUNK - $2.95 and $3.98
DOLL HOUSES-ran'ch style and two-storex
with Fur;niture $3.95 and $6.95
KITCHEN UNIT (complete) $3.95
TYPEWRITERS $2.98 and $4.50
ROCKING HORSE Reg. $6;50 for $4.98
Reg. $6.25 for $4.49
Reg. $5.50 for $4.39
METAL HIGH ,CHAIRS Reg. $2.50 - $1.25
$2,95 and $3.95
7'1 Wes"/4 Por y Ralesls,t ,
z•-'7" C01.C•SERVICE•71RES
' t
. , for even mentioning any
place other than South End
Cities Service. Come in and
look around and you'll see
why our customers are so
now Tire Time
oodyecti Sithurbarilte
This is: the cheerful cast of the comedy "Pair • of Country
Kids" isthielio has • enjoyed a three-night run in Varna and ,Bay-
tield and prOmises .excellent entertainment for theatre-goers in,
the. fintire. • From left to right: Gordon• 'Hill, Mrs., Milton Steepe,
Glen Wise, Mrs. Frank Potter (prompter), Mrs...,*, 5. Outer-
bridge '(director), ,lack Cole, Mrs. Bruce Keys, Edgar Rathwell,
Mrs, Grant Stirling, Mrs. Robert Taylor; Mrs, Don Middleton
and John Semple:
'-Your Friendly CHEWOLDS. Otialir-
HUnter 2-9321 CLINTON,
Open Evenings for your Convenience
This Christmas Give
White Shirts
Single or Double Cuff
Your Choice of Collar Styles
Only $4.95
A small deposit will hold any article until December 21st
Any Article purchased in our store will be wrapped
for shipping free of charge.
McEwan s
SIZE 14 1141h1 15 I 1514J 18 I 18%1 17 1 1.73S1
I 4,- I I
I 4 d,
Recently at the annual meeting .00014. his statements. ,only as
.of Goderich Township recleratioll
of Agriculture in nolmesvAlle
United !Church, Croup • Captain X.
• C. •Carneron, Commanding Officer
'at RCAF Station Clinton, recalled
. a visit to the Middle Bast this
(.3.41.79N INIZW$43.4CORD
"Corn. Served -Up A Detuxe Dais
T1 riSDAY, B 0, 195f3-•
A London man, defended by.
13. Menzies hi magistrate's court
ttere Tuesday,. WAS fined $W-, ,amt
costs on ,a charge of careless driv-
Mg. An experienced driver,,
Aridford,had stopped his truck be..-
tore .entering Highway 4, just
south, of Londesbers;,;.
the way clear' he had proceeded
and an oncoming .car sideswiped.
Lloyd Corma,ok, 26, RCAF StaV.
ion _Clinton, plead `giiiity to a.
charge of .careless driving and was-.
fined $10: end costs,
impressions, "I eau ,otfer no solu-
tions," Mr. Ceineron said it was
a bit of a shock to a Canadian's.
ego IP learn first hand what the
Arabs thought of us. He said they
regard the Communism threat as
secondary, coming after
and are seemingly sympathetic to
the Western, cause; however theY
say that until all territories for-
rnerlY the property" of the Arabs
is returned to them, they. will
consider ne alliance with the
Officials at Lebanon ,criticised
Canadians for their part in 'the
United Nations that set up the
Israeli nation, and of becoming a
pawn to the U.S. "We were told,"
said Mr, Prneron, "that if Egypt
went doWn the' drain to. Cornmun-
ISM, Canada' would share the
The speaker told of refugee
camps in, Armenia set up (hiking
the ()last war, that 'were still .op-
cupied, and where conditions ''beg-
gar description". ' They, are a
"sn9ck,, tp any man's heart," 11/fr.
Cameron said, These the Arabs
are not anxious. to move, , since
they feel they are a focal point in
the cause and their plight will
help them' gain back their land.
They say they will go back to
their own plots of land if it takes
ten generations to get there.
The grOup were in Pakistan, and,
there visited refugee camps which,
were trying to cope with a migra-
On ggf 5,000 Moslems a month,
Moving into that new gauntry. The
people tlive in areas as "large• as
the ,Chicago stockyards, with no
water, open, sewers;, 'you can smell
thein for five miles; it's all one
can do -to drive through there and
keep one's breakfast down."
apt to look at civilization through
the rose-eloured glasses of our
own prosperity, We're smug.
However, a great deal of the com-
monwealth is in the Middle East.
We need those 480 million people
in India and Pakistan. Our Col-
ombo plan .ald is now about 26
millions, That's peanuts, We'll
have to increase that. Unless e
do some, more giving now, in a feW
years we'll, have to shoot it. out.
I think the decision, before us is
similar to the one facing that an-
lent civilization at Beiruat, I hope
we make the right one."
Huron No, .`Eden"
Says Fiddman
(continued from 'page one)
mers are the only group in the
Dominion of Catiada which is
holding,.,the line, and supporting
other' groups, "If yqu are net
getting your fair share of nation-
al income, then 'someone else is.,
This is ,a• rural, constituency-all
in the county depend on the far-
mers:- If fanners get their fair
Share:."---they are the best ,spenders
were got." .,
A highlight of themeeting was
the presentation of past presid-
ent's pinto Mr. Proctor, 'by Har-
ry Sturdy, Clinton, a former pres-
'''The banquet •was sewed by
Londesboro Women's 'Institute
and -entertainment was supplied
by a group,. of Junior Farmers
from South
W. J. Turnbi61, RR, 2, Brussels,
was :named president for, 1957.
Mr. Turnbull succeeds Richard W.
Proctor, RIR 5; Brussels, irlio not
only retired from that .positiinir
but froth'. the directorate-on
which he served since the assec-
iation's-inception 'ten years ago.
Named from 'the ,16 man board
of ,,dir,ectors,,tv,..act as first 'vice-
president, W a s R,obert, '
Brucefield; and sceond Vice,presi-
dent, Delbert Geiger, Zurieh. The
assistant agricultural representa-
tive for Huron County, Arthur
Bolton; is' secretary-treasurer. .'H.
H. G. Stra4, Hensali, a past
president; is the 'zone 'representa-
tive on the Ontario Association::
Directors for,, the corning year,
will be: John Taylor, RR 5, Wing-
harni East W'awanosh; Delbert
Geiger, Hay•ToWnshin; -Anton M9-
ICinley, Zurich, Stanley; Alin'
Walper, RR 3, Parkhill, Stephen;.
Harry Dougall; RR 3, Exeter, Us-
borne; * Robert. Allan, . Tucker-
smith; Norman Alexander,) 1,401-
desbpro, Hullett; Robert' S. Turn-
bull, Grey; Fred Doubledee, RR
1, Wroxeter, • Howick; Clarence
Shaw, Wingharn, Turnberry; Ral-
ph F'os'ter, RR 3, Goderich, Ash-
field; • Bab Grasby, Morris; Tom
Webster, RR 2, Auburn, West
Wawanosh; George Wheatley, RR
1, Dublin, lVfoKillop; Walter For-
bes, RR 2, Clinton,• Goderich
Township, and William' Clarke,
RR 5, Goderich, Colborne.
4c a word, panthintral5c
Boucher-Of CKNX TV is:
playing for the fall season at the
Crystal Palace Mitchell, every
Friday night, Special bard-time
dance this Friday with cider.
Note: on Friday, December 14t
the Silver Bar Ranch Band will
be your pleasure, 49-50-b.
Goderich Pavilion Dancing;
every Saturday. Christmas night,,
December 25, Paul Cross and' his
orchestra, 'Friday, December. 28,,
'Teen age record swing whin
Johnny Brent. Phone Goderich
675, if no answer 419, for New
Year's Eve' table reservations.
Thursday, Dec. 6 - TURKEY-
BINGO, at Clinton Legion Hall,,
8.30. Every Thursday until Christ-
mas. 49-x;
Friday, Dec. '7- Win a Turkey,.
You can try 25 times at the Lions
'Bingo, Bayfield, Town Hall, 8.303
17.111 Admission $2.00, extra cards.
25c each;', One special game for-
the Share-the-wealth door prize.
Tuesday, Dec. 11-TOOF Christ-
mas Party, lodge roomS, 8.00 pail,
Donations for Christmas boxes,
well-trimmed. Fruit trees and, Eu
weil-kept lawn have 'made the
area a "place of beauty."
The Dressers 'feel that the land'
is worth a considerable amount;.
and haver employed Elmer Bell,
Q.C.; Exeter, to act far them -h
this regard. The school boar&
takes the view that as a building
property the land'IS.worth consid-
erably less, and the two have been
unable to reach an• agreed upon-
priee. Donnelly and' Donnelly,,
Goderich, are acting for the school'
All Sizes In Stock-
Including 750/14 Tubeless for•ir
A few good used SNOW' TREADS--veriaUs:• sitter:.
We'll welcome your itiquiriel,.
T'S5/BLV .
Group Captain -Cameron Tells Of
his Visit To Middle East
Mr. Cameron said we in Canada
can have /no, conception of the
hatred brought about by the mas-
sacres which arose at the tune :of
the change in, that country: He
said, the .Colombo. plan aid is help-
ing but a great deal more Is, need-
ed, He Mentioned- meeting Premier
NehrA whom ,he described' as a
sincere and dedicated person with-
a dynamic personality. Nehru told
them of• the problems in dealing
with progress' .in a country whose
population -.increased five millions
each year.
Far from being, a rich country,
Mr. Cameron said, less than 400,-,
000 of India's huge population •are
taxable: In Bombay, 51) percent of
the population , earns less than
$275 a year.
Mr. Cameron spoke of touring
ruins of an ancient civilization at
Beirut where 'beautiful masonary
of a type far exceeding that of
skills today had been created
5,000 yaers Before Christ. "This
civilization," Mr. Cameron noted,
"vanished because the people did
not take the steps '` that would
have saved them. History may
be repeating itself: 'You can't
kill 'communism with bornbsf'
"In Canada," he went on, "we're
Expropriatioji Is
Resisted In
Bayfield Contest
The case 'Of the Dresser Bros„
Bayfield, versus the Bayfield Pub-
lic School Board, being heard be-
fore Judge Fingland, In the Court
House at Goderich last. Friday, is
Incomplete, and 'has been adjourn-
ed ,until Wednesday, •January 9,
when the rest of the evidence will
,be heard. "
The Dressers are resisting an
expropriation carried• out by -the
school board a year aga, when the
new school was built on property
adjoining theirs, With increased
enrolment, more playground area
was required. „ •
In past years, the Dressers have,
protected their property from the
inquisitive eyes and hands of the
school children, by planting a ced-
dr •hedge along the 'edge of their
property ,plus several rows of fir
trees inside,the hedge. Along the
front of the land.,, they planted
another hedg, and have kept it
COLORIONE (50 assorted) $1.00 eIUMBO VALUE (50 cards).... $1.98
CHARM IN WINTER (21 cards) $1.00, EDG-AR A, GUEST (12 ,cards) ... ,..„, $1.00
. , .
Herman's Men's Wear
Phone 1111
'""Open Friday Nights"