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Clinton News-Record, 1956-11-15, Page 11
M IAISDAY, IsTanaviam I5,195E ,CIm,TNTON Ws It O The 'biggest thing to hit MCI =An the past few years,, at least from a spar t s angle,, is the success : of the 195(Rec>men football teann. During the past `Week they have come up with two sig victories and naw have earned :a_,pinee in the "Purple Bowl" to be 'pleyed in J. W. Little Memorial ;Stadium, London,, on Saturday. '"Game time will be at 10.30 a,m, and the opposition it -Delhi, The two wins, one over Wing - ham 7.6 for the 'Iluron Secondary Schools Association title, and the other a 1-0 decision over Mitchell • were both ddcided by . kicking, Farquhar and FinleY proved to .be _ the heroes and coach Ray Biernan i :is no .doubt oounting on their boot• 'ing to be a big factor in the gar e on Saturday. No matter what the outcome of Saturday's game the "big red" i team and their coach .deserve a lot t of credit. They have developed at an amazing pace after losing their opening 'game of the season. They i boast no super -stars but their team spirit is second • to none .and. ,. this in° our opinion is' a major fac- tor in their success, to date. The Redmen have been strength- 0'ened for their remaining game by Mon. Hugill who plays defensive right end. - Ron's spirit and great : tackling will be a big boost to the t' ..otic. chances of the team. With the arena in full: swing, 'Intermediate hockey practice, has been getting down to serious birs- ;3tess. The schedule has been or- e xntai1 for the first half of the .sea- son With the opening home: game 1 set for Wednesday, November 30, against Lucan Irish. 17' players have been trying out for the team and" with the ruling that Only 12 hien ean be dressed fol^ any game the fight for starting roles is on • in earnest. ) i11 German who shared net - minding duties with Pon Denoni- Inc for Ihe Colts last season has signed .with Seaforth. >►'.aldwins of the Junior•")3" league,. The move to the faster company will give Bill a groat deal of experience and we know that 41 Clinton hockey fans wish hien lots -.ol luck with the Seaforth team. From the rate, track ; . we hear that -"punch" Afevwen, is attend- ing the Herrisbilrg Sales in Harris- burg, Penn. ,. perhaps Paneth will come back with a speedster from the south .of- the border es a running Mate to his goad mare, "Nyda Hal", • Badminton, a very popular sport of a few years ago has reathedthe end of the line in Clinton. . . at least •for this season, Murray Draper has served as president of the Clinton club and has been the main" reason the club has contin- ued. this year . the lack, of mem- 'bees has forced even > Murray to throw in the -towel. A meeting was called, for last Friday night to or;anize"for the season and ;only tV.ro people turned out, It is a sad affair. . , , because badaninton. is one of the top indoor stx►rts, Oh November 24 the stations of the Canadian Broadcasting Corpor- atien wilt bring the excitement and .aceomipanying' f=estivities of the Grey, Cup to Canadian listeners from • coast-to-coast. The Grey Cup parade Will be broadcast from 9.4540.30 a.m..and the game itself, at 1.00 pm,' until its conclusion. S500. BY PURCHASING A .,TICKET, ON CLINTON LIONS CLUB GREY CUP PRI The East-West Grey Cup Football Game for the'Canadian Professional Football Championshipwill be played at, Varsity • Stadium, Toronto, on Satu"rday, November 24. $I.0* Per Ticket . ' LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS BiNG• SOLD Entire Proceeds (Less Prize) , Going towards_. Ciintonf"Community Swimming Pool Fund Tickets Available from :Members of tie' Lions • Club and at Many Business Places In Clinton Be' Prepaied far. Winter wiEh . one of these ' FULLY , !NTERIZEI) -alae. •Gt7ABANTIED Used Cars 1953 PLYMOUTH 'SEDAN' ` radio, -overdrive, , real Clean;- ONLY ......,.....$1295) ■ • . 52 PLYMOUTH Deluxe SEDAN teal(), overdrive; ..................$10451~ 1947 DODGE SEDAN- - A+�•l�itr •ni , C • IJ3V 11 ....,.• .............Y, ,.,..,,....,.,.,. ....... 1 Interim late oc ey e u CIts First Game November 28 The first 'half of the Intirmed- late -hockey schedule was drawn up at a meeting in Mitchell on Monday night. All teams in the group were represented and a dec- ision was made, to have a double schedule.. 4li weep 4aa1es will start - at 8.30 pan, with, Saturday night gannes set for 9,Q1 porn, The playoffs wilt have, the first four teams eligible with lite tir;at and third and second and fourth Place tows. meeting in the semi- final. The first playoff • gets wall be two out of three with the•group final three out pt fiver A new group convener ""Derry" Boyle, poor, was 'named when the first named convener Merv, Hoard refused, to act, • a .CPCI Redmen,To.�'lay��► c.ssA rM�1,d�S a�'�urC�dy CLINTON 1--WINGIVily1.6 CLINTON i.:..11II•', CH1',,U, 0 (-Continued from page ,one) (Cop/tinged from page one), r team in eheck. Almost ail .of the play was in 'the Clinton end of the field and a few Wingham penalties plus Finlay's booting kept the northern team from scoring sev- eral touchdowns. 'i Wingharn finally scored on an end sweep but . it was called 'back, (because of roughing. The play started on the ten and with the loss of . • the touchdown . plus the roughing penalty and an added talking penalty Winghnln had, the iball on the Redmen 35 yard mark. The next play. was stopped at the line of scrimmage and the referee assessed Winghaan withanother talking penalty taking the ball to the Redznen's 45. With third down coming up Wingham tried a long pass. k Robertson got behind Clinton's seeondary, and gathered in the Iong heave and went allthe 'way for Winghanes ..only • touch- down. The convert Was missed: ell' 12. Armstrong plunged through to the three, the' next play was stopped and on the third down a bad pitchout 'through Armstrong off balance and he had: to fall on the ball, Mitchell took over and kicked out of/danger. Penalties p`royed costly to .tl e tribe in the last half, On, three oc- casion.% they had the ball within striking distance' of the Mitchell endzone but clipping pe :altie�s took them back out of (leder. Howie Armstrong provided the driving puneh ' for Clinton along with Tom Cunningham.. Ron Hug- ill playing his'•first game'•at def ensiveyight end added a tower of. 'strength • to the team,. 11itch6l1, -- Ha/yes/1i, Holman, V. Johnson, • Pauli, ` Watt, Neil, Keyes; Kramer, McNeil, McPhail, Watson, Priidhem, Jackson, Will - lams;, quarters, Frier, F. Holman; centres, Sawyer, Seigner; guards,' In the ;last three minutes Whig- Parsons; Black, . Walker; tackles,. learn worked' the ball to the :Cain- Wolfe, Patterson, Chapel, Mc=. ton three, but lost the ball on' Naught; ends, Fisher,. Benson, D. downs and- Clinton ran out the Johnston, H, Kramer. Clock in possession of the ball. • Clinton -- Halves, T. dunning - ham, Riley, Coiquhoun, Armstrong, D. Lgbb,'1=Iarris, Fangrath;Elliott, Norman, Clifford, Pipe; quarters, MVfcDonnell; IMacKay; centres, Tyre - man, Lamb guards, Farqiliaar, , Qui;;(, R. Cunningham; Hutchings; tackles, W. Cunningharn, St nley, Alexander, Howson; ends, Finlay, Williams, Roorda, Hoytema, Lobb. Wingham-1Halves, °Lott, :Ken- nedy, Struthers, HemrningwaY, Murray, Brewer, Campbell, Smith; quarterbacks, peaberston, Naismith; id • guards, Martin, Lockrl ge, gua , Lane,: St, Marie, . Wilkinson, Gros- kdrth, /Bever; tackles, Siosser, Hotghkass, Gibbons, J'ef'ferson, Gib- son; ends, Duffy, Wild, Hethering- ton, Jardin. Clinton •--- Halves, T, Cunning- hanie, Riley, Coiq'uhoun, Armsrong, D. Lobb, Harris, Fangrath, Elliott, Norman, Clifford, Pipe; quarters, McDonnell, MacKay; centres, TY reman, Lamlb;;. guards, Farquhar., 'Guff, R, Cunningham, Hutchings; tackles," W.; Cunningham,, Stanley, Alexander, Dowson; ,.ends; Finley, Wni:liams, Roorda, Hoytema, 3. La,• First 'quarter ` • Clinton, touch- down; .Cunningham; Clinton, single, Finley. Second quarter _ No score. Third quarter No score. Fourth quarter ` - Wingham, touchdown, Roberston.. CLINTON. CAR DITCHED ON SLIPPEEBY ROAD A car driven bySamuel Spencer, RAR 1, Clinton, went into a ditch about, three tniles north of Clinton on Highway 4 early Sunday morn- ing, The - vehicle had apparently gone out of control. on the. snow- slippery road when the driver ap-. plied his brakes. A. passenger, Howard Tait; Londesboro, received head injuriesand was treated. at 'Milton, Public Hospital, He is not in seriogrs condition. Damage to the car was about $200, First Quarter -- Clinton, single (Finley), - Second quarter • • NI)* score. Third :Quarter - No score,` Fourth quarter - No score. The following is the :schedule; Nov, Luc :n. °lvov. 27-Goderich at Mitchell,. Zurich,at Ildertoln 11Tov. 90;-14uean :at Clinton Nov, 29 . JJdertgn at Godorich Nov. • 30-.4111nt41% .at Ztu cl► -Dee, 4., -Clinton at Mitchell Lucan at Ilderton Dee. 5•---Goderich at Zurich, - Dee, 6• -Mitchell at Goderich Dec. 1•+-ilderton at Clinton Zurich at Lucan. Dee; 19--43illton :at Gode:ricit. Dee; 11 Loran at Mitchel Goderich at Ilderton Dee 12,--llderton•. at Zurich Dec, 14--Goderich at Lucan 11liteholl at (7linten Dec. 17-- Lucani at Goderich - Dec. 18 --Clinton. 'at i<lilertoii Zurich .at Mitchell Dec, .19-- ucan . at Zurich Deo, 2I -Clinton at Leman (9.00 porn,) Mitchell at Zurich Deo. 22--llderton at Mitchell (9.00 pan.) Dee, 16-- oederich at Clinton Dec: 27 -Zurich at Goderich Dec. 28. 11derlton at Lucan Dee, 29 --.Zurich at Clinton Jan.' 2-lVfitche•ll at Ilderton • Wilk Winners �`nno un e - -. �. u d A.} ,e l Suecessfu Bingo _A very successful bingo was sponsored.by the LORA, on Satur- day, November 10. 11h& draw was made for the chair and pillow cases with the ehair,,being won by W. Burton, Clinton. The pillow cases were won by a resident of Wallace - burg, The next , meeting Will be the election of officers and all mem- bers are asked to please attend this important meeting: Don't for- get the,date, .November 27. Mem- bers are also reminded of the trip to Mitchell on Tuesday. 0 At mid-August the number of Oanadians with jobs was estimated' at 5,823,000. About 20 percent of job holders were members of labor unions., °Ansi League Standings Cleaners° •`and :Drivers are cur- Bert Harris' 326 is high for the rently tied for top ,spot . in the men's single and Terry Okborrow Clinton ,-,Mix'ed v4irig `Vague with 161 still leads in -tlie high with 'Cleaners holding a definite triple. edge having -,played only 21 games, Londesboro Ladies three less than their rivals,, Stars Betty Archarnbault • topped all and -Clubs are tied with 31 points lady bowler's at the Clinton Bowl- and Budgies, Hearts, Dabbers, and ling Alley on Tuesday night when Iinps follow in that order, - she racked up a single of 355. 'This In individual bowling Lby May is the highest score in or out of still..heads all lady bowlers with league, play in the ladies division a. high single of 351 and -triple 787. so far this year. Edythe Beacbm's 730 places her out in front in the race for high triple honours.- Blue Bells have made a runaway of the league play. This team has 51 points, 13 more than the second place Daisies. Londesboro Men Toilers, Wildcats and Max Best are making the ,Londesboro Men's League an••.interesting race. Toil- ers, are currently° out infront with 39 points, Wildcats have 355 and Max Best 33. Joe Shaddick's 334 and George Cowan's 767 make then} top bow- lers in the league to -date. High average is held by Jack Arm- strong's 220. • ' • REPO Mixed League J. Lepp is the team- that sets the pace in the Hydro league. They. h'bid a one point lead over K. Gib followed by Dinah and 6 Aces. Lorine Denoznnie has scored a single of 305 and triple of 763 Which gives her the lead in both these departments, Clarence Den- ornme with 297 and John Wilson 785 are high. in themen's division. Clinton 'Mixed. League • W L HT TG P Drivers :,. Cleaners ,...,14 10 7 24 3 8 21 •33 Stars 13 8 5 21 31 Clubs 13 11 5 24 31 Budgies "'11 13 3 24 25 Hearts -- 9 12 2 21 20 Dobbers °.,.,9 12 121 19. Imps ' 8 ,,. 16 4.' 24 18 Ladies high single, Loy May, 351; high -triple, Loy May 787. Mens: high single, Bert Harris, 326; high triple, 'perry Oxborrow•, 761.' •Team: high single, ,Stars 1,162; high triple, Drivers, 3,122. Londesboro Ladies' League Blue Bells 22 11 0 7 33 51 Daisies 5 17 1 7 33 38 Glad's '15 18 0 5 33 35 Marys Kidz .... 13 19 1 4 33 31 High single,•Betty Archambault, 6455;. high triple, Edythe Beacorh, 730 high team, single, Marys Kidz 1031; triple, Bine Bells, 2,708. Laridesbai'o Men;'s League Toilers 17 10 5 27 39, Wildcats 14 13 7 27 35 Max Beat 14 13 5 27 '33 Mouse 8 18 1' 27 '19 Righ single, J. Shaddick, 334; high triple, George Cowan, 767; high teat, Single, Max Best, 1,254; triple, Max Best, 3,284, High aver- age, J,,Armstrolig, 220. DEPC7 Mixed Mils CLINTON LIONS ARENA _SCHEDULE Friday, 'Nov. 16: 4.30- 5:30 p.m.-- t1Cinsmen Peewee Hockey; 6.45 - 7,45 p.m. -,'C lint o n Colts Hockey Practice. 8.15-10,00 p.m. -Public Skating. Saturday. Nov. 17i, 9.0040.00 a;hi.-Free Skating. 1100-12.00 a.m.'-Adastral Park. 1.30 -5.30 p.m. -Figure Skating Glum. • 8.15-10.00 (p.m. Phblie Skating. 'Monday, Nov. 19: �. 130 -5.30 p.m. -Kinsmen Peewee iHbckey,. 8.15-10.00 p.m. -Hockey Practice, Tuesday;. Nov. 20; 430- 5.30 p.m. -Free 'Skating: P S children only (grades 1, 2, 3, 4) 1,00-10.00 p.m.-•-iROAF Hockey. Wednesday, Nov. 21: 2,00 3.30 p.m. -Public Skating. • 8,150X0.00 pm. -Public Skating. Thursday, Nov.: 22: 4:30 - 55.30 Pan. -Free., -Skating PS ohildren only (grades 5; 6, 7, 8) p.m. -RCAF Hockey. • • WHERE ELSE DO •YOU,GET. It OPPORTUNITIES. FOR TRAVEL AND ,ADVENTURE? HEALTHY OUTDOOR LIFE? S GOOD PAY? - de EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW ND USEFUL SKILLS? • DEVELOPMENT AND RECOGNITION' OF YOUR CHARACTER? t A CHANCE_ TO :i.EARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN?,, • FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE?•, • THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH °PAY A YEAR? except in the Canadian Army - If you are 1? to 40 years of doe, and ate to meet Army "require - nitres', the Canadian Army offers you these and 'tither adhntages of " Army life, You enllst for a 3 year terns, At the end of that time you tray return to civilianiife well fit• ted for the future, or Continue !h the service of your country. Ma!i the coupon below, 'telephone or visit you,' local recruiting station. Army Pecrultln Stzltlon, • • 90• h(Chmotld street West, Toronto, ant,- • TM. EM 6.6341, Loc, 276 Army Reerf tting Station 184 King St, East, Hamilton, Ont.-. Tel, JA 2.6700 nSaleS.b`lt7t. Recruiting tha iOnt:TeMU r Army Recruiting Station, Waiselay Barracks, Ellrabetb & (x ord Sts., Lorden, t?Mt, - Tel, 4-1601, Loc. 135 Arrny Recruiting Station 131 tendon St, Wlniscr, Ont.- Tei. 'GL 1-76#3 Army Recriiittng Station, Old Pest (lite Building,- Kitchens, Ont. -- fol `Sat 3-6661 oeiw.o t laying ,oar $111 German, who has played goal for Clinton minor teams and last year • with Clintpn Colts has signed' to play 'with, Seaforth; Bald- wins of the Ontario Hockey Assoc- iation Junior "B" group, Bill has already played several gar* with the Baldwins and his team has won two while losing, an equal number. CDC SeniorGirls. C • SS t Volleyball T , tl .- Hitron Secondary .:Schools' .As- sociation Volleyball Tournament: was held in 'Clinton District Col- legiate Institute -gymnasium last. Wednesday afternoon. • Clinton Senior Girls and the Seaforth Junior Girls • won the group championships anti the right to advance into the inter -group play-offs. • Senior action saw Clinton oust Seaforth . in the opener 26-17 while Wingham dumped Goderich 39-14. The finals saw the locals emerge on top 29-14. In the junior division in the el- imination, •game, .Wingharn downed Goderich 21-12 and Seaforth top- ped, Clinton . 20-8. Wingham and Seaforth met in the final with Seaforth emerging a 31-9 victor. yr n Peewee riockey - Player rosters for the Kinsmen Peewee hockey teams were select-* ed on Tuesday night, ,At a meet. ing .of the coaches Under Kinsmen hockey chairman Frank 112eDwan, 34 applicants were reviewed, five were ,found to be too old for pee• we this season and were subs? quently dropped from the list, The •.remaining 29 were grouped into the fallowing teams: Red Wings Borden McRae, Don Colquhoun, Doug Freeman, Laurie Colquhoun, Bobby Thomp- son, Barry Glazier, Rolfe Cooke, 1Vfelvin -Crich, Peter Staniforth, Harry Cummings. Coach, Harry M'cEiwan. Caruldiens -- Craig Cox, Bruce Cooper,. John Cooper, Keith Ash-. ton, Steve {Cooke, Lloyd Hoy, Ken rlarke, Bradley Dutot, Alvin Pot. ter, Bayne Boyes, Coach, Doug Walton. Maple Leafs -- Raymond Garon, Bobby Livermore, John McDon'- ald, Bryan Levis, Doug Macaulay, Jim Hoy, Jim ^`l:;ivermore, Dave McRae, Jackie Colquhoun. Coach, Ray Anstett. If there are anyother players who are eligible to play please contact'' Frank MoDWan who will place you on one of the teams. First game will be played to- morrow, Friday afternoon with Maple Leafs' playing Black Hawks from RCAF Station Clinton. Ganie time 4.30. ANSWER TO •THIS WEEK'S IC -WORD L= l(1"- 'r�•ici OtauGI4 `• i,4r'Clf WIMI1 .,lWOBOt,. VEW la!l:I LAP! LIf; OWC.•:C4 MM 00iiu •��e: t OD.W0151 0!I2E9 E•9UrJ(J 190 OC]L''12IMl(T• +�©L1 umu nor ©MOIL 4I =OE G. r�iran r � tar�a1l.. a Mr_\:1o4 QGlr_1SC b • send PHOTO SPECIAL BARGAIN IN Christmas Cards Box of 50 Cards only 98c - Box of 50 Cards only $1,9$ Other Boxes 49c and up. PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS „,. Sc to $1.00 for a really 'heart-warming message Bring in your favorite snapshot negative and we'll use it to print' your Christmas Cards. Cost? No more than for tnost ordinary, cards. Order early! Build Up Your Resistance To Colds TAKE - Super Plenamn ns 14 Day Treatment Free A 7n with 72 Day Size `1.1 28 Day Treatment Free 7 0 •:l 95 with 144 Day Size Get Your TONi Home Permanent Now° Be Prepared For The Holiday Only $ Season Early W. C. Newcombe, P Chemist and Druggist PHONE HIJ. 2-951 1 CLINTON SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTOby SNR LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (,:0 AICD INCL ,DEC. 15) Wickets good going and returning same Saturday only. m R MOITIELSTON FARES Ailentolrtl $4.75 tiatno rer Brussels 4.30 Ilarriston Chesley . 4.75 Ingersoll Clinton . 4.75 Iii>teardt e Elora 2.45 Ititcltenei' Fergus 2.45 Listowel GieorgetoWst 1:20 Mitchell $4.80 Palmerston 8.75 'Southampton 3.70 Sarnia 5.65' Stratford 2.45 Sti•at'hroy 3.60 Walkerton 4.00 Watford $3.40 5.90 4.55 8.45 5.20 4.60 5.'75