HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-22, Page 12A Completely New Kind of TV, Antenna, CHANNEL INAS11,112„,„ Revolutionary "Travelling WaVe" design stops "snow," "ghosts," and. interference Now, you can haVe picture quality never before possible in this area. Channel Master is first to bring you an antenna with the powerful "Travelling Wave" principle, f9r best re. ception. The "Travelling Wave" reinforces your picture'. signals electronically, and rejects all interference and unwanted signals. Channel ivtastei's new T-W will improve TV reception on all channels (2-13), on the same set you're now using. , Over 5 times stronger •than any other antenna) lasts years longer', Recommen-ded-foi-COLOR Ty GREY 'CUP CHECK-UP of your TV ANTENNA Share in the dramatic highlights of this tense Game. •But remember-e- Your TV pictures can never.be oil boner than antenna. Let us send one of our antenna specialists to your „home, during our pm-election special. He'll inspect ybur antenna thoroughly and tell you whether you're getting the best. picture floolity your set con deliver. Merrill Radio and Electric "BE WISE-BUY FROM A SERVICE DEALER", HUnter ,2-7021 ' . CLINTON Hereford Group To Have Annual At Dungannon The Huron Hereford Association will have their annual banquet at the Dungannon. United ,Ci-tarch. on. :Tuesday-gvening, November 27, ba, ginning at seven oi eloCk. Guest speaker will be J. S, Pun* bar, Guelph, who: will we alioleS'te tell of his trip. to South America. Loony tickets may be purchased from: Arthur Bolton Clinton; Stan-. ley Jackson, Kippen; Ernest Drown, Clinton or Sam McClure, RR 2, Seaforth, IOOF Notes . The Clinton IOOF No, 83 IS holdingo a card party in the lodge hall on Tuesday evening, Novem- ber 27. All proceeds from the party are earmarked for the dont- Inunity Swimming Pool Fund, Leafs,. Cauadi*3u Wig :Openitig. Peewee Games The Kinsmen Peewee Hockey League have .Started their schedule: with two genies Played, to date. Maple Leafs defeated Black Hawks On -Friday, 5-1 and . :Canadiens trimmed Red Wings Monday 5-80 This week Black Hawks meet Canadiens and, Red Wings play-' Maple Leafs. IIJOKE4S1VITH utpivs,, CLUB ST4W1) 10,AB:P: r AIM/ The Tuciterstnith, Ladies' Club held a eard party in the Agricui, tural board room 'on Friday ev- ening.. The winners' were; ladies, Mrs, Michael; met`, Warren gib- bings; lone hands:, ladies, Mrs, James Nott; men, Mr. Shepherd. Consolation prizes were won by Mrs. Jack Turner and-Mr, Mich-. tiel; lunch prize, Mrs. Jack Turner, tannummonsilimonionionommilimmisimilimoulloommenommomigiummonsiousummuiliisommemonsiiss Toy Specials Reg. Sale 1.98 $1.19 VISITING NURSE .48 .69 .98 .69 .90 no 1.49 .49-.98 Acs us 1.49 ' AEROPLANES-.:- Mind-up Models ,,, ..,„ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.59 ,,,, „... ,, , . .. ..... -.89 dARAGE 'in Metal 1.69 RAILROAD .ACCESSORY SET = CLEANING SET,. Including Carpet Sweeper . .. 2.98 See Slides with latilittalone Light, ° Naturally 0 FAMILY DOCTOR SET with Suitcase I m us FAMILY DOCTOR PAGODA TEA SET, black and gold plastic DOLL FURNITURE in Wood '.9S to 2.25 VILLAGE SET hi Plastic 3.98 . .98 .49 .98 $1.99 $1.98 tisit-Lozus in full brilliance every time with Sawyer's Bilens 35 Viewer with (;,Hilt-Ift Light cEvrvan 44 0 ni CI it's here-a thrilling new camera for all the family! made by Sawyer's, manufacturers of View-Master product! NOMAD 127 *95 only NOMAD is the smartly styled, truly modern camera that re- places today's box camera- a quality camera that takes superb snapshots indoors and out, in black & white or full Color: Low cost, easy to operate, With 'a flash designed for new M.2 'Bulbs, NOMAD makes picture-taking easy and fun for MI the See it now, NOMAD 620, $8.95+=.,.FLASI-Ii $2,95 We're headquarters for the new NOMAD-4-'see It today! Finding the tiny Scout camp which graced the table at the . Father and Son banquet last week, an interesting one,, are these Scouts a d Cubs; Ross Sturdy, Don Colcathoun, Adrian deCoo, Doug McCann, Harry Cummings and Ken, Smith, (News-Record Photo)' , (By "HANK") Model Scout Ca Wins ,anti. on , \ COMING EVENTS 106, Werdflatinifni.M4100. .Satura.fiy, Nov, 24---Bingo, .8.30 p.m. (Umber. sPensor- by TAMA,. 47-b SOPrittwg Nov.. 2 Bazaar, bak- ing $ale,. produce; Sewing- booth. Council Chamber, 2„0-4.p.no, Draw on deli with complete wardrobe, AuspIcesoafT.4.cicersmith Ladies' Club, 47-b Tuesday, Nov. 2,7--Card Party„ 'ROOF ball. Proceeds for swim- ming .poot .meryone welcome. • Reserve Wed., 'Nov, '28 or Thum, Nov, 29 to see Angel Street. Festi- val production of Goderich Little Theatre at McKay Hall, .Goderich. Tickets and reservations may be obtained by phoning HU 2-3876, 47b -- Next Wednesday evening marks the opening of the Intermediate hockey schedule in Clinton. Clin-\ ton Colts will have their hands full in the first game against the Luc- an Irish,: a team..considered to be practically a, "Shoo-in" for the group playoffs: if not the title.. . then-the Irish-have a month's more practice-under their 'belts plus an exhibition game or two. HoWever the lotal kids are pot to be cbun- ted-out. . they have speed, en- thusiasm and . . a combina- tion that has :won many a game, Most hockey fans have asked fora homebrew team. . . this is what the 1956-57 Colts are. . .now the fans should come out and sup- port and encourage--them as' only Clinton people are able to do. - 0 Popular Fred Elliott' Will remem- ber last Saturday night for a long, long time.-- v,•'. that was the night when the city of Owen Sound en- tertained to a banquet and pres- entation, the players of the teams which won the Dominion Junior Championship for that city in 1924 and again in 1927. Fred played on the 1924 chili Fred reports that all members of the team were on hand, with the exception of "Dutch" Cain who was sailing. Other players of the. club were "Copney" Weiland, who hails from Egniondville, "Butch" Keeling, Teddy Graham, Hedley Smith, "Short" Wright, "Peanuts" &Flattery and Harvey Silverman. Members of the 1927 team in, cluded Benny Grant, Buck Moore, Paddy Paddon (a Kincardine pro- duct), Marty Lauder, Jack, Grant and Les Beattie. "Shrimp" McDougall' and Sack Markle are deceased. Fred told this corner that every- One had a wonderful time. . re- lating that he and "Cooney", who played and lived together rer two years, 'had so much to talk about that they stayed up all night and went out. for breakfast at 7.30 Sunday Morning. Fred is still actively interested in hockey.., last season he coach- ed the Colt's, and this season he is "bosS man" of the Lions Suven- iles. He also attends the home games as well as others in Sea- forth, Exeter and Goderieh. Chureh Choir Has Turkey Banquet At ,Local. Hail . The choir of St. Andrew's PreS, byterian Church was royally en- tertairied On Wednesday evening, Noveinher 14, when the members were .banqueted at a turkey din- ner, served' at the Commercial Inn, rollowirIg the' banquet the com- pany adjourned to the' home of Mrs. Edith MoTaggart and partiC- ipeted in a round of games. 'The prize winners, Prank IVIttteh, Kel- so Streets, Mrs. D. 5, Lane, Will- iaM Muteh antrMrs. Lloyd flatlet! Mrs. George Itoberton and Mrs. :Bertha Mclennan assisted the hostess during the evening and in serving, the refreshments that brought the delightful evening to a close, An hearty expression of thanks was tendered _Mrs, IVIaTaggart by the their for making possible ins ch appreciated evening, Most sports fans' know a good gamble when they see one. . . and at the present- time there's a dandy available to any person who wishes to participate. We are re- ferring to the GREY CUP PRIZE of $500, that will go to some lucky winner .on Saturday. This draw is being staged by the Clinton Lions Club. . . there tare a limited nurnar of tickets being sold and the winning ticket is 'decided by the final score of the game on Saturday between. Montreal and Edmonton... the ducats: cost $1.00 and the entire proceeds less, the winning ticket go' tovvards the Clinton Community Swimming Pool rund. ,tickets are available, from members• .of the Lions Club and at many business places in town. . . help a good cause. . . buy your ticket today: . . there are only two days left before the big game. • - The football season has come to Legion Leaders Aechimed Monday (Continued from Page One) the no:it office square directly in front of the present .memorial plaque on the post offic'e. Beginning in January 1957, the branch will hold a draw for $5 at each monthly meeting. This is an added enticement to get more members out to the getferal meet- ings. The member whose name is drawn- must be present to win; if not, the draw will be increased by $5 for the 'next meeting. The branCh purchased the draw drum used in the recent Apprecia- tion"Day draws; gave $10 to the Canadian Legion Christmas Fund for Hospitalized Veterans, and authorized that approximately $35 be spent on the annual Christmas parade and party for children. in Clinton and district. $500000 EY PUKCIIASIF'T A TICKET O. CLINTON LIONS CLUB REY CUP PRIZE The East-West Grey Cup Football Game far the Canadian " Professional Football Championship will be played at Varsity Stadium, Taranto, Saturday, November 24. $1.00 Per Ticket LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS BEING SOLD Entire Proceeds (Less Prize) Going Towards Clinton cOmmuqity Swimming Pool-Fund Tickets Available' from Members of the Lions Club and at Many Business Places In Clinton A Written- Guarantee Goes With Out' "Better Used Cars" They're fully winterized - tuned to give you quick starts and months of trouble-free driving; Some have snow tires. SAVE MONEY NOW BY TURNING IN YOUR 'PRESENT CAR ON ONE OF THESE '54 PLYMOUTH Belvedeie Sedan One owner since new. - Spotless inside $1,575 and out. Very low , mileage Smartly two-toned. Radio, seat covers, Whitewall tires, Dynaflow transmission $1,250 '51 CHEVROLET Business Coupe Spa;tiestl Low mileage is' guaranteed. (t Tr..° Its to be seen to be appreciated ..,...:.. I ti '52 CHEVROLET COACH A bargain at this low price $ 950 '51 DODGE SEDAN New paint and tires, Good motor, 850 . A good family car '53 FARGO 1/2 TON PICKUP 'Has been well looked after by one $ 925 SPECIAL Our 1956 CHEV. STATION WAGON Used as a Demonstrator. Attractive price reduction. We don't sell on "No Money Down" terms, but we can arrange convenient payments to, suit your income._ LORNE BROWN MOTORS LTD. Your Friendly CHEV.-OLDS. Dealer HUnter 2-9321 - , CLINTON Open Evenings_for your Convenience '52 BUICK SEDAN owner since' new. Very good PA TW ELVE CANTON 'N ?4'S-2 AY; NOir4IYME a close insofar as Clinton District Collegiate Tnstituite is concerned. The :'big red" team have- finished the most successful year in their history. . .having reached the purple :bowl, althought defeated in their quest for the WOSSA. Senior "B" crown. !Looking over their record. . . they can be very proud. To start the season Ray Rieman had to fill in a number of gaps made by graduations and academic difficul- ties. They lest their first genie. but, came back to win seven in a row to•take" the Huron Secondary Schools Association championship and eliminated Mitchell to make the trip to London. , - This was the first time that the CDCI has 'been represented in the fall classic. . . we hope that they will get back again next year. . , to win. We Would- like to congratulate all. the players, their coach and all .who had a part in the success of the team this year,. . Clinton is proud of you! Wednesday, Nov. 28 Bayfield Town Hall, 8.00 p,m,-Three Act play "A Pair of Country Kids." Presented by Holmesville and Varna Farm Union Locals. Admis- sion 50c and 25e. 45-x Wednesday, Nov, 28-Friendship Club, Pre-Christmas Tea, 3-5 p.m., in the Parish Hall. Aprons, Dolls, Clothes, Novelty Christmas Gifts. 47-b Friday, Nev. 30 Varna Town- ship Hall, 8.00 p.m,-Three act play, "A Pair of Country kids." Presented by Holmesville and Var- na Farm Union Locals. Admission 50c mid 25c. 46-x Friday, Nov. 30-7.30 p,m Rum- mage Sale of good used clothing; also baking and farm produce. Group 2, Brucefield United Church, Council Chamber, Clinton. 47-8-b Goderich Pavilion - Saturday night dancing to Don Downs' and his orchestra, Every Wednesday. Is Square Dance Night with Slim Boucher of CKNX-TV., 45-6-7-b "Slim Bouelter-of CKNX TV is playing for the fall season at the Crystal Palace Mitchell, every Friday night. Special hard-time dance this Friday with cider. 40-48b Saturday, Dec. 1 -Bazaar and home baking. Church hall, Ontario Street Church, 3 to 5 p.m. Auspices WA and Girls' Club. Tea 25c. 46b Every Thursday - BINGO at Clinton Legion -Hall, 8.30. Tonight -cash bingo; 15 games for $5; share-the-wealth; one special for $25; $60 Jackpot on 60 numbers. Four big turkey bingos beginning next week, November 29. 47-x Dancing at Melody Ranch, on HighwaY 21. 2 miles south of Goderich, Wednesday Night. Mus- ic by the Melody Ranch Boys. Friday night features Norm Came egie and his orchestra, Western Ontario's foremost dance band. Saturday night, dance to the Ry- thin of the Serenaders. 46-b Wednesday, Dee, 5 - Ladies' Lawn. Bowling Club Euchre Party. Agricultural Office Board Room, 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. Lots of prizes. 35c. 47-8-b Friday, December 7 Turkey Bingo, Town. Hall, Bayfield, 8.30 P.m. Admission $2 fisr 25 games. Special: \25c per card for the 26th game, a *shareethe-wealth. Door prizes. Proceeds for boys and girls work. Auspices; Hayfield Lions Club. 47-4) IIARBOURAIRES HAVE BUSY- SCHEDULE; TRAVEL COUNTY The Harbouraires, popular male chorus from Goderich, which has won acclaim for its' rendition of sacred and 'secular music, is con- tinuing a- Lull schedule of engage- ments. Last Friday they took part in the program at the Luck: now High: School Graduation. Then on Sunday evening they sang on the occasion of the First Presby- terian Church, Seaforth, anniver- sary. • This Sunday afternoon, Novem- ber 25, the men, who come from Clinton as well as the county town, make their second TV appearance on the Showcase program over CIKNX-TV Wingham, from 5 until 5.30 p.m. V. ,The gift that keeps on giving. New RCA Victor `Special Series" With thii hindsomely styled compact portable you can take your RCA Victor TV pleasure with you. T h e "Wayfarer" features RCA's famed SILVERAMA aluminized picture tube; disappear- ing V-type antenna and side tuning. Decorator finishes: Red, Gray, and Ivory. All deliveries. in time for Christmas! 4' VERSATILE LOW PRICED Here's TV as you like it . where you like it! Wonderful ,first choices in TV . . ideal second sets for .the home. , TREAT THE FAMILY TO A NEW` TV A new TV set is el gift that will give Our family hours, and years, Of en- joyent. Choose one now from our wide selection of famous-make table, corn' Sole and portable models. I3uy an extra gift TV for your den, bedroom or for the cilildren. Styles and finishes to suit every decor, Prices for every budget, SHOP NOW.. use our -4 PLAN ' s44 ALIEIRAITH RADIO and TELEVISION