Clinton News-Record, 1956-11-15, Page 8• le cz,,INtkrir4W.s.ltpcallP ews of Aubum • eelVir„ and Mrs, Robert Cralg and Ilderten, agent the week- end With the former's parents, elite and Mrs. :SY, J. araig:, and Wilfred Sender-, Sere Mise Minnie Wavier, Welter Wagner, Earl ertengbliete visited friends gitehener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, M. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and any, visited Mr, and Mre. Will- iam Kruse, Kitchener, on Sunday Mr. and Mree Allan Billing end Mr, and Mrs, Fortune, Avroea, who recently bought Me, and Mrs. ' W. Good's farm, moved in last Thureelay., • Mr. and We. Guy Cunningham - and Teem ai Christena, spent Sunday in Stratford,- -tha guests e** their cousins, Mr. and. Mrs, W. • R. Meintyie, Mrs,' Marguerite ()bonen was chairman of the CommeiciaI Sec- tion of District No. 5 Secondary School Federation held in Wing - hem on Thursday. The district is from Kincardirie to Orangeville. T Mrs. M. Cobb who has been. vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Albert Camp-, bell, has returned te her home at I -limerick, Sask.She Was accerrip- anied by, her sister , Mrs. leick Gardiner 'who will speed the win- ter there. Ladies Aid President, Mrs. • Ed Liavies; secretary -e theasurer, " Mrs, " Roy Daer; aseistant, Mra, W. Sander- son Mrs. •LaWson extended a vote of thanks to all the officers for the splendid work accomplished • due - leg the year. wwwwwwwwwwwwummewir . •. but was unable to find enough superlatives to describe the' way„ he felt abqut South End Citi'es ,Service.. CITIES SERVICE et, .• y VulVeti\ 1ti• I w,,,/ wt. •Tiki • . . - Mrs. Raithiey offered the 'cleeing Preyer. TJehoSteee eerVed dainty refreshments, Mr. and Mrs. lames Jackson; Mia Margaret eT.ackSon, 1\fre,0. M, Straughen, Miss Sade Certer; visited Mr. and Mrs, Herb Mog- ridge at Bremptere Mr, Allogriege who. suffered a stroke seine time ago is able to he in e wheel ehair, 'United iellenek Welee. The November meeting of Knox United Church Woman's Missionar CeeietY, was held in the Sun,. day Sehool Auditorium, .aleesday afternoon, November 6, with leers. K. McDougall in charge, and Mrs. W. 3, Creig, pianist. Mrs, J. Jew, rein read the .Seripture. The her, afds responded; Vies. r, iron, °brie - tan stew.ardshipeand Mrs, G, 011. Ian, temperance, .A, duet "Live Closer to les;" was sung by Mrs. r, Plaetzer and Miss S., Carter, after which Mrs, R. Hiltz and Mrs. W. ,T. •Crig gave very excellent reports of the West Sectional reeeeing atBlyth. An account of the -work 'of Chrieetan" missions in Malar end Indonesia was ably given by Mrs• Q. Anderson. I1rs. E. Taylor fav - owed with, mouth oegan pelect, ione, accompanied by Mrs. K. Me- Ladies- Watching Proceedings At Angus Sale V-TURSTAX, NOV.4l4liEn 25, 295 far* Management Service ''i 4., ' ., „,.., , .,k,:.,,,' ,.<•„, ... • It :eres the end of -e. long attempt:in for these ladies. Who attended the reduction sale of Aberdeen Angus held by Stewante Middleton, Triple A Farms and. Fergus Tuenbell, Blue Lake Farms ;et the e Middleton helm. last week. There was a fairly large crowd in attendance to watch the black cattle ' Up for 'dilation. ' / ' (ews'-Record Photo) Dougau. Top Price Cow From Triple A Farm Mrs. Wightnian, the president, took over for. the business portion • of the meeting and piens • were made for the Christmas meeting, the packing and distributing ief boxes for the shut-ins .and. the ex- ecutiere for 1957. • After singing a ' hymn, Mrs. Wightnian pronotmeed the benecl- rresbyteriliat WMS. 'Mrs. Carl Govier opened her home for the November meeting of the VMS of Knox Presbyterian. "Church.: The peesideht presided "and gave the call to worship. • The . devotienal,, period was in 'charge of* lefre. Frank Raitleby. The Scapture, John. 15, chapter le 17 was read in unison. Mrs. Rath -by geee. talk, on sarrie and offered prayer, • The rollecall was answered by a verse from the book of Samuel. A reading was given by Mrs. Herb Govier. Arrangements were made • for the Christriaga meeting • to be held at the home of Mrs. F. Ross. • The chapter irethe study book was taken by -Mrs.. Ed Davies. The •offering :was received and Mrs. Raithby Offered the dedicatory prayer. • . UM. Edgar Lawson presented the following slate of officers for 1957 which Were accepted: hone orary president, Mrs. E. Lawson; past '-president, Mrs, W. 'Good; president, Mrs. Wes Bradnoek; first' vice-president, Mrs. Donald, Haines; second vice-president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson; recording sec- retary,. Mrs. A. Letherland; assis- eant, Mrs, E. Lawson;. treasurer, Mre: F. Ross: ,,Mission Band leader, Mrs, DOn- id liaines;* Mrs. W. Sanderson, Mr. G. Dobie; Glad Tidings Sec- retary,„Mrs, D. A. MacKay; Home Helpers 'Committee, Mrs. Roys ' FARMERS 2..; ... • We are tshipping cattle, every Saturday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We Will pick them np at your farm.• Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights. • Seaforth. Farmers Cooperative 0. Srlflunt, Manager Phone ---Day 9, Evenings 481w 3940 CLAY -PIPE An end to this "lead pipe cinch' business! Because that curious -looking - object up there is an unglazed, vitrified day pipe house drain more than 5000 years old . and still in perfeCt„ton- . &don. This was no 'Surprise to US , because, like present day Vitrified Clay Pipe, it was acid and alkali proof, with 11114 complete resistance to any Chemical idiom, Specify the best, most durable house drain of all, Vitrified Clay Pipe. cud Vitrified Products Limited St Thoincts, Oreratjb 14' r 'Mgr teatteeee. ieteieeele • This Aberdeen Angus cow, Pride of Triple A 7th was -the top price animal at the reduction sale held last week ,on the farm of Stewart Middleton, RR 3, Clinton: She was sold to Mrs. Marion Edevardsi Aiva (centre). At the left is Fergus 'llurnbulleiBlue Lake Farense Grand Bend, who Joined Stewart Middleton (right) in the sale. (News -Record Photo) Bayfield Folic Honour Minister And His Bride (By our Bayfield Correspondent) The -pastor of Knox Presbyter- ian Church, the Reverend Donald Macdonald: and bride were honour- ed On Friday evening at a congre- gational gathering, Following a sumptuous dinner at 7 pm., served by the 'ladies. of the congregation in the church base- ment, Robert%McVean read an ad- dress and presented the newlyweds with a beautiful White blanket. •n Mr. Macdonald thanked the on gregation and Mrs. Macdonald' al- so, expressed her appreciation quite charmingly, •Mrs. Macdonald stood with her husband and met theernenebers of the congregation as they, advanced individually to offer best ,evishes Daer, Miss Minnie Wagner; wel- &kale andewelfare, Mts. K Govier; flower conemittee; Mrs, Ed Davies., Mrs, D. A. MacKay; student and press :seeretary, Mrs. F. Ross." Organist, Mns. D. A, iVfarleay; •assistants, Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. J. Houston; nominating com- mittee, Mrs. W: Gond Mrs, Ed. Davies, Mre. Roy Daer. ••Goderich Township 3VIrs. D6rothy-BOWden and Terry - Sue, Fort „Elgin tared Mrs, R. B. Patterson,,Tara, spent Sunday with MI,. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Mr. Patterson, who spent ten days at • the Middleton farrn, returned home with therm • • •••••urv•••••••,.............*••••••••••••••WW• HOLMESVILLE • Sergeant_ L. E. Morton has gone North on a hunting trip. „ - Mrs. James Harrison is 'visiting with Mr. and Mrs, • P. Harrison, Goderich Mr. and MIS. N. Heard and fam- ily were guests on Sunday of Mr, and leirs. J. L. Heard Clinton. Bert Trewartha is a patient in et. Joseph's Hospital, London, and is coming along nicely, following surgery, last Saturday. Rev! G. 'Eagle, °ramie Street United 'Church, will be guest speaker at the HolmesviileeeTnited Church on Sunday, November 18, He Will give his report of the Dom- inion Ct1ncil whfch was held this fall at Windeor, Ontario. •••,••,./. STANLEY I•es..0.0.4.....NeWid••••••••••••••••••/••••••./../....m......./ Mr, and Mre. Victor Taylor, spent the vieekendeeisiting friends in London. Mrs. Goldie Graham, is in Torte onto this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson and family. e Mr, and Mrs. Norman Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones, Mr. and Mts. John 'Stanley, and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Baird, Jr:, attend- ed the wedding of George Allen lelinkhamer and Miss Celeste Mad- eline Boike in Detroit, last Satur- day., Ladies Meeting Eighteen members met at the Grahams -for the monthly- meet- ing of the Stanley Ladies' Com- munity Club. Five visitors and nine children were also present. ', In the absence of the presedent,. Mrs. Ed Glen, the vice-president occupied the chair. The roll call was answered with "A Question Box". The collection amounted to $7,72. Two thank -you, cards were read, one from the Miss Grainger leteinorial Fund and the other from Mrs. Jack Taylor. During the business hour many discussions took pleee. A party will be held at the school iin No- vember 23. • Mrs. Betty Graham conducted an interesting contest. After the benediction the hostesses and tinir group served lunch, A The ' next meeting, will be held at the home of Mrs. Sohn A. McEewan. The roll call will lie /answered by an exchange of 25 -cent gifts, VARNA 1VIr:. and Is. Hollinby and son LONDESBORO -'Paul in companY With Gerald Clarke, Pillson Drive, Windsor, spent the weekend at the latteres home in the village, Ur. and. Mrs. Fred Vodden and ffireily spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs., Bert Shobbrook. " Mr. andMrs. 'Harry Dtirein and Mervyn were with, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webber, Exeter. _ Mr. and Mrs: z4.1.1 Gaunt, Ken- neth- alid Faye, visited with Mr. and Mrs., C Purdon atBelgrave. Mr. Mary Beaporn, Edythe anti Harold and Mts. Joseph Lyon vis- ited With IVIre and Mrs. aosepb Pearson, t,h6, onSuridayee M. and Mr. Leonard Vodden and family and Kenneth Vodden, Paris, visited over the weekend with Ur. and Mts. Wesley Vedcten, Mr. and; Mrs. Henry Youngblut, and family Niagara Falls, visited a couple of days last week with the former's•parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3oe Youngblut- - Thomas Colson, Arthur Colson, Nelson Lear, Jartiee IVIeZwirig, Weldon Tyndall, Watson Reid and Harry Sturdy are taking a hunting trip in the Braeehridge area. Mr. and Mrs, Alva McDowell, WeAtfield; Mr. arta Mrs. /thdrew Gaunt, Lucktiow.,- Mr. and Mrs. Thterson Ilesk spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. t Gaunt and farnily. ee CME -VT) AUTO :WRECKERS CLINTON ONTARIO Now Wrecking: .50 VOW) ' '50 MONARCH '49 PO/l0 "48 MEV. Parts for cars 14 to /62 trsED TIRES & #rinms 3.60,, 1» iso 19" • goo Recapped Suburban Tires. sone - 6/4/18,1 /10/15,, DiJNI,OP TIRES Auto -Lite BatterieS Sales and Service We Buy 'SCRAP METALS WANTED; 'Old Cars far Scrap Phone: Ittl 2,8211 4i.tfb and , congratulatiens. , The bride, wheels from Noeithern • o Farmers Viant comigoa 'TOWNSHIP Aim Ifra• The- ,S$ N. 4 c4,oderich Town - Ship rarM'Formn met at We home of Mr, and 1rs . Irvine Teibbett: The reale topic, "What bOut Vatan Management? .1 was elisussed, - It was deeided that the individ- ual fanner might use, e farm man, Agenkeht service vOlien farming op- eration loses money fer. a Period, or when considering storne;:meve enterprise, competent Vann .Manager should be made available hy, the, Provincial government with P. nominal fee, being paid by the hi- dividual assistance. A fund of over several mUlion -dol- lars has been set ueS by VS. con- gress to provide epecial farm mane ?gement seeeicee, this is being us, ed to provide workers wbo will help farinere .With their indieltbud. problems, Games of .euebre and "500" were, Played during 'recreation. Lunch was served The Tlext Meeting will be at the, home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Labile. • FR,IENDLK Fpw. (By our Constance Corresprulent) The Friendly Few Farm Fortim net at the home of Mr. and AetS. Earl Lawson. The discussion 'was on Farm Management. We didn't think that one man to visit 30 or 40 farmers and show them how to manage- their farms would be a wise system, but if the farmer wanted advice he could go to the agricultural representative and he' "-yould -be Willing, to assist the tamer with his problems. If such a scheme of having "a farm management plan ever came into effect we felt sure the farmers would have -to pay for it them- selves. ' • The next meeting will he held at Mr. and Mrs. Rose MeGreger's, Progressive euchre was -played with/ prizes going to high, Mrs. Verne Dale and Frank Riley; low, Mrs. William Dale and Wilbur Jewitt. Mrs. Verne Dale serves lunch next meeting.' -Half aernillion new dwelling units have beenebat in Canada en thee last five years. Ireland, was forrnerlya missionary fn India. - ' • During this ham eiening, H. H. Orthond showed coloured pictures of Beyfield, and William D Aim - strong scenes taken, on a motor trip to ClintoneTowa, commencing with views in Michigan. commenniummonnesues • "VI• Floors 0Gleam In Minutes With A Hoover, Polisher You'll save yourself many tiresome hours of .,serubbing and re -waxing when you -get your new Hoover Floor Polisher. Its high-speed re- vokeing brushes' impart a durable finish that more-eakily sheds dust, resists smearing and marking: Soap -on felt and lambs' wool huf- fing pads attached to brushes give lustrous finish to -any Waxed Sun= face quickly, easily. Compare and See! Only HOOVER gives you MI these features: • BuiItin headlight to brighten cornets. Fa s t polishing. Extra -large, twin rotating brushes polish to high lustre. • No bounce Easy to control. Easy to guide. O Built low: Low enough to get into and under hard -to -get -at - places. • No -Marr bumper. Protents fur- - niture and baseboards. , Get AI -New HOOVER . `CONSTELIATION' FREE A new Hoevet "'Constellation" VACUUM Cleaner will be given aWay FREE on CIENX-TV's "TUNE -TIME" , eahNyeek for 10 weeks. bet your entry blanks at our -Store. No qttestione to answer, jest fill hi the entry and mad to CKNZTV, Clinton Electric Shop D, W. Cornish — Your. wksvnloniousz Dealer IW 2-o648 otttoN "You irt- be Sure if Ws Wettlhohdustil 111111111111MMINS111111111111111111111111l1111011q1111111111111111111111111111111111111 PARR L1NIFORUM (By oar •llensall Correspendont) Parr Une Farm Forum met at.; - the einele of Mr. arid Mrs. Rosa:, Love with 24 Members. present, „la what eiretunstanCOS might the, individual fan er in yeur hourhood use a farm Menagernent aerviee" tion. we eah get rrn farm mag. - azines and papers and our agricul, gtuertatiingrepardeesgeuatep ntativersiceifsw for eIurer products, we could manage Que.- selves. Who should pay ,.for it ?,e Who, shoeld operate it, universities, prbe. vinelal departments pf asgrieultUre).. gfaarmnizaOtrigbantnizzationts, eornmercial ore - This forum does -not think this.: farm management ervice is neces- sary We feel that if this plan.. wee'. put inte, action there would, be an increase in production and', therefore, there would be a grater surplus of goods on the market, and naturally the prices would drop. The farmer would have more - work for the same amount of mon. ey. We feel that the fanners, should have more of the consture.- er's dollars. The discussion was followed by a., few games of progressive euchre.. Winners were: ladies, 'Mrs, Charles-. •Robinson, Mrs. Glen Weide; gent.. lemen, Eldon Jarrett, Ken McKay,. The next meeting is review night: at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ger.- den Coleman, • LIVE WIRE FORUM (By 'Mrs,' Ted flunking) The Live Wire Farm Forum nit - at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne: elunking with 19adelts aW. six ,children present. s We think that- these services are already available now through our - agricultural representatives, feed:, ma:gazines, fertilizer companies, etc, The farmer should pay fort the ,service. James McDougall led the( buste- ness period when it was decided to., discuss "How 'the Federation. should be financed? .and also the- Cliristmas meeting next Monday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James. McDougall,':dards were played ande lunch Was served. .0 • . FIFTH. ANNUAL FALL HEREFORD SALE At Clinton Fair Barns Thursday, November 22 - at 1,4o p.m. sharp 10 -Bulls — 6 441 Calves — 19 Females • .40,11 Bulls Eligible for 25 % Government Bonus ClintonMemorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON • CLINTON --- EXETER — SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative —.Pkone Bus., HU 2-6606 - - Res., HU 2- 1956 CHEVROLET BELAIRE, Power fully equipped 1955 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 1955 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN......... 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, fully 1954 CHEVROLET COACH, po • fully equipped 1952 -CHEVROLET Powerglide • fully equipped ..,• 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE--' 19.52 FORD SEDAN 1951 FORD SEDAN 2-3950 ,CHEVROLET COACH 1950 'PLYMOUTH, SEDAN 1949 FORD SEDAN .„... ..... 948 PONTIACS ...... TRU 1951 MERCURY 1 TON 1951 STUDEBAKER 1950 GMC TON PA 1949 CHEVROCIT 1949 CHEVROLET 34 And Several' Cars and Trucks ca Prices Listed in russe HURON COUNTY'S F Brussels, Ont