HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-16, Page 6cit ng a ioee
FRIDAY, NOV. le, 1888,
.44: writer in the November Centltre
blas an optimistic article on the educa-
tive value of the Presidential elcetious.
it very many Cauadittus are strongly
iluhucd with the idea that a presider -
tial campaign, conducted with the
ardor, unscrupulousness and bitterness
of the one just closed, blas few redeem-
ing, features about it, we reproduce the
Main contentious of the writer, He
admits that A.merioau trade is greatly
demoralized and counnercial under-
takings temporarily reduced to second-
ary considerations, The business of
. the couutry being more largely credit
than formerly, this evil is aggravated.
Ile say& that even a blizzard of short
tiuratiohl may materially affect the
year's -volume of business and, conse•
quent on the diversified business
methods of the age, may lead to
inability of thousands to meet business
obligations. Sow, thea, can he justify
o radical interference with the regular
movements of trade, and the bitter-
ness and hostility engendered by these
quadrennial contests ? He says the
political education of the people is of
more consequence, as an element in
national life, than even the increase
of wealth. Ile claims that a presi-
dantial election is a most effective
means of national education in the
principles of political economy. Es-
pecially was this process of education
a leading feature of the campaign
just closed, he says. So liigbly does
he value this that he regards such an
election cheap at any cost, from a
purely educational standpoint. The
voters generally have a much clearer
conception of the important principles
that underlie their political beliefs.
This is claimed to• be the fundamental
reason for the holding of these elec-
tions, which are the great nationill
educating forces. The political educa-
tion of the people is recognized to be.
a necessity, and this, it is urged, can
be much more successfully accomplish-
ed by great periodical national efforts.
This he illustrated by pointing out
the splendid results attending the
efforts of a school or college when the
enthusiasm of those in attendance is
stirred to a point where they begin to
argue, discuss and debate the various
tonics among themselves.
�•,�ll"cf which sounds well and is a
111atisijile justification for so lnomen-
jious rational convulsions every four
lyeare ut could not the desired end
tie redao more effectively by a calm,
steady, gradual process of conviction
'\lien the minds of the people are com-
paratively free from political bias and
r'.tneor, when the rewards for question
cable political acts are not dangling
before their eyes, when judgment is
more impartial, national prejudices and
weaknesses unappealed to l
"Lord Roseberry, one of tue young,st
and cleverest statesmen in Britain,
'recently made a, manly statement of
the Liberal p.lsition in regard to Ire-
land. We quote from his address the
following extract :--"I£ our policy is
simple, the pl;iueiple that underlies the
poliey is simpler still. We believe, to
VA it as shortly as I can, that govern-
1Yielhts are Inane for the people, and
tot the people for governneats. Ttlo
People are not even made for tre0,tiea
. of union. Trot -60i of union are made
for the people. A'l governments and
all treatises are on'y arrangeinetts for
t .0 plpular good, and when they fail
to satisfy thee requirement they are
f1,o11sod. If you view the governlnei t
of Ireland according to that Standltrd
it Gtautk contxennied. It has nev
c.'S.t;s'tt'tl, it ht.s never even preteeded
to ,..lig:.', fur the good of the ) EGp!e.
situatiou o'f affairs with more vigor
Lana with more eloquence than those
t Q o members for Birmingham who
now employ so much vigorous rhetoric
in denouncing their old friends who
have attempted to redress that wrong.
I believe that that truth is so patent
land so obvious that Iter Majesty's
present advisers see it themselves. I
firmly believe that the parliament of
1886 will not pass to a natu>sal death
without her Majesty's govorumout
endeavoring to offer the Irish people
that measure of local government
which they denounce us for offering.
But whether their hearts bo turned to
the good of the people or not, sure I
am of this—that the democracy of
England and of Scotland have em-
braced the cause of the people of Ire.
laud that they are determined that
this iniquitous farce of administration
shall cease --that they have deter.
mined that a local legislature shall be
set up in Ireland for the deterwina-
tion of distinctly Irish affairs so long
as . Cho Im erial su reluac is safe!
P supremacy y
guarded. They have determined that
Irish government shall no longer be a
happy hunting ground for Tory prin-
ciples or the mere machinery for
the discordant army of the Unionists
in order, but that it shall .be adhninis-
toroc for tihe benefit, and for the whole
benefit, of the Irish people. To that
compact Yorkshire has set her hand,
to that compact Leeds, the constituen-
cy of the Gladstolhesr who chose the
son and who chose the father, and
who would fain have kept the father
only we held tight on to hint, I say
that Leeds, the constituency of the
Gladstones, and Yorkshire have set
their !lands to that solemn attempt.
I do not doubt their success, because,,
more of Leeds or even. Yorkshire, the
Liberal party hag taken up with do.
termination—and the Liberal party
hasknown adversity, has known re-
verses, has known calamity, but when
it bas once set its face to an object it
has meter known permanent defeat.
The Wale Soolety,
The Toronto Bible Society was
formed in 1829 and the Upper Canada
Society in 1840. Twenteenine new
branches were formed last year, thir-
teen of which were in the Northwest.
The revenue for last year was $32,506,
an increase of $1,620 over the former
year. The proceed of sales were
$10,818. and of coutribution $21,488.
Seven colporteurs in the year dis-
tributed 27,411 copies of the Bible.
The Toronto depository last year sent
out to branches and the trade, by.
coiporteurs, sold iu depository and
have away 40,961 copies in . many
different languages. Since its com-
mencement the Upper Canada Bible
Society has issued 1,400,066 copies,
realizing $673,013 therefor.
The British and Foreign Bible
Society for the year sent out 4,206,032
bibles. This represented an expendi-
ture of $1,251,910. The report shows
the work done in each couutry through-
out the world. Nearly five thousand
copies were distributed to exiles on
their way to Siberia. The reports from
agents and colporteurs are of the most
encouraging character. '
Last year the Upper Canada Bible
Society employed, for a greater or less
period of time, some 21 agents and
seven colporteurs. The treasurer's,
report last year showed the total
receipts to be $33,533, of which a
balance of $496 remained on hand.
she colporteurs' sales wore ,$2,7501
Foreign Bible Society
and expenses and salary $2,824. The
agents' expenses were $3,425. To the r
iritilb and b'0f' t+ I
there was remitted as contributions c
$3,861, and sent on purchase account
X12.975. The salaries of the secre-
teryr, depositary and assistants were
$,000. For an illuminated address
to the Queen there was paid $50.
Winghain appears as having glade no
return last year. Wroxeter sent $59;
Teesw;Itcr, $110; Clinton, $127; Bel-
; rave, $$19; St. Helens, $a6; 13]yth,
xf 4; Guderich, futl2; Brussels, $133.
J, II. Spading and family, of this
township, moved into Brussels,
Joseph Clegg, drover, has rented
his farm in Morris and will once more
become a resident of Brussels,
The Vidette Las been issued three
years.—Mr. R. Blains shipped a car
load of flour to St, Johns, N, 13. last
Mr. A. Duff has been engaged in S.
S. No. a, Colborne, --•.Miss. Eiizabetll
Mice Lowrie died suddenly here a few
days ago.—The funeral of the late
Itobt. Wiggins took place on Thursday
week,—A successful Orange too, meet-
ing was held Monday evening week.
The bachelorsof the town gave a
grand supper andconcert on Thursday
evening — Beviyalists Crossley and
Prof. Canfield are ow/ducting.services
here at present, --Foster & Ritzer have
purchased Mr, 3, Shopllcrci's liquor
John Brown, of this place, was
brought before Justice Miller, at
Wroxeter, last .week, charged with
selling liquor Co one 'Wilson after
being notified, in writing, not to do so'
The evidence was somewhat conflict-
ing, but resulted in a fine of $10 and
The Blyth correspondent of the
Clinton New Era, referring to the
preaching efforts of Mr, W. U. Kea,
of the Post, at Blyth, says : kre is an
unassuming young; man, with virtue,
honor and manliness stamped on every
feature, and as the people listened to
his thoughtful and earnest words they
were charmed by his manner, moved by
his eloquence,- and edified by his senti-
nlents,— Rev. A. 3,1cLoan has been
pastor of the Presbyterian ohurob here
for 22 years.—The council purchased
one of Mr, Ronald's fire engines.—
The town has another medical man—
Dr. Towle.
Mr, S. Little has left far Ingersoll
where he has ' purchased a grocery
business.—A mechanics' institute has
been organized and officered as follows:
President, D. D. Yale; secretary, M.
Campbell, jr. ; treasurer, It. D.
Cameron;directors; James Summer-
ville, Dr. Tennant, Dr. McOrimmon,
F. Grundy, II. Morrison, R. Graham,
T. Lawrence, J. Murchison, J. 1).
Mardoolt..-t.Lhe., literary soeiety bus
been reorganized and. . officered as
follows : Hon. presidnt, Dr, lila•
Orimmon ; secretary, J. Campbell ;
treasurer, A. McGrery ; managing
committee, LI Morrison, Geo. Kerr,
C. Stewart and Misses L. Berry, Ida
Graham and 0. Whiteley.—Mr. M.
Cameron, whose son was so suddenly
killed at Tormenting, N. 13„ received
a Ietter of explanation and condolence
from the • superintendent of the
company in whose employ he was.—
The McLean Bros. shipped seven cars
of cattle to Britain from here last
week.—Sentinel: There is on exhi-
bition at the jewellery ;htore of D.
i1nrchison, a watch movement manu-
factured in the reign of Queen
Elizabeth. It is now over 308 years
old and still able to tick. In size it is
much smaller than the ordinary
watch of today, and oval in shapa.
Originally it was supplied with one
hand to mark the tune, but that has
long since dissappearel. A piece of
eat gut suppliod the place of a chain,
but otherwise the mechanism is netunlike the 'English watch of this en-
lightened age. --The officers of the
curling club for the year are: Presi-
dent, Dr. Tennant ; vice, J. 13. Hun -
erg treasurer, 3. G. Murdock ; sec-
retary, John II1ulehison; management
ommittee, A. McPherson, J. G.
Murdock, W. Allen, J. B. Hunter.
3 ruoefield,
Mr. Peter Meflregor, of this place;
lieu imported a yearling colt from
ii;.tntut.i y, paying therefor $2000.
Trams been concluelal olt bel.elf of it BeTgwave• 1 p
*tees, of ti party and as et. It �i sllaf, y of Sbr. 1raue after• ROM/ years in the tt
'i erllgll. Mr,, 1`, Ro
1'�. tieius is now a
ayy��l d has worked,vJucnaua, tuiee;ry and trtfir, •' . ry�t
Nihity° with r• elac:i it.ivIl Of t::ls
Catarrhal. Deafness, Hay e'over.
Sufferers aro not generally aware that these die -
eases aro contagious, Or that they aro due to the
presence of living parasites in the lining membrane
of the nose and oustraellran tubes, Microscopic re-
search, however, has proved tail to be a fact, ant
the re4alt is that a simple remedy has been forma-
laud whereby catarrh, catarrhal dcefness and stay
fever are permanently oared to front. ono to Hires
simple applications made at bonze by the patent
Mice in too weeks. N. B,ml'or catarrhal discharges
reeu:tar to femalcs (whites) this remedy its a op>eeiilo.
A pamphlete:.piahlin. Eric new treatutent is sent on
receipt of ten cents by A, It. Dion to Sirr, 398 West
hing St„ Toronto, Cana ia. <,eientdho Atnelican.
Suf eras from catariital ttoublcaehottid road the
(liana t.Irefully,
Talmage Nays t1,e reason he aeeoin•
lishes so tuned work is th::.t he never
'lows himself to be troubh d ley
�t''1 8' • g,
I 1
E a 1 u etI'UC ' °
r � tttl0rl,
II(, gets
p ry
are thing :lone a1.d haver think$ about j
, r '
ufiatnt, SFO 'nue has dotldt ratted the n1a. at t;llottn.:ki g. f it a >llnl
--'Lhe G T' 13 now eetels freight to Mani-
toba by Chicago and tiiu Northcru I'acfflo,
e'er lob printing nail on. ;Um Tzars.
AIM you made miserable by indigestion,
Couabipation, Dizziness, 1,483 o; :i.l�petite,
Iellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitaliser in a lea.
tiive cure, Vol: sale by 0.11, 'Williams.
--The C. P. R. have been eranted
ten years' tax exemptions at 1,Vindsor.
Wm will you cough when talhiloll's Care
will give you immediate relief? Price
Gpo. and e1. Por sale by 0, ll.iVfltittuls,
Rev. Dr. Wild says the roil/minium
will come in 1035 and the end of the
world in 2035.
••-••A. Cenueotieut school teacher punished
the unruly by sealing their mouths with
mutt plaster, ooeasionally seasoned with
cayenne pepper,
San:on'sCAraralu ilipicnr--a positive cure
for Catarrll,Diphtheria and Canker Mouth.
For sale by C. B. Williams.
Miss Annie Towers, of Ribbert,
Exeter, who was injured by being
caught in the shafting at the late fair
in London is claiming damages from
the Board.
Slrn oa's Cuss will immediately relieve
Croup,WhooplugCough and Cronchitls. For sale by
C. E. Williams.
One of the 'Walkerton butcher
shops having on hand a. quantity of
Bologne Sausages for sale, the follow.
ing card' was exhibited in the window
--Bolonie for sale sheep.
Fos Drsrfrar.. and Liver Complaint you
have a printed guarantee on Avery bottle of Shiloh's
Vitalizer, It never !ails t euro. For sale by 0, E.
A. Chicago deadbeat is said to be
making a headset/1e living by adver-
tising for a wife, and 1'equiriug all
applicants to enclose a stamp for
reply. His mail has to bo sent up in
a wheelbarrow.
Subscribe for Tan Truss.
Trains arrive and depart es follows :
LEAVING Altalv1e0
5:27 a, In,,..'.. ,...For Toronto....,. ,...5:27 a. .m
1:45 p, m " 1:45 pans
3:15 p. m For Teeswater 3'15 "
10:20 p. w
10.91 ...
Through tickets to all.points fn America -.North.
West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all
popular routes. Baggage checked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points.
----TIRE TAM -E. --
6.30 am. Toronto Guelph , Palmerston, &o. 3:80 p.m.
1110 10:10 "
3:4011 ttI " " Clinton,
7:25 "Palmerston, Daree......10:20 a.tn,
7:06 a.m........... aondon, Sc.... ..11:00
8:40 m.
11:10 p.m.
11:10 Kincardine, &o........ 6 80 a.nt.
8:30 pan 171:4:160P.'7.
1:10 "
10:10 " " 0:50 p.m.
1 Turliberry has about 68,000 to loan on Mort-
gages. For terms apply to,
Tr. TEnAse'aEE, wingham. REEVE, Olmafarrow
Wilighan, Dley
Having purchased the Butchering business of T
Drummond, koeps constantly on band the choicest
and most varied assortment of
Citizens of wingham will find it advantageous to
call and inspect his stock.
wingham, Oct. 26th,'88,
Steriing 'Exchange' anti Crafts oil New York
OPFIOE Boons 10 a. in. to 8 p. m. Saturdays, frons.
10 a. m. to 1 p. m
13. WILLSON, Aaner.
31rvata & Dteraz,soe, Solicitors
O �]'
.A,'hZM p CDP ti2"
SLMEil "lilt
WXesII n, OOrOEE5 Ore, 133s.
C.takcts, Cutin s, Dube t, &a, always on Land.
IV', s' ✓i
A:iBp lacttE y, U 171111, 'AK'Lit,
L'11;ST CL.thS 1I11i11t;3L FOl1
. ++ I o- ' ' >, I i0luciiS manta- IK13Mi''ii.'f A114r,010 nt.
' 4 ,;.zaUiig/ jam 'tC;,i.!
-IS rusnis IIil•--
---AT zun---
Subsertption price, i 1 pox. Vol.r, In net�'ancti,
Space. 1 1 yr. I 6100. 11 Ino. 1 1 mo.
One Lohuu ,,.311 WI -S
i0 00 1.00. 0ti' Q3 iln
Half " I• 35 00 20 no 1 13 00 0 00
Quarter " jl 20 00 rl 1.i 00 7 00 • 4 00
One moll 5 00 it 00 2 00 100
•Locaiand of ler carnal adver'tf:•en,ents, 3e. per line
for lest insertion, and lhi. per lila fore.;ch subsequent
Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10e. for lirst in.
sertion, and 5n. per line for eac:, t..(,t,eatti mil insertion.
No local n0tie0 will be charged less Blau 26e.
AdvertiseMeats ofLost, Found, Strayed, tiituations,.0
and Business Chances Wanted, sot exceeding 8 lines
nonpareil, 31 per mOnth,
Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines,
61 for /list month, 50c, per suasagaent month.
These terms will be strictly adhered to.
Speufal rattle for longer talcortisumcnts, or for
longer periods.
Advertisements without specific directions, will ho
inserted till forbid and charred accordingly. Tran-
sitory advertisements rcuet be paid in advance,
Changes for contract adc'rrt,.elnonts must be in
the otlice by We:tinexday noon, in order to 05p00r
that week,
PEoriastoa AND PONDIatEaa
1nF wwerava s,kna, rmo, .la.•�a..awantacz,snw.ts aua
'Ithonor Graduate of Toronto University.
Office and Residence -The old stand formerly ecru.
pied by Dr. Bethune, at the corner of Centre and
Patrick streets,
Wiu:0nm, ONT,
Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Commtselonera
for taking atlldavits forMMianitoba. Private feuds
to lend i» straight loans at lowest rates. Ofllcer
Kent's Block, Winguanl, Lucknew and ()orris.
II. W. 0. 1iR0Ell, ii. L. DOMINION
Winglu,m • Ontario.
OFFICES•-Roaver Pinel:. Wn:i u y , ONT„
GOERIN and 1,LI= I
Private and Company any fands Ce, leen at low rates et
interest, Dior ,a, town 11(1 farm propertyt
bought and sold Mercantile colI'eetions a specialty.
a. VANBTONII. S. 0. 330054,
DENTISTRY. -J S. (15510312,, ViINGUAM.
tiiicial txutn Teeth"3tor 88 09a pas,
sett, and Main T. "+till per sett, 44.02..
Prices Mali other branches of deities,
try in proportion.
'Vegetable i'annv administrated for the painless
extraction. of tooth, iho only e fn anesthetic known
OFFm k':: Tat `hc: 'Deaver Block, opposite the
Brunawick 15otel,
DENTISTRY.—W. If. i.I. IrO;ALD, W1Notteai.
I+%Melzer of Vu,c anifa, C0llilcld, Alloy
Iher,L'nld tc tte., Plates, ranging
jx..va+ milt preen from ., w0 t.pvards per set,
traoted without! thee4-4felt pain by itheeluse ofoth Vital-
ized Air. hle:ad ()Ike, 3', in, hnnt. side entrance op-
posite the Queen's hotel, open Bail, (Sundays except•
ed) from 0 n nl to i, p m. Will lie at Elyth every
Saturday-Oiilee at 3filnv's hotel; Gerrie: fat and
Bed Mondays of each month- Ofiles at Albion hotel
Lucknow : 9m( and 4':11 Monday and Tuoedays or
each month -..Office o.1 WItlteley'ahotel, Extracting. •
25 cents
('i EOROE MOAT, W , ,'30rn, Licensed Auctioneerfor e
80 mode ate rates, sales ililluntioiloran be condund a eed in any
portion of the Conntiol. •
Orders can be left at the Toms Office,
jOIIN amen-, IYINou&n,
Orders loft at TI.+.', s• office promptly attended to
»5t4t , 3E,,. WmonAti,
OF iftrRoiq.
Salus Attended in any part of the Co. Charges
"('A3IES I1E11DI:11Soh,
All amiss attandod to promptly and on the Shortest
Charges Moderate anti Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All neecniary ar1:.t3C,:10011ta can bo made at the
Trina' office.
Y moitA(5, Ont.
Money to Loan. on Fates..
11 :t X punted
!annoy advanced OD Mort n';ea at 6 por Cent, with
privii,w et pasi,tg at tae +..i of any year. Notes
and accounts collected.
002120,»1;(.3,vrr Iilot;h, Winrham, Ont.
011 '11
FICAi. I;aro`s"i6,'i'F. Al0i) VIRE 1NSUR-
WPM', : KEN 'PE, r'3L.00K;WIr4GHAM.
A nn:;Il :r of Buitdiu:: L,.t::.,.sil Residence Proper
tie if,,.
ale irk: • is la c a' , In Wi ghatn shOuht
common a v ,1 abet` 5 pt (sett at qty ('ISee,.
wfa o• GO ( 4.11;7n , a,..,: n Ian 1)0 el,tain(d.
1.,l.ila.t...r I,..t......
Tui'. 4.'60.0E104 nL, ID./ Oa be,' aeouted for enter,
t li l.... t (I a •DCIV 1 1 I.; a„ l3 .4' low gime F'os`
8132stu.,esttete to
J!'In Ohne a iCe's;ftore,