HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-22, Page 3Popular Couple -Wed „ MR. AND WIRS, ROBERT MELVIN ELLIOTT, were married • in Ontario Street United Church 'by the Rev. A. G. Eagle, on Saturday, Neverriber 3. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles• Warden, London. Her ,.husband, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Elliott, Clinton, is superintendent of th,e 'Sunday School at the Ontario. Street chnrch. The young couple plan to live on their farm in Goderich Township, 1' 1.0C!,1 TRAOf HU 2-7094 CLINTON International Harvester Co. OF CANADA LTD. 17-12 DUNDAS ST., LONDON, ONT. Require Farm Equipment Dealer • For Clinton Trading Area Investment and Facility Requirements' Reasonable - DIRECT ENQUIRIES TO ABOVE. -ADDRESS 47p •• •••••• [[*[[•[[[['• "[[,,,[[[•[-[•[[,[[[[,[[•[•[,,,,,,. •*;',Ktm A Completely New Kind of TV Antenna = CIIINNEL MASTEB, 41/ Revolutionary "Travelling' 'Wcniese-.design stops "snow," "ghosts," and _interference I' Now, you can have picture quality never before possible in this area. Channel Master is first to bring you an antenna with tfie powerful "Trbvelling Wave" iiiinciple; for best re- ceptioh. The" "Travelling Wave reinforces your picture- signals electronically. and telects all interference arid unwanted signals. • Channel Master's new T-W will improve TV reception on all channels (2.13), on the same set you're now using. Over 5 times stronpet than any' Other' antenna! Lasts years longer, Recommended for COLOR TV GREY CUP CHECK-UP of your TV ANTENNA Share in, the dramatic highlights of this tense Game. But remember—. . Yobr TV pictures can never be any better than your antenna. Let us send one of our antenna specialists to your home, during our pre-election special: He'll inspect your antenna thoroughly and tell you whether you're getting the best picture quality your set can deliver. Groves Electric Phone HUnter 2-9414--.Huron Street Clinton FOR TAKE-OFF FROM THE WORLD'S FINEST AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS .....enewerentuen S.• .17 4[4 ' • [ '' [•-•[,[..[[[,[[ • • •, "' • [ •m oga4Witilno.igm NOMINATIONS Monday, Nov. 26 1 9 5 6 ELECTION Monday, Dec. 3 1 9 S 6 all if' an REGULAR SUPER OR VERY GENTLE $200„ 0.01. AND NEW Sinai-size kit for , — ..beween-permaneet" stragglers. 2 5 bangs, neckline and end curls I elm REGULAR, SUPER, VERY GENTLE • . . , . , [,, . NovemberkD.A.speci;is' 19 - 24 GREET THE HOLIDAYS PROCLAMATION NOTICE Is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the position of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve,. Councillors, Com., missioners and. Public School Board for the ensuing term will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS'of the TOWN HALL, CLINTON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1936 Between the hours of 7.30 o'clock and 8.80 o'clock,. ' in the evening. JOHN LIVEWORE, Returriing Officer MUNICIPAL ELECTION TOWN OF CLINTON and if necessary, an Election to fill the above named positions will be held on IVIIINT1 A V. TW,C1F,VIIIRP 2 1 gi;immillINIIIIIIKEIM COLD - CREAM-1 lb. jar , 69c COD LIVER, ,,OIL-16 oz. 69c COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES-100 89c COLD' CREAM SOAP 2 for 23c HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES , ' ° 100 ..., 89c; 250 .... $1,89; 500 .... $3,49 " •IDAMALT t - 1 lb. 59c; 2 lb. 98c; 4 b. $1.69 CUTEX LIPSTICK CHARM' BRACELET -$1.98 PANTINE NEW' VITAMIN HAIR TONIC, $1.50-$2.gO Help Htiron County Junior. Farmers Rat Control 1 lb. — 78c Howard's Warfarin Rat Kill Campaign - 2 lb. — $1.45 UNIQUE EMT& F. B. PENNEBAKER HUnter 2-6626 DRUGGIST GUNTON NEWS-RECORP T,FILIRSDAY,NOVEMBER24,10.8 PAGE THREE Cathedral Lights, Bible Dedicated At St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Members •adherents and friends' a real contribution to the atnios- the extension of the Kingdom. of God; and in- re-dedicating the building for these purpose% als, consecrated-themselves anew to the worship and service of God. Elwin Jacob, in behalf of the donors of the cathedral lights, pre- sented them for dedication, togeth- er with a memorial plaque, con- taining the names of those in whose memory the lights• bad been installed. .25 'hales attending 'the Woman's MissienarY Society In the church parlours. at Ontario Street United Church last Tuesday, heard a pap- er on Christian stewardship given. by Mrs, B. Dale, which stressed the fact, "You have' plenty, if you share it with God." The president, Mrs. W. 5, 13„ Holmes conducted the meeting. The worship service was led by Mrs. M, Wiltse on the topic, "Not Your Own Doing," based on the. Scripture passages from Ephesians 2;1-10 and 8:14,21, emphasizing "meditation" in these verses, Roll call on "prayer" was res- ponded to by 19 members, The. treasurer reported $317 sent to the presbyterial treasurer and $122,30 on hand. The community friend- ship secretary reported ten home calls; three hospital calls and the associate members secretary re- WMS At Ontario street Attended. By 25 Ladies, Has Busy Session Of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church almost filled their place worship on Sunday, November '18, when they gathered to re-dedicate the newly decorated building to the glory of Almighty God. Also the congregation dedicated to His the beautiful Memorial Cathedral Lights, Which add great- ly to the loveliness of the church, a new Pulpit Bible, presehted 3 Mr. and Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew and Books of Praise, given by Mrs, Edith McTaggart, , Re-decoration of, the church in soft colors, staining of the floors, and new carpeting, together with the Catherdral Lighting has_ made phere of worsinP. By the Act of Re-dedication on Sunday, during the worship vice, the minister, BO. p, 3. Lane and the large Ortgrpgatig4 (stand- ing %together) set the building apart as a place for worship of •God in prayer and praise; for the preaching of the .everlasting gos,. pel; foetne celebration of the holy Sacraments; for the comfort of all who Mourn; for strength- to the tempted; for light* in seeking the true way of life; for hallowing of family life; for the teaching and guiding of the young; for the prd, motion of -righteousness; for the diffusion of true knowledge; for These were received in behalf of the congregation, by the minis- ter, and the Memorial Plaque was unveiled by Alex MeENven, senior elder of the Kirk Session, The plaque, with the Crest of the Church, "The Burning Bush," at the top centre, sided by toP-cern- er cresses---bore the names of the following persons; thus memorial- ized: Colin Shaw, Mrs. Phame Mor- gan, Patricia Jacob, William L, Forrest, Mrs. W. L. Forrest, Mal- colm D. 1VIcTaggart, 'Catherine E. Halsey, Male,ohn D. MeTaggart,--Jr., John Snider, Dr. John W. Shaw, William J, Cook, Frederick Mulch, Agnes' Stirling, Mrs, Jemima Mit- chell family, John Vodden, Mrs. John Vodden, Robert McKenzie, Douglas McKenzie, Mrs. Alex Mc- Ewen, William Shepherd, Mrs. William Shepherd, George Farqu- har, Arthur McRae, Mrs, Arthur McRae, William Sha.ddoek. The lights and plaque were then dedicated by the minister, "In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the -Holy Ghost, to the glory of God, and as a tribute to whose memory it is set-up." Mrs. M. J. Agnew presented the Pluvius in pulpit Bible with gold edges and marker, and Books of Praise, which were received and likewise dedicated to the purpose of, publicly declaring the truth con- tained in the Bible and the books of Praise for use in the service of song. Following these acts of dedicat- ,ion, the ,whole company sang 'the memorial hymn, "For all the Saints, who from their labors rest," The choir-sang the anthem "I Will Feed My Flock," and the minister delivered the sermon from the text, "He that would be great among you, let Him be your ser-. vent, Matthew 23. With the closing of praise, "0, God of Bethel" and pronounce-, ment of the. Benediction, a great service was concluded in St. An- dre,Ik's church. 0 Good-Will Club Sends $20 To The Hungarian Relief A number of-guests attended the Thank Offering meeting of the Wesley-Willis Good Will Club, held in the lecture room of the Church, on. Tuesday evening, November 13. The meeting, conducted, by the president, Mrs. G. Manning, was: opened by singlerig a hymn, and re- peating the prayer ..of Thanksgiv- ing in unison. The secretary's and treasurer's retorts were read ,and adopted, The following donations were made, $/0 to C.A.R.E„ $25- to Save the Children Fund; $20- to the Hungarian Relief Fund., Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mrs. Geor- ge Henderson, -Brucefield, chose for their enjoyable instrumental numbers, a medley of old favourite hymns. The devotional topic, "Gratit.tle" based on the Book of Psalms, was given 'by Mrs. L. Jer- vis. Prayer was offered by Mrs. H. C: MrS. Manning introduced "the guest speaker,,Mrs. H .L. Griffith, Stratford, who gave an impressive address an, "Missionary Endeavors in our Church," tracing them from the inception. in the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational churches, to the present in the Un- ited Church of Canada. Mrs. Rod- ges moved a vote' of thanks to Mrs, Griffith, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Henderson. The meeting closed With a:hYnin and the Mizpahhenedietion. Lunch was served and a social time en- joyed. Teachers, Officers Honour Retiring Men 'Of School A meeting Of the teachers and officers at Wesley-Willis, United Church Sunday School, was held Thursday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sutter. New officers are as follows: sup- erintendent, Charles Nelson; sec- retary, William, Hardy; treasurer, Reg. Shipley;, • Pianist, Mavis Steepe; junior choir leader, Benson Sutter. Final plans were made for the 'Christmas concert, „to be held on Thursday, December 20, in the chiirch. A committee consisting of Mrs. B. Sutter, Mrs. E. Hugill and Mrs. Donaldson, was put in charge of looking into,and planning gowns for the junior choir. • On 'behalf of the teachers and officers of the SundaySchool, Charles Nelson presented Sunday_ John Sutter with a beautiful hymnary- and John Nediger with an attrac- tive Bible (RY). -The gifts were presented to these two men for their Many years of service in. the Sunday School, Each member was to donate a gift for a Sunshine box which is to be taken to Mrs. W. Jervis in the hospital.. Lunch was enjoyed after the ad- journment' of the meeting. 0 It is estimated that in the cur- rent year, the value of foreign goods sold in eanada will exceed the value of Canadian exports by $1,000,000,000. The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save the Queen" and grace, The next meeting will be held on December 12, at the home of Mrs. Norman Wright. The roll call >for the December meeting will be a-50 cent donation from each member •to go. to the Children's Shelter, On the program commit- tee are Mrs. Donald McLean, Mrs. Alan 'Neal, Mrs. Jim Snell and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. On the lunch ca'rnmittee• 'are Mrs. Percy Gib- bing, Mrs. Lloyd Stewart, Mrs. Jim Snell and• Mrs. Wilfred Pen- found. Have you heard about the latest service especially design= eti for men? Now you can get Astir suits, coats, , slacks dry cleaned and pressed the way men like them done! it takes a special knack—is one of our specialties... Try xis. I • 40-4..-•*-4,-.±.-......+.4-4,*-4-«*-.... For Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sean) 4.-•-*-4*-•-•-•-••-•-•-*-54-5,..+44-•••-•-• ply work and: it was decided to hold the bale another weep for po., finished .work, Mrs, N, Carter Ported 1.7 subscriptions for the Missionary Monthly 'already in, The study book chapter "New Roads in Burma" was ably taken by Mrs, Reg, Ball, Mrs., T, 1V1c1Cnightsang "Teach Me The Way to 1.0iire." and Miss J., Johnson sang, "Let the Sunshine Tn" and "The Bible Tells Me So." The- society will ask the .Girls Chub to [assist with the layette to besent next June. The bale will be packed on Tuesday, November 20, Next year the Society plans to hold some meetings in the ev. ening. 1957, also will be the year for thp fall sectional meeting to be held, in the cnunch. Each member is asked to bring a new 'member to the December, meeting. For the -Christmas pro- gram, committee selected was Summerhill Club Plans For Turkey Supper Served In Community Hall The Summerhill Ladies' ClubBeverley Wright played a piano met at the home of Mrs, George !solo and Mrs. Ross Lovett gave a Wright on., November. 14, wiith the reading on "The World is Mine." president, Mrs. Percy Gibbings presiding. The meeting was open- ed with the singing of "Abide With Me" followed- by the creed and the Lord's' Prayer. Abe-• roll call was ,answered by 24 members. Mrs. red Vodden gave the treasurer's report show- ing a balance of $272.32, The an- nual turkey` supper wa planned for November 30, in the Summer- bill Hall, A committee consisting of Mrs.'George Wright, Mrs. Char- les Merrill and Mrs, Earl Blake were put in charge of menu plan- • Each family is to bring dishes, etc„ plus $1. to defray ex- penses. CROWN BATTERIES High Capacity Glass Insulation HARD RUBBER CASES 4. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY if you buy your battery at Wells Auto Electric . . we buy DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER . • thus eliMinaiing the middle-rrion's profit THIS SAVING WE' PASS ALONG TO YOU. panted 19 calls, Mrs. N, Carter, Mrs. Wiltse, Mrs, Mrs. Sly read Osto letters on sup- E. Radford.