HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-06, Page 74Wl W+ Marriages, and Deaths ' Articles t, etc., card of Thanks, 'in A. T I Alm S for sale; dentMemo , 3c a word, rainimum 75a, Box No, to is office 1$c Additional. Repeat in- _ PL word, minimum We, CASH DISCOUNT; I/x it paid by Saturday fol- layinginsertion. Billing (*,argeof 10q added last. time bill is $011t. FOR QUXK WULeach TS Iixtast Time, for 19 -noonW-ednesil Accommodation , For dRoot Irvit 10^1 'SVV=J, RQOATHQU64, avAflable B)Ioi)w MOUTON COAT, -end of - month, $45 . per month. 14-16; 11kQ new, must 'be s -'Rhone. HU 2-191512. 40,40-b be 43iprez4uted. Origlna� y I — will sell :for W,. -H.. E!, 14 4-T�emnt, Phone,ITU 2-6693. 3 rooms. Apply to Roy Tyn� ,dall, Phone Clinton HU 9s 8, EMPLOYM9. WA.NI 47,ttbi like work in store an Clinton, Ful room apartment, Avail- time HU 2-3842, - 49-i furnished Phone ..able Deeember Phone , HU 29390. 49-13 FARAD EQUIPMENT for Sali XOUII. ROOM COTTAGE in -forth, immediate possdss,lQ13-.Ap- TW i4,EW PEDLAa 00-Y -;ply $ehfo th s, at A reduced price ., Lane, r , phone Stanchion 49P H, Charlesworth, -phone HI IVIOD,FaTi FOUR 430 -OM HQUSID • vitIl three piece bath, Available MANURE LOADM,FOR FORT Doceraber 15. Phone- HU 2-9649. or Ferguson tractor. Price M N. . Counter. 49-p John Lindsay, RR 31 Clinton phone 49. TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, heated, utilities'paid, Phone Form Produce For Sale HU 2-9540., Also comfortable room Vith or without board. 49-'b ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS tukeys now, New York dressed oir, 'TEIRBE R005MD APARTMENT, Eclisorated. Apply to Russel =Odern, kitchen, automatic heat, Snider, RR 2, Zurich, Blue Wates ,private bath, furnished or unfur- Highway', mile north of Drysdale. ;,r'sl Ty tushed. G. - Winter,, phone MU -2-6691 49-b ER, YOUR DRESSEI> geese WURNMWED HEATED apartment for Christmas and New Yearl.c -sults wsle for couple. Utilities paid, now, Also 'jwo collie. pups -.ready IQetric refrIgWratpr and, •stove, to go at Christmas. George Wise, Use of electric washing machine RR 3, Clinton, HU 2-'15�6497-io_il and laundry. Phone GodeAch 380. 14 Caledonia Terrace, 44-tf13 FARM WANTED TMO APARTMMS One 3 - WANTED TO BUY, 25-100 acre. room and, the other 4 rooms, rep- WANTED bathrooms, -,,hot and cold must ha-�e strea pasture land, *water, hydra and furnace; . will Buitdings; immaterial. Write P.O. rent for, $30 a montli'each, to Brox 329, petrolla, Ontario. reliable tenants. Apply Harry 49-50-11b Vaymbuth, or At Layton's Ser - ^Vlce, Station, Clinton. 493 FURM, For Solo or Rent SHED FOUR ROOM apartw :meat with two; bedrooms, built-in BlIICX , HOUSE, FURNISHED e4pboards, three piece (bath. Con- seven rooms, conveniences, hall -hot water. Eledric;ran& a garage,- f rent. - Phone, Bay .and frig supplied. Near the"Square' field 53r2a .In Goderich. Available December 15. Apply Reid's Upholstering -Female - -Shop; 59 . Hamilton Street, or 110: Help Wantedr ipark Street, 48-9-b W41TRESS FOR FULL TME em. .Articles For Sale.- ployment. Apply in person.. Bart. tiff Bros, , .46ttl :PAI -R OF SNOW TRIPS, WHITE GIRL � FOR 'FULL TIME. Exper- - ience not necessary. ., Town �-wall, 15-670. Phone HU 2-912& 'regi. 49-1b dents preferred. Clinton. Laundry fire, and Dry Cleaning. 40 .BICYCLE4, CCM, BALLOON tPk recently Dverhauled.' Call after MEAN, HONIEST GIRDS wantec Z, HUnter °2-9797. 49-b -for part-tirn6 restaurant' - worlf 1 7- Please call HU 24038, - between VW BAGS OF'Em— NT. .$1.10 9-10.30 a,m. or'12-5 p.m.- 49-1 per bag,.. Harold Ehunerson, Tone RUnter 2-6610. 49-b Help Wanted -Male MEGMUC TRAIN out- fit wo. 1503VYIS, remote control, AppJjI.C[XTW1,TS WILL BE RE. -good s: new, sacrifice $35. Phone ceived up to Dec&nber. �EW, 2-9669 everiings. 49,50-p at 'the Huron County Federation 18, 1956i WOD CHMSTMAS TREES FOR of, Agriculture Box '310 Clinton sale. Freshly Gut, Apply to Ontario, to fill the position -Charles-E. Elltdtt, next to Brown- Secretary -'Treasurer •- And, Vield • le's Drive -In Theatre. Phone man for the Huron County Feder - Phone HU 2-7016. 49,tb at -ion of Agriculture. ' Appli,cant,,4 state• age, qualifications, PAIR'of'LADVIS 8RATES, white, =ence and salary expected. site 7. Girl':s, brown gabardine Lowest application- hot necessarily ,coat, size 4. Number of suits, and, considered. For further partie- jackets, size"14. 'Phone HU'2-3842,!ul&rs contact, Gordon'M.- Greig, 49,b Box 310, Clinton,.Telephone Clin- ton, HUnter 2-942 or Brussels, MOYAL ALBERT BONE. CIANA 44r5. 49-507 Dinnerware in open stock or sets. See the new patterns In this fine ,dinnerware at COUNTER'S Jewel- Livestock For Sale eery Store. 49-P P . 8 YORK PIGS, 6 EIGHT WEEXS MXTRA ' SPECIAL. LIMIT40) old: Jim MeD nald, Brucefield cquantity of RCA -Victor 211,0 Table -,Phone :Clinton, HU 2-7508. 49-b ,90d6l TV At $199.95. Hurry for 'these, T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor 20 YORK PIGS' 12 - V M14 EK: :Dealer. Phone HU 2-3232. -49-b old. John Taylor,RR 1, Bruce- -NEW SLEIGH SENSATION Fly- field, phone HU 2-7527.. 49-1 Ing Saucer, $198, Special, Christ- PUjIIEBRED HEREFORD BULLS .mas, Tree Stands, 69c. Western for sale, or will exchange for 'Tire Associate Store, Rattenbury grade cattle, or Pigs, W. H. Street, Clinton, pbone HU 2-7034, Middleton. 49b %V -V BOAR, PUREBRED , Yorkshire, IGOOD USED FURNITURE, stov- serviceable age,. 61/g months. W. J. es, chairs, tables, chrome suite, Forbes, RR 2, Clinton, phone ClIn- -washing. machines and other pieces. ton. HU 2-4780, 49p ,See them at Scribbin's Bee Store, next to Commercial Hotel. FOUR YOUNG SOWS, carrying 48-9450-b first litter, also seven suckers, William R. Jenkins,- RR -No. 1, ,NEW STOCK of CORN FLOWER Clinton, phone HU 2-3290, 491.3 'Crystal at COUNTER'S Jewellery Itog. Prj'pes have been very 8 MONTH YORKSHtlIE BOAR. reduced on most items. Shaw A.R. Breeding, 'Sire was greatly qualified on, score of 85 and over; Make your Christmas sele6tion 44--p ,arn. was qualified on score of 89. You have to see to appreciate this GIVE MQT14,ER AN IDEAL boar's duality, Phone Clinton HU ,Christmas Gift, a Dominion Auto- 2-3207. Alf Warner, RR 1, Bay- :xnatie Dryer, one only, regularly field, 48.9-b (Priced'at $299.95, for only $199.95 at Groves Electric, phone I-rU 49-V Livestock 'Wanted "COUNTER'S JEWMLE`P-Y Store ATTENTION VAUNURS19 Prompt, Have just received, new fall creat -courteous collection of all dead and tons, in Diamond Rings. Special disabled farm animals and hides, 'low prices to -give you the best val- Call collect Ed, Andrews, 851r11, lie ever, See them today, W. N. Seaforth, Associated with Darling Counter—Jeweller. 49-P and Co. of Canada, Ltd, 48p-tfb TV FIT FOR A "XING" --We Rent— Move •—Install. complete Miscellafteout aetvice- on all makes of rotators .Widantenna. All w0rkf-Ul1YguRr­ AUT SUPPLIES (Winson New- anteed. Huron 'Tower. Installation, ton); roilglous goods, pictures, Rhone. GroderichI1344M.'.. ,23-tfh picture framing, photbgr: Vbs for 8113Y iITTIA6 all occasions,Chntoii and Goderieh; At Clint6b, Jt I,TAiBLE Tuesday and Thursday, 1.80 to MOTHER WILL pani- Pliobe, Clinton !Y1U. 2- .7 9401. I .4aby sit by the day or hourly, Rea - 29 -tib %onable rates, 4qtfb LYT US AERAIR AND MAXE your rings and, jewellery 11ko new, W, Diamond rings renewed and stones susimess opportuhmet safely sedurad—dopt take ehan, cos.Expert work done itagoinably OWN YOUJI O.W14 13 KZSSI to your satl8factlon, watch re - Contact L. G. WIM0, Real E-006, pairsAIid Pe0l restringing, W. Nigh Street, Clinton, Phone Cliti- 1oh. HU, 2-'6692, N, Count61% CUSTOM'W010K. MORE MPERT aek�SIIMY - repa its, AM A=X1N1SF 60'NG77-`IRT altetyatl6m and rebusdalftig kitdh- and. 14atty Ptdem4trk must be paid ,.4n tuoboard& Storm A&A made 6n or before Jwivaty the' first to order. Bussell L. Jervis ?h e 1%1, &fter� that elate thdy will'bd gri ZM00- 40handed lit for collection, 1,11. 49- SAWITARk acid Harry Vil6emah,__ 015POSAt WOUM "M11/1P1AP.Ty111W1_10 re - Septic Cest; Not% 00C, moved A IfAt bmwn w6kaotit •pumped and bldtultd with Santa", troth Ar 100 Blue Mago de�dany at ,,equipmpt, All work gUAft'nte4& fhLs Cbmdt6ry oft Nqvenibpr 4, �ntu�mog givdit Without obliga. (Dedleation S�'tvke); please bil1bg Ifon", tvdlg, :U166, 'UP, Xo, 20 It td, alto ClIt011 Of- %rugge% Phone 42M , 30 W 0,� I fled, 0-1p PERSONAL ' - q. sUFvBnWG from BACKXQ�S, nbeumatia Pain, Sciatica, IuYA- lo4go is over if you let RUMA., QA.FS helpyou to relief, Ask your Druggist. 49b F'oaltr for $o1e, 100 SYJSS=, . X 19 -EW HAMP �'u-191 fsj Raymond . Vantelon. bon: HU 2.=. 49-b i POULTRY; DRESSED or OVEN - ready. Roosters, for roasting, Harry, W. Watkins, Phone Plinton HU 2,321$, 493 - Property for Sale • BEAUTIFUL HOME MUST W44 sold. , Well built brick house, slatel roof, stone foun4ation, modern conveniences,, one acre of - land, fruit, nut and shade trees,, garden with raspberries, and strawberries, vn, Dinsley Street just two blocks Crom main shopping centre, on No. ,4 Highway in Blyth. Apply Clare -or Ida MoGawan, Box,12, Blyth, or 'telephone 50, 49-50-b Salesmen Wanted AVAILABLE AT ONQE­-GOOD Rawleigh business. 'Selling exper-, fence helpful but not required., Car necessary.. Write at once for particulars, Rawleigb1s, Dept. L- 169 -TT, Montreal, P.i49b -STOVES FOR SALE COO&STOM' A N D SMALL Quebec -heater. Also 4 collie pups, ten weeks old,. Wes. • Mcgride, RR 1, Varna. Phone Nena-all, 49-p WOOD FOR SALE GOOD DAY WOOD 13 CORD. .$5 cords cord. 4 corof WOOD, wood;, $4 a cord. Nodelivery, Phone Clin-. ton T1iJ 2.9148, 48-9-b Since 1941 the proportion of QA- nid-ians li'ving'In- urban localities .has -increased, from 56.5 per cent to abotft two-thirds,.. principally as a result of the tr4men'dous grow- th of the manufacturing industry in the period, GE ES Live, Dressed, Oven -Ready .Select Embdon Toxil6use' Afri- cans and Chinas, foi,breeders. Cust.orn Dressing on Wdterfowl� �Vt. BRUN00N L 0 N D -E S 0 0 R 0 Phone Myth 2S r-19 47-8-9-50-b. --------------- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 ROOM' INSUL BRICK dwelling, full_ basement. Good location. Early possession.. Price, $3,200. , SOLID BRICK dwelling with three self-6ontafned upattruphts. - Oil heatibg (fiew). Good'location. Prico, $11,000; $9,000 down, terms.' ROME PLUS. INCOME—Contain- ing 9 self contained apartments with ' 2'bedrooms, living room., modern kitchen with dining space; bath, oil heated;, located near schools. Early possession. TWO., STOREY- BRICK.: WITH four ,apartments, three furnish- ed, ono unfurnished... All apart- ments equipped with electiie 40 stoves, refrigoratois; thtee bath- " rooms, -oil heating, good location. Yearly income, $2,200... Price $11;000. '000. CHOICE 13UILDING LOT 601 x 1001, located on Highway 8, near schools. Apply to H. C. LAWSON 'Complete Insurance Sef\tiCe Roo[ Estate _* Investments Bank of Montreal Building PHONES - Of -flee HU 2-9644—Reg. I-IV 2-9787 1 CLINTON, (1NTAIM Kit V. Colquhoun' **Real Estate Stokot ,NO:T ' IC19 'tORNWUS TREPF90i- �, "No fort Street Phone HUntor .2.0140 ,s now a LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN with our office. - �6' k- Usti of Parm't 10�sald Ifiguttingo and Real tstom PHONE H.U. I'vo Apy tmlk Buildftlg 1>9 JONG In Clinton' Public Hospital, On 'Tuesday, Decern- ber, 4 '1956, to Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon Dejono, -Brucefield, a. son.• HOLT,A;,NV — In Clinton Public HOspltal, on MO.1)rday, December 3, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs, William Holland, RR * 4, Clint I oil, 4 -son,' -•-JBNIaNS In. Clinton Pixb1lo, Hospital, on -day, pec - ember 5, 1950, to Mr,* and Ws, William, . Jenki _nst Clinton, a PEATIO on "4 I -V, 14, L4&buj., •Pao,V I- I - uF Wawanosh Township, widower IOLD PENNY PINC14EIZ (� PAINE GOT of the late Ann J, Taman, in His TOES his 89tbyear. 'Funeral from PINCUED AFTER VISITING TME.816 CITY the J. Arthur funeral home, Auburn, by the Rev. R,. Hiltz, GYRIT SHOE STORE. WMEN W - ------ $CORNS to Union Cemetery, Blyth, Hiltz, -14 —A* COOL OFF NEU BUY MIS SSE S LOCAL Thursday afternoon (today), December 6, Commencing at two ,o'clock. 0 PARK - THEATRE Xurphy,Lodge IOXY THEATRE Clinton GODERICH, Will Install NOW: Tw6',Shows Nightly Wide Screen Harry Crick W.M. "Many 'Rivers to Cross" In Cinernascope -- Robert Taylor Noiv THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Ha CrIch will 'be installed In the office: of Worshipful master 5f the Murphy Lodge, LOL-No. MONDAY " TE `TUESDAY, "BILLY TH KI 710, on December A- He, along and ,WEDNESDAY with the other officers. was elep- INTERRUPTED The true story of, the West's last desperado. The boy killer ted at a meeting of the lodge last sweeps the badlands; with a hall -of deadly gunfire, ..Urs I y evening, MMQDY' 11 The Lodg,& is planning a ­box In Cinemascope and Color Robert'Taylor_ Atarle Aowar.4 Brian X) weivy Portrays . the life and talents of social sometime in -January,' A opera. star Marjorie Lawrence,Christmas party will be held . in hose courage defeated the. MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAYthe lodge hall on Friday, Decem- scourge of polio. ber 3.4. 1 Glenn Ford "- Eleanor Parker Officers for 1957 Will be, Past 'and Cecil Hellaway "BLACKBOARD JUNGLE Master, Mervyn talconer., Wor- shipful Master, Harry Crich; De- THURSDAY., FRIDAY (Adult Entertairanent). Puty Master,, William., Riehl; and SATURDAY Tense 'story of juvenile &Rl quoncy, 'showing how courageous Chaplain-, John Henderson; see- xTeff Cfiandler -. Lorraine. Doty' educators can help in its control, ratary, Clarence,.Coaper; -finance and Yint Hovey, secretary, Tom ;Deevev, treasur-' A heart-warnning story of a widow q1enn Ford -- Anite'Francis Louti iCAlhorn I Dr., Henry Slornari; m4rshall,, Haer. and her small son who invents, ry Oakes; first lecturei, -Charles and produces, a 'now Dad.' 6 Coming — Cooper; second lecturer,Wilfred RAW, EDGE 7 GJazler; inside, ty)er, IH�rle 'gwit- THYM Rory' Calhoun Tvoune de Carlo Maxa -Corday 6 TOIV ru Ker; outside tyler, Kenneth Tre. I In'Te"Color vartha; first committeeman, Frank Andrews; committee, Doug � -- - - - - - - - Coming—Kurt Namnar and lack as Freeman, Garnet Cornish, Cards of Thanks MaTles Nelson, Asa Deeves; -aud- 41ump Into ReIIPP Mrs * John* 31cAsh' wish . es, to tots, Norman Sly, Melvin Cridb.,,. thank her many friends for. their -------- kindness in sending flowers, cards TAM and letters.lhhd for calling alling on her• daring her illness.' Sp n -a %."Pa'S d 49-b 1RUCEFIEL elli __V ContpQf 1 11 like to thank "all my In Spell -Off friends and -neighbours for the Mrs. S. McXehzIe visited with el gifts- and cards 'ier mn -in St. *Vhbmag onSe(tur- lovely t y f lowers'� in the hospital. ASHTON. le Suges Locall�' s n me while' pec - 1. n Jay.. h ia tha to Dr. Oakes and Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay„ Lon- e Nursing Stak, Sincerely,— lon, spent the -weekend with Mr. The 6rovince-Wide spelling. beFe EDNA QOX� 49-p T AX I ind Mrs. Lorne Wilson . elatives. 33 ae Hamiltov lri- the, •finals apd,_other. which last'year . saw Clinton's onn' We wish to express our, heart -Operated by Group, 2 of Ae Woman's Assoc- held &tL.Tfelt appreciation' for .the many, Toronto, will again be acts of kindness, cards and floral CLIFF ASHTON ation. realized $65 from the oak- held. This yeai as In 1955-56, Offerings received during our re- DA.Y..'or ' NIGHT ng and -rummage sale held In. the .top prize -will be an encyclop-. cent lbereavement. Special thanks :he town hall, Clinton',. la9t Fri- edla;_ and a ten 'day all-exPenSe to Branch No. 140, Canadian Leg- CALL y night. ... ht. — trip to the Calgary Stampede, the !on and Beattie Fun�ral' Horne Mrs. W. Stackbouse and Mrs. Canadian Rockles and GIacierNat- M M, STEEP FAMILY. 45*qb dic Wilson spent a few days in loPar1c. All students in pub- 2-903tonal .iondon with Mr. and Mrs. SRan� lie schools in the province are 61- 6y Neale. Mr. Neale has been igible'. IN MEMORIAM erred from the Glencoe xans;'First spellVff in this, area was 3ranch. of the Bank of. Montreal, Phefd In, Goderich Public School Ag)AMS__1n :loving mer�iorV. of a :o a London Branch:'on, Monday night, when. . Bert dear husband and father, Thomas 'AVE STOCK TUBES Gray, Cliritbrn.•pAblic school prin- E. Adams'who -passed away De- 01pal was spell master. , Contest-: cerriber 7,1.954: ants we're e from Colborne, "Your memory is a,keepsake, AND PARTS FOR , Estate ich and Flullett Townships: as well With which we will never part,. -TV Though God, has y ALL MAKES OF 'TV SALE as from the county town, Wie- kee you in' his hers were: We still have you in our X HOUSEHOLD MIFECTS AND Next Wnaay a similar spell-aff - . � hearts." PROPERTY will be -held in, A/V/M Hugh —Always• remembered by,wife'and, >n Main Street in the Village of Campbell Public School and the family. 49p LETU Auburn on surrounding townships• will ecm- Saturday, Dec. 8. at 1 p.m. Fete. John Talbot, principal of 14 the Seaforth Public School will Kitchen range; Fess oil space b6 spellmaster. water; 2 burner hot plate; kitchen. One week later, on December ga able and'qhairs; Davenl�ort; din - rig room suite (table buffet, oval 17, a spell -off will be held In Sea - ,lass China cabinet And 6 chairs); forth, for that area, and Harry WA Victor mantel radio- mUsic.Shabkletow, Goderich P u b I i c M abinet; mirrors; mahogany 3-pieceSchool principal will be spellmas- parlor suite; 3 -piece chesterfield ter, ulte;ReLffitzman upril ,Lht piano, '. pu s, teachers and patents, mall tables-,. occasion chairs; 'are of course, invited to attend VICE ocking chairs; hall seat and mfr * or all of these spelling bees. or; 2 furnished, bedroorns; be - 11 oam china; bed linen; blankets; Expert Careful guilts; twilight I@Vnp; table lamps; % YOU NEVER COME ,lectria clock; steeple clock; Iron ,nd toaster; antique.dishes, orn- 'DOWN TO EARTH' Service rents, table linens; kitchen uteri - . , BUT you can invest int !I.%; rug, scatter mats, ' ; garden _Trade flow! complete ools., other articles. ihe ititure, with at Property: at the same plaine, 3 _confidence with -=M �M- ,.rh., the property will be offered S1111ANOV, protoetlon. See or sale, subject to reserve bid, 7 Pon me today for an adequate ooffi frame house, furnace, hydr6, prograM. %valbr 'th mall barn. limmediate possession, Torms, — property, 10% down, Oldripch RADIO and TV ialailee 30 days.,Chattleg Cash B, F. G H. E, HARTLEY �roprlotor., ristate of late, kiss 7 Member: ,Xargarbt 113bg Canada Life Assurance #Radio Electronic Television kuctioneer, Harold Jackson )Iorlc, I. P. Obeglicy Safetyfiner colhoo"y Technicians Association ?"xiboutbrs, Mrs. Donald rowitri Plidite IW 2-0693 — Clinton Clinton YwYdw 11U 2.8841 Margargt X laticson, Plintokii Ontario 'olio iforg, Rays Priest, Godeik- lob, 48-M TIRES ThequAlity., tire that GIFT of LOVE! W* domes oti new ears. Vtom blan to Such an import- w6man, from heart Ant gift as a dia- to heart, 9. dlayhw mond, should be and speaks in ton- efiosdn with sped - dot terms -of happy itesm and love. sal care, Ser Tok Time To Ch669e Your 'Didmorid Int PriyOdy— Clinton Community ciff ' 19s, vice ePhoho Collect for on 0ohing Appolintote ( I t 0166SiMtt *64.otfs ftnsfs CAN Ain AIM-AXOMI) Ray 0oggatth . lam clatitelon AUCTION SALUS "Tho plate wh&o, you never AnSte-U&Jewellers VV9U1V .have Its blow your hom" WN'TON (Phone- HU, 2-031S) and WAL04TON, of 1,30 pan. "We Pitkup d�d Doliv&" Jupert watc� Aelftift "d rmommg TkAMS lbA814. 11 w1pitV 5*1441 m1kh1i 0 Phone VW4 2-089 AMOVA — OYMA itnd 09tiM WATOM19 W. jgUf6Tr Atidtttieer t 641MAdi UMM RIVER and ALIVO, BIRD DIAMONDS SPODE opwii�wihii w.,65D40160R, derk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .....