HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-22, Page 6Attend Jour (Church SUNDAY, NOVEMBER •25, 1956 ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH .."THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR-REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A.. B.D. 9.45 am-Sunday School. ' 11.00 am,-Morning Worship- Special speaker: Rev. A. C. Dayfoot, Trinidad. '7,30 pirn,-Union Service in Wesley-Willis, TURNER'S CHURCH 2,00 p,m.-Worship-Rev, A. C. Dayfoot, speaker 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School, Pattison is holidaying in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewartha attended the Royal Winter Fair in. Toronto. Miss Fay Emerson, Toronto, was a weekend visitor .art the home of Sadie Lovett. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Merger, St. Marys, visited en Sunday with Mitts, G. Saville, - Lloyd Carter, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr.,, and Mrs.. DerWin. Carter, Friendship Club Tea Arranued R. 4,0 -41.•-.111,-.11,4111. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM,. Pastor At MO.- G. Thompson's Princess Street- MO. WAVES - -TINTING FINGER 'WANTS *Thescloy,4 and Friday Evenings - by Appointment Dial HU1 2.9336 Flora M. Thomas, Proprietress Boorommumm Children's Grey STATION WAGON COATS Ladies' and Youth's 2-Tone STATION, WAGON ' COATS WEEKEND. SPECIAL Sizes 8 to 18 All Reduced IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR PAG4 GLXNTQN NEWS-RECORD 714-WASDAY; NOVEMFMR, 'Mrs. S. Thomas 'Was hostess for; age of the overwhelming opportun- the annual meeting of St. Paul's ity and. teams, of evangelists, Bible Women's Auxiliary` on. Tuesday, teachers and missionaries will seek November 20, There were 1.8 mem- to reach the crowds with the gos, hers present. Mrs, Iludie, the' pel. Many hungry hearts will lag' president, Presided; Miss Bessie among,those who. come AS well as Slornarrread the Bible lesson and some indifferent and hostile pries the president and Mrs. Thomas led rta. 'doubt," ' in the devotional period. The Min, -On Friday, November 30, St, utes of the previous meeting were Andrew's Day, a corporate .tom-_ read by the secretary, MrS.' Cliff rriunion Will be held at 10„30 and A Epps and also a review of ,the short business, period will follow. year's work- which showed' a year There Will be no December meet, Of progress .and: achievement, stair, ing, ing that a parish that gives- gen- Mrs.. Thomas served delicious erously for the cause elsewhere is refreshments' and everyone enjoyed always'richly -blessed. a social .time over the tea cups. Mrs„ Durham presented the treasurer's report, ComMittee re - Friendship Club Read§ Letter From Missionary About Sinhast Festival Tile Flora Beauty Salon St: Joseph's CYO Enjoys Visit To The Presbyterian 'Girls' Club met on Tuesday. evening last week with the president, Mrs. Howard Cowan in the chair and the pianist was Mrs. D. J. Lane. The devd- tional session was taken by Miss Anne Radley and Mrs, E. - j, Jacob. The secretary's report was giv- en 'by Mrs. Frank Mutch and roll call was answered by "My favour- ite recipe". Mrs. Frank Cook gave a treasurer's report which proved very substantial due to bazaar and selling of Christmas stockings. . A short business period followed concerning Christmas gifts and do- nations to Sunday, School Christ- mas tree for the children. The 'December meeting will be held the first 'week in ,December in the form of a Christmas dinner and exchange of gifts. Miss Anne Shaddock introduced the guest speaker for the evening, Miss 'Catherine Haig, teacher at CDCI, who gave a well appreciated talk an "Trouble in the Middle East", and was thanked by Mrs. Lane, Hostesses were Mrs. Royce Mac- aulay, Mrs, Raymond Hoggarth, Mrs. Garnet Crowe and Mrs. D. Farquhar. ir#4,04#4.4#4.0004P4sh04 Note Increase In Treasury Funds Final plans were made for the Christmas tea to be sponsored by St, Paul's Friendship Club at their regular meeting last Wednesday evening. The tea will be held in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, November 28. Mrs. Harry Thompson and Mrs. Robin Thompson are to convene the kitchen; Mrs. George Elliott, tea tablei; Miss Freda Schoenhals, apron booth; Mrs. William Mor- lok, doll's clothing „ and novelty Christmas gifts.. The president of the four other ladies organizations will be asked of pour tea from 3 to 5 p.m. The members turned in many beautiful articles for the sale and -all were turned over to the pricing committee. Orders for the Christ- mas Ideals Book were taken and it is hoped more .orders will be sold the day of the tea. Mittens and woollen were turned in for the bale which is to be sent to Bishop Greenwood in Prince Albert, for his diocese. It was decided to have the Dec- ember meeting on December 12 in the form of a Christmas party with gifts to be exchanged. , THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! PILLOWCASES Hand embroidered, Pair '41.50, $2.55 PILLOWS • Curled Chicken FeaPlers. Pair ....... $4.60 $6.25 BLANKETS Flannelette. Size 70"x90". $4.50, $5.90 "Esmond" BLANKETS Rayon/Nylon. Satin bound. Size 72"x84": Assorted pastel shades - Only $5.60 BEDSPREADS Good quality Chenille. Lovely shades - Each $4.90 BATHTOWELS • Pr. $1.00,•$1.25, $2.10, $2.25 TEA TOWELS Linen 39c, 48c, 72c TABLE CLOTHS Cotton/Rayon. Sizes 50x50. Pastel shades Only $1.'79 ou,,, Clothing & ca' Footwear ' "The Family Store" • HU 2-9641 ALBERT ST. - .CLINTON Open Both Friday 8.5 Saturday. Nights till -10 p.m. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott spent last 'Thursday and Friday At • the Royal Winter Fair Toronto. Mr,. and Mrs, Fairy Dawe and their family moved on Monday from their home at RR 5, Clinton, to take up residence in. London. Weekend .guests with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Carter were Mr. and Mrs: Len Evans,St. Thomas, Mrs. 'Retta CamPbell, Blyth; M, Hooper, St. Marys. Mrs. John A. Sutter was in Tor- onto, on • Tuesday, attending tile funeral of her •uncle the late Dr, C. A. Chant, and also visited het son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.' R. R Robbins and 'family, Richmond Hill, Miss Francis Langford and Bale .Chapmen, 'London; Mr. and IVItt,, Dave Bradshaw, Ingersoll, spent Sunday with the former's' grand- mother ancl aunt, Mrs, Bert Lang- ford -and Larene, Rattenbury Street, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Benson Sutter at, tended the second annual London Conference YPU executive alumni association held in Yarmouth Cen- tre Unified Church on Saturday, at Much time Mr. Sutter was re* elected chairman of the organiza- tion. The rernainderof the week- end in company with Mr. and Mrs. Itclr A. Dunn and Miss Florence Ward; alljof Toronto,. was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Welch; Waliacetown. farm Forums. Review Night FRIENbLY FEW (By our Constance correspondent) The Friendly Few Farm Forum met at the hOme of Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor. Being review night ,,,contestS were enjoyed and after progressive euchre was play- ed, prizes went to high, Mrs. E. Lawsen and Wilbur Jewitt;, low, Glynice Jewitt and Verne Dale, The meeting on Novernber 426 will be at the home of Mr. and. Mrs William Dale. Mrs, William Jew-: itt will serve lunch. PARR LINE FARM FORUM (By our Hensall correspondent) Parr Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coleman. This forum felt that the. levy system is the 'best 'for the township We think that if more money is needed for federation, purposes a grant from the town- ship would be the fairest methot. After' discussion a few gam- es of progressive euchre was play- ed and the winners: ladies, Miss Margaret Mousseau, Mrs. Eldon Jarrott; men, Jack Soldan, Stew- art 131ackwell. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Eldon jar.; rott.. • LIVE WIRE, , (By,Mrs. Ted Hunkingl, , On November 19,. the. Live Wire Farm-Forint met at the home of James McDougall, with 20 adults and six children present. The broadcast was listened to and the questionaire "How - to Finance the Federation," was answered. Thel.,,business period was led by James McDougall. It was decided td have a turkey supper and Christ-. mas party on' Decerober.15. At the meeting on November 25 the var- ious committees are to be formed. The next meeting is at the home of Ted, flunking. the Lord's 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 'p.m.-Evening Service You are cordially invited to^these services. 4,0".~.0^4,1,,,,... tiletdep- Viluiteb - (aura REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship7- Rev. E. T. Lute, M.A., B.D., of Trinidad. 11.20 a.m.-Primary School 12.15 pm.-Church School • 7.00 p.m.-Evening Praise- Rev. Mr. Lute HOLYILESVILLE • 1.30 p.m.-Church Service Sunday School. "Come to the House of PraYer" ••••••••• Christian Refornied Church REV, G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Victoria Street, Clinton ' K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Special Evangelistic Services Sunday, November 25 at 11 am. and 7,30 p.m., featuring Evang- elist Mrs. H. Butler 10.00,a.m.-Sunday School Friday; November 23- 8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors Tuesday, November 27- E3.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome, Awaits You • Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister-REV. J. E. OSTROM 11.00 am-IVIorning Worship ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS.' MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, November 25 10.00 a.m.--:-Classes for all in the Church School. 11.00 a.m.-Public Worship- The Sacrament of Baptism will be observed. Friday, Nov. 30 - St. Andrew's Night Celebration by the whole congregation - under Men's Club auspices Sup- per and programme. All Welcome At Our Services PERSONALS Speaker From Trinidad Mi s sion At Ontario Street Guest speaker at Ontario Street United. Church morning service. this. Sunday will be Rev, A, C. DayfOot,. 'ITInitiad. Rev, 'Dayfoot graduated as a united Churph hater in 1943 and since that time has spent a year in 'Cambridge, England, doing post-graduate work and has served AS •missionary. He was in the mission field in 'Mina until the communists took over in 1$50, At present he is serving as a missionary As Trip» idad. ports were received and all re- flected a year of work and wor- ship. An interesting letter from. Dr. Pleasance .Carr,, India, asked for special prayers for their work. "This year a tremendously impor- tant event will be the great Sinhast FestiVal, when millions of pilgrims from all over the sub-cOntinent and from farther afield come to Nasih to-bathe in the river and visit the temples and seek in gen- eral for spirithal blessing and peace of heart. These vast crowds are a deeply moving sight. "Plans have been Made' by .the Diocese to try to take full advent- _ 0 St.:Andrew's Club • Parish Catholic Youth Organiza-1 1132 tion visited a meeting of the Strat- 7,00 ford 'CYO held last Sunday even- ing in the new parish ball just completed there by Rev. J. O'Rourke, formerly pastor of St. Joseph's, Clinton, Visiting mem- bers were also present from Blyth, Seaforth, St. Columban, Dublin. During the meeting Rev. T. L. McManus, j:C1., Professor of Moral Theology, at St. Peter's Seminary; London, gave a very instructive talk on some of the problems of youth today. Among those attending were the executive of the Clinton club; Bob Garon, Jim IVIanaghan, Marjorie Goldsworthy and Kay Sharp. Don Denomme, John and Joan Sharp, Anne' Trott, June Goldsworthy, Martin and Annie Van Ninehuys, were other members who made the trip. New Parish Hall Order of Meetings for .Memberls of the St. Joseph's Day: a.m.-Breaking of Bread p.m.---Children's Meeting Pan:-Gospel Meeting All Welcome Joseph Street • GOSPEL HALL CLINTON • 10.00 a.m,-Dutch Service 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School 2.30 p.m.-English Service Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m, Breaking of Bread „..., 11.00 a.m, Gospel Service „ 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study, 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton `REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader Sunday Next Before Advent 8,30 a.m.-Holy Communipn _11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer. 4.30 p.m.-Evening Prayer Thursday, Nov. 30-St, Andrew's Day. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. Come In And See Them Today! F Ourco Sr aturday Special: F;lesh iiirthEARY MUFFINS 39( BARTLIFF BROS. Reg. 50c doz. for Our Famous Fruit Cakes are made with the finest ingredients 'and baked with care. Fruit Cakes BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS HUnter 2-9727 CLINTON DON'T MISS SEEING HIM AT OUR HARDWARE STORE THIS 4' CHOOSE FROM SUCH FAMOUS MAKES AS: i o MeBRINE .) SAMSONITE LANGMUIR TRAVELGARD JEFFREY LEWIS • SINGLE CASES or MATCHED SETS licqvpyt's Taxi NIGHT HU. 2.3880 - Harvey Ashton to,44.44,4,4",..44,4v4,44.44.41,K4.,s44,44•0414,04,444.3 TIME IIS LIFE ConeCr ltiOy be cured it diagnosed in time. If Cancer 1s suspected act ,044EDIAYELY, ht hate Iitettnute writ* Benson Sutter, Secretary Phone HU, 2-6635 3 to 5 pan. Be sui"e to bring your letters to him . . . the mail box is all set up. • SANTA,,,HAS A TREAT FOR YOU-DON'T MISS HIM.' • Our Toy Department is open for, your inspection. A Small Deposit will hold any item until.Christmas. 4 I DON'T FORGET OtTR "DELIVERY SERVICE" Also the, large Parking. Lot at the rear of the store for your shopping convenience, (At Mid-Towne Restaurant) PHONE HU'. 2-9054