HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-29, Page 9Mel/VS Of 10011CIOSPOr0 al I Correvouflout MAU. Dr, DETIININ row:, Blyth O'frXir -r FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS 1441 Miss Vina Knox, Toronto, spent the weekend at her heine here. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Allen were deer hunting ill B11,140 last week and brought hone a nice Welt Thomas Allen and friends left :on runclay for Metachewan to hunt moose. They expect to ,be away two weeks, . - Mr. and MrS. Leslie Fortune, Winghain, and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Durnin were with Mr, and Mrs 14rnenson Hesic on 'Sunday, Misses June Lear, Toronto, and Doris Lear, Hamilton, were home for the weekend and' also attended the reception in the hall for Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lear, on Friday evening. Wf WillOireot The Londesboro 'Women's Insti- tute will hold %their December meeting, in the hail on December 6, Each member is asked to bring a donation fo rthe shut-ins, Roll call, "What do you Want for a Christmas present?" Program committee, Mrs. Leitch, Mrs: D, McNeil, Mrs. Joseph Shaeldick, 1Virs. L. Caldwell. Hostesses, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Durnin, Mrs. Throope, SATURDAY .EXCURSIONS,.. to TORONTO by Here's-what She really wants Dazzling: 1"All-White" Glamour --AT AN AMAZING LOW PRICE 1FIGIJIIE SKATING OUTFIT — IBgh.aut professional styling; ell-white leather with foot. flattering' closed toe; fully lined with soft leather; solid heels and moistureproof soles .Fashioned 'for comfort and full control, The oye-catchtng, gloaming abrome,plated Figure Skates with .naw,tooth leading edge. May be used for oither Pleasure or Fig ure Skating. Extra value Misses' sizes 11 t4i 2 Women's sizes 1,95 3 to 9 News of Auburn Correspondent — MRO. FRED ROSS Phone Dungannon 9 r 15 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — •ExETEA '$EAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative — Phones — Bus., HU 2-6606 - - Res., HU 2-3869 • 1956 CHEVROLET BELAIRE, Powerglide, fully, equipped $900 below list 1955 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN • $1;995 1955 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN ...... $1,950 1955 'CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN powerglide $1,995 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1,925 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, fully equipped $1,895 1954 CHEVROLET COACH, pbwerglide, fully equipped $1,495 1952 CHEVROLET Powerglide Convertible, fully equipped- $1,395 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN $1,095 1951 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH $ 895 2-1950 CHEVROLET COACHES $ 795 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $ 795 2-1948 PONTIACS • $ 450 TRUCKS 1951 MERCURY 1• TON $ 495 1950 GMC 1 TON PANEL $ 495 1949 CHEVROLET 34 TON PICK-UP ...$ 295 And Several Stake Bodies - Cars and Trucks can be Driven Away at the Prices Listed in this Advertisement. Brussels . Motors HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST USED CAR DEALER Brussels, Ontario Phone 73X HERE'S YOUR Gifts For lien Gifts.-For Home 'Electric Shaver Fly. or ' Casting Rod Hand 'Tools Hunting Knife Lighters :Plane Pocket' Knife Reel • Six Foot Rule Spinning Rod and Reel Tackle Box Tool Box Vacuum Bottle Automatic Coffee Maker Candy Therthometer Carving Set Clock . -Dinnerware Glass Ovenware Kitchen Cutlery Kitchen Stool Percolator Pinking' Shears Pressure Cooker Steam Iron Kitchen Utensils I3ath Hamper Bathroohi Scales Floor Polisher Canister Sets Carving Knives Christmas Tree Accessories Corn Popper Cutlery Door Chimes tlectric Clock Metric Washer Automatic Fry Pan Automatic Toaster GIRLS' White Boots ...000%. • .. . .. BoYs, Black ' Bools NORTH St* Gosterich, Ofif. Pleasure Skating 00.14 • "ATI-WHITE' PLSASUBS SEATING -0111'frt — Snow-white "Elk" fine ' grain leather, With sown-in oracle 'supports; Felt insoles; Fleece-lined ' tongues; Built.ln steel shanks; Water- %abet soles-. Handsome chronse.ptated tube skates. II to 2 :1.35 "'FA TCY WHITE" PLEASURE SEAT. 1NG Benin "hi•out" style with shoped,to-lit tops. Smooth white 'leather, fully fleece-linedi Including tongues; Bailbin steel iihank; „Warm left Insoles; White nibisturepreof soles; Combination last with narrow hoelS. Riveted to -hashing chrome plated tube Skates. Excellent value. Women's sizes 3 to 1.0.95 Women's to a 8.08 rs 056 Auburn OM Hear Report Of....Proyinciat onvention possible advertisers in Union Pe- er,.. SuggeSted as 410041, project was a skating rink, converted from a shed with help by members, C,4111" mittee aPpointed was- Jack -Wil- son, --Sid -McOlirichey 'and Har9.14 At the close of Ale Meeting Carl. Govier reported -on a Hog .Produc- ers Meeting in Clinton, when :est- ablishing a law that it be compul- sory for hogs -to go assembly yards at Kitchener, Stratford or London, was -endoraed Strongly, the vote being approx. 75 to 6. Lunch served by Mrs. Margaret Carter and Mrs, Jack Mrs. Howard Tait spent the weekend with her sister Mrs. Ross Nitholson and Mrs, Nicholson, Sea- forth. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Craig, Allan and Brian, Mrs, R. Hiltz, Malcolm and Marium, visited friends in To- ronto on Sunday. Mrs. Wesley Bradnock, Kathleen Andrews,* Helen and' Betty Yung- blot attended the dinner at Seaforth last Thursday, night. L. Glasgow has commenced his duties as .manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, • BrusSels Mrs. Glasgow and sons are moving there in the near future. William Moorehead is acting Manager until the new manager conies. Mrs. W. Good, Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs, J. W. Graham, Mrs. H. Gov- ier and Mrs. Donald -Haines, Mrs. M. Yungbitit, Mi's. Raithby, at. tended the WMS meeting in Knox Presbyterian • Church, Goderich, where Miss Agnes Gallen, returned missionary from SouthAfrica, was guest speaker. Women's Institute ' The November meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Orange Hall with Londesboro In- stitute as guests. There were 70 present. The president -Mrs. W. Good opened the meeting with the Ode, and Mrs. R, J. Phillips at the piano, followed by the Mary Stew- art Collect and the Lord's Prayer FARMERS- 'We ire ialpPing •CattiO every Saturday for JJnited Co-operative of Ontario two ..fg!licit your patronage, We ci pick them up et your /arm rleaou"nonfra ,coyrxew not later than Friday nights,. -Seaford" Farmers Co0operative .. • . 0,*10,,t.#1$4,llager Phone—Pay 9, Evenin.gs 481w - 39-tip LOW FARES. EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. DEC 15) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only. EXCURSXON FARES FROM; ao,75. Hanover $4,30 Palmerston $3.40 4.30 Harriston 3,75 Southampton 5.90 4.75 Ingersoll 3,10 Sarnia 6,55 4.75 Kine,ardine 5,85 Stratford ,3.45 2.45 Kitchener 2.45 Strathroy 5:20 2.45 Listowel 3.60 Yirallicrton • 4.60 1.20 Mitchell 4.00 Watford 5.75 5.05 Paisley 5.20 Whigham 4.75 1.90 Owen Sound 4.75 Wyoming 6.20 Brampton .85 „,.1,(J)y pkg•- Auburn oorroapoodeut), The November Meeting of the .Ontario FarMer'S,T,Thien 1.09P41 116„ was bold. at School Na, 16, on NV- ember 9, 'Rey Hanna and Harold .Carterr reperted the 5th annual OM convention held et QAC to members of Local 116 at SS 16, Fast Wawaneab," . Mrs, Harvey, London, Canadian C,onstuner Association, promised speaker for a meeting in Huron County. A resolution that the OFCT oppose any compulsory auto driving courses introduced into Secondary Schools was carried, That a collection at -ell regular focal meetings and that a central fund be established was not car-, tied. Tabled was a resolution that a full dress, debate be .carried out at 'County level 'And also that the OFIJ assist in financing a fact finders committe on an impartial basis. Harold Carter reported on an interesting address by Patd Rain- ville,. Sudbury, on harmful effects sulfa fumes, having to be comba- ted by farmers in that area. Mr. MO'Cubbin, when asked about par- ity prices promised his support in the future. Mr. Lloyd Hassen spoke. on trade between US- and Canada.' Bob Armstrong, appointed to approaCh -the Federation of Agri- culture regarding Hog Producers election of -directors, contacted Simon Ilallabau and was assured it woUld!he an open meeting. The registered Hereford 'Heifer prize should interest many. Tick- ets and. money collected. for tick-. ets are in charge of Mrs. Alfred wsbit, Jack Armstrong and . Rurrd Kaupinan were named to approach G0446 Township Mr.., and Mrs. James H. Stirling: spent the past week with their sori4n-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. .Louis bailey and family, Ain- hersthurg. They report a good crop, of corn in that part of the province. Mr, and Mrs. McGuire returnee to PCI-Mae. Orchards, af- ter a pleasant week's holiday with relatives and• friends in Detroit. Mich: They also attended the Wedding of 'their niece, Barbara Ann ,:rolinstOn .to :Peladeall which took place in. St, Alphonaus Church in Windsor, The annual meeting Of the WA of St., James' Church, Middleton, will be held Wednesday afternoon. Dece)nber 5, at the home of Mrs. Jahn Grigg— The r911 call: a Alb-. kcal - verse - used in times, of ley, Members' are asked to please wine, early .and . bring their "Pays to Remember Cards,"* Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton attended and, annual Grey-Huron, Aberdeen-Angus Association, ban- quet held. at Keady Arena, Port Bigin, on Thursday last and were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B, Pattersen, Tara. Community CIO The November Meeting of the SS 4, Community Club was held at the home of Mrs, Morgan Jones. •• The vice-president opened the meeting with . the creed followed with the Lord's Frayei4. The Club will send a donation to the Christmas-Seals and also to the Children's Shelter, The .next meeting will be - held at the .home of Mrs. Harold HOw- aFd, on Wednesday, December 6. Please note change of date, The roll call wilDbe exchange a gifts not more than 50 cents. - Quilting was done for the re- mainder of the afternoon. .Lunch was served by the hostets, led by Mrs. Carmon.Telibutt and Mrs. Wilfred Biggins. ternoon was spent quilting a crib quilt. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and lunch was served by the hostess. led by Mrs'. Lawson. The roll call was answered by, "a gem of thought, my mother taught me." The minutes of the last meeting Were read 'hy the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig, and correspondence was dealt with: A Gay Nineties skit "Ladies' Fidendship Circle," given by Mrs. Wesley Bradnick, Mrs. 0. Ander- son, Mrs. G. Ddbie, Mrs. D. A. Mac- Kay, Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Maurice Bean and Mrs. T. Haggitt was enjoyed by all. Mrs. "Clara Vincent of Londesboro favoured with a solo accompanied by Mrs. Thomas Allen. Mrs, Frank Raithby assisted by Mrs. Oliver Anderson gave an in- teresting talk on community activ- ities and public relations and show- ed pictures of the centennial. . 'Mrs. Thomas Allen gave two splendid selections on the accor- dian. Mrs. W. Good, who js leaving to reside in Blyth, was presented with a gift. Mrs. George Wien made the presentation. The meeting closed with "God Save the, Queen." A successful auction was held with Mrs. G. Minter/ and Mrs. Alf Nesbit as auctioneers. The ;4ostesses Mrs. M. Bean, Mrs. A. Nesbit, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Mrs. W. Goddard and their assistants served a delicious lunch. Mrs, T, Allen, Mrs,' Vincent, Mrs, D. Allen, • Laughing Lassies The Londesbero Laughing 1,44$ files hold their third meeting at the 11MHEI' of .their leader Mrs. David Anderson, After working on their pyjama project the girls were Shown how to do the flat fell and French, seams, by their leader And assistant leader, Mrs, J, Shaddick, Arrangements were Made M hold the next meeting at Mrs, Joseph Shaddia's, on Saturday, December 1, Ulrich was served by the hos- tesses, 'Marie and Agnes Riley. B-L ITV The Burns-Londesboro Young Peoples' Union met-in the Loncles.. boro 'United Church, on Sunday evening, November 27, 'The miss. ions and world outreach commis-' Sion was in charge of the meeting, Margarite Lyon and Glenda Me,: Dougall played a piano duet, The YPU will send gifts to an Indian School in Alberta for Christmas and will invitd several other unions for a social, evening on December 16. The meeting was closed with a recreation period and lunch. PORTER'S HILL Correspondent MRS. DQN Phone Clinton 1W 2-3362 The Woman's 'Association of (4,ace United Church, will hold their next meeting, Friday, Decem- ber 7, instead of Thursday, Dec- ember 6,, at the borne of Mrs. Keith Cox. " The Sunday School "a Grace Church will hold their annual Christmas concert in the Sunday School room on Saturday evening December 8. Community Club The Porter.'s Hill. Community Club held its regular meeting on Wednesday last, at the home of Mrs. Reid Torrance. The presid- ent, Mrs, Peter Harrison was in charge of the meeting which open- ed with repeating-the Lord's,Pray- er. Secretary's and treasurer's reports were given and roll call answered with a superstition. It was decided to sell tickets on a wool blanket and have it drawn- for in February. There will be no meeting in December, The mystery prize was won by, Mrs. William McElwain. The af-, I Allenford Brussels • OhtAley Clibriten Elora eltls Georgetown Goderieh cGUelph DE LUXE ,FIGURE SKATING OUTFIT *'-rbio sparkling white outfit features solid leather heels, soles and inner soles. Sponge rubber padded at • ankle and tongue. Lined with smooth brown kid leather, Nicely shaped combination narrow goal last; latest professional style hi,cut shaped top. Fitted with chrome-plated English Figure Skates. A real '.1auy) Women's sizes —3 to 9 (in half-sizes). .,„ "SMALL FRY" Skates and Boots BEGIIMEll'S TUBS SICATE OUTFITS Eor 3 to 7 years. Apptov:t hockey style leather boots, with built•In ankle supPorte; outside strap and buckle. Debigned to glee tiny ankles the firm suPpott they need, Boots are riveted to '*titisior•te-stand,ore semi. tube skated, SlSes 7 to 11; PAIR Oa 1'6iPAI? 91