HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-16, Page 5•., c Noin*am tunes FRIDAY, NOV. 3.6, 1888. Seafo Mr, John 1Wc:dai •Ilurohased the Murpl ':this towing for 45,960. has ,got 'a good bar teaching staff remt i The temperance boo' :ducted into the high 'taught once a week. ;Hawes was recent 'Oakville, having con Mr, D. D. Wilson's b ego, He is now .in ,t His ,censeienue trstr bl he wae'.inclined to m yy�.' A barber'named Hod. rT:arrested on suspicio u horse .dealer, arm adjoining Mr, McMann atu..—••All the for next • year. has been intro - r classes to be A man named arrested near ssed•to burning n about a year e'•county jail. d him so that e a confession. ins has also been s. Bel, are. • The 5th Of N vomber, was .cele- ‘tlrated here by a rand supper under 'the auspices of Ora ge Lodge No. 852 £ansl. L. 0. Y. B. No 1'1. After the :sumptuous repast th brethren and tiriends passed from Mr, Lamonby's .hotel •to 411e Orange ilall,where they were entertained fo a couple of hole's 'by readings,recitatiens,singing, instru- mental music a e d speeches, The -older members th n withdrew and the lounger joined n the . mazy dance, ',which lasted t'.1 morning. Every - ;thing went off . atisfactorily with the exception of a r astardly •triok perpe. trateri by som low, mean, vicious person who had t e audacity to riddle .the top of a •bugg ' belonging to an ?inoffensive inemliber of the '0. Y. B. L. The sneak hangs h is dead whenever lie comes clown. 0o wonder. Go Rev. J. A. A recipient of a ha to him during do Knox churc of Court' Gode )Order Foresters, were elected : Bro J. Spread, V. 0. R, T..Sneyd, F. S.; \ d:. Crabb, Treas.; R. Eilis, J.W.; J. Stevra;rt, •J.B. was made to wr elue.here•Saturd two square tic the rails. The ;a,,t . the rails being of the;rarin, the en down, .so that the slowly at the 'ti world leave bee It seems that it the train down a very sharp cur of the station. Ha mail. train nothing it ftoln a complete has :created inte every effort will b the fiends who att '43d -crime. A G. T. Pe Romp, has since suspicion, ' eright arson wee made the some gown presented recent entertainment. ,—At the last meeting 'eh, No. 82, Canadian the following officers J. S, Wait, C. R.;. R. Fulford, Chap; • . McCreath, R. S.; Symonds, S. W.;' Pennington, S. Be! A dastardly attempt ck the mixed train y evening by putting of timber between n was a 'heavy Rone .� lippery on account Inger bad slackened train was Moving e, 'otherwise there a terrible disaster, as intended t0 yin., he bank, which is on bout a .mile east' it been the night ould have saved wreck. The affair e excitement and made to discover' pted this unwent- ng•ine wiper, IL been' arrested on THE FUIT MEET. 'The FINEST 'QUALITY of GRAPES, PEACHES,. PEARS, 'QUINCES, • ORANGES, LEMONS,' WIC ICE1,11'i 's.. OYSTERS RAWI STEWED or FRIED. very Full anl! Halloo of Confectionery. Pioneer Hardare Store STONE BLOCK. The unfavorabl the shooting mat 'cion. I, and in co at Mr. Richard target shooting ,evening • the eventuated and .idly, the attend most excellent re well catered by Miller, nephew ,of Con. 2, start land in a few day, orris. weather prevented It taking place -on Sequent the boys met iller's and had some u the barn. In the contemplated dance me off most splen- nee being large.- A ast was provided and rs. Miller.—Mr. Jas, Mr, J. A. McEwen, for his home in Scot - Kin Mr. Paul NIcr been appointed licenses in plat resigned.—The Ceylifornia confe D. D. on the E Kincardine and Guelph Oonfere Church.—Rev. rector of the o was presented handsome tea se ardine. nes, of this town, has n issuer of marriage of Mr. D.McKendrick, Rutherford University red the degree of Jas. Hannoe, of ox•prasidei.t of the ce of the Methodist W. T. hill, B. A., urch of the !fe;ssiah, ith au address and a ice and clock. ...:... Flour and. Feed. Having rented the premises recently occupied by MESSRS. HUTTON fit CARR, Se a Flour & Feed Store, I propose keeping on band a full stock of IIO1'Ier ryp�td O%QIB CRACIiEDil\MEAT andOaC 4.1 1 . Lunn,.rTAL, ALL KINDS Or GNc`ralV:=. llv S'1"014r.. FINE PEASE MEAT, roti anosE. 4r haled Nay kept on hnr.1. ,, E. CARR, The Leading Cross Cut 'Saws AMERICAN A.-HIEAD OF ANY, AMERICAN RACER LANCE, SMITITS LEADER. BEST LINES of 8PPENG 5',Eat CATTLE, C4,1111413 All at. BOTTOM. PRICES. EXTRA .VALUE IN SLEIGH BELLS. • 11,284 GaAs & Co TOWN 'PROPE MISS NELLO MolitARDY, 7OLASBES FOR INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND J Organ, In Voice Culture and Harmony, bivsro Roos : n 13aaVna SW4. YATES' SPECIALS Choice B, W. Flour, Allen's Patent Mince Meat, Pure English Malt Vinegar for table use. Celluloid Starch, Racket's Blue and Black Lead, 5 lb Bar Soap for 25 cents, New Raisins,. New Currants, New Dates, mHE VNDERSIONED HAS nEdIDED to offer for sale 'several rood properties iu the Town Plot, (Lower Wingham,) composed as follows PA10EL I - . LotsNes. 134 and 135 on the' North. elde•of Water St. and lots No. 18 and 138 on the, South side of Victoria St.' These lots are all together•, and compose a splendid hcrevark lot, Excellent value. penoxy II: •Fenn'ors-.,Numbers $5, 38, 3i and:. 2 on.the East gide ot,Merbert•St., in Ilia Town Piot,• Fisher's Suri.v. - Samna III In the Oovel'rimeret Mill Reserve, Fi4her's Suvroy, Lot No, 2 on .the East aide of Helena St., about ono•8fth of an acro, with a small house, and stable. Parties wishing to seethe properties and ascertain tombs •can uio so by applying to Mi:'S. T. PRICE, • Lrower. WIngham. W ingham`P, 0. '• • Choice Coffee, Pure Spices, New Salmon, New Nuts. Y STOOK ---.O;E i►ROCERIES New le IS ' CROWC E AND COMPLETE I will open up &Fine Line of XMAS- GOODS Nextweek. Call and inspect. W. T. Y.ATES. THE CHINA HOUSE, . • ellen. Store. , I am opening out a Brand New and Attractive Stock of Watches;. Jewellery., Silverware, &c., in my recently finished' shop in the Green Block. Having purchased favorably, I am in a position to give bargains equal to any in the trade. J. E: H. DINSL•EV. E CONDITION Of Unfaithful, Sluggish, Slumbering or Napping Watches Thoroughly Ditagn®sed aid Put Iiight IN FRAME AND DISPOSITION, BY E. e F. d GERSTER. Besides, he keeps the Most Varied, Select, Elegant and Cheap Stock of WATOTIES, JEWELLERY, Stc., IN WINGIIA ILL 011111 Mxsoal Mona AND P.OV/I THIS WtttOltAbl. . The 4neJ orTheitnehortiouse. CORDON & McINTYRE, HAVE NOW THEIR' hlimollso Stock of Fall Goods • COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, And without attempting to give even an outline of the many important additions"this .season to their usually attractive stock, they would simply extend a most cordial and hearty welcome to every person, visiting their House. They will take pleasure in showing their Goods and quoting Prices. If goods and prices are satisfactory, they will be. delighted to make .sales, and the• larger the sales the more delighted they will be. ter CALL UPON THEM EARLY. IT WILL PAY YOU. TO DO S0. GORDON & MoINTYRE, THE BIG BROWN ANCHOR. FALL •IMPORTATIONS 1 iA o :Eoss AAS NOW ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF EVERY LINE FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS BOOKSTORE. MAGNIFICENT WALL PAPERS Of EVERY QUALITY, SHADE and DESIGN, and at REALLY LOW PRICES. BIG. ARRIVALS IN FANCY GOODS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TEACHERS' REQUISITES. FINE ALBUMS AND VERY Low PRICES. VASES IN EVERY DESIGN, AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. BLANK BOOKS. HOLIDAY GOODS. The Etalintrt Ring SiakQQ1 Baz—the Bag-theIatQat Out. SEE ET. --UNDE RTAKING— co Having added a Delivery Waggon to this brawl) of t'•k int ineee orders will (if necessary) be delivered anywhere within 10 11 _r 3 of Wingham. This will no doubt oftentimes save a Motd deal of trouble, csr • '.ally where parties may not have suitable conveyances of their ovr:a. All necessaries for FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, HATCRAPES, GLOB' , kept and delivered with orders. $ r AC. Y., `U alert` r