HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-16, Page 7r L'stovirel. Theofficers fee the claming year of Court Rayed. te Oa ere Aedrew Kay, PO R ; John TerrU, 0 p ; Tank Nr0 R ; Win ('or, Chap s G 11 Edge:mule:4 1Sae) ;',Anoreve Huston, S. ; Jamas Lee Menne', S W ; Baraer, W • J Seburger, S B D MeLe.leff, J- B, Covet Mapleton his eles) eleetedsa new staff of officers, as follow,: : A Ringler POR; jJ .E'oster, 0 J ; L Campbell ,-V OR; G Bergin, Chap; 11 T Hay. ei den, R Sec ; Win Dixon, I? See ; J Gab Teens 1? Wetzel, S W ; A Robinson,. J W; J11 Guenther, 5 B ; L Hudson, 3 13; Dr Tbompson, Court Physioiara—The Pkleesrs, Hess Bros, have shut clown their factory andare busily engaged moving the machinery to the new factory just completed. They have already got the large en- gine placed into it new position. It will take several weeks however to get everything into . running order.—Mr. H. H. O'Rielly, who has been local manager for the Bank of Hamiltme here, gees to Owen Sound in a few days to take charge of the opening of the new branch in that town. Mr, O'Rielly's friends here are sorry that ho is being moved for not only has he proved -himself au efficient and obliging soffioer, but in every respect a gentle- man, and has been elweys early to lend a helping hand in any scheme for the advancement of our- town.—Mr. M. Goddard. is starting up business again at his old trade having rented the carriage department in connection. with Mr. James Green's old stand, Mr. Green having rented his blacksmith Mop to Mr. George Barber and the wood department to Mr.Goddard. Mr. Goddard was a member of the old and 'well known firm of Little Bros. k Co. —The Listowel Gas Co's Works are belies run to their full capacity this :fall. Their output for October was the .largest since the works wore built. It is the intention of the company to make someextensive improvements next year.--a-There is a movement on 'foot just now to have our streets lighted by electricity which will be run &y some private firm. This idea of electric light is Neighed at by some of our best citizens on account of it not having the appearance ef solidity. -- There has been an unusual scarcity of water in this locality this fall. Con- -segue:10y the svelidigger and the pump inaker have been kept busy, St. Helens - On the eve of his departure for Toronto, Rev. R. Leask, for nearly a quarter of a century pastor of the .Presbyterian church here, was met by members of his Ashfield congregation and presented with a purse of $50 accompained by the following address: REVEREND AND DEAR pre- • senting you with this purse, as a slight token of love and esteem in which we theoon,gregation of East Ashfield have ever held you as our pastor, and which pastoral tie we regret has been severed, it is our earnest desire that the biers- ing of the ()sod of Jacob may attend ,yote and your partner in life -and each member of your family, that he may go with you where you go, and abide with you where you abide, that where- -, ever God in His Providence may see fit to cast your lot a like measure of usefulness may be given unto you as • has been mituifested among us. That you may continue to be, in future, as in the past, the honored instrument in His hand through the power of the Holy Spirit, in bringing many out of the darkness into the light and recon- oilia,tion which belong only to the children of the mosahigh. In firm: belief in the promislhat your reward is in Heaven end full trust in the Master's faithfulness in the perform. (ince of all His promises, you can go • forward holding fast the confidence And the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. And the peace of God keep your hearts and minds through Cbrist Jesus. Signed in the name of the Session and congregation of East re. Ashfield. Ronmer Henansose. kindly and pointed reply was made by Mr. Leask, and the remainder sa of the evening was pleasantly spent. Mr, Leask has taken up bis abode in Parkdale for the present. Goderieb.. The Goderich cannon vetoed a for- ener. motion granting $50 to a race between two professionel oarsmen the day of the Catholic church pienie. Rev. Father West, in consequence, has a eeathing indictment of the couneil's action in the last issue ofthe Signal, — Mr. 11 Glass, formerly manager of the Bank of Montreal at Goderich, reeently of Brantford, loft there to open a braise!). at Wallace burg. .A. XASM, INSIP.CTOtt free with each bottle et Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Pries 60 cents. ear pas by WHIlems. e ...ee'res-laseeeeereasee'asssaarsaraFaaVaaaTassaSiFassenseseseesasaasese eaa-sa-ssseea-saaeasaasees•':'eease-a--eeaaeaeaaasesesaase ses-Seseseseseesse rieseels. At the meeting of the Bible Society the old board was mole:stet' as fol. lows : Thos. Strachan, president ; the resident ministers, vice-ertsidents ; W. IL. Kerr, secretary -treasurer ; A. M. MoKey, assistant Secretary ; G. A, Deadmeu, depositor ; Roderick Ross, Jas. ,Buyera, Jno. Hargreaves and Stratehan, direetors.—The Post: On Thureday of last week Rev. G. B liOide, of Brussels, and Miss Sarah Spurr, of Toronto, were united in the holy estate of matrimony by Bete. D. jaMacdonnell and Dr. Pareons, at the residence of the bride's mother, Gerrard street, Toronto. Robert Kneolitel, of this place, a medical stu- dent at Toronto, was groomsman and Miss Spurr, sister to the bride, brides- maid, Mr, and Mrs. Howie left To- ronto on Saturday and came to Listowel where the rev. gentleman preached on Sabbath. They arrived in Brussels on Monday and were met by a delegation from his congregation and driven to their home. On Tau - day evening a welcome social was held at Dre'alaNanghton's in which upwards ot one hundred persons in connection with Knox church partis,ipated. After a splendid supper had been partaken of Elder Strachan made an address of welcome to Mrs. Howie which was suitably responded to by Mr. Howie. The evening was pleasantly spent.— The council passed a by-law the leading features of which are butchers pay a yearly license fee of $10, persons holding such licenses must keep a shop for the sale of meat ; anybody can sell a quarter of a carcass without a licensee but the meat cannot be disposed of in smaller lots. ' Progreso of Missions. For 3,000 years there existed but three versions of the Bible. To -day it may be read in 368 of the 6,000 tongues spoken. In 1804 there were in the world only 5,000,000 Bibles, in 1880 there were in the hands of humankind 160,000,000 copies. At the beginning of our century the way of life could he studied by but one-fifth of the world's population, now it is translated into languages that make it accessible to nine -tenths of the in- habitants of the world. Protestants occupy over 500 separate fields, have 20,000 mission stations, supplied with no less than 40,000 missionaries. Five hundred thousand heathen child- ren attend Christian schools. Ono million communicants are enrolled in congregations gathered from among the heathen. Two million stated hearers are nominally adherents of the evangelical faith. Of the 1,433,- 000,000 that people the world, 135,- 000,000 are Protestant Christians. The area of the habitable globe is computed at 52,000,000 square miles ; cf these 18,000,000 square rniles are under Greek and Rornan Catholic do- minion ; 25,000,000 square miles under Mohammedan and Pagan governments, and 14,000,000 square miles under Protestant rule, A Boy with a Watch. Tho boy that wears a watch is an important character. At school he is envied, and in the street he is respect- ed. .Leone of the boys grab him and throw him down, for they might break his timekeeper. He has a way of twisting the chain when he talks, and of looking at his watch when he hears a train, and of saying twelve -ten, or six -five, or eight -sixteen. The other boys stand by and view him with admiration. He grows ttp, and prob- ably goes to college with a distinguish- ed air, but in after years he pawns his watch with a man who, as a boy, often stood by and admired it. Tho United States war department has recently been collecting statistics of the number of horses in several countries of the globe. Russia has 21,570,000 horses; America, 9,500,- 000; the Argentine Republic, 4,000,- 000; Austria, 3,500,000 ; Germany, 3,350,000 ; France, 2,800,000 and 300,000 mules; England, 2,290,000 ; Canada, 2,624,000 ; Spain, 680,000 horses and 2,300,000 mules ;Italy, 2,000,000 horses; Belgium, 383,000 ; Denmark, 316,000; Austria, 801,500; Holland, 125,000; and Portugal, 88,090 horses and 50,000 mules. The net, David Macrae, of Dundee, Scotland, in lecturing on "matri. inony," says that extremely long courtships reminded him of the pious man. who spends three quartet:: of an hour asking a blessing over a red herring. Step That 0oUgh. Many peeplc neglect what they call a simple eold, which if not checked in time, may load to Lung trolible. Scott's Einnis:on of Pure Cod Liver Oil with 113pOphovhites,w111 not only stopthe cough but heal the Lungs. Endorsed by t ou ni ef phy. eltiana. Palatable La milk. Try it. Sold by all druggists at 80e mai 2%,00 Bill Nye has n cow for sale: "Owing to iiihealth 1 will sell at my residence, in twin 29, range 18 west, Recording to goternment survey, one plushnd, raspberry colored cow, aged eight years, Siva,ie a good milk:stole and not afraid of ea ---or anythiug oleo. She is a oow of undaunted courage, and gives tuilk frequently. To a man who does /nit fear death in any form she would be a great boon. She is very much attitehecl to her horse at present, by means of a trace - chain, but she will he sold to anyone who will agree to treat her right. She is one-fourth Shorthorn and three- fourths hyena. I will also throw in a double-barrelled shot -gun, which also goes with her. In May she generally goes away somewhere for a 'week or two, and returns with a tall, red calf, with long, wabbly legs. Her name is Rose, and I prefer to sell her to a non- resident." • ADVICE TO iffornans,—Are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and °vying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of " Hrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalaul., able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer intmediately. Dopond upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diorama, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. " Mrs. Wm. slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians And nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty -live cents a bottle. Bo sure and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW% SOOTgING SYRUP," and talce no other kind. A unique business card is that of a Frankfort, N. Y., stone dealer. On one side is the following inscription: How $2,000 was Made, $1,000 By attending to your own business ; $1,000 By letting other people's business alone. Consumption. Surely Cured. To TIM EniTort :—Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy fOr tho above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been cured. I shall bo glad to _send two bottles of my remedy FEES to any of your renders who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. o. address, Respectfully, DR. T. A. SLOCUM 37 Tongs St., Toronto, Ont. A Chicago man wio gives his whole mind to advertising has devised a pair of boots the wooden soles of which hold a small automatic press with which the user's name can be printed all over the sidewalk. Tx s Rey. GEO. IL THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Simon's CossmarTioN Cuss." For sale by C. E. 'Williams, nfinm gOL MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS STOVES AND TINWARE, COAL OL, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. STONE BLOOK, OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL, W* THE BES ---- TO ORDERED A. W. TIE HAS CHOICE FINE § PERSIAN GENTS' er GET 49 aseaseetereere: sees er- yea, fee ea PLA CILOTair WEBCTEIR'So LINES OF WINTER SUITING'S AND OVER. COAT] NGS, § LAMB § GOODS § AND § IMITATIONS. FURNISHINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION VERY 011.EAP FOR OASH, Wss GOODS MADE TO ORDER ALL GUARANTEED. STOVES AT HALF PRICE. SUTHERLAND'S STOVE and TINWARE ROOMS. Having purchased the stock of HINGSTON & SONS, we are offering' GREAT BARGAINS IN STOVES for the next 60 DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVES in Great Variety, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we have some SECOND-HAND STOVES a' good as new, at LESS THAN HALF COST. A SUPERB STOCK 01? CHOICE LAMP GOODS. BEST PROCURABLE GOAL OIL, READY-MADE TINWARE, A HEAVY STOOK AT VERY LOW PRIOES. ORDERED WORK, A SPECIALTY. WARE ROOMS AND SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange Hotel, corner Josephine. and Victoria Streets. ND -VT - TAILOR SHOP I 04-r-0 MR. E. 0. CLARKE, In opening a new Tailor Shop in Wingham, respectfully solicits a share. of public patronage. It will be his endeavor to give satisfaction to all entrusting him with their orders. er Ladies requiring tailor-made JACKETS AND ITIJSTERS Can secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new Tailor Shop, E. C. CLARKE. Wingham, Sept. 21511], 1888. 10 11 + 1,11 1.1 TO SOT_TI:Mi 0 Ene Haw cd Sena Hod Rig A Te -s -e -ea DORE & OOK'S: ta, To make room for new fall and winter goods, v e are offering parchasem splendid inducements in TOP BUGGIES, s and Second Hand PHAETONS atcl DOG CAR Se • deti7e-- This is the Golden Oppor Rigs home made and unexceptional in material n8. finish. 4ntratse,Poreasumon, THEGLOBEcbristinas NT_TIVIDER READY FIRST WEEK IN DECEMBER, GfEAT HOLIDA1? PAP -CR New Type, New Press, Fine Paper, Five Handsome Lithogre.plied Plates, Firetsaass Illustrations, original Swatter and Superior Workmanship. THE BEST XMAS PAPER EVER ISSUED IN CANADA, THE LITERARY MATTER in the CHRISTMAS Gronn will be entirely origins', and will include stories from the ablest pens in Canada. The subjects treate1 being wholly Canadian. FIVE HANDSOME LITHOGRAPHED PLATES aceompany the paper, the prima., pal ono being a scene from Vancouver Park, B.C., from a painting by Mr. le R. O'Brien, the celebrated Canadian artist, MECHANICALLY the XelAS GLODD will be in every way first-elass and expense will bo spared in having it surpass anything of the kind heretofot published, in this country. .AS THE DEMAND will be -very great. eve would advise intending pnrella.ane to leave their orders at their newsdealer's or seed direct to thee ()Mee, not letee than the end of the present meth, as the supply will neeessarily be lieziae: and we cannot undertake to /tint a second edition. The price has been placed at ONLY 28 atniTs Ptie COPY. It is intended to have the edition ready the shpt week in Deeendser ii order to allow plenty of time for mailing copies long distances so 33 to destination before Christmas. TIIE GLOME PRINTING C0„ Terente, TI -1E WIlEXTeY GLOBE, the bt iilly nOt,t'Zrff-4Y Case:Ace, etesti Vaal aetratAis CAIIADIAN, the aest agricultural iszr:q..et is 300t3a Iron), note to anel of 1.839 only $1.Setai