HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-06, Page 9Your Headquarters (-twice, Fiesh Killed ru E (ALL SIZES) We will be open Wedneslay afternoon and both Friday and Saturday Evenings during December. STANLEY'S Red & White SUPER MARKET Queen St. PHONE HU. A-3447 FREE 'DELIVERY 1g- shadow of inflation rather than the substance of real growtW' Pointing to the official price in- dices which, after remaining- stab-. le for several years, had risen markedly in recent months, at both wholesale 41)4 retail levels, Ball maintained that over in- utely WW1_ vigorously llow.." STANLEY TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE ASNUAL MEETp0. VARN.A TOWNSHIP HALE. 8 p.m. Entertainment will consist of euchre .and program GUEST SPEAKER: Clayton Bender, Gowanstown, Zone Director of this district •Everyone Welcome Ladies 'please bring Lunch 48-9-h SHUR-541N IIIIAPEICH13:11a1 flation---only a potential threat 4 year ago-.--was now, a reality, While admitting that, 69. far, Irlp. flatiort was Ool)(Alt its; initial stag. es, and far from rampant, he 'fat that this was "all the more reams son why it must be resisted resol- tvery year, more and tnote people who are going visiting over the holitlays,go -Tv :".;'..••••••••••••:•:.• MAKE WAY 10,11 THE MAN FROM MARS! A thrill-ride on this new sensation - the Flying Saucer, is like travelling in enter Space. More fun than a barrel of monkeys. It's the "big deal" for this winter; they tell us the kids are really going for a new• ride in a big way. Big 27" diem. rust-proof aluminum. Sturdy, lightWeight - easy to carry, easily pulled.`B011ed safety edge; Fitted with two waterproof extra strong web hand loops and pull-rope holes. -"MENNEMENOIMENNEiMat SLEIGHS and TOBOGGANS 4. For More Snow Fun "HALF-HOOD" TOBOGGAN - Popular Quebec style, smooth-grained natural . finish hardwood. !A ft. size )2.99 SELECT HARDWOOD TOBOGGAN flexible, speedy clear-grained hardwood, natural oil moish: weatherproof ropes; roped hood construc- tion adds summit).* 34. 3.35 6.75 4-ft 5.35 6-a. .... 105 TOBOGGAN CUSHIONS -- Well padded, sturdy duck covert piped edges. Order cushion ono foot shorter than toboggan. 2-ft.. 1.65 2.49 4.1t 3.19 3.95 741. „ 5.65 Toboggan Pull Ropes - S-IL. 35' STE,FRING SLEIGHS - Smooth-gliding, easy- steering &molls, Ruggedly built - for a Pasting faster, and further. Durable natural finished HARD 1.)IAPLE with positive action steorilng bar, Hardened /steel runners with eatery turned ends, finished in bright red enamel. 36.inak 43.inee 0-inch 3.65 ' 310 445 couvEartatz Mat stztGa Smooth, natured hardwood; weatherproof Varnished finish. Bright tickust aluminum tubing back-reef, High oarbon .debt runners; red enamelled. Ramovables handle, and backrest provide- a speedy, flexible steering sleigh. Dual dirty for years of service. "33 inahes long, , 5498 NORTH ST. 04ciericht Ont. Plibu L. t), Whelsfona Mader Twp. Hax Ctintest For Reeve 10 Needs . Hew No~~n~tio~ For council With OtilY three m.611 qualifYing `'for council in r ode/10.11 Township, 'that MItttleipalitY finds' At nee es. 41aary to hold. another nomination, "Walter 3. r °vibes. Kenneth Merri- '''Pr and Grant U. tili-ailfieri/ little Cbatla Wilson 'Withdrew .7 hIS name arid Wilmer aarrison is making a ma fot reeve's `t hair, Mn4 DeeVta, Wile has been ,Ieeve of the townShip :.for the past two yearS, is defending the 'position agrainSt W. Harriston, 'who Is the 'Settler council Mem- Iter, School Trustees who received ACCIarqatigaS at the nomination day Preeeetlinga here last 'Friday/ are E. lk,fallwa.in, George Potter and Harry cakes, ti The PlIbija Meeting which fel- lowed nominations in the council chamber of the Clinton Town, Ball was begun with welcoming re- marks by Deputy Re4vo N. W. TreWartha, a former reeve off-the township,Who spoke for Mayor W. J. Miller,' He remarked, !'They must be a prosperous town- ship, since one salesman reports selling mom worth of Canada , Savings ponds, there tOthe last issue, OA all those Ponds which were .sold through the banks," .JOHN. DEE.VES, (nominated :for, reeve by Roy Elliott,. seconded by Lep, McGee) reviewed.. the work of the county' d``ouncil dur- ing .1.95$, inelttcling new roads and bridges. Be mentioned. the con- Bern of the county engineer for the :cold mix road surfaces arid his advice that hot mix surfaces' would last longer and be more: economical in the long rat. He repOrted .that *Earl Hamil- ton, Wingham reeve, eiraUnan of the County Home ommittee, re- ported .everything runni rig smoothly at the Home, where' Harvey Johnston is now in. Com- plete ..control. There are 92, resi- dents at the Home 'now. peeves Said that the Historic Committee was finding the mus- eum practically self-supporting, with 12,000 paying visitors this year, „ He reviewed-at length the addition to the • Alexander Marine and General Hospital,' Goderich, for which the township has .had to share in financing,. Over* the past five years, the number of patient bed days from ; the town- ship was „„computed ;at . 4,300, and the township paid $1 'each (an extra two mills, one collected in 1,956 and the other-to be levied lin,„ 1957)1 to help with the hoSpital addition. This :was the only alternative to is $1,50 per day surcharge at the hospital Or township patients. ' He mentioned the cost of the COurt House, where the balance of $180,000 will be paid over the .. three years. WIT 1NLER HARRISON, (nomin-. \ted for reeve by W. L. Stirling, s conded by F. - McClure) corn- menterkon the lovely court house, and the help the town of Goder- ich was giving tto help landscape it. He recalled the road work done along'the Blue WaterBeach, which though expensive„ served' about 40 cottages, and the assess- ment revenue, from them justified . • . the expense. Be mentioned con- siderable trouble with the mower, experienced when it ran into the slumps - of telephone poles which' should have been, removed but had not been. -- The selling of the pound prop- erty, said Mr., Harrison, made room for another house moved in- 'to the village of liohnesville, •tnalt- ing, quite an improvement. to the location. (Tiarrison "was also. norninated for councillor by W. L, Stirling,. seconded by F4 McClure). • The first tender :pa the .hospital was reduced from T}460,000 to $423/84.1.74. Financing was tributed amongst the county grant, =PO:. toWnship, $30,000; Ontario Grant ,.$1.20,000; $125,000 'on hand and $117,000 balance to. raise. couneinors WALTER,. FQRBES, (nomin- etted for councillor by Carman Tebbutt" seconded by .Edward Grigg) ' said he would. net inter- fere with ,Mn Harrison's bid for the reeveship, since he had been on Council the longest. Forbes said he figured the Township was luckY not ,to have put bn calcium -this year, since it was note too dusty. He' said he'd like to see a lot more of the roads widened, 'and said that taxes are going1to be high, but "we all want the better roads and more con- veniences and we'll have to be ready to pay for them." He re- called his first job on the roads was raking stones off, for $1.25 a day. He suggested the need for a by- law prohibiting people from using the sides of the road to clump garbage, sfnce it was not a pretty sight, and the refuse was a hazard for cutting weeds. KENNETH C. MERNER, (no- minated by Len McGee, seconded by Roy Elliott) told of the' work as relief officer, Stating that there had been, talk when a family re- ceiving relief kept their car. He said that if that had not been al- lowed this 'family would still be living on relief. Merner's belief Was that when a man's having a had time he should, be helped ont on relief so that he could get on his own feet again: CHARLES C. WILSON, (nom- inated by Edward N. Grigg, sec- onded by C. W. Tebbutt) was not present during the meeting. Bank Preside t. Vigo. Fi,:ght Curb inflation "Canadians in 'all wklits of life; have a vital and continuing in-. terest in. preserving the pli•rc.has-! ing power of the dollar,'! Gordon R, pall„ president of the Bp.* of Montreal, has declared, In di's ciissing thel wide ramifications of "nesurgent inflation and the fight, against it." Mr. Ball was speaking before the .sharehoiders of his bank, gathered for their I39th. annual meeting at the B of M's head of- flee- here. • The president expressed the view that a considerable part of the dollar valtte of Canada's phys- leal - output ,of goods and services this year had represented "the GRANT H. STIRLING, (nom- inated H. Welsh, seconded by Frank Yen) mentioned the trailer by-law permitting a camp just outside Goderieh; and ar- rangements with the fire tiepart, merits of Clinton, Goderich and Bayfielcl.. He. urged that 'people call the right fire depirtinent to their fire, to save time, School Trustees EVERETT MOT (hOrri- ina:ted as school trustee by Frank Yee," seconded by 11. Walsh) stated his belief in the worth of the trailer by-law (Saying that trailer residents can overcrowd schools-and then transportation costs raise the school rate. -He said- that „four teachers in the area are getting $4,000; the other two are normalites receiving $2,500.. 1.1wo schools had receiv- ed a second exit in ease of fire. HARRY OAKES, ; (nominated by Carman Tebbutt, seconded by John Lindsay) spoke briefly. • Visitor. • - Reeve Harvey Colentan, Stanley Township was Weleomed to the meeting, and he spoke', briefly, saying that in his:opinion Reeve John Deeves had clone a good job for the. township. From , Gander, Newfoundland, it As" 2,449 miles by /air -to London, 4;094 miles. to Moscow. "Pair Of Country Kids" Praise() By Viewers A 'surprise presentation was the effort to raise money tor.their made to Mrs... W. S: (Guterbridge, 'three - night run in Bayfield and director of the comedy :Pair of Country Kids" which has had a Varna with. quite favourable re- ports,, The cast gaffe 'their direc- Sarah Starr, proprietress of Starr Middleton; April Starr, her House, played by Mrs. Donald daughter, Mrs. Grant . Stirling; organization. "Sis" Spooner, maid of all work Members of the castare 11/1iS "' . tor a set Of earring's and necklace at Starr House, Mrs. Bruce Keys; following the final night in Varna Lucindy Appleby; wpo wants a first husband, Mrs. Mi'l'ton Steepe;, an Monday. Held at :the home of kr, and Susan Grimes, who wants a sec- Mrs. Allan Armstrong, Goshen ond husband, Mrs. Robert Taylor; Line, a delicious lunch was served "Hi" Hawkins, the village pest, ;Iv the host couple, and Robert Jack. Cole; Ambrose Sneggins, a Taylor moved a 'vote of thanks for horse doctor, Glen Wise; Philip this kind 'gesture. West, a young lawyer, Edgar Those who are /fortunate enough Rathwell; - Arthur Roberts, guest to get a seat 'for this. amateur att. Starr Hove, John Semple; Al- performance, were impressed, by• bert Roomer, another guest, ;Gor- the excellent direCtion which had don Hill. The technical and bUsinesS staff produced such seasoned actors from raw recruits. The play it- included director, Mrs. Warren S, self was' very funny, with humbur Outerbsidge; stage manager, Mrs. of the slapstick variety. Ray Wise; prompter, rMs. Frank Stage properties• were well sel- Potter; advertising managers, le`cted and; used to indicate 'a busy Mrs. Grant Stirling, Mrs. Gordon hotel lobby. Actors are "--; to be Hill, Mrs. Donald Middleton, Mrs. commended for their enthusiasm, Grant WeUster;. property mans-. and the polished performarice gers, Allan Armstrong, Donald which they gave. . Middleton; light technicians, Will- As, one viewer 'remarked,"They iarn 1VIcAsh, assisted by Alfred were outstanding for amateur Scotchmer; make-up, Mrs. Gor- don Hill, William Brand, Grant theatre. Really very good. It was 'corn, served up in a deluxe Webster, Kenneth Carnochan, Ed dish'." - Wise and Milton Deitz: master of The players have already been ceremonies, Rev. W. S. Outer- 'bridge, Robert Welsh aneRev. T. invited to put on the play in Clin- ton sometime in ( January, and 3. Pitt. hope to have other bookings Mrs 'Sherlock Keyes was the throughout the district. They artist who produced the ,attractive are members of the Holrnesville backdrop, MrS. John Howard_ and Varna LoAls of the Ontario was of assistance to the make-up Farmers' 'Union, and are making committee. VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS? Go CNR-the sure, the comfortable way. No matter where you're going, whether you're travelling solo or with your family.-you can make your plans now! Snow-filled skies or icy roads will make no difference you'll get where you want to go, and you'll enjoy every relaxing minute of your trip. ,lbsare your holiday fun plans-by making your CN1 reservation new/ Check too, the money-saving features of our hinny Fare Plan. Ask about CNR. Gift Certificates, ideal for holiday r. The TRUE VALUE of a feed lies in the RESULTS it produces, The numbey of pounds of feed 'required to produce a pound of gain or a dozen eggs or a gallon 'of milk, and ,,:the cost of that feed are the real measure of the worth of a ration. A feed cannot be evaluated in terms of the, ,cost pir bag alone, YOU CAN COUNT on the PERFORMANCE OF SHUR-GAIN Week in and week out at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstra- tion,Farm SHUR-GAIN feeds are constantly being tested to prove their worth. These proven ,feeds are identical to the feeds we make right in our mill. 'And because we- manufacture them locally means you get fresh feeds that COST you LESS. For grCater feeding profits see us right away about SHITR-GAIN feeds, Canada Packers Limited Phone HU 2-3815 Clinton Ontario Pay old bills today... sleep better tonight Ofte!,i a loan from HFC can help preserve your peace of mind. You can borrow from. HFC, pay4 outstanding bills, and repay your loan on 'a businesslike, budgeted basis. When the need for money arises, more people come to HFC than any other company* in its field. Loans are made promptly, in privacy, on terms you approve, You can borrow with confidence from HFC:-Canada's only consumer finance company backed by 78 years experience! S AMPLE TABLE , CASH MONTHLY NUMBER OF YOU RECEIVE PAYMENTS MONTHS $103.73 $10.00 12 _ 503.11 24.00 15 $10.68. 27.00 24 736.36 40.00 14 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE O. P. ilectford, manager • 3$ Weisf Stroat, tecoinUt Haar, phone 15011 GODERICK, WO. Canada's first and foremost consumer finance company