HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-06, Page 6Mrs, George Mel/it:tie, Londes- tom, visited on Monday with Mrs, David Base= Mr, and. Mrs.. Beg Boll left $.0Arday for an extended iloli- lay in Florida and Mexico,. • Mr. and Mrs,• E, B, Menzies , moved last weekend from, the , 11101117100101100 IN logo III III I RAY'S Shoe Hdspital CLINTON ' Many people don't know the proper care of zippers - - learn the easy way - *let Ray's Shoe Hospital show you the proper maintenance - -, the information is FRDE. TEAS and ' SAUCER 'p .70 Eight-Ina DINNER PLATES $`. ;70 Seven-In. BREAK- it ,4q FAST PLATES Six-Inch TEA PLATES,$ 50 altotcHnitti# tinfich Clnirt0 ntv% HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS, M. H. RBNN1E, Organist M. rtENNE, Choir Pireetor 11.00 a.rn;--,IVIorning The Sacrament of Baptism "Of Is the KingdoM of IleaVerio 11.20 ii.th-Primaty School 12,15 p.m,.4.-Church School 7.30 tonali() street Service in EWItI t 1.80 p,th.-Chtlfth SerVide SUriday SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1956 Atka,. hour Church 01-4,1147,6N NF WS.11WORP 01. 0 6i 1.956 Moyolevex 11111111j11411111(11P1111g1{11a111111i1111Millffilliall111111111111111111111511111111 :t1 e. afternee'n, FOR DAD or LAD Slipperi, Socks, Gloves, Clothing, Rubber or Leather Footwear' Four-Inch BREAD and BUTTERS • ,, • ,, "*/ FRUITS $ .25 „/ • Sevon-Inch Covered $2.95 SCALLOPS An Regular OATMEALS , ....... 411 t v CREAM $1 .15 BOAT and covered STAND $2 65 • SUGARS $1.915 Choose' a Billfold from our dozens of different styleS. From 0.50 up I • Gold Initialled Free. $16 COLD WAVE $6.50 $15 COLD WAVE .....v,..,,. $10.00 Our new Luggage Selection is here and complete! See the wide range of styles, and *prices. We're Open We d.0 Thum. and Priday tvenings throughout, the lleliday Sower), and Wednesday Afterneon6, Palmer's Beauty Salon 0-- Phone HU 24322 hi Main ItttorseOtIon by JOHNSON BROS., direct Phone HU 2-9352 Tyndall apartments into Reg Ball's residence, Mx.' and Mrs, E, L. Woodyard, Battleford, Sask,, who have been visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bali, left for .tlibir home on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, W. B. Prew, Re, gina, Sask., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dale, Hall- ett Township, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac L.eBeatl, Stanley Townshlw Mr.. and Mrs, Kenneth Breakey .and son Richard„ Znrich, visited Mn and Mrs, M. T. Coriess, on Sunday afternoon, Mr, .•corless is now recovering from his recent - Mrs. C, .Haughton_ancl Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Shier, who have spent the past two weeks visit, ing Mr, and Mrs, I4. Naughton, left on, Tuesday for their home in Cernduff, Sask.- Itay Sharp, Clinton, and Aud- rey McCabe, Dorothy McCabe Audrey Harrison,.. and Maxine Martin, ail of Goderich, left Sat- urday for a motor trip to Florida( The .gilrs are members of the Dodgers, Goderich's . renowned girls softball team. • . Corporal Waiter ,' R. Totters- head, 24. year old member of the RCAF, is presently- a Supply Technician instructor at No. 1 Technical Training School, RCAF Station Aylmer, where he Was moved in Augitst of 1955, 1-lis wife (formerly Audrey Harris, Clinton) and - two children, Ken- neth, and Judy, are living in Ayl- mer,a , • HAPPY WQRKERS WILL MEET ON WEDNESDAY AI rgrasooN The regular 'meeting of the Happy Workers' Club. will be held at the home of Mrs, Miner Dale, on .Wednesday, December /12, in PLATTER $1.50. Twelve-Inch PLATTER $2.35 Fourteen-In PLATTER ch V.35 Seven-Inch•- SCALLOP $1.00 BAKER Seven-Inch from England Mtn um itary n.o. fs PotiLuck; Names Officers For 1957 A pot lUck supper and Christ- mas party was enjoyed by 713 members and guests of the Lad - IOW Auxiliary to the Legion on Monday, Peceniber 3,„iri the Leg, ion Memorial _Hall. Mrs. Luella Hall, zone •COM-, mander attended and gave -a Wel, and interesting talk on, her recent •visit to Wingham, and about tine new inter-zone sPerta Pr4:Wra.01, New officers for 1057 are: past president, Mrs,• Kenneth Cooke; president,Mrs. H. McAlpine; first vicecresident, Mrs. C; Proctor; second vice-president, Mrs. Monaghan; executive, Mrs. C. Mc- ;Pherson, Mrs. H. Hartley, Mrs. A. Inkley; treasurer, Mrs. V. Haab- good; secretary, Mrs. George Icnights;.standard bearers., Mrs, P. Lee and Mrs. B. Stanley. Mrs. .1A.. Inkley and Mrs. L, Arnston were in. .charge of the program. ' Several guests • enter,. tamed with, musical numbers, and a sing-sang was enjoyed by all, Gifts were distributed by Old St. Nick himself. The evening eyed with Christ- mas cake and shortbread and tea being served, • The. Legion Christmas' party will be held in the Legion Hall on Sunday, December 16, at 1 p.m. All Legion families are invited to attend. Presents and treats \f,or all the children. , • John Y-tinghlut and Percy Yung- Nut were London visitors last Friday.. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradnock and Mrs. Gordon' Miller were London visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Ross and Janice, OakVille, spent the weekend with Mrs. Fred RQSS. ,Mr. and Mr's. John R. Weir and family, London, , were weekend visitors with Dr. B. C. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacKay. Randy Meehan, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Itachan, who underwent' an operation. in, Clin- ton Public Hospital, has returned home. The following attended the fun- eral of the late Rev. William Raithby at Strathroy last week, peorge Rathby, James Raithby, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs.- Stanley Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby and Mrs. R. J. Phil- lips. • Annettes Meet .The second ,meeting of the "Auburn 4nnettes" 4-H Home- making Club, on the project "sleeping garments" was held on Wednesday evening, NOvember. 28, at the home of the leader Mrs. Ed. Davies, with ten members present. • The meeting was opened by re- peating the 4-11 pledge, led by the president, Lorraine Hensch. Minutes were read by the see- retaiy,, Edna Deer, roll call was` answered by 'telling how to pre- Pare material: ' Next .meeting will be held on Wednesday, DeceMber, 5, at the same place, Mil call for next week is to describe the finish we are doing to use on the garments.. The home assignment to complete pattern alterations, and have re- cord book up" to ;date. It was decided to draw names for Christmas gifts, with the lim- it of 50 Cents, The leader Mrs. Nesbitt showed everyone how to alter patterns. Benson Sutter* Secretary Phone HU. 2-6635 Add that '‘Extra Something" to your Party Coiffure, ' Get Matching Sparkles Stars told and Silver Accents "TOO MANY PEOPLE DIE OF CANCER NEEDLESSLY Because they don't know the FACTS. Make it your business to [darn the TRUTH about cancer-, 4" For fro liferatiwo write * • •••,.. • .'• .• Presertts Gift To Mrs... N. Low. Tale Wnxnan's wssiongtro Soe- Iety :and Woman's Association meeting of Burn's United _Church was held at the home of Mrs. Wesley Roe, on Thursday! ember -g9, .with 30 -members. pres- ent. Mrs, William Trewin opened the meeting with a hymn, follow- ed by Scripture read by Mrs, Vina McGregor, Mrs, Roe gave the study, book on Korea,. Mrs. Randolph Low- ery and Miss Ida ' Leiner were given Life Membership. Certifica, tea. - ,„,frs, Nelson Lear' waspresented with an electric table lamp as a token . of AppreciatiOn forher, faithful services. The address was read by Mrs. William pal and Mrs. Emerson. IieSk present- ed the gift, Mrs, White, president, took ov- er the business part of the meet- ing and closed with prayer. ' Mrs. John Riley, president of the WA, auctioned the articles for the bazaar, Proceeds were $30. -No: 3 group served a loyely lunch. Maplo Street GOSPEL HALL MIN TON Sunday School 0,45 a.m. 13realcing of Bread 11,00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. ,TUESDAY, 8 p.m, - Prayer and Bible Study. 'A Warty Welcome Avvriijs You"' Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister-REV, J, E. OSTROM 11.00 a,m.-1Vtorning Worship Christian Reformed. Church REV, G. J. HOYTENIA, Minister 1. 11,00 a.m,-Service iir tnglishr 11.30 a.m.--Sunday School 2.30 p.m,-Service hi -Dutch Borden Brown and Joyce were in Stratford on . Monday. Mrs. Joseph Riley and Mrs. Frank Riley were, in London on Monday, Miss Joyce Dewitt, Thorndale, spent 'the weekend with her par- ents, Mr and Mrs. William ,Nwitt. The Mission Band• autograph quilt was quilted in the SuiVay School rooms on Tuesday after- noon. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of 'Meetings for the Lord's Day: 11:00 a.m.-Breaking. of Bread 3.00 p.m.Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting Ail Welcome BAIRD'S COMMUNITY HONOUR ROY CANTELON'S A surprise party was held in' Baird's School (SS 1 Stanley Township) last Friday, in honour of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Cantelon. They are -moving to Clinton where they have retired to live on Ful- ton Street. The gift of the com- munity was a dutch oven and an electric kettle„ -0 •fr ONTARIO PTRITI1T 'GIRLS TO HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY The Ontario Street United Church Girls• Club Will hold a Christmas party in the church parlour on Thursday . evening, December .13, at 8 p.m* Each member is .asked to bring a friend and also -a white •gift, CONSTANCE Rebekah Lodge • WM Pack Pao eels For *GP, & T. Funloi 10s. John Broadfoot,„ noble grand of the Huronic Rebekah Lodge, prelded for the 'regular meeting of the lodge on Manday evening, The full amount for'the IOOF a nd Rebekah home at Bar- rie will be forwarded. - A cheque Was received from the Past Grands. -chip representing the amount raised in a quilt raffle,, The.. Lodge plans a Christmas party next Tuesday night, when cards will be played. Members are asked to bring food parcels which will be packed later and given to the C.P. and. T. commit,. tee for distribution, Lunch will be served, All members of the Odd FellowS and Rebekghs, their wives and .husbands are cordially Invited, • The next meeting . of the. lodge will be. op January 7, 0 Sunday, December 9 10.00 a.M.-Church School. 11.00 11..1)1.--Pu-1111c Worship-- Tuesday, bee, 18-.-Christmas t tertainrnent. We Welcome All Worshippers ,,00c.ohoo '06.c.00000000et000,00:4 BAYFIELD, BAPTIST CHURCH BODENHAM,-Pastor:„ 10.00 it ,m.--Sunday School 11.00 Worship 7.30 p.M.--.-Evenirig Servide You are cordially Invited to these cervices', PENTECOSTAL CHURCH VietOria, Street, Clinton , X. L. SWgMA11.1), Pastor , • rilaaff tObektlit101* '1".- 8.00 p.ra.-OhrieVe Amliti.tuidoro Sunday, December- 11-,4 10.00 a.rtio-.Suriclay School 11.06 tilii.-morning Worship 7s 0 p.iii,--aogpel Service titeaday, Dec6/fiber it. 8.00 p.m,-416gular ]gayer and riihle Study Service. tirAlth Seaforth Girl Wins Fiist County WI Scholarship Mrs. Mary Whyte, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. W. L. Whyte, RR No, 2, Seaforth, has been awarded the Huron County Ontario Wo- men's Institute Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to a Hur- on County 4-H Homemaking Club Member, who, during her Home- making Club experience, has shown outstanding progress and development, given excellent lead- ership, carried out club work of a high calibre. • Last year, Mary graduated from the diploma course at Mao; donald Institute. At present, she is attending Stratford Teachers' College, Mary,. has completed eight Homemaking Club projects, She has also been actively inter- ested in 'community activities. This' is the first year that the Huron County Ontario Women's Institute Scholarship has been, awarded. The 'presentation of the scholarship to Miss Whyte was made at the Huron County Wo- men's Institute Rally held on November 19, at the Cranbrook Community Centre. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's -- Clinton' REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremtin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader end Sunday in Advent 830 a,m,-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 4.30 p.m.-Evening Prayer Wednesday, Dee. 12-8,15 'Friendship Club Christmas Party, Parish Hall. Exchange of gifts, (At Mid-Towne Restaurant) PHONE HU. 2-9054 NIGHT -HU. 2-3880 - Harvey Ashton Harvey's Taxi Hensall Council Sells Old Green To Bank For $500 (By oni' Heosall .e.orrespeadent) The , village council at Henson this week, accepted the Offer ,of the Bank of Montreal of $500 for tho' old, bowling green property, K K Christian, manager of the branch in. Hensall appeared be- fore council, stating that the pres- ent location of the bank was un- satisfactory, and, they were look, ing for place to The price did not, include the building and equipment,. A DRESS SKIRT BLOUSE PYJAMA$ PURSE DRESSING GOWN Constable X It. Davis also ap, peered before council on Monday night, repoVting on the 'work done on the streets,. catch basins, fen- ces, meal tickets ,for transients. And- plowing at the ,durnp and en the -streets, Davis reported that he is now „registrar of firearms • in the district, Council instructed Constable avis to proceed .at 'once to col- lect the poll tax, Paterson reported tax an. rears for the village at .$1,500-, or only about 3.2.5 percent in arrears, Council vilt requeSt that all cars and trucks be parked off the streets between the hours of two and" seven ' .in the mornings, to permit snowplowing, 49-fib The Perfect Gift For Her:- r "Old Mill" Dinnerware Five-Piece Place Setting . Only $2,25 Anstett Jewellers 7 CLINTON t WALKERTON BRUCEFIELD' ,.. Mrs, W. V, Dinnin returned on Sunday from several days visit with her .aunt and uncle, Miss Ida and Richard Hotham, Galt, and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Munn, and family, Kitchener. - AUBURN Correspondent-MRS. FREtrxROSS Phone Dungannon. 9 r 15 Miss Mary Whyte of the Teach- ers' College Stratford, spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte. Miss Helen 1Vicliwain, nurse-in- training at Stratford Hospital, visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George 1VIcIlvv,aiii, over the week- end. The Sunday School and SS No. 3, Christrnaeconcert is to be ,,held in the Sunday SchOl of Constance Church, on Wednesday evening, December 19; ONTARIO- STREET UNITED. CHURCH' "THE FRIENDLY-CHURCH" PASTOR---REV. A. GLEN, EAGLE, B.A.. S.D. 9.45 am.-Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship- 7.30 p.M.-White Gift ServiCe TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.-Worship, 3,00 p.m.-Sunday School, ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D, J. LANE, )3.A„ Minister MRS, MORGAN' AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist BAKERY TREATS Order Some Now For YOUR HOLIDAY FEASTING! We have a wide choice of 'special Christmas Cakes, Cookies' and Pies - all baked fresh daily. Special Flora' Beauty Salon Princess Street COLD WAVES - TINTING FINGER WAVES Tuesday' and Friday evenings by Appointment Dial HU. 2-9336 Flora M. 'Thomas, 'Proprietress For Her - HOSE SLACKS STATION WAGON COAT If she likes to "dress" - We have what she requires. SPECIAL! WINTER, COATS ALL 1/3 OFF SKATING JACKETg and STATION WAGON 'COATS All 20% Off May We Suggest: SLIP SWEATER GOWN IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR ra, Light or Dark LOAF PRVIT traditionql Fruit" Cake, full of fine quality ,A chopped mats ..„, tJe 1,110 Our Saturday -Specie' Prom Ou,e Store Unly. w. IRAN MUFFINS Reg. 40c .... . ...... . ....... IjART !FE EROS. BAKERS and -CON EC' Hilmar 2.9Ig 4 NtON