HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-29, Page 7*fITHURSDAY, 1\,TOVEMBER, 29, 1956 .NEWS4EPRO „ FOR QUK.K RESULTS Z11= NVWS-Rg,CORD PAGE SEVEN ,RAT,E$ o charge for. ax UQ of lairtbs, Marriages .41A Deaths Articles for Saie, rent, etc., Card of Thanlf,s,. in Memoriam,. engagements, 3c a word, minim:tun 75c. 3.3co.c to this Qta.c0. 250 .additiC4141, .13.veat. , .sertions 2e ft word, minimunt CASH DISCOUNT: % if paid by Saturday fol., lowing last insertion. Billinharg o charge0c-addecrl each time bill is sent Latest Time for Insertions noon Vfledelay • Accommodation For Rent '• :•(FILIF:-CONTAINED apartmerit for rent, 3 metre. ,APPlY to Roy 'i- • a11,Phone Clinton HU 2-9928, 47-tf13 ;PARTIALLY FURNISHED, 3 - room apartment, Private bath. pri- vate entrance, Phone HU 2-9350, • after 6 p.m, 48-13 AVAILABLE. NOW, Two comfor- --table apartments, one furnished; 'erne unfurnished, central location. Phone 1-1U 2-6550. 4813 ROOM FURNISHED ..apartment; ;private bathe centrally located, Available December 1.. ePhone HU 2-6665.- 48-p r • TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart - anent, heated, utilities paid. Phone aTJ. 2-9540. Also comfortable room 'With or withtiut boArde ' 48p AJNFURNrISHED REA.= apart- , Yment on main floor. Living room, ;bedroom, kitchen, bath, self-con- tained. Available now; phone L. :13atkin, HU 2-7057. 481e 'alwo ilboavy FURNISHED apart- ment, in private home, built-in: Sea and cupboards, stove and re- ffrigeestoe: Laundry facilities. All intilides paid. Phone 1-11,1 2-9642 efram 9-5. 48-b • 111RE ROOM APARTMENT ewith bath; unfurnished, heavy. wir- :eing. •Newly decorated, self con- t tamed, „Apply Goldie Smith, East eStreet, Goderich, Apt. 36A or • heelt 922J. • 47-8-p • • FURiNISHED HEATED apartment 1.S:unable for conpleU'tilitiespaid.- tElentrie refrigerator and stove, illse of electric washing machine eand laundry. PhonelGoderich 380. 444 Cepdonia Terrace. 44-teb IFURNISBED FOUR R90,1V1 apart-, rment, with two bedrooms, built-in ecupbeards, three :piece bath. ,cone etinrions not water... Electric range and frig supplied, Near •the Square Goderich. Available December :15. Apply Reid's Upholstering 1Shoere 59 Ilarniltone Street, .or 110 rPark Street. • 48-9-b Articles For Side • (CHILD'S STEEL BED, TVVO feet •flay four feet. CoMplete $17. Phone 21U 2-6665. •• . 48-p :HEAVY ]DUTY TIRE/ 75-0,16 new- ly recapped, not used. • Phone HU :2-3351, Clinton. 48-b • • SMALL STABLE, GOOD repair. be moved. •MissE. Becker. • „Phone/ HU. 2-3486. • 48-13 :1-1AWAHAN GUITAR AND CASE. ;Excellent condition. Instruction •ook included. Reasonable. Phone il-IU 2-3866. 4841) PAIR of LADY'S SleA.TES, white, size .7. • Girl's brown gabardine /wet, size 4. Number of suits and • :jackets, sie,e 14. Phone.HU 2-3841 48-p OYAL ALBEiRT BONE CHINA :Dinnerware in open stack or sets. Zee the new patterns iz this fine edinnerwa.re at COUNTER'S Jewel- lery Stere, • 48p 30 FOOT MOBILV, HbME, USED one year. Fully equipped, - stove ,:end• frig. In perfect condition. 'Terms canbe arranged. Bev.. -Wai]ace, Blyth. 47-8-p 1.951 FORD T,RACTOR, with plow and disc, • 'Equipped with heat, houser, In -good eel -edition. Mrs. 'Ste•phen WeIbanks, RR 1, Londe ' bore, phone Blyth 39r7. 48p Board .and Room ROOM AND 130ARP FOR PN alone, or two eharing. Phone HU 2-9226. jean Hanly. 47-8-p Business Opportunities OWN Yburc, OWN BUSINESS. •Contact L. G, Winter, Real Estate,, High Street, Clinton, Phone Clin- ton IIU 2-6692.. 13-tfb ..1••••••“...• CLOTHING FOR,;SAI.E WHITE FUR COATI; BERET AND muff set. Size 8. Apply HU 2-9939. •47-8-13 TWO WORK COATS (Overcoats), in very good condition. Any one can have same for paying for this, advertisement. Phone HU 2-9796. 'CUSTOM WORK $lip'Coyers Made To Order. , Expertly Fitted, With 'Corded Edges. MRS. L. G. WINTER High Street Phone HU 2-6692 1, 47-8-b • SANITARY SEWAGE • DISPOSAL • • Septic tanks, cese Pools,- etc., Salesmen Wanted pumped andcleaned' with Sanitary Miscellaneous Bailiff's Sale To be sold by Public Auction or Private Sale, one 17" Motorola T.Ve Set, Apply Huron Collection Agency, ClintOri,, Ontario- • 481) ART SUPPLIES (Winsor New- ton); religious. goods, pictures, picture framing, , Ph,Otog;raPhs for all occasions. MaeLeren s Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 pen, Phone Clinton 1,1U, 2-9401. 29-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE Your rings and jewellery like new• Diamond rings renewed and stones ,safely secured—don't takeechan- CGS. Expert work done reasonably •to your satisfaction. .,..eWatch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. • 48p PERSONAL WHY SUFFER THE AGONY OF Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum- bago, when RUMACAPS will help you to. welcome relief. Ask your .48-b Drug:gist. •• ,Poultry. For Sale SORRY; NO MORE TURKEYS „Available. William Jenkins, RR 1, Clinton. • 48b 1300 PULLETS, tCROSS). W. Kolimean, RR 1, Clinton. Phone EU 2-3283 after six. 48-p equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obliga- tion. •Louis Blake, RR NO., 2, Brussels, phone 42k6. • 39 to 49-p • _ Farm. Produce Far Sale SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE. Spy, Greening, Delicious, Peewal kee/ Baldrwin and Taman', Sweet, and cider apples. Fred McCly- pant, Varna. Phone HU 2-1214. 4811 For,Sale 'Of Rent . ' SKATE SHARPENING Machine - Will sell, or rent for season to responsible person. • Bob Morgan. BRICK HOUSE; FURNISHED, seven roonis, all conveniences, half a garage, for ;eat. Phone Bay- field 53r2. 41-tfb Help Wanted—Female ,CLEANING WOMAN for two days weekly. Mrs. F. M. Newland, phone HU .2-9717. 46tfb WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME em- ployment. Apply in person. Bart- liff Bros. 46tfb MARY ELLEN COSMETICS LTD. 230 Adelaide St. W. Taranto, Ont. Requires exelusiVe representative fo; Clin- ton area. Smart, attractive, mat- ure woman to sell our line "of beauty. products. Excellent earn- ings assured on commission basis. Three day training period in Tor- onto. All expenses paid. Include recent snapshot with full person- • al data in complete confidence. 48-13 ORDER YOUR • CHRISTMAS tur- .:keys now. New York dressed or Eclisorated. Apply to Russell 'Snider, RR 2, Zurich, Blue Water "...Highway, mile north of Drysdale. • 48-9-50-p ..GOOD USEDFURNITURE, stov- 'es, chairs, tables; chrome suite,' ' washing machines and other pieces. -See them at Scribbin's Bee Store, ' next to Commercial' Hotel. • /48-9-50-b MILKING 1VIACHINE, complete: with swifeh, pipes and all neces- •Sary equipment. Priced reason- ably. Mrs. Stephen Welba.nks, RR 1, Londesboro, phone; Blyth ' 397. 48p EWSTOCK of CORN FLOWER -Crystal Eit COUNTER'S Jewellery eStore. Priceshave been • very greatly reduced cin, most items. Make Your Christmas selection • • • 48p BAND .11/ADE LEATHER BILL- ' Rol& and ladies' purses. Delivery • by Christmas if ordered inmediat- ely. One pair lady's CCM figure skates, size 614., like new, $10, 'Bob Morgan, eC:011NTEIVS JEWELLERY Store 'have just received .neev fel crest - ,lots in Diamond Rings. Special low prices to give you the bat val- ue even See them today. W. N. Cotmter—Jeweller. - 48p 'TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We — Move — Install, Complete service on all nieces of tee-tate/is and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed.. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M, • 23-tfb GIBSOlele "LES PAUL" MODEL ElectrieSpariish Guitar, twin pick ups, with 5 controls, With push - lined leather case. Retail value new $365, 1 year old; ,sacrifice. -- 175. Terms. Anstett „JeWellers, Clinton: 4813 BROWN 1401..PMN COAT in dk. condition, size 14-16, newly Weed& Hoover vacuum cleaner, hardly used, like new, half price. Sunbeam Iran, With finger-tip reg- ulator, like new, half price, Phone HU„ 216693,, „ 4.5p Articles Wanted uszo rtzoanD PLAYtt, h"06.,. In ondition, ,Phette (ton 1-111 2-44417, Help Wanted" -Male.•. • GENERAL MACHINIST • • AND MECHANIC° • Qualified man who has heed trade training er experience tor both, an lathe, milling machine and surface and cylindrical grincle ers, and who can make parts from clrav,vings using, hand tools and the above machines. • 40 hour Week, all benefit ,plans, eight pari holidays, and two weeks vacation. `Write or ,phone collect to: G. MaeARTHUR NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY Walkerton, Ontario ' • 47-8-b .. LOST and FOUND LOST — Eastern Star "Pin—name engraved on back. Keepsake. Re- ward, Phone HU 2-9357. 48-b LOST --WHITE CATTLE BEAST, bet*een 400-500 lbs. Strayed from Ldt 7, Bayfield Road, North, Stan, ley Township, ten days ago, 'Elgin Porter, phone Bayfield 55r21. 48p Livestock For Sale 16 CHUNKS /OF PIGS. TEN' weeks old. Bruce MeClinchey, Bracefield. Phone Clinton HU 2-3246. •48-p TWO SOWS, PUREBRED, York- shire, with papers, one has 11 pigs, one With 8 pigs, Frank de &nig, RR 2, Hayfield, phone HU 2,7559. • 47-8-p 8 MONTH YORKSI-IIR.E BOAR. Show and A.R. Breeding, Sire was qualified on score of 85 and toyer; darn was qualified onscore of 89. You halve to see tO appreciate this boar's quality, Phone Clinton 11.1.1 2-320/i Alf Watiier 1,R 1, Bay - 48 -9-b IIIMINIMEN.,...••••••••••••••to, Livestock Wanted ATTENTION le'AIRMERS t Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews; 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co, of Canada, Ltd, 48p-tfb WANTED: Reliable man as Deal- er in 1.16.ron County. Ekperience not pecessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write • Rawleigh's Dept. K-169-163, Mon- treal, P.Q. 48-b STOVES FOR SALE NORGE OIL BURNER, good as new, in perfect condition, CoritaCt Box 480, Clinton Ne,ws-Record. " 48b COLEMAN OIL SPACE HEATER, anedituri size, in good condition. Price $45. Apply- Ross Trewartha, phone Clinton HUnter 2-9147. •• 48-p KELVINATOR, 4 -BURNER, 28" 'electric mine, one Year old. In A-1 condition. Cpl. Armstrong, Apt, 3C, Bldg. 158, Adastral Park. 48-p WOOD FOR SALE GOOD DRY W.001), 13 CORD. $5. a cord. cords of limb wood. $4 • a cord. No delivery. Phone- Clin- ton HU 2-91,4,8. •48-b • •••• . , • BIRTHS: BOXID-In Clinton public Hon*. tal,. on Monday, November 2% 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, jack 13.9yd,. RR 1, liensall, .a -daugh ter. PITMADO In Clinton 7Public On Wednesday, Noverrt- ,ber.' 28, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Dan Pitblado, RR 3, Auburn,. a ' daughter. SCHUIeTZ — In Clinton Public I-Inspital, an Thursday,. Novein- ber 22, 1956, to mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schultz, RR 4, ,Qoderich„ a son. STECIeLE—U, Clinten .Public- Hos- pital, on Tuesday, November 27, 1956, to M. and Mrs. Asa •Stecicle, RR 2, Zurich, a daugh- ter.• WINER— In -Clinton Publte.- Hospital, on Monday,. November' 26, 1956, to LAC and lerrs. Ger- ald Whitaker, Clinton, a son, ITENDIVICK In Birmingham, Mich., on... Tuesday, November 201 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick (Hank) Hendrick.. Jr., a sop , (Brian Douglas), „ • • k DEATHS . - PROCTOR—In London, on Wed- nesday, November 28, 1956, Elva Brooks, beloved 'wife of Andrew Proctor, London; mother of ,Carneron Proctor, Clinton and • Mrs. Douglas Wilson, Strathroy. Service from the A. Millard GeOge funeral home, London, to the 'Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave. MOSSOP—In.Clinton, on Ttlesday, ' November 27, 1955/ Miss Edythe Elizabeth Mossop, Varna, in her 82nd year. Funeral from the Ball and 1Viiitch funeral hOme, High Street, Clinton, to Hay- field Cemetery, on ThursdaY. afternoon, November 29, com- mencing at two o'clock. Rev. W. , S. Outerbridge officiating. SHEPPARD—In Clinton, on Wed- nesday, November 28, 1956, Elizabeth Sheppard, dear aunt of Miss Aphra-Steepe, in her 91st, year. Service from the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, to Clinton Ceme- tery. Rev. C. S. Inder officiating. STEEP --Suddenly at his late resi- dence, Market Street, Seaforth, on Monda yt November 26, 1956, Edward Steep, in his 69th year. Funeral from the Beattie fun- eral home, Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, to Clinton Ceme- tery on Thursday afternoon, No- vember 29, commencing at two o'clock, under the auspices .of the Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch No. 140. Rev, D. J. Lane officiating. MARRIAGES HU'llaalleTS-eSNYDER In Con- iston United Church Manse, on Novetnfber 7, 1956, by the Rev. Lake, Helen May Hutchiee, 'daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Char- les Hutchins, Ayr, and George Morley Snyder,. Coniston, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Snyder, RR No: 1, Ayr. • -efeee REAL ESTATE FO -11 - SALE '7 ROOM INSUL BRICK dwelling, full basement. •Good loeation. . Early possession. Price $3,200. SOLID BRICK. dwelling With three self-contained apartments. Oil heating (new). Good location. Price, $11,000; $2,000 down, terms.' HOME PLUS INCOME—Contaln- ing 2 self contained apa,./tments with 2 bedrooms, living room; • modern kitchen with dlyting space; bath, oil heated; located • near schools. - Early poseession. TWO.. STOREY.: BRICK.. WITH • four apartments, three furnish- ed, one unfurnished.. All apart- ments equipped with electric stoves, refrigeraters; three bath- rooms, oil heating, good location. early income • $2,200- Price $11,000. CHOICE BUILDING LOT, 60' x 100', located on Highwey 8, near schools. •• • Apply to C. LAWSON Complete insurance Service Real- Estate — Investments Bank of Montreal 'Building • PHONES Office HU 2 -9644 --Res. 1U 2-9787 • CLINTON, ONTARTO K. W. Colquhoun Real Estate 'Broker • NOTICE CORNELIUS TREFFERS, Huron Street Phone HUnter 2-9740 IS nOW LICENSED REAL” ESTATE SALESMAN with our office. Litfings of Pc:1ml% for Sale or Purchase are invited Insurance and Real Estate • 0— PHONE Hu. 2-9741 Royal Hank tuilding Clinton, Ontario eialettda'S first national park, an area, of, about 10 square Miles arouAd the hot Mineral springs At tiAtite, Alberta, Was created lir 1W, GEESE Live, Dressed, Oven -Ready Select Embdon Toulouse, Afri- cans and. Chinas, for breeders. Custom Dressing on Waterfowl. BRUNSDON LONDESBORO - Phone Myth, 25 r 19 •‘, 'A • 47-8-9-50-b Harvey's Taxi, (At Mid -Towne Restaurant) PHONE HU..2-9054- NIGHT HU. 2-3880 • Harvey Ashton '....e...4**4.4*••,4*.s.saninoarao*******,4**** YOU DON'T NEED - INSURANCE , YOU DON'T CARE - ABOUT YOUR FUTURE • BUT if Oi lutVo piafls- 11 .yon Want the best or your then INSURANCE is Sour flnSWer. rtoVide today fee the to -morrow that is mire to artiVe.i11 Seen, 11. E. IIARTLEY Canaria Life Assurance Company . thane 'lite 24693 Clinton ()tinfoil, Ontario' , • „ . 4 HOW BOUT THAT HELLO, HONEY/ IS SUPPER Oil AMMAR REApy? rye SURE HADA IRIS WATC14 you TOUGH DAY AND ,COULD BOU6111. ME .IN EAT A NORSE/WK., TIE BIG TOWN DON'T SMELL ANYTIUNG MUST BE AN HOUR COOK SLOW./ Oil „MY/ I NAVEN'T EVEN STARTED SUPPER. •Drawn Especially for Clinton oncl District Chamber of •Commerce and Clintons NewstRecord by Ralph Tee. , WELL YOU'LL NEED •A WATCH. BETTER TAKE MINE UNTIL I CAN GO OVER TO TRE BIG TOWN AND NAVE YOURS REPAIRED. IT'S A SHAME YOU'LL NAVE TO DRIVE ALL TAT WAY, WHEN rM SURE WE •COULD NAVE GOTTEN A BETTER WATCI1 FOR MUCH LESS MOT HERE N CLINTON X rar 0 PARK THEATRE GO DER1CH New Playing: , Grace Kelly in "GREEN FIRE" with Stewart Granger , In Cineniascope MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT.- " U N -T AMED" In Cinemaseope Filmed in South Africa and telling the colenful etory of a headstrong Irish girl mn love with a Boer pat- riot.. • Susan Hayward Tyrone Power Rita • Moreno and Richard Egan • THURSDAY, FRIDAY •and SATURDAY "MANY RIVERS .TO CROSS" In Cinemascope yOfCt. will enjoy this comedy drama about a pioneer whose ideas of et- ernal bachelordom are thwarted by a pioneer gal who out -shoots him. Robert Taylor -- Eleaner Parker Victor McLaglan and Jeff Richards COMING: "Interrnpted Melody" In Scope & Color with Glenn Ford Cards of Thanks Mrs. Alan Maxwell is most gratetul to all those who sent cards; flowers, fruit and treats to her „while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, also to Dr. Oakes and Dr. Addison and all the nurses and staff and to Rev.. arid Mrs. Ostrom and kind neighbours and friends. • 48-13 I' would like to sincerely thank all my friends and neighbours who so kindly remembered me while a patient in St. Joseph's and Clinton hospitals.—H. J.' TREWARTHA. 48-p Mr. and 1Virs. Alfred Goldswor- thy wish to thank those who sponsored and contribitted towards their 25th'. anniversary surprise party. 48-p AUCTION SALE OF COWS AND YOUNG CATTLE At Gemnax Faeen in Tuckersmith Township, 1 mile west of Egmond- ville on Wednesday, December 5 at 1.30 p.m. 1 reg. Holstein caw due in. Dec. Holstein cow fresh one month. Black cow due in Feb. 2 black cows due in March. 2 Holstein, tows due in Apr. 2 black cows milking well and rebred. 3 Dur- -ham cows milking well, due in May. 5 Durham heifers' approx. 800 lbs. 15 Hereford steer calves, 475 lbs, Terms Cash Dr. M. W. Stapleton, Proprietor 12 P. Chesney, Clerk Harold Jackson, Auctioneer' 48 -le Estate AUCTION SALE Of HOCUSEIIQLD EFFECTS AND PROPERTY on Main Street in 'the Village of Auburn en, Saturday, Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. Kitchen range; Fess oil space eheater; 2 burner hot plate; kite -hell table and chairs; Davenport; din- ing roam suite (table buffet, oval glass China cabinet and 6 chairs); RCA 'Victor mantel radio; music cabinet; mirrors; Mahogany3-piece parlor suite; *3 -piece chesterfield suite; Ileihtzman upright piano; small tables; occasional chairs; rocking chairs; hall seat and mir- ror; 2 furnished bedrooms; bed- room china; bed linen; blankets; quilts; twilight lamp; table lamps; electric clock; steeple clock; iron and toaster; antique dishes; ort- aments; table linens; kitchen uten- sils; rug and scatter mats; garden teals; other articles. Property: at the same place, 3 p.m„ the property will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, 7 room frame house, furnace, hydro, small barn. xinunedikte possession. Terms — property, down, balance 30 days. Mettles Cash, Proprietott Estate of into Miss Margaret Xing • Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, 10. P. Chesney Executors, Mrs. Donald Fowler, Margaret R. oineitton, Solicitors,..11ays Priont, Oodor- leh. • 48-9-b MAKE SURE HERKIMER THEY DON'T OVERHAUL YOUR WALLET TOW ROXY THEATRE Clinton 3r,c Two Shows Nightly -- Wiclo Sefton Now: THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY "A MAN ALONE" • Trucolor Violent action and speedy tempo make a change of pace for suave Ray Milland, Who is director as' well as star • ,• of this thrilling Western. Mary Murphy --.Ray iiI1and -- Ward Bond MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNSDAY ‘.13EEP IN MY HEART" • Technicolor• • • Made fOr all those who love the music' of Sigmund Riintherg, 21 songs presented by arreinpreesive array of guest stars. Jose Ferrer -- Merle Oberon -- gelen Traubel NOTE: First show at 7 instead of 7.30. Second show about 9.20. Corning: "BILLIE THE KID" Robert Taylor -- Marie Howard County Federation Annual Meeting (Continued from Page One) from Britain and Europe, then they're sunk, and we are, too." He - drew a parallel between the West- ern powers and the farmers' situa- tion in Ontario saying, "United we stand; divided we fall." Warden John. V. Fischer regret- ted- Mr. Greig's resignatien. The Warden drew 'attention to safe - driving week being sponsored •throughout Canada and -the ,USA the first week in Deceniber, and urged co-operation in the county with this campaign. Visitors to the meeting included Alphonse • Murray, Ripley, vice- president of Bruce County Fed- eratiOn; •Fergus Lannin, Mitchell, of Perth Federation and -Morley Gough, RR 3, Mount Bridges, rep- resenting Middlesex County, Rdbert, Schwass, assistant farm editor at C(KNX Radio and TV accepted praise from Warren Zur- brigg far his work with Bob Car- bert on the Federation sponsored programs, and others. G. W. Montgomery told of the happy relationship between his ef- fice and that of Gordon Greig, and reminded his hearers of the long hours Mr. Greig had put in in their behalf. He said( "In the future farmers had better become more united. am pleased to see such a fine turn - Out to -day, but these men here are the same ones that-ettend every farm meeting. A rival farm organization has said that the Federation is a "little dead at the heels." There may be some truth in this. On a provincial and county level, your organization is second to none, but on a township level yinformal-Ion out to all of the farm- erore falling down inot getting farm- ers. "The Federation," said Mr: Mentgoinery, "is the/ most demo- cratic organization in existence. 1You go fight out to the school sections. Your representatives there must be willing to work,And be well-informed. I ask you to strengthen your organization, The reason the other organization has been able to get started, is that there has been something lacking in.the Federation on a local ltvel." VARNA Mrs. T. J. Pitt has returned home' after visiting friends in Toe rent% * Mrs. Fred' MeClymont is visiting with relatives at King City and Toronto. . .. - The many friends of George Coleman, Sr., are glad to hear that he is improving after his recent illness. e • A meeting Of the Official boar of the Varna United Church w held in the church on Monda evening of this week. liEllM11111111111110111111111111f1IIIIIMEINIE UA12RY WILLIAMS 1 11 I • FORTOP 4 AC LiTyl4rWi OILLfriAti-71 4"4*1 TRADVIA11416. HARRY WILLIAMS NEL OIL irir GASOLIN MOTCROIL IMBRIUM' R.R.2, CLINTON .omillu 2-1 IMITIMBEIBE 1111 III EIMMINDINEIRI Clinton Communit Farmers • AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m, TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctionee, K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk GI FT of LOVE! oFrom man to woman, from heart to heart, a diani- onthepeaks in ten- der terms a happi- ness and love. Such an import ant gift as a dia Mond, should b chosen with spec • ial care. Take Time To Choose Your Diamond In Privacy - Phone Collett for an Evening AppOintnient vEgn)ts oikx BE ARRANGED Anstett jewellers. CLINTON (Phone HU, 24525) and AVALKERTO1 • Etpert Wateh kepairs and igngravIng IrCLOVA CY1VIA and OWEN' 'WATCHES BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS SPODE DINNERWARE