HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-22, Page 2... ......... ... . . .. ..... . ..... . ...... ........ ...... ... .
r44 Irwo
Coun. Upgineer
jwROitt%rd Wenty4woNew ty,
. . ........
014 'R V . Suggest$ county
Inve, $2,509000:
THE CLINTON =WS.W�qORI) County )&agineeri James IV.
P, PersAtGodqd"
Br ill 'this weak suggested that:
OF, da WLr Xrs. Jobn,noytema, UrVil CdtmtY could Invest about
_% *T I V _ formerly
Of ean, Guottek) RR 5, Chilton; Amalgamated, 194 A J on, X- !X 0,sphalt pla, t,
. r,
and Mrs. Peter Balteloar, h of and that this I'VeAMeot could, well
T 'or, 11VIRON �;Qvxw Clinton, were among 2a persons Pay fax Itself in the caming V
2,805, (.1900 pert
.s ofCanadq
who became .Canadian ,citizens' In. I hell told tio
.3rlt member,% of
s!UBs_QR;lPTION RAWS; Payable In, and Great 13ritAin, $3.00, a year; 'Mop., ad Impressive eeremon held in ,
y county -council that the col -m-,.
U pited Statex $4L.OD; Seven Cents pph last F4A$a
y� Pavements nova being- laid wero
second &,S$ �n -ice Do'art of, Ottaway Judge Pmnk Flligla44, Minton,.
41cal'-QWY -for the roads wl#�
A:Uthorlze mail, Past Off me Pract
off.jelated, ll� 4 special girtting of little traffic 04xt
bel '1 the bem,b4t that hotl
.�Rtiroli County Court. Later MIX paving is the only
answer to
TH V RSOAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1956 d now Cangdla
no were , entertair the Increased trAfflc, On many Of
fw by the 10itperiAl Order Of the the county roads.
Daughters� of the Empire, In the The* engineer suggested that the
Canadlih Legion Hall at Goderich. county might be able to acquire
4 Others. who Be=came Canadians Its own plant by 'Setting aside
after taking the oath of allegiance $2 ()00 a,
tbeIr*fprMor L 0. . a, Year for five y
NOT LONG NOW f4olp. FIsht TS and retipileinX ItIZ. ears for
__12 this purpose,
01441; en were:
WIJ,MN A rjuiNlV DAy$ citizens of ClWon-, bring Ekbout a will4ought election,
lWargue4te Kathryn T1:1drr, RR
2,' Hensall; Useth And Otto Fa
and two -of the neigh For the r tWo. public Allities posts, one pres- Fan- S! w.ill ^be. ba
,will be asked to. - attend, a public Meeting and 6nt corn is o4er ppy to art, )iut the V*
grad sbarQ; Chris and
1W 1, Londe HANDLING A
select capable and interested men and women other one is Ineligible, and, so there, will need' Frederika, Guettbsr,'. W4ng,,
to administer their local t. Here is ap, b4m; TrYi4je HeSsels, RR 4, Q111-, HAZARD,
_,,governments for an- to be someone for that post.
Puy S SeatsHenry HWWc, R
Other opportunity for a good scramble for the Job. Puy ton; John He
. 12, Months.
0R 1
Blyth; Jaskula Kazbnie�� and A
.-Here in Clinton, nomination night Is.- next vji4iige 1p the P'u'blic Board this tery effective radio appeal
21 1 A rranclszek Kinarski, RR. :L, Blyth; caught And -held attention reeent*
day anlinations. �Ylll 'be , that from now on, it will beva six man.
.*ar� _ At that time, n year is Olga And Jaroslaw Orenczulc, Ex- a traffic safety
ly, It was part of
reeve, eight eou-n- campaign.
reeve, deputy ree iboard� rather than eight. At presep they are W.,
qjqen for mayor, rs and elected on 4 ward system, with two I me . n rg-pre, eters Albettusr� 14cabraina; H�ebo
cillors, L two, . p!J'b#e utilities commi L ne Parents, show our children by
Meenten, and Hebo Llertserna, Bly� y OW y
three public, sehool, 'board membero.' Sixteqp senting each Ward, Starting at January 1, 2, Sea- tour exampilp how to handle t�0,
raffle hazard,"'lie heart of the
Va0andes. to be filled. there, will be only, six elected to seVe the whole forth; Peter Jpcob and Adrian appeal was the truth that parental
True, a -good many of the men council town. So, with four men C=ompleting their terms, Timmermarts, RR 3, Kippen; Mar, example is vitally important,
lrave.iFrom Our Early FlUh.S inus Van Veeess to continue their and only three VpLcanpios tofill, there m.ay ben, RR 2, Brussels, Parents, we appeal to you tondIcated.tfieIr wiUingnhelp your children, our youth of
another teRn. This, is a fine, showing of another scramble for the joW here, job In the townships: of Hullett And GodqIch, today, to handle the gravest haz-
interest in the well 4being"of t 10 Ye
be town, for truly Huron County - ard they, faee-over-Indulgence in
hours, worked int, the public service of a nomination day will be held Ttlesday And :Wed� A r ars Am drink!
the Years �go __=0
-N( -test,li.as yet been devised
it necessary will follokv Crop Report r > pre ,, rL
small municipality are not paid for in cash. neAday, and elections I that will cover which beginning
To have a healthy democratic situation, -hard on their heels. CLINTON NEW ER REC
0 QRD -Eny drinker need never fear alcoholism,
tbougb, it will not do to just return thern-to It is essential that the citizens take a strong One in 16 be inning drinkers in
Thursday, NOV-0111[ber W, 1916 Thursd November 21 X946 Agricultural Ae b c
Ayl X, . Presentative
office :on the'strength bf past deeds, alone. There interest in the progress at their communities n CoUirtty) this county wil orne an alcohol-
-nination meet- Sergeant t arl Ross, son of Mrs, of •ill. ealth, prp- for Huron je, By the end of 1956 there. will
may well be men who are as well quallfled'to and dome, out in force to the nomination Se For r h "Moisture in the, form of rain be 180,000 alcoholics In Canada
ease of 30,000 in three
continue the town's-adm4nistration Lucas,Ross, wbo, has been in tbO- duced by his war experiences, L.L and snow have, made ploWingalid (an Iner
If go'r tl4en iftgs.� Here you can learn of the stewardship of
trenches in France for over a year; G. "Skip" Winter has disposed of somewhat years --and more than. 70,000,
4q7nination night is the time to name such and, your elected men. owaL. AS "Clinton the husking of ' corn, in
has been recommended for a cis- his 'business In
easier, The cold weather and,snow Ontario,
tipguisbed conduct Medal. Bowling Alley," to Harold E. Har- early last week made for a rush. to. Parents -read Romans 14, Paul's
W. J, -Xllott and fanlily have ley. I I stablt- livestock; however, most injunction to "sturn1bling blocks"
moved- into the new cement holne Iornq Rodges, RR 1, Goderich beef cattle a * and "occasions to fall".
ABOUT' THE POLICE CALLS b e att re still on pasture. Parents -help us- by your ex.
6n the, corner of.Vidtoria and, Jos, was. re-elected president 'Of the . "Thirty-five 4-H Club Members ample to handle this awful hazard
eph Streets. Godericb, Township Federation of f
SINM'LAST week; our attention has been. more than the $�00 plus, of` the first arrange- Thomas Cattle Is attenft. the
,from Huron County showed their to health and happiness,
t Agriculture at the annual meet- calves in the Queen's. Guineas
bi�augbt for a few facts cancer ng the cost,of meet. Horticultural meeting a To me ing in last week, Cop6tition'on Thursday, Novem- JUJRONCOUNTY
installing a "cruiser-to-oftice" communication.,for As far as installing atwo-way radio system this week. TEMPERANCE FEDERATION
Huron County agriculture agairf, ber 15."
4ur police department. goes, without involving the telephone at all, we Mrs. Z.,`M.` McLean, sailed last brought into the bright spot-
WaS, 47-b
To put in a.telephone service, the,r'ate would are not aware of rates. J week for England to spend a few light of the Royal Winter Fair in
amount to nearly days with her husband Major Mc- Toronto Monday, Royal John Y.Ans-
m P�Avcludingt Installation mil Thiiugh the gap in, police coverage of the Lean. ACROSS. 27. Earth
rm n-thly, rental, plus 30 cents per call Made. after area. is, still -quite evident without any of these mAn, 18-year=ctld Tuckersmith 1, Sharp Whitman. k1.3
it was installed, Telus-charie per call would be ayistems'being. put -in use, the problem. remains Township farm boy, captured the and harsh 1. Not Week -1 -
made. •to whoever placod, - thd call -meaning tbit of just what. the closing of that gap is worth. 25 Years 40 King's Guineas. 6. A fabric %io-r1cing god. 94*3�M-ID-ZAP
if you called -the p0ce office to report ;something, to those who would like to have it. Miss A. R. Sinclair has bg..n 11. Marketable- 9. Tawny dess- 401A
30 cents CLINTON NEWS -RECORD chosen as the new superintendent prlcq animal 30. African
and they were not In,, then a charge It seems doubtful: that it would be worth 12, Communlot 10. Peer river X
would appear on your phone bill for making use -between, $560 to $1,000 a year, and yet in. certain Thursday, Novanbeil% 1931 of Clinton Public Hospital, size- cation means 14, Itaii L an $3. Fall
of the cruiger4o-office service,. am one can imaging that such a service ceeding Miss Jessie Grainger, who 13. Man's name 'rity. to
November 1st was an anniver- refired after serving the Hospital (Poss.) 17. Botch bit
An Alte'rnativd: of installing4a telephone .Sys- might be. worth, a good deal more than that. sary November James Scott, Clinton's since 1919. 14. Paleness 18. Treated 34. Peruvi. PUWk
a in towA
tem which would ' automatically -flash, a light in One lfilng Is certain if the peop e postmaster, Who. an, that day 50 G. Ralph Foster spent the week- 25. Feline sewage an
front of � the police office at night, or ming, a but- db not want lo spend'the money,* then the money years, ago in who came to Clinton end in. Toronto, visiting Mfg, Fos- 16. Purpose 20, Concealed Indian
ler in the daytime to watn, the constable on' the' will not be spent-, and the gap in, police coveftge,, as a young, lawyer. ter and family.who are spending 1T. Greek letter 21. At home 35. Merganser 38. Sea eaglo
18, Donkey
street, would. cost, we understand, a grbat ddal will not be closed.. It is up to the public. The staff of Cooper's Variety some time visiting relatives 1n, the, 22. Swiss river, 36. Rational 41. ASouthem
Store went out last week to spend city.. 19, Moral 23. Prehistoric $7. American gepeml,
an evening with Miss Jean Law- Among6 those attending.the 22. Girl's -name- animal author 43. Girl's
son, Hullett, prior to her marriage. al Winter Faip have been M J. 25. Small 24. Afresh (poss.) alClmarnt
A WARNING BELL W. Muich, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Dick" Jacob, - Ephriam knell, 28,0 A
a' nce more 2 -13 14 5 W/ -T-
Fred Mutch, received severe in- William Dale, Norman Holland,. 28.Unhappy
WHEN MADAME 'R, E. Vautelet 'spoke for we are ,taking thought for the preser7rition of its. jury to his leg last -week when, a Reeve G W. Nott, 29. Hospital it' tx
the Canadian Association of Consumers before -sources of supply. 'For the cow grazes badly heavy oil tank slipped over on, him. ,' Douglas Bartliff was in Toronto- resident
tht- Pj,�Aional Dairy -Q, pavements, Dr. Gandler, who Was, up north on Tuesday. physician 13 t4
Council. Canada last month, 'OIL -pav' lit -9, and as nation we a�% slowly
on duck shc�6png trip, was call- —0 31";'05ntend
she, lia4 Oils (among many things) to say: but surely putting a two-way squeeze --at both ed home last *we6k owing to the 32. Cry af pain 15
"Today, when I look at dairying, I am a top and bottom -on the vital business of Dro- illness of a patient. 33. Book f
little fri , , 11 % - _HMALL of Masses 17
,&,ened.,. We are meeting in the, Prov- - during our food, Early Tuesday morning the barn
Ifice, (Quebec) thatranks first in Canada I n mil S7, rootlike
k "One -the cleAirest symptqmus of, this- of "Gus?' Bigback, south of -town Prior to lea�lng for London to 20 21
productio3n, and alsc� milk consumption.," yet. I squeeze is - the ever -rising cost of- ftood, without wast destroyed by: fire. The cause take up, residence, Mrs. E. Geigerpart
.39. Inhabit4
think I am entitled to feel alarmed whenI drive corresponding,, benefits to the farmer. of the fire is unknown. The seas- was proseiite&witht: a teapot and 0nt _2T_
1, Spoken 26 27
t1itough entire diArlets! where aging couples ons crop of hay and 'grain went cup and.saucerfr4ri -members of
up in smoke, Nastock was lost. the Hensall Women's Institute, 42, Setting 2U 30
alone are left on farms,struggling desperately Skould not the moneys being spent on arti- 43. Scone Of
Mr. and Mrs, Brogden McMath who appreciated very highly her the crime
to feed the very, ones who have deserted the ficial and inevitably temporary maintenance of leave tada� for Toronto, where valued services as snAtary-ireas- 44. Cut woo
land. farm prices, be spetit more durably 'on, increas- they will spend the winter, months. user fdr the past year and a half. AVOren n I r/1
Ivor W
."An d a warnlrig bell rings faintly as I watch Ing that compet&ce'lil!'production that ;53
-has al- :DOWN. 37 38
rich pasture lands sold, in a widening ring, lowed *manufacturing to grow -or on subsidizing 1. Hall �9 I
. I
2. City n
.around our cities, for 'housing d6ve2oprnents in, one way or the other i
e labour on the farm, so
We MAY it ghar",
whose growing families will only,'Increase ,to that h .3 1 K/A f
'pre? Is. it not more 1b,
The Bible. Today'.as a3
morraw's. need of milk. logical to use the consumer's, taxes to lower, 4 - _rroda
"I.know that we should all be increasing rather than asnDW-tDraise big costs? Thxough, 4: Exist
A helicopter whirling. throu&h. Society and the Danish Govern -
our lowering the, costs of producting-Instead of in-' the Greenland Sky cut the cold merit took up the.. work of these Spanish to
our consuniption* of this most valuable of 4. Change from
protein foods. But only if at the same time creasihg the costs of buying?
clean air north of the Arctic Cir- men during' the nineteenth cen-
cle. It brouifit a new sound to a tury.. Wish
land.t-hat had been, long silentThis Testiment rover p6blished in
celpt for thecry of. birds, the grind- 1893.
FUNDAMENTALLY .,Its pages eloose and ----------
Ing and cracking of ice and the strained. The cover was, worn but
(The Letter -Review) howling of storms, The U.S. Navy carefully 'repaired with -a cloth Business and Professional
"eggbeater,"during a routine patch and strong stitches, the
THE ETNDAMPNTAL -principle of the Es- for Percivafr. Brundage, this principal is clearly.
enhower Adminjlstration`S economic policy is,that restate'd, tagkiler with Impressive list of, govern- flight from the U.S.S. Atku, a leather backstrip had been ailed. Directory
Navy Icebreaker, bover6d over a Inserted in the book was found
government should not compete: with private ment enterprises that have-alrbady been liquid- deserted village 19,16
sector of the economy in, business and !A Descending to part of an. almanac for shov�- DENTISTRY REAL ESTATE
industrial' aired, or are slated for liquidation. Among explore the, area on. Augusit 25, Ing.the time of sunrises and sun-
enterprise. SuOT'duplication of activity not only latter are 355 Activities, of US Defence,bepart- 11553,_Lt. ,Comdr, W. D. Juraschek sets, a .paper with a list of Vsklmo DR. X. W. IFIAVNES 11 LEONARD G. WINTER
imposes excessive and needless burden upon tax- Uier�t, including 83 affice-equ!pTpt repair shops, entered an ftbandoned igloo. With- names, and some numerals, and a Dentist Real Estate and Business Broker
'Payers, but -results unfair competition of the kind 79 automotive repair shops; 45 landscape nuns- in he found a well-worn copy of Mimeographed Eskimo hymn, Across From Royal Bank LUgh Street —Clinton
that undermines. and destroys the free economy. erles, 22 bl4erles, 20 shoe repair shops. and 15 thq Now Testament which he took The book now rests In the lib- Phone HIJ. 2-9511 Phone ft 2-6692
In, At recent report o� Budget Bureau Direcwt laundries. A large numbr eL to be Danish. rary of the American Bible Society 29-tfb
of civilian agenciesThe language turned out to be in New York. INSURANCE
of government -ratil
ape a$ business -will also be that -of the Greenland Eskimos. It Suggested readings foi this INVESTMENTS
closed I out, lacludiiig.,dry-cleaning plalift, Maillir was a copy of the first printing. of week: H. 01 LAWSON
facturing of surgical equipment, ice cream mak- the New Testament in the text Sunday .................... Job 32:1-22 Bank of Montreal Building
Get The Facts Clinton
coffee 'roasting and -tire re -treading, prepared by Samuel Xleinschmide. Monday .................... Job 35, 1-16 Call. Vito DINNIN PHONES: Office HU 2-9644,
ONE WEEK A r1r I EAST the 0S Govornm6ilt tightly believes 'tha This second gefteration Moravian Tuesday .......... Job 36: 1-33 Phone 168 - Zurich" Res., I -W 2-9787
missionary had spoilt big life, as Wednesday ......... Jdb 37: 1-24
Closing down 4gencies, will riot save y TAvestoks Mutual Insurance - Refa ,Estate
POU 0XV WtUR at least,,all motorists In had his' father also, '111 sqekling to Thursday .. Detiteranainy5: 1-21 Uanaged and DistribUte& by Agent: litutual Life Assurance Co.
Canada are being asked to take care, and -have taxpayers enormous sums, but will create now provide the Bible for thL,90 people. Friday .......... Psalms, 19.1-14 Investors Syjadictite of
no accidents.. enterptiso..opportubities that will be •hellal�l to The British, And Foreign. Bible Saturday ... ........ Psalms 21- 144 Canada, Ltd, Insure the "Co-op'* Way
small business., i4rvvirri oppr"
Last year the effort was made for one day W. V. ROY
That such a Polley -Is sound economics- can- 9PTOM91rpy District Representative
0131Y. This week it has. been, extended to seven, not. be 'quegtioned, It is also sound politics, as Box $10 Clinton, oahulo
days Quick Canadian' Phone Collett
,,from December I to 7. - last weelt's election results' in US, clearly In- G. A. CLANCY Office HU 2 -964Z -Res. HU 2-9W7
According to present •statisttles, tho. Canad,- dicate, 1, In which of that provIriceg were Optortietrist - Optician
e , point? (successor to the late A. L,,.
ran Highway Safety Conferente has predicted provincial elections held during. S. now many Canadian women Cole, optometrist) Insored.
1956? ald"Jobs 400,000 rov 4ppointhlent phone as, to Sure . z -
that if present trends continue unchecked, there now hold p X. W� 00LQV110XTX
will be 75persolls killed In, traffic accidents- ddrA 2, Which province bag the largest 800,000, o.1,2ROOO. Ooderlel i OUNPAAL 1`NSV1U.01kXC1--14
Ing the first week in ))ecember. 30 at these will area , of occupied farm land? A, ell R4BPreA011tA%tJ',%
M106. It, V#utolet _NSWMS: 5, 1,200,000 wom Sim life Assuvante 4Co. of Quads
be from the province of Ontario, Which hae. the largest farm, c4s;h now hold paid jobs. 3, By 100 per J4, Ell LONGSTAXV Office: Royal Bank Butldlngg
The, chairman of the Conference reports that Since all the mighty, production of the income, r,
factory today As no rnore� than COIA' MahidaOttiving nowt direttly flours. PHONES
85 p0t,001-t of all acaldbilts on, the bighways is a thint..,crutt. 3, Since 1999 has the number at supports btarJY1 third of the pop- SMtOktb:. Dailyexcept Monday & Office AT -T 2-9747--Aes. 24$54
that hunger can overthrow Wa, mometit, Canadians, employW W6ftesday-.m. to 6.30 p.m.
due to an. eitorOoiT the part of theL driver or 311, manual ulation. 1"Di Nfld., X.S., xl�.,
ipetItstria-no and that until thd -majority of our the most frAportant of all partnerships. be- facturing increased 'by 40 per Que-' $ask., andB.C. 4. Innovith, Wednesday, 9 aab. to 12.30 pm.
tweeft bu)fem and sellers, is. iliat •betwten cent,: 60 percent, 100 percent? WesieM Alberta, Itt. the Peace RIv Thursday evening by appothtinent Phone Dayflold 634
dtlzog become interested In, this prdbrm we the eonsumor and"our various food Induo- 4. In what part at Canada has 'per- ep Valley, 2, largest area - 114k 'Only. Csw - 0to LIP) - Accidobt
in ea fatnti-
need expect no in, nation's acciftt ClIntow Above Hawkins & Jacob Vlud Ilkslitafto
toll, mallent. Agricultural settlem-ent, ed land, Saskatchewan; largest Hardware - Mondays only - 0 If volt need Insurance, I have
reached Its famthtst northern farm cash income, 04tarlo. At
a.m� 'to 5.8D pan,
,W!� SMALL Pbk ywt'
US�p_oj LOOKIIIIIH� c cot
HAkOWjw 6UT*r0t46,At1(_L HAVE
........... . . .........
XXV11tJ ft r 27010 Ian AL THE isliti.11ILLOP MIRTI)AL
ItOT X. 1310NTLO, It -
11uh116 &bcouutaht
10161 1011 907 478
Oubtlo, Atc6uhtAnt
!WyAl Uwik Uttildhig
�Ic 'khoto =14671
nottert ArOMIXIC!, ;seatorth; ,
And manager,
A. Reid Seaforth.
Dlreoi4ts- John V. mdzwi
Robert ArchlbAld;. Chris. IA
hardt, tothholm- E. J. Tfewar-
Clinton-, WM. 8, Aloxander; V
tow_J. L. Malone,Sdaforth-1-
Vey nillefiv Go&rlh, 1, 9. Pep;l
grudofteld, Allrddr
Aphils, Wit Ulpot Jr., t4ft4
bor6; J. P - % ruetefl, '9r6dh2dp
Selwyn Dake Drugs0g; I
........... . . .........
XXV11tJ ft r 27010 Ian AL THE isliti.11ILLOP MIRTI)AL
ItOT X. 1310NTLO, It -
11uh116 &bcouutaht
10161 1011 907 478
Oubtlo, Atc6uhtAnt
!WyAl Uwik Uttildhig
�Ic 'khoto =14671
nottert ArOMIXIC!, ;seatorth; ,
And manager,
A. Reid Seaforth.
Dlreoi4ts- John V. mdzwi
Robert ArchlbAld;. Chris. IA
hardt, tothholm- E. J. Tfewar-
Clinton-, WM. 8, Aloxander; V
tow_J. L. Malone,Sdaforth-1-
Vey nillefiv Go&rlh, 1, 9. Pep;l
grudofteld, Allrddr
Aphils, Wit Ulpot Jr., t4ft4
bor6; J. P - % ruetefl, '9r6dh2dp
Selwyn Dake Drugs0g; I