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FRIDAY, NOV, 16, 1888.
l re\ious o the .presidential election,.
Dr. Telma 0, of Brooklyn, preached a
clever an suggestive discourse on "The
Fallot m ox and the Sword." The.
Israelit•,h. Ark of the Covenant—
•`tlhat vinely chared,costly,precious,
mome ous box—was taken to repre
sent th, ballot box, the sacred chest
of the na h• . the ark of the American
covenant, N. , at the outset,we may
state that we ike the sermon. better
,than the selec ion of a text on which
to hang it. ' the ballot the Dr, ar.
sued is the aw, the divine and the
human wil , the fate of nations before
which the eatersof national troubles
have part d. It is national safety, it
,is the c rner stone of government,
withou which there can be no free
Repub.] can institutions. It is the ex-
pressio of xlblio opinion through the
'ballot tiwat gives satisfaction, peace
and pi'mttnenee to government. The
-Dr. g .wtl gly and aptly described
some o tke enemies of the ballot box,
and this R the portion of the discourse
.we most a «ire. No statesman can
deny the ac sations or controvert the
well substa . dated assertions. The
first elemen =, which was a mighty foe
to the Ballo box, was popular ignor.'
ante, Th idea of the vote of the
intelligent •• an being counteracted by
one deuse y ignorant was both unrea-
sonable a. d absurd. An educational
test was ontended for and a board of
educati• suggested in connection
with r gistration. The second ' foe
spoken of was spurious voting=. The
extent of this evil and the necessity
for st tat enactments for its suppres-
sion a re pointed out. The third evil
,spoke 4 of was the intimidation of
voters by employers. This interfer-
ence w h voters was justly condemned
as uman • °i d destructive of manhood.
It was work man gave as an equiva-
lent for wage : and be had no, right ,;to
sell his religi • us or political principles:.
Corporate o monopolistic shadows
should never .e cast over the ballot
box—no slha 1 ow,plutocratie, moboera.
tic or capita istio. In dealing with
' the fourth toe, bribery, the Dr. was
especially pointed and apt in his illus.
trations, ich, although interesting
and start) ng, we cannot enumerate,
The exte t and enormity of this evil,
Eby ?none and offices, was convincing-
ly show . Defamation of character
rwas the fifth foe of the ballot box.
'The pur:.t and most virtuous men who
ever occ pied the presidential chair
were deno s ed as steeped in villainy
'destitute of re. als, anathematized and
c'.:uhjeeted to t e poisoned sbitfts of
',tine/nous optonents. The defama-
tion of climate er is the worst curse of
tthe American ballot box. During the
presidential . cotton certain newspa-
pers breakfa and dine on slander,
aspersion, aluinny, indecency and
carrion. T e next evils dwelt on
were the sa •on and the caucus and
these were qually we]I pictured. In
speaking o remedies, the Dr. said prop.
arty qualif , ation cut offsome of the hest
;nen in th ]and—literary men, pro-
Fessors in colleges, teachers, editors,
_linisters, ii en profound in stu-
•idity have accu • elated property and
gltalifyfory ting. Theremediesare
• ;al de£onoe of the ballot box, chris-
i:,-lhiration and moralization of the
.ph. me ,allot box, the Dr. said,
been capt red by fraud frequently
4,a by° Christ': nconsecration it wili
• .a set' d wn in the temple ' of
40' tiaeh pat iotisln.
have in this hardened age a
• 'iful crop .f load mouthed and
'ai„ penned alarmists. There has
b been goodly blending of the
_;tic et merit amongst,aa great
one: of tho optimistic.
4; easfmist the world is
..-•"pit worse, virtue is reaclly
, `•. on the wane, the church',
is corrupt, public
decline, the risi
moralized, the
seared, and the
for mammon.
the pages of
pained and h
accounts and uncal
dastardly and brute.
atrocities, nauseating
vices, degradation
ceptions and frau
violations of seer
is not all dark
greater portiot
evil are activ
forces for g
uplifting an
condition of
tic view is t
the prevail
exchanges a
of parental
fluences arising
education and too
in families, There
ground for complain
for improvement
especially in cities, t
The power of evil
frequently ignore
considered, A la
juvenile offender
criminals, bad tl
developed by b
Our own tow
patent exampl
methods are n
Bible for this.
nese in long
frequently fr
attention to h
well being of
city of social,
political or
encroaches on t
be devoted to fa
this respect the
interests suffer for t
tion of the public g
this tendency is v
present age. In
call a halt. Th
never be promoted
family training,
orality is on the Honor the Li
generation is de- investigate t
ublic consoience is
spirit of the age is all
Whilst those who scan
our daily papers are
ed by the lengthy
d for details of
deeds, inhuman
recitals of crimes,
defalcations, de -
in business and
d trusts, the picture
nor, in fact, is the
of it. The forces of
but are not also the
od 1—.for the elevation,
improvement of the
humanity. The optitnis•
o reasonable, the natural,
ng one. Some of our
bemoaning the decline
utbority, the ,evil in•
om too much street
tee home training
is perhaps good
and great room
this respect,
wns and villages.
sociations is too
or insufficiently
se fraction of our
law -breakers or
it vicious tendencies
street associations.
like all others, has
of this. Our business
doubt partially respon
The exactions of busi-
hours prevents fathers
giving that time and:
me life essential to the i
hildren. The multipli•
hilanthropic, religious,
ciety meetings also
titre that ought to
iily training. In
ome and family
o nominal promo-
od. We believe
y marked in the
et, it is time to
public good can
at the expense of
The Manitoba
Thursday last.
by the obstructi
. in regard t
Southwestern b
Valley Road,
prominently bef
weeks. The Spe
showed how negotiati
taken early last sprin
bars of the Manitoba
the Federal Governm
ed in a settlement b
tween the Canadian
Company and the F
and it was believ
tion had been s
Premier Greenwa
charges preferred
.Free Press and C
ins telegrams re
in Ontario from t
and Hudson a3ay p
if he would come ba
could the patched u
produced font J,
in Minneapola, and
of bribery against
showed that 54cA
ing to play a gam
Premier 0n beh
Central railway.
McArthur offered
with Mr. Greenway
them the legislati
Mr. Greenway eh llenged them tc
preclude proof the,
cepted one dollar,
from the people.
money to pay 1
and mortgaged
which he wail d
had had $111,, 0
Re was once offe're
Manitoba Control
told that President
t1, & 111. road, was
concern, lee 1110
conrhnission be
Legislature met on
.!.'his was neoessitated
n tactics of the 0.•P.
the crossing of their
aneb by the Bed River
bis matter has been
e the public for some
from the Throne
s were under -
between mem-
overnment, and
t, which result
ing effected be -
Pacific Railway
deral authorities,
d that the Ties -
at rest forever.
ably refuted the
against him by the
ii of Winnipeg read-
ived by him while
Manitoba Central
pie, telling him
k at oncematters
. Letters were
. M41Arthur, now
who made charges
e Premier. They
titer was endeavor.
of LIt$ with the
if of the Manitoba
In one of them Mr.
share the boodle
f be would give
n *they desired,
he had ever ac -
or even a niekle,
He had to borrow
s election expenses
his farm to do so,
ardly do if .he
boodle money,
$25,000 by the
empany, and was
fill, of the St. 1',
t the back of the
ed that a Royal
ppt.iuted by hie
utenant•Governor to
charges that have
been 'wade ataitlst hila. The Com-
mission euquir' has since fallen
through. Work is also stopped on
the Portage exte sion for the fall.
Tun export duty on logs has been
increased frog two to three dollars.
W. R. REn1TH, leader of the
Ontario op osition, has removed, to.
Tun lie th of the Icon, Edward`.
Blake has greatly improved and he is
now in exe lent spirits.
MR. GLAP ' ONE expects to remain
,in public life ti 1 the Irish question is
settled. ,So •m•te it be.
TxtE Toront' Observatory reports
'the last mo h to have been the
,coldest, Octob in twelve years.
Fnrrr tho sand Democratic officers
,are likely t be turned out as a cou-
sequence o the change in the presi-
THE Co nail of the Canadian La-
crosse Association, at Paris, suspend-
ed the Per us, Orangeville and Mount
Forest clubs.
JOSEPH CHAMP REAM has arrived at
Washington, this ime to consummate
:a personal instea. .of a national treaty.
Abe other party .. the transaction is a
Miss Endicott.
♦J ulen PILLA
Royal Commi
the newspape
Con. W.
Edward Co
clever and
in his 71st
THE Prohi
States in 188
and at the rete
000. The p
make their in
great national struggle.
THE eleve
Knights of
lost three
the last t
internal d
Tun P
the Dem
routed, ao
as possible a
reins of govern
to their oppo
THE Provi
has outlined
for student
sity, inelud
water, pre
meats, f
exchanges a
recent action
It is posit
longer di
SPEA :' NG of the likelihood of the
Republ' ens to relieving farmers and
workin men fro'} the heavy burdens
the t '4 imposes on them, . the Mon.
treat i itness says : They. have fried
too mu "fat" out of the men who
t'reeeive t whole benefit of.the tariff"
to be per.,itted to do anything that
will inter :re with their privilege to
has been appointed
ones• to enquire into
charges against Premier
d Attorney - General
oss ex-M.P. for Prince
nty, died on Monday. A
respected public and a
beral uesi i is thus taken off
ition vote in the United
, was about 150,000,
t election about 340,-
ohibitionists can yet
ence felt even in the
h annual meeting of,the
Labor, is being held in
This organization has
ourtlis of its strength in
o or three years through
esidential struggle is over;
rats have been thoroughly
ted it with asgood grace
virtually handed the
ent and the spoils over
tial Board of Health
course of school hygiene
of the Toronto Univer-
ng •e. thorough study of air,
entible diseases, municipal
house construction, school
eats, milk, cheese, canned
uits-, soil, drainage, &c.
of our Brussels and Seaforth
strongly criticizing some
of the County Attorney.
ely asserted that he is
, at least inefficient, to
barge the duties of his
account of advancing
Ti;t; r ominion Government has
decided o request the Governments of
Antra is and New Zealand to send
delete es to Ottawa, to enter into
negati tions for the establishment of
elosee rade relations between these
Colonies rid the Dominion, as well as
to eonsid: r the practicability of ajoint
effort to .y a telegraph cable between
Arancou =r and Australia.
A cotiveu of let, g issues of the Dub. I- - .y Lower 'hili t ham.
er has veturt}ed,,
lin Freeman's d
handed us by
They contain t�},e full inuicttnent o'
the. London 2"
other Irish
reports of tlpr .eedings. A.
brief examination of tb e greatly aids
in gaining a elettrer derstanding of
this great trial, T o Journal is a
staunch and able s pportcr of irisb
Home Rule.
Tun Clinton Are 's 1fecorcl still sticks
to its stupid arr. , of ciphers with the
intention of bei n witty at the expense
of the Unrestr' ted Reciprocity meet-
ing:at Dunga+'en: It was somewhat
of -a give awe, :to have to write for th
facts after he ' ing wasted half a oakum
esteemed friend. (4' 1"01et "14P
Boole time.
nes again )ainell and
Mr. D. Cook has removed to the
premises 1 tely purchased from Mr. A.
stable and im ement shed raised on
Friday of lest week. Messrs. J.
Stonehouse and . Coultes were cap-
tains for the rac which resulted in a
victory for Mr. Stonehouse,—At the
last meeting o the No, 13 Literary
Society, whic was held on Friday
evening, an ,.cellent programme was
given, cons' tins of readings, recita-
tions, dialo es, tableaux and music.
A. large n ber were present notwith-
standing t e bad state of the roads
and weatl er and a very enjoyable
lime spen .-e-Ort the evening of Oct.
30th a lar company of friends and
neighbors es mbled at the bidding of
Mrs. and Mr. obnCurrie, one of eur
esteemed subu ban fartners,in order to
partake of umptuous supper and
spend a steal , enjoyable evening.—
The gatherin was in honor of an
important e eat that transpired ten
years prey' 8, namely, their entrance
upon mat monial life. After roast
turkey, ac ompained by other luxuries,
became omewhat monotonous, the
company spent the passing Ft vening in
a most tertaining way, tilt they were"
called t order by -Mr- John T. Currie
who in few well put words spoke on
behalf f the hearty welcome we had
receiVe from our host and hostess, and
-conclude hy calling. on Mr. S. D.
Well wood to ead the following addrese
to Mr. Curri , accompanied by an
appropriate do talon made by Mr. G.
your select f .ends, feel that, we can
not allow thi decade of your hymenial
estate to pa s without in some humble
manner pr senting to you some tangi-
ble eviden e of tlie high place you have
won in our deepest, affectionate,
emotion, specially when we call to
mind' th many recollections of thepatit
which ve been so indelibly impress-
ed upo our memory. In this the
more a vanced flight of this glorious
ninete nth century, when science and
philoso hy have won so many triumphs
over th good old usages of tbe past,
we can • •t fail to remember the time
when the ow .cultiveted expanses of
your estate were yielding to tbe sway
of the w odman's axe, when the
kindness o your great heart moved
yoe with nmassion to furnish 'Incur.
ies "even raxy without stint" think-
ing to s ppiy the temporalities of
eatuie. We do not wish to engage
the pro , deceitful, gazing eye of the
world i beholding any flaunting
blernat laurels which might bedeck
your a 'artily intelligent and beatific
persot , whit& has so far moved upon
the co fidence and partronage of the
m you the ability to wield the hainmer
of the uctioneer with such marked
success. With the Melee predominent
idea cont Ding us we herewith present
you with these more practical and
useful tieles of daily requisition
hoping ti at you and your estimable
partner lay long live to enjoy their
WO alao many happy decades
similar to the present. Signed on
behalf the company.
j. Conms.
Mrs. CA vie was also the recipient
f miner° valuable and 'useful
resenta. Tb
d and the p
al Ylifac'prpliy11‘
Stewart and
WE h ve had the pleasure of looking
through two excellent and long estah. 0
Navy s te and tho Broad Arrow ci
and Nava Gazette, of Londou, Eng- k
land, whie I were handed to tie by Mr. a
raI0111$11 fan old and tried military
man. TI se are brimful of ehoice
informati n to timers who have an
interest i military matters.
he has been for
of Con, 0, weee
Ositii-g friends at
eitstowel and etc pity this week.—A,
Iceritin cattle de or, (of more than
, local fame), perche ea /30100 helf dime
head of cattle from a couple of our
leading farmers. \), ten the dealer
mule eack to notify tl ens for delivery
he Booms to have got adly mixed up
in his calculations. He left word
fur yeoman No. 1 to t ke his cattle to
a place six miles froi where he in-
tended to ship them. When he came
to yeoman No. 2 lie nformed him that
he had eot bought em cattle' at- idle
and furthermore li WfAS not going to
take them. No. 1 ook his cattle ac-
cording to instruet oils and after wait-
ing a good part o the day lie received
a telegram to tale them to a place six
milos further on ind he would make
things all righ After marching
through a drizzli !g rain lie met onr
hero, who was wi ling to pay ter the
cattle, but dM n t intend giving any
more. Yeoman No. 1 was nonpuesiedat
ifiret and struck a t reatening attitude,
. but all to no purp se. He had to
' wend his way home yards a sadder if s
ahead and anetet hi particular if his
lordship don'teall gain —The roads
are getting very ha . We have been
having lots of . we ther lately.—The
turnips are all abo houeed and they
are really a big op. Say, ain't it
time to stop this g potato talk and
change the subje to turnips 7 Some-
thing immense i that nee can be seen
on the farm of Montgomery, let 21,
con. 11. It jas takes about feet of
his Willie% to ake a bushel, ono
alone weighing twenty-three pounds.
—Mr. Jas, Stew rt, of 2nd Con., has
a turnip that we ghs, 21 pounds and
Mr. Thomas Pot ell, of the 7th Con.
has a potato th weighs 4 pounds,
This, we believe. ill compare favor-
ably with the sot crops of our
boundary friends,w ereesome potatoes'
weighed 'over 2 pounds.—Messrs.
George and Willie Harris have gone
te Wiarton in Ties of deer. ' .As all
are good shots and skilled hunters, we
expect a venison p °when they return.
—We underatau that Mr. John
.Gemmill has re• ed his farm and
intends removin to Louisiana.—
Messrs. Thomas Lovell and Welter
.Niehol heve gone to Muskoke and Mr.
district are fast b coming "seeered far
sea "—Mr. Geo. lackwell, teacher, if
and wide by mo nt, by stream and.
has gone to Clinton to attend. the high
school till the end o ' the year. He is
Turnberry for next year. He is a
talented, ambitious and active young
man, with aptitud and love for the
teaching professio and has met with
excellent success the profession,
Mr. E. Mason sp t Sunday in Clinton
visiting his broth:xi-in-law Mr. W. S.,
intends spending, this winter.
West awanosh.
At a meeting ' the council on 25th
ult., all members resentet petition was
received from A,. &Anson and others.
asking for a bonu towards wire fence ,
built by Jas. cods. A grant of
fifteen cents per r d was given. The
school arbitrator reported the for -
!Dation of a new eetion in Asbfield.
Wawanosh. Th clevit was instructed
to prepere a by aw confirming the
award, and this unicipality's share
of the costs of ar itration, $t0, waa
ordered to be aid, Dr. McKay'
presented bills for attendance on Jas.
Barren and Mr, D ley, both in poor
circumstances. T ie sum of $12 waa
paid, The tree urer's report for
September showe balance of receipts
amounting to 6'1 8 08 and expenditere
$60.43. About forty accounts for
gravel, jobs, etc , were presented, and
checks given. The matter of the
gravel dispute etween Alex. Rose and
the council, w ts discussed mid it was
resolved to ad otmi to meet at the.
the clerk's offi e, St. Helens on Mon-
day the 20th u t., members all present
except Mr. B vers. After consider-
able discussien the gravel dispute
it was moved h 'Todd, seconded
by Mr. Lockliet rt, that, acting on the
advice of Mr. ameron, the_solleitor
or the towns tp, the matter of
°omen sation to Alex. Rose for alleged
antage to prop ty, ho referred to. tho
tone arbitrator tor reconsideration.
nd for a new ward, Mal, that the
(awe and the ele k be hereby empower, -
d to sign a dee' itt it in accordance
ith the .tnotion Council adjourned
o meet On Sato day, Nov..1,7th ,at 10
en short hoursappear.
ty dispersed to cherish Is
a to Mr. and Mrs. Currie 'a
rionory of October 80th, rt
CArtilinghani left for it