HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-15, Page 7• • '117 -WAS AY, Nom] 1,19 IaNT011 NEWS -RECORD 4' PAGE .SEVE11.: NEWSiRKORD Accommodation For Rent 41tgli\uslop Ap.uvravIENT suit, owe f9x, eouple. Phone 1311 2-6572, 46p vAHREE ROOM FURNIS HED .apartment. Available immediately. -Phone HU2-7047. •46b •:FOVA ROOM, UNFURNISHED, aor partly furnished apartment, -*Phone i31 2-3882 after 6 p.m, 46b ;00iIt( ROOM APARTMENT IN .Seaforth, with modern kitchen and 'bath. Phone Seaforth 841r2, 39tfb :S1VIALL HOUSE TO RENT. Avail- . able around December 1, Apply ).Pone HU 2-9556. •46-474 OUR ROOM A:PARTMENT, fur- • nishecl or •unfurnished and heated. Apply Box 460 Clinton News-Red- 'ord. •,iszvEav Room MUSE, about two ainiles from Clinton, has hydro, -Water. For further 'particulars call HU 2-6697, ' • 46b L'FOUTI, ROOM 'UNFURNISHED, zsell contained apartment, available zeeember 1. Apply evenings. -Plume HU 2-9437. 45-64 'TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- ; Merit, heated, utilities paid. Phone 2-9540. Also comfortable room with or without board. - 46p ONE BEDROOM PAPMET, 'furnished and heated., Self con- 1;tairied. Phone 1311 2-9390. 46P -MODERAT.THREIE ROOM apatt- Irrient, LaPge rooms. Oil heated': IPtleate bath. L. G.. Whiter,. High 'Street. Phone HU 2-6692. 46-b Z)N'FURNISHED HEATED apart- rmant on main floor. Living room, Lbearboria kitchen, bath, self-eon- iataintal. Available now., phone L, Beakin HU 2-7057. 46-7-p HOUSE TO RENT, 1V4 amiles from Seatarth. Modern con- veniences. Suitable for two apart- : meats. Rent: $20 per month. Box -880, Clinton News -Record. 38-tfb • 'Z -ROOM SELF-SONTAINED ap- artment; newly decorated; oil heat - ng. Adults. only, Tel., 785, Sea - forth, evenineof November 16, or .!•:anytirrie Saturday, November 17. • 46-b URNISHED HEATED apartment 2 -suitable for couple. Utilities paid. Electric refrigerator and same. • Use of electric washing machine .and laundry. Phone .Goclerich 380. •-44 -Caledonia Terrace. 44-tfb '4111-IREE ROOIVI DO'WNSTAIRS •aparlinent, furnished. Oil heated. • Washing machine and frig. Also -upstairs 2 -room furnished a,part- anent. Apply in person, evenings •and weekends. 1VIrs. M. Seeley, ;',Huron Street. 46-7-p Articles For Sole CLEARANCE SALE of all CCM 1ATES-25 percent off. BALL rid MUTCH HARDWARE. • 46b CAN FLYER ELECiatIC in; slightly used; good condi- with • accessories. Enquire tie I'urniture, HU 2-9521. 46b UGE SHOTGUN; three -shot r, in excellent 'condition, un cleaner included. Priced k sale.. Phone HU, 2-7054 12.307:and 1.30 pan, 46p IN 'SAWS. TWO new C. arid 'SLWS. J.A. to choose 2 eXeePtionally good d saftvs. Robert Glen, Clinton,--I-IU 2-9909. 43 to 46-P 15 cu. ft. "Cor - two months, , Also Ord truck. Terms d on both. Oscar inton Htia2-9682 46p ELLERY Store new fall creat - Rings. Special ou the best val- today. W. N._ 46p ING" — We all. Complete 1of rotators fUlly guarnstallation, 23-tfb dal ES Ore ton FOR QUICK RESULTS lonwomelima.mmoismonormommomommi milarolmOrnollinamOlimmomm.M.pmEraimm•••••••••ww.• Articles Wanted. , IN/ANTED-74m SKUNK. Need- ed withiu a week. Apply 1.36x 461, Clinton, Newa-Reeord, 46-b Business Opportunities ERAZICE STATION, very good retnrns. Low -payment. L, G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone 1311 2-6692, 46b OWN Y01.113, OWN. BUSINESS. Contact.L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton., Phone Clin- ton HU, 2-6692, - • 13 -tib •EXTRA LARGE, MODERN NEW Service Station, paved drives, total; fleor area 2,100 square feet. Loca- ted on Main street of Clinton,(Ne, 4 highway), at north end of town, For further information write to Mr. S. G. Gordon, box 244, Sea - forth or phonel 385 Seaforth. 46a) CLOTHING FOR SALE' GflRLS WINTER COAT, Size 10, in good condition. $10. Phone HU 2-9390. 46p ONE COPPER COLORED Ladies' Suit, for sale. Size 16. In good condition. Phone HU 2-9790., 46-4 • 11-1HREE-PIECiE SNOWSUIT, Rap, fur trimmed. Nearlyanew condit- ion. Size 6. 1V1i-sr Erie Switzer, corner of Rattenbury and William Streets. • . 46-p •• CUSTOM WORK VaLANCIE BOXES, Custom Made, scroll or plain. Time -and material. Phone HU 2-9522. • 46p • SANITARY SEWAGE, • • • DISPOSAL Septic tanks, Cess Pools, etc., puniped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obliga- tion. Louis Blake, RR No. 2, Brussels, phone 42r6. 39 to 49-p Forms -For Sole *12 ACRES LAND with 7 Room insul-brick. house, barn, colony, house, and garage. Water and hydro, and Situated on Highway, two 'miles from town. _Possession early spring. .All enquiries should be' addretsed to: Bruce Tyndall, RR 3, Clinton, Ont, This advertise- ment published- free by ALLIED FARM SERVICE,S, 2431/2 Divides St.,, London, Ontario. 46b FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale ONE ROOT PULPER, IN GOOD condition. Apply, Grant Webster, RR 1, Varna, Phone HU 2-9102. • 46b ONE GOOD USED, ONE -ROW John Dere Corn Picker. Milford Durst, ER, 2, Clinton, phone Car- low 11r12. • 46b Farm Produce For Sale 200 BALES OF SECOND CUT alfalfa. ' Ivan 1VIcClymont, Varna, phone Clinton HU 2-3214.. 46-b GOOD APPLES, such varieties as two kinds a Delicipus, Greenings, Snow Apples and Northern Spy and Courtlands. Bell View Fruit Farms, RR 2, Goderich, or phone Goderich 1260W4, ' 46,-p SPRAYED APPLES OR SALE. Spy; Greening, Delicious, Peewal- kee, Baldwin and Talman Sweet, and cider apples. Fred IVIcClya mont, Varna. Phone IiU 2-3214. 45-64 For, Sale or Rent *BRICK HOUSE,. FURNISHED, seven rooms, all conveniences, half a garage, for • rent. Phone Bay- field 53r2. , 41-tfb. GOOD INSUL BRICK, 6 roomed house. New furnace, garage, on Ontario Street, near schools. Avail- able November lat. Norman L. Carter. a.4_61) Help Wanted—Female CLEANING NVOM.AN for two days weekly. Mrs. F. M. Newland, phone HU 2-9717. 46tfb WAITRESS FOR, FULL TIM.Vem- ployment. Apply in person, Bart- liff Bros. 46tfb A T d No chargefor announcements a Births, Marriages and. r),oaths Articles': for Sale, rant,. •ete„ -Card ef .Thanicsa in Memoriain, engageinentS, word,. 75c. Box No, to thiS. office 15c. additional. Repeat in- sertions 20's -a word, hnnun 500, pAsx DISCOUNT:. %11 paid -by Saturday fola lowing lest insertien. Uhig elia.rgeao•f 100 ,added eadh time bill is _Sent, • . • 12 - •• LOST oncl ,FOUND LOSTVY,BLUE PURSE with quantity of Franey and valuable papers, Revva•rd. Lost Saturday in Clinton*: White, 241 Elgin Street, London. Phone 3-1519, • 464 Livestock For Sale TWO HOGS, SERVICEABLE Age. Also &If, suitable for veal, Walter Forbes, Phone HU 2-7480. 4ab LIME PIGS FOR Weeks old. 'Apply Stewart Broad - foot, RR 5, Clinton, phone HU 2-9110. - 46p THREE PUREBRED AYRSHIRE cows, to freshen soon. Apply Fred Buchanan, RR 1, Clinton, phone Seaforth 841r4, 46p PUREBRED' YORKSHIRE BOAR, eight months old; a proven sire and ready for heavy service. Cora - tact James Lobb, phone Clinton I -IU 2-3342. 46p LA4NRACE PIGS. BOTH SEXES, 8 weeks anclaip. Jared sows, with or without papers. Shipped on ap- proval. Howe & Stafford, Aylmer, Ontario, or contact Jim Edward, Clinton. 44 to 48-p COME TO THE: CENTRAL On- tario Club Sale of Alberdeen-Angus Cattle at Fergus, Tuesday, Nov- ember 20. Six bulls eligible for Government Bonus, and thirty F,ernales, will be offered. - 46-b TWO HEREFORD BULLS, one year And nine months. ,old; one Hereford heifer, "rising three years, due the end of December. .All reg- istered and accredited, Also one York sow,carrying third litter, due Dec. 1. Apply Elgin Nott, phone Searforth 847r5. ' 46b .•• Miscellaneous FOR SALE, 40 Fr. MOBILE Home Contact Wilmer MacGreg- or, ME Section, RCAF. Station ,Clinton or one mile east of Kip - pen. „ 46-74 FOR -A COMPLETE HOMEI work -- shop, ready to plug in, see the "Shopsmith" first, five tools in one with a H.P. Motor. Only $339.50. Easy terms. Ball and Mutdh.Hardware, „ph o n e HU 2-9595. 45-6-b FUR BUYING—Hunters and Trap- pers, please take notice that 1 wffl be at the home of Mervyn Batkin on the evening of Wednesday, No- vember 21. Bring in your furs. Highest prices paid, George 'Stein- berg, Toronto. , • 46p 1 - ART SUPPLIES (Winsor New- ton); religious, goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all occasions. MacLaren s Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 p.m. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9401. 29-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert, work done reasonably to your safiafactiota Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 46p HAVE YOU TRIED EVERY IMAGINABLE REMEDY to cure youf Rh:eutnatic ailments„ poor blood circulation. long-lasting colds with no satisfying results? Why not try the WALLUX-WAY Write to Postal Box 508 Godericb, Ontario 43-4-5-6-p PER5,0NAL IF BACKACHES ARE SLOWING you up, take RUIVLACAPS and help yourself to relief from. pains and aches. .Ask your Druggist. 46b Poultry For Sale • 200 PULLETS, starting to lay. Call after six. Phone 11U 2-3283. W. Kollanan, 46p 180 PULLETS-allamp-Wyandotte cross; 7 months .old; laying. Leo Idsinga, RR 2, Clinton,. phone Goderich 44233. 46p Property For Sole mEitaAolz GIRL REQUIRED im- 11/2 STOFtEY, BRICK ;VENEER, mediately for grocer i store. Steady sever -room house, in the village of eroployment, •good Wages. Phone ,Hohnesville.I-Tydro, water, bath, HU 2-3445 or call at Herb's. Food double garage.Apply to IVirs. E. Market, Albert Street. 46p Brovvn, phone Ktl, 2-7013. Help Wonted—Male IVIARIIIED NUN FOR DAIRY Farm work, top wages, prefer -ably no children. Heated apartment provided. Apply Box 56, Journal - Argus, St, Marys, Ontarle. 4643 EARN $O. OR MORE A WEEK Part or full-time opportunity in Huron County for farmer or am- bitions man with agricultural back- ground. Age 25 to 50 preferred. Car essential. Take orders in ex - elusive territory. te home every. night. No inveattnent. We pro- vide cornplete training at home office plirs field assistance. Reply giving age an experience in first letter to • • Na.-ChurA Plant Food CO, Z Langarth st-w.; tendon 6 74 • Livestock Wonted ENTION FAltiVIERSJ Pronipt, rteotis collection Of ir dead and bled ferni animals and hides, collect c1. AndreWS, 851r1r, rth. ASSediated with barlitig . Of Canada, Ltd, 19tfb BRICK DUPLEX. ALL, ONE floor, each side contains two bed - •rooms, living rooin, modern kitch- en and bath, full basement. Heat- ed by all furnaces. Ideal inveSt- ment, HU 2-7057. 1, Batkin, Salesmen Wanted RAWLEIGH BuszNiriss now open in Heron Connty. Trade welI es a &Wished. Excellent oppertunity, Full time. Write at Owe. Rawl, leigh's, Dept, 3-169-189, Mentreal, P.Q. •46-b STOVES FOR SALE SPACE HEATER, LARGE STZE, Fess. Also oil drum. $55 for both. Phone IILT 2-9780. 46b RA,NIGET.TEIN GOOD CONDIT- eleetric, 2 -burner, with oven, ?lime HU 2-9025, 46-p WOOD FOR SALE snivv.P.IAL CODS oV BODY and iimbWood, Apply Robert Glen, phone HU 2-9909, Clinton. 46-7,0 , The eiztplit of digara hi Canada increased frt 169 to 251 between 1951 and 105. BIRTHS-..--- OPLI•r—in Clinton Public. Hospital, on Sunday, .N.OVetribera 11, 1956, to Mr, a,rid Mrs. jRobert Brussels, a ,en, CUARELL — In Grace Hospitai, Halifax, 'N.$„ on Saturday, Ma veraber 10.1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. E. Currell, t -{vin. daugh- ters .(sisters for Sandra and • Michael), 'KEYS—In Clinton ?Olio Hospi- tal; en Saftirday, November 10, • 1956, to Mr, arid Mrs. Arnold Keys, RR 1, Varna, _a son, OCR—In Scott. Memorial 13o- pital, Seaforth, an Thursday, • November .8, 1956, to Mr, and • :Mrs, Vernon Oesch (nee Madge. Houston) RR 2, ..Zuriela a son (Vernon David Carl). PROCTOR—In Clinton Public Hos . pital, on Thursday, NiIvember 8, 1956,, to Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Proctor, •Cliragn, a daughter/ SCOTT—In-St. jeseph's Hospital, Sarnia, on November 10,•1956, to • Mr. and Mrs. John Scott (nee, (Shirley Henri), Forest, Ont., a daughter (Mary Katherine). MARRIAGES " RARmEnwoluiEs — In Egmorid- ville United -Church, on Satur- day, November 3, 19564by the Rev. Dr, 3, Semple, Avis Leila; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adin Forbes, Egmondville, and Arthur Scott Parker, Hensall, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, Hensall.„ DEATHS • KING --In Aleicandra General and Marine Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday morning, November 8, 1956, Miss Margaret king, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs; William King, Auburn. Funeral from the. Arthur funeral home, Au- 'bu'rn, to Ball's Cemetery, an Saturday, •Noverober 10. WOOD—In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday, November 13, 1956, Margaret F. 'Blatch- ford,' beloved wife of William H. Wood,:Exeter, in her 80th year. Funeral from the Hopper -Hockey *funeral honie, Exeter, .to Exeter Cemetery, this afternooh, No- 3ernber 15, commencing at two o'clock. • CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND -HOUSE- • HOLD EFFECTS !rem the home of Mrs. Fred Liver- more,.. Bond Street,.. Clinton, (2 bloek south of CNR. Station), on Saturday, November 17 - „ Property—cOnsisting of 3 acres of land more or less, an which is situated a 7 room frame cottage, eonsisting of 3 bedrooms; living room, kitchen; bathroom; and summer .kitchen; also an this prop- erty is a poultry house approxim- ately 20' X 15' and a storage shed. On thia property, is also numerous fruit trees. Household Effects -a-a.• Studio couch; Cogswell chair; occasional chair; 8 piece dining room suite of buffet, table and chairs; Rogers cabinet radio; 2 rocking chairs; 2 foot stools; tri lamp; window tab- le; jardinere stand; magazine rack; hassock; 2 beds; dressers; wash stands; inner spring mattres- ses; Norge , refrigerator; Beatty washing machine; tubs and tub stand; Clare Jewel range; Quebec heater; gramaphone and records; kitchen table and chairs; rocking chairs; kitchen cabinet; kitchen stool'; small tables; wardrobe; lawn mow•er; step ladders; lawn roller; dishes; eooking utensils; silverware; pictures;, numerous other articles. Terms on Household Effects_ cash. Terms on Property: 10% down on date a sale., and balance in 30 days. Property will be sold sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid, Mrs. Fred Livermore, Preprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 45,6-b CLEARING • AUCTION SALE I of Parm,-Farm Stock -and Machinery At Lot 1.1Y, Concession, 10, Mullett Township, 2. miles south And 2 miles east of Blyth, on Tuesday, November 20 • . at 1 p.m..,) Two Durham cows, due Dec. 10; Durham cow, due in Jan.; 2 Dux - ham cows, due in March; 8 Dur- ham. and Hereford cows, due in March and April; 1 Poll -Hereford 2 yrs, old; 19 Durham and Here- ford steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 16 Hereford spring calves, 400 to 500 )bs, Pigs: 6 Tam arid York sows, due time of sale, Machinery: Cockshutt binder, 7 rt. cut; 6 ft, McCorrnick mower; International drop -head hay load-* Or; International side rake; spring 1 tooth cultivator; 4 -section har- rows; disc harrows; Oliver manure apreader, on. rubber; rubber tired Wagon; 2 flat hay racks; set farm sleighs' wheel barrow; colony - house; grain crusher; fanning mill; forks,, Hity and Orain: Approx, 14400 has, good miXed grain; 300 bales second cut alfalfa; 2 mows mixed hay. „ Farm: At the same place at 3 p.ni., the farni will be Offered fer sale, subject to reserve bid, 75 acres, a acres of good Clay loath, workable land, remainder in buSh and testate; 11/2 storey briek hoixse, garage, (Wee shed, large bank barn, good water supply and hydro„ Quantity of adusehom Effeett, Tetuan Chattelsaeash; farm, ten percent aleivn, balance 30 days; sold subject to reservebid. GEORGE POLLARD, Patio -later Harold laticaett, Auctioneer it ohoolosr, Clerk 46b HO BOUT THAT 4ory.4.10. 4•AtuAc4 A1-4 Ow, Drown EsPedelly for Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News -Record by Ralph- Tee. 7 DONT WORRY ABOUT THAT DRESS OF YOURS. -ANYTHING LIKE THAT 15 AN EASY PROBLEM FOR OUR CLEANERS.MERE IN 011 'CLINTON • t. fI s„:„ t t't () A REAL E • STATE _. FOR SALE ' ... 7 11,00M INSUL BRICK dwelling, full basement. Good location. Early possession. Price $3,200. SOLID BRICK dwelling with three,, self-contained apartments. Oil heating (new). Good location. Price, $11,000; $2,000 down, terms. HOME PLUS INCOME—Contain- ing 2 self contained apartments with 2 bedrooms, living room; modern kitchen with dining space; bath, oil heated, 'located near schools. Early possession. CHOIOE BUILDING LOT, 60' x 100', located on Highway 8, near schools. • - Apply to 11. C. -LAWSON Complete Insurance, Service Real Estate — Investments Bank of Montreal Building PHONES Office HU 2-9641 Res, HU 2-9787 CLINTON,. ONTARIO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 100 Acre choice loam farm, 7 -room house, large barn., garage, col- ony house, 2'/ iniles from Clin- ton, dose to highway, 57,000 full price, low down payment. 225 ACRE clay loam farin, on highway, large frame house, hen house, garage,, This is a very good buy. LARGE 10 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE trouble garage. Located in very nice residential area, in Clinton, close to post office. Only $8,500; mortgage can be arranged. We have a nice list of farms in Huron County BUYING OR SELLING - , Contact: . -JOIIN BOSITELD . ,AEALTOR 40 Wellesley Street Phone 1108 - - Goderich • , 46-7-b IIIMMEMMOMMMIL , Kw W. Colauhoun Real Estate Broker 2 STOREY BRICK—located near schools, 4 bedrooms an with . closets, and 3 -piece bath up, double living room, small - dining ,room, spacious kitchen with modern, convenientes, coa.l furnace easy house to heat, garage, sun porch. This 'property must be seen to be appreciateod. * CENTRAL MORTGAGE, „ 3 bed- room house en Mary Street. $2,500.00 5 poem cottage, two bed- rooms, 2 -piece bath, garage, lot 66 x 150. Owner desir- ous of pin -chasing larger house..-' 2 YEARS OLD—Large beautiful living room with natural fire plane, dinette with built-in corner eabinets, modern kitch- en, den off living roona with outside- entrance, 2 bedrooms, 3-pieco tiled- bathroom, 8 acres on highway 4, small down itay- nient, attractive terms for the balance,. Owner moving this fall because of change in Ma- ployment: * * * 4 11,1101M COTTAGE — Complete fvith laath--irnmediate possess- itni—also- with this property, 4 btlIdlng lets. Possession of this property can bo arranged for as low tts $1,250.00. * * 8 1100M -a2 storey Weir, 3 bed- rooms and bath up and den, large kitelten living room and Stimmer kitelien donna. 80 toot frontage tuid approidmately 250 depth. Small barn; close • to both 'schools, would be suit- able ler grewilig family look'. lrig for a larger house. insurance and Real Estate PHONE HU. 24i41 Royal Bank Building Clinton, Ontario • ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly „. Wide . Screen NOW: Thursday, Friday & Saturday "CONGO CROSSING" .A.- beautiful blonde hides from the law in darkest Africa, and is satisfactorily rescued by a gallant American engineer. Virginia Mayo -- George. Nader -- Peter Lorre Monday, Tuffsday..ancl: Wednesday "The BENNY GOODMAN STORY" A cavalcade of great jazz music. The thrie-peited Story • of the King of Swing. ,...-a • Steve Allan --• Donna Reed Herbert.Anderson Coming: "TIMBERJACK." Sterling Hayden -- Vera Ralston -- David Brian PARK THEATRE • GODERICH NOW: Leigh Snowden—In a tale of counterfeiters "OUTSIDE THE LAW" MONDAY, TUESDAY and 'WEDNESDAY. Adult Entertainment Frank -Sinatra Debbie Reynolds & Celeste Holm A romantic comedy that tells of an eligible bachelor, who is able to sidestep all entanglements bar one. "The TENDER TRAP! In 'Scope and Color THURSDAY, FRIDAY • and SATURDAY • John ;Derek -- Elaine IStewart and Lyn Lion, . W alter Wanger's swashbuckling story of the adventurous barber— who saved' the Caliph's daughter:' for himself. "he Adventures . 'N il of Baba" In 'Scoop, and. Color Coming: "GREEN FIRE" ' Gra& Kelly & Stewart Granger -AUCTION. SALE of Terms', Cows & Young Cattle, At Lot 31, Concession 6, Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, Nov.o20 at 1.30 p.m. Cattle, ate.: 25 young cows and heifers, some fresh, some spring- ing, balance due in the spring. (These cattle , are Holstein, Hol- stein x Durham and Jersey. 's 15 yearling heifers (mostly Hol- steins); 10 Hereford calves; 200 'White Rock pullets, 2 months old. Farms: Two farms of 80 acres each, being Lot 22, 6th Concession of Goderich Township, and Lot 21, 5th. Concession of Goderich Town - Ship. These are both good farms and mostly re -seeded. One farm has a brick dwelling; the other a considerable amount of cedar. Terms; on livestock, cash or six Months' credit on approved joint notes with interest at 6% per an- num. Terns on farms 'made known on date of saleaand sold subject to reserve bid. A. E. TOWNSHEND, Plooprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 464 CARD OF • THANKS I wish to thank all' who sent frowers,"carcls, treats or visited me while in hostatal or at home. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Ad- • dison, Miss Sinclair and nurses of Clinton Public Hospital. — MRS. HOWARD CURRIE. 46b —• YOU SAY-- "EASY COME,. EASY -GO" 7 . . BUT you can be com- pletely carefree if yoi protect your interests now with the right INSURANCE in the right amounts. Call me today. be glad to assist you. 11. E. HARTLEY Canada Life Assurance Company Phone 1117 2-6893 — Clinton' Clinton, 'Ontario 1 Clinton Cornmdmity Farmers. AUCTION smuts EVERY VRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales IVIanager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk/ GIFT of LOVE! Stich an import- ant gift as a dia- mond, should be chosen with spec- ial dare. Thke lime To Choose Your Nomond in PrivocY— Phone Collect for an Evening Appointment - TERMS SCAN BE ARRANGED • Anstett Jewellers CLINTON (Phone HU. 2-9525) ond W4LKERTON Ekpert Watch and Engraving DeLOVA an OVIVIA d GRUEN WATCHES' WYE Rivtra and num undo ourvioNos SPODE DINNERWARE