HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-15, Page 3DON'T FAIL TO BRING YOUR CHILDREN TO 'OUR STORE ON ;FRIDAY., NOVEMBER 23rd ONE DAY ONLY For Your' ,FREE RIIOTO:GRAPII No Obligation -- See Pamphlet in 'Mail for ,Detaili , Rumball's I.G.A.- Store CLINTON, ONTARIO Mt AND' MRS, JOSLPH FRANCIS. NIGH, Clinton, were .inarrIed. in_ St; „Joseph's. Roman Catholic -church, 'on Saturday morning, October 20, by the Rev..j. W, Graham. The bride is - Leona Alice, -daughter. by Mrs. Fil*bqiner,,Z4riOl t and the late Finkbeineri'and her husband is the son of Mr. 'and Mrs. John Nigh, Seaforth. NOTICE Is herZby given that a meeting of the Electors for the, Nomination of Candidates for the position of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councillors, P.U.C. Com- missioners and Public School Board for the ensuing term will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS of the TOWN HALL, •CLINTON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1,96 Between the hours of '7.30 o'clock land 8.30 o'clock in the evening. JOHN LIVERMOR5, Returnirria Officer and if necessary, an Election to fill the abovenorned " positions will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBEII 3, 1956 at the following- places and by the following named persons, that is to say, in ST. ANDBEW,t.,4 WARO At the Council Chambers; Deputy Returning Officer, IC. mittai. ST: JAMES' WARD ----Legion Atilt, RIO( Strect;- Deputy. ItcA turning Officer, Mrs. "Margaret MacDonald: St. 'MON.'S WARD M. Rail-Macaulay Shaw Room, King Street; Deputy Returning Officer, 10, Itaaford, ST. ar.rogoris mum), — At W, Colgulniairea Offiee, Royal Dal& Bldg.; Deputy Re:tinning Officer, Mrs. R. Morgan. commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and Continuing until the hour of siX o'Cloch in the afternoon and the results Will be” pabliely declared in tile .Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 4th day of 1).e- cember; 195C, at 12 o'clock noon. JOHN LIVERMORt, Clark and Returning °Hider E S xi otiogje*.i7!....GoittFith, • imported`' from Germany—GUARANTEED MALE SING- ING CANARIES in a good variety of colours. CANADIAN, BRED BUDGIES' in all colours' from talking strains of finger' trained birds. . COMMON GOLD .FISH, Calioe Fantails, Calicoe Tele- scoPes,,Shubunkins Comets & Black• Moo' Telescopes. Hartz Mountain. Budgie and-.'Canary Seed,. Conditio'n Food, -.Slid Cages, Fish • Bovils,'ett. The supply of budgies and*Cdnar-ies for Christmas, will be limited so•please come in and place your orders as early as possible.: • Don't Wait P:or, A Reason, Give Flowers Flowers Wired Ariywhere For Any Occasion • C• 'COOKE -01,0MT Phone HU 2-7012 CLINTON ONTARIO ADA. that vita! link in each of your friendships 'ChOose From the D166EST most COMM and VARIED display 'of Christmas Cards we have shown in many a year. YOU'LL LIKE THE ,714,44 1 • Competitive Prices Plus •Personal Service DRUG STORES SPECIAL •VALUES and ,REMINDERS THIS WEEK , • - I.D.A. TOILET TISSUE A soft yet strong, white, fine quality tissue. 2 for 23.c Aromatic Cascara pleasant, gentle • tonic and laxative. 3 , oz. " iry(t_ Reg. 35e LUC.• Reg, 65c 49t I.D.A. EPSOM SALT 1 lb., reg. 25c' 19e - Cough and Cold Remedies... PREPARATIONS 750 sheet rolls Reg, 2 rolls 25c BRONCHIDA COLD• CAPSULES Check symptoms of common_ cold. Quickly relieve sneezing, runny nose, headache and hay fever. 25 30 Capsules ... • . Bronchida Cough Syrup, 8 oz. 75c Idaphedrin Nasal Spray, 20 cc. 95c 1 oz. dropper bottle 65o Idarub, Chest Rub,.3 oz. ,. 49c BOOTS MELOIDS 35c BIXKLEX'S MIXTURE ' 50c, 85c Cinnamated Capsules 35e, 79c White Rub • 590 BRO1VIO QUININE COLD TABLETS 49c, 79c RUFFERIN 39e, 79c, 1.89 JACK & JILL COUGH SYRUP 50e .LANTWEN'"Rt' 6.00 PERTUSSIN 69c, 1.19 . PINEX CONCENTRATED 85e PRUiPARED 60e, 1.00- SMITH BROS. COUGH. DROPS lOc DeVILBISS VAPORIZER 'No. 148 4.95 11ANKSORAFT 9.95 VICKS PREPARATIONS VAFORIIR 53e; 980 ,COUGH SYRUP 59c 43c THROAT LOZENGES , 49c COUGH DROPS 15e MEDI-MIST (Spray) 95e A.SA. TABLETS Relieve headaches, neuralgia, toothache and pain in general, Each tablet contains five grams Acetylsalicylic Acid. 100's 19c '300's 49c • Vaonaster VACUUM BOTTLE A Canadian made, 15,ounce bottle, With 89 red plastic cup-cap. t4c' value C SRII,VICE1 PkICiTO PENNEBAKER Hunter 2-6626 DRUGGIST INHALER, vv. itpeckap, PAGE zungp NOVIMER1,5 19$6 yo211..0.901 like drinking. Well neither do II Next time something, like this happens, sound off, You'll: ,find you. are far from alone," An ,extract frOM the latest and One of the best temperanee done in colour, by experts :in Holly- wood. It is .a"fast-moving picture -about pressures and propaganda., acted by young -people • gripped by the' message they are putting, a.eroSs'. "Everybody d$ doing it!" 'That, is all -1 1*, Today most people knew . drink as one of the deadliest social .7-evils of all, time, The abstainer is "far froili.alone" in his Stand, The picture provides a pattern for Christian oppositiondo- the al,. cohel business and custom;It sug- gests„ for. yoUth a way out of social embarrassments, and pointsm,p the. attractive advantages of sobriety. A superb pieturlf,•with a positive, approach, y HURON COUNTY .• TEMPERANCE FEDERATION' Cpl, and lVfrs, W,. R. Lamb ere ;roving to .Centralia. after l.3 years. , of living on the .airfprce, station and An the toys% of citron, Ppl, 144110 was pensioned by the. RCAF and has taken over his new work as nohnniSSOPaire ,at trace co. Lamb has spent inest of kris. years in the army, navy and airfOrce. He also, took part in hockey interests .on the station where lie served as time-keeper and Sonietimes, coach, CPI. and Mrs. Lamb Move Away To Centralia Nev, A, NiMrn0, Wingham, as the main sPealter at the ftnnUal, =king of ,the Huron. County Temperance Federation cm Noveint, her 13, in the 'Wingham, United Church. The county was well rep-, resented by delega,taNfrom all sec- tions, Grand Bend, Dash- wood, Goderieh, Dungannon, ton end• Seaforth, —The Young People's Union of the United Chllreh, Willghani,•eondlliet- ed the devotional period under the leadership of Miss F, Walker; Mrs, Ed ,Blake Oontribllted a solo, After greetings by Rev, 13. Mac- rae, pastor of the chtirch, the president', Wellwood Gill, cOnduct- ed the business of the meeting, The Canada Temperance Act came in for considerable discussion. Royal Moulton, acting general secretary during the illness of Rev. Albert Johnson, spoke briefly at this point. He. declaredthat many cOunties now under the Liquor Control Act, envy Huron County with its freedom from, legalized liquor outlets. "'Huron County as you, know, has by, far the lowest alcoholics rateeper 100,000 of all counties so far investigated by,the Ontario A leoh oll sm Research Foundation," ( • A small committee was appoint- ed to prepare a short, simple book- let giving the main features of the C.A, Before the speaker .of the even- ing was called upon, the, colotired sound Min, "Far From Alone"- was shown by Norville Lu'ek, librarian of the This is a gripping story of Modern youth under ter- rific pressure to go with the crowd in the matter of social drinking. It was annOunced that the film will be shown in the . Wingham The HURON COUNTY' COUNCIL will ,meet in, the Council Chainbero, Conit House, Gode, rich, on6 MONDAY,- NOVEMBER 19th, 1956, All accounts and notices of deputations 'should be in the hand's of the. County Clerk not later than Saturday,• November 17th, 1956, ,at 12,00 noon. A. H. ERSKINE', ° — COuntY of Huron. Far From Alone MUNICIPAL ELECTION TOWN OF CLINTON NOMINATIONS Monday, Nov. 26 5 6 Huron CTA..A.-•.„.:..'ingharn Hollywood Prpdticed Film ELECTION Monday Dee 3 1956' (By our Ifensall Correspondent) pharming Wedding was solem- niied at Wise,ton United Church Manse, Sask., on Saturday, Octob- er' '27, when Patricia% Florence Powers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Powers, Macrorie, Sask., -be- came• the bride of William Thomas Kyle, Maven, son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kyle, Kippen, Rev. J. Rainey performd the ceremony. FOr her Wedding the bride chose a street length dress of blue tvOn- gaiine with pink aacesseries, and a sweetheart, ,rose corsage. Her; "laridesmaid; - Miss Jeyce Moore, wore a dress similar to that c the bride,An grey shade, with aceesSOries in, red and• white, and a red rose, dorsage. Don 1VicLellan liensall attended the groom. The reception for 40 gueSts was From 1949 •to mid-1956 the fed- eral goveriMierit's cost-of-living in-' dex rose from 100.0- to 116.6, while the index of, average weekly' earn- ings in indiistrY rose-from 100.0 to 150.0. Young Pair WO1 In Clinton Mrs. I. Blake presided at the meet- ing of the' Clinton Cathode : KI;le-,77Powers Collegiate early in December. "Temperate Things" W00 the speaker's topic, -Mr. Nim mo gave .a challenging talk', pointing out that "we all Pall• helE! POPO with the worsening liquor situa- tion in three ways, thrOtigh the ballot 'box, through efkicatiOn and through religion.' The _election of officers resulted as follows; honorary president, Frank Howson, Wingham; presi- dent, Wellweod Gill, Grand' Bend; three viee-presidentS; Seaforth; }Tarry Hoffman; Dash- wood (supervisgr of, temperance education' in Sunday --SChOols); I-IowardPyrn, Elimville(stipefvisor of temperance edueation,rri Young People's); treasurer, Fred MaCly- mont, Varna; voice of teniPerance, IL G. Manningrseeretary, Mrs. N. W./Tre.wartha; Clinton, CWIJ Plans For Bafaar Nov. 17, In •the absen'ee of thepresident, men's League• held in the parish hall on NoyeMber 7. Final plans were made for the annual bazaar, being held this Friday; November 17 in •the town hall„ commencing at 2 p.m, A draw for•priZes' will be at 4 p.m. ' Mrs, A. Goldsworthy reported twelve calls made by the visiting' committee. The mystery prize donated by. Mrs. N, Le-Beau was won h'Y Mrs. J. Blake; The visiting andlunch committee appointed for NoveMber were ,Mrs, E. LeBeau, Miss 'Lucy, Levy.; and Mrs. B, Gliddori. delicious lunch enjoyed by the „members brought the meeting to, a. cl osb:“ CLINTON LADY WINS $95 - AC HENSALL LEGION BINGO (By our Hensall Correspondent) At the Legion- bingo held,:last Saturday night in Herthall a jack- pot of $95 was' won by Mrs. Eliza- beth Castle, . Clinton, in -57 callS'. Other 'winners were MrS. Leo. Meidinger (3), Mrs:•0. Smith, Al- bert Bedard, f. 'Pepper, Mrs: G. Watson, Centralia; Mrs. Mae Mc- Lelian;e'Bili Bedard (1); Judy Gridza'k; J. Brintnell (2); Bill'Car- lisle; Adkins; Mrs: Sillery; Mrs. Reichart; Miss Alma`Bell, TOronto. This -Was the last binc,o of the season. CLINTON WI WILL MEET NEXT THURSDAY, NOV. 22 Clinton Women's Institute Will meet in the agricultural office board room an Thursday after- noon, Nevember 22. Mrs, Tait Clark, district president, will at- tend and' will talk on institute work. The WI of Londe-002:o will be entertained at this meeting, The program will be in the charge of Mrs. E. Blake and Mrs. Wes. Hog- gart, Hostesses will be Mrs. N. W. Trewarth'a's group. DON'T FOR- GET TO ' BRING SOMETHING FOR THE PENNY SALE. --y ited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Talbot,--K ippen. Mr. and- Mrs: Wilfred Millson, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, David Millson. Mr. and Mrs, Eiphriam Clarice -peorge Johnston-at ' the home of Mr, and Mrs. pardon Johnston at Varna on. Sunday. Mr, ind -Mrs. Harold Stone,,Mri. Edith McFarlane' and Jack Peters, Toronto, spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Douglas, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dodds, Lon- don, also `attended the funeral of Ed. McMillan, ancrspent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Law- Mr, and, Mrs. Lorne Lawson were in Chatham on Sunday visiting the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. .and Mrs. Jack Busby and Shirley. The Young People's social even- ing will be.held'in the church this Friday ,everling. A Flrograin of slides and local numbers ;Will be enjoyed.• ', The Woman's Asseciation of Constance United Chureh held a very successful sale of baking, produce and aprons in Seaforth, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and Reg, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Verne Dale attended the fun- eral of the late Ed. McMillan0in Myth on *Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.. William Jewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor and Mr. and Mrs. William Dale, Laurel and Wilma Dale attended. the Roy- al Winter Fair last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann, Har- vey and Constance, Wingham, and Mr.and Mrs. Kenneth Betties, Paul and Gary, Winthrop, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldby. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Jewitt on Sunday were Miss Joyce Jewitt, Thorndale; Mr. and Mrs, Stacy Ferguson, and Mrs.` MinOr-Ilearings In Court Here On Novinher A nllinber of Minor charges were heard in point here' last week 'by Magistrate D. B. Holmes, They included one of speeding which received a fine 44 $15 and costs; one' of driving a ear, without a lie- wise which received a fine of $1.5 and costs. Hugh 11, Hawkins paid a fine of $25 and costs for failing to file his income tax return hY the required time. LAC Dale W. Lounsbury, 18, was fined' $100 and costs, for failing to remain at the scene of an accident in which his car was involved. The ear had managed to crash into two other automobiles, and finally came to rest against a tree near the School of Cenurieree building. No one was injured in the =Went. GOSHEN LINE WMS Meeting The Goshen. Woman's• Missionary Society met in the ehurch base- ment for the Novena ber meeting with Mrs, John Armstrong pre- siding': Mrs, Elmer Hayterogave thoughts on the lesson. There were 22 present. Mrs'. Elgin McKinley read the minutes. A vocal duet by Mrs. Elmer Hay- ter and Mrs. Robert Peck, Jr., was accompanied by Mrs; Bruce Keys. • The topic from the study book was given by Mrs. John Robinson. The meeting closed with. a 'hymn and Mrs. Bruce Keys' group, serv- ed lunch. WA Bally About 100 ladies attend,ed the Woman's "Association rally •held in Goshen Church on, November 1. The ladies of.Goshen served dinner. Annie 1VIcRorie, Warwick; Mrs. Ida Leitch, Watford. Mrs. Stella Dewitt, Regina, is spendihg the winter with her sons, William and Wilbur Jewitt. Mrs. Jewitt flew from. Regina to Toron- to on Thursday night, )eaying Re- gina at 12.10 a.m, and arriving in Malkin airport at 5.30 a.m., /bak- ing the trip -in five and one-half hours. PORTER'S HILL DaltWokiPegt4e4t. MOS. DON HARRIS -Rhone Clinton. 1111 :24.P6P Grace. The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Association of 'Grace United Church: Was. held at the home of Mrs. Elgin Cox. The president was, in charge of the Meeting which Opened by singing "Come Thott Almighty King" and repeating the Lord's prayer. The roil call was rnSingnded to by "sing, say or pay" which was' interesting. The secre- tary-treaS-urer's reports were given: and correspondence read. Holiday bells and .$umblnp cards. weredianded in and the card con, vOner gave out the cards, Plans Were Made for the bazaar erd'hake sale being held in Clinton on No, vember 15. Church cleaning for 'November is in charge of 'Mrs; William and Mrs, Ernest Town,. shend, The December annual meeting Will be at the home of Mrs, Keith, Cox, December 6, with the roll call to, be the donation of a 25-cent gift` to be sent to the Salvation Army. - • Program, was in charge of Mrs, Blanche Cox and -Mrs. Molly Cox. A crib quilt was quilted during the afternoon. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and. lunch was served by the hostess. . . Mr. and. Mrs. Ellwood Clarke \kis- bride's mother wore navy with white accessories wearing a yellow rose' corsage. . Mr. and Mrs. Kyle will 'reside in genSall. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Solis? and -family baVe moved into thevillage. held at the Macrorie Hotel. The News of Constance A BETTER LOAF OF BREAD AT •YOUR LOCAL FOOD STORE