HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-08, Page 8A (Wiwi 'To Royal York Hotel
This architect's drawing shows how the Royal York Hotel in Toronto will look when a new $10,000-
OW, 400-room; air-conditioned addition east, of the present structure is completed by late in 1958.
In announcing the new wing, N. R-Crump, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway said excavat-
ion Was expected to start-next November. It will increase total room capacity •to 1,600, and the ad-
dition of several banquet rooms, one with capacity for 3,000 will enable Toronto to maintain its posit-
ion as Canada's leading convention city. The addition •to the famed hotel is shown on the right of the
tw-,./1111114 410 M4 °alma
News of Hohnesville
Correspondent — MRS: F. McCULLOUGH
Phone HU 24418 •ti
officers for the coming year. The
hymn, "When He Cometh," was
Barbara Yeo read a Temperance
story "Sleepy Heads or Wide
Awakes" and. Marion Leibot read
a story, "A. Bundle of Sticks." A
poem, "jack frost" was given by.
Bill Hoggarth. A contest was held
with Milton McClinchey's team
The Study Book period was tak-
en by Miss C. Ann Shaddock -and
Mrs. Frank McCullough, ` The
meeting closed with' the • hymn,
"When Mother of Salem," and a
Holmesville Farm
-Union Local
Meets Monday
The regular, meeting of the Hol-
mesville Farm Union Local Will be
held in Halmesville school on Mon-
day, November 12, at 8,30 'p.m.
sharp. All members are urged to
be there early as possible as the
meeting will commence on time.
The highlight of -the meeting
he a report of the recent con-
vention in' Guelph.
It is requested that all farmers
who are willing to donate burlap
bags to be used in the play "A
Pair Of Country Kids", that is be-
ing' staged by the lbcal, please
bring them to the meeting. The
ladies are asked to bring scissors
to be' used to .cut the bags during
the work period of the meeting.
Ticket managers for the .play
are Grant Stirling, in charge of
the Hayfield area sales and Allan
Hill, Varna sales, All farm union
members will' be selling tickets
and any. problems that might arise
should be brought to the attention
of the ticket managers.
Rehearsals for the play ate in
full swing and an excellent per-
formance is expected.
Clinton Junior Farmers and Institute
tiLINTON' NtW6',R4c01-0
TH. DAY), N VEMBER 8, Il94-
Mrs,. E. R. Wegtqn is spending
few days, in Gooderieli.
Mrs, Erie Eati, London, was at
her cottage the first of the. week.
Corporal and KM Lloyd West-
lake were in.Icitehener on Wednes-
- okay,
Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, was
with 'her mother over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. fE, A, Featherston,
London, were horne over the week-
Mr, and Mrs, 'George 13ennetti
'London, were at their cottage,
Mast Week.
Mr, and • Mrs. B, ,Bellebamber
and three sons spent the weekend
in Aniherstburg.
Miss Andrea Mciaeth, Byron,
Was the gueSt of Miss Ruth Hay-
man over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs.; T. M. Leckie and
Donna, London, were at their
cottage over the week • end,
Harry Baker, London, is at his
cottage "Wheel-in" while on ..a• few
• days business trip in this district.
'Christopher Heward returned to
his home in Windsor on Saturday,
geing as, far as. Landon With -his
nephew, Harry Baker.
-Mrs. E. W. Oddleifson return-
ed-to London on Wednesday after,
having spent some time ,at her .
home on . Main Street
• Sohn It. MacLeod and Donald
MeLeod, port Stanley, were at
their respective homes in the, vil-
lage over Saturday .night.„
Mrs, F. -C. Gemeinhardt left a
week ago Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Knight, Toronto, to
spend the winter with them.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Path were
in Kitchener :Friday night, Mr,
• Poth attended the .funeral of
cousin in that city bn Monday. -
M. arid Mrs.. Kenneth, Brandon
and two children left mr...Sunclay
'to spend this week With Mrs.
BrandoW s parent'S in Buffalo, N.Y.
. Gerald Sturgeorn_Preston, Geor-
ge Telford, Kitchener, and Glenn
• ;Sturgeon; Guelph, were at their.
respective -homes in the village ov-
RCA Viotor
"Super Series
AZME.40134, 'DAY
The veterans of Hayfield.
and district will gather at the
Albion Hotel. on Sunday morn,
ing. and •March to the XeMor,
la Cairn in Clan Gregor.
Square for a short Rernem,
trance Day service at 11 a.m...
AlsR. attending will be the
Brownies and Girl Guides,
Cubs and Scouts. At approx-
imately 11,30, they will parade
to .church service at St. And-
rew's United Church,
er the weekend.
Miss Mary Marks, Victor Marks,
Toronto, aOent the weekend' with
their mother, Mrs. C. Marks. Mrs.
Marks accompanied them on their
return to Toronto, where .she will
visit with her daughter, •
Ur. and Mrs. H, Kirkham,' Mrs.
E. Jones, London, visited Mrs.
parents, SVir. and Mrs.
E. Heard on Sunday, They were
all the guests' of Mr. and MrS.
George Heard for dinner at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Fawcett,
Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac-
Leod and- Cathy, London, were
with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. D, Mac-
Leod on Sunday, Mrs. Carson
Fawcett and nice, Cathy MacLeod
remained to spend this week with
her iparents.
Mrs. C. W. Brown returned ho-
me on Wednesday of last 'Week
after having visited her nephew
Dr. and: Mrs. J. R. Jowett, Clin-
ton, Iowa, grand nephew, Robert
Jowett and - family, Chicago, and
spending a few days with Mrs. F,
Hendrick, Birmingham, Mich. Mrs.
Hendrick who motored 'to the vil-
lage with Mrs. Brown, returned
home. on Friday after having clos-
ed her cottage for the season,
Spout Mothers
The Ladies' Auxiliary to' the
Scouts' and Cubs, will meet at the
home of Mrs. R. Mc1,3earr on Wed-
Farewell, For Westlake's
Members of' 24 families, friends
and relatives joined in a 'surprise
farewell party for COrporal and
Mrs. .Lloyd WeStlake on Tuesday
evening. They gathered at the
Albion, Hotel and then •repaired to
the home of Mrs. Westlake's par-
erits Mr. and Mrs. Malcolin Toms.
'Thirty-six. joined' in playing eu-
chre. Prizes went to Mrs. R.
'Blair (ladies' high), Mrs. Lloyd
Westlake (consolation), Lloyd
Westlake (men's `high), Douglas
Heinbauch (consolation). After
the priZes-had been awarded Grant
Turner-=read anaddress and Mrs.
Turner presented- Corporal and
Mrs. Westlake with a hammered
aluminum tray and bowl. • •
The Westlakes were' completely,
taken• by surprise. Lloyd expres-
sed this feeling but on behalf of
himself and his wife thanked ev-
eryone very nicely for the 'honour
accorded them.
'A very happy evening ,was
rounded out by a delicions lunch
served' by the ladies.
Cpl. and Mrs. Westlake have
lanilt a house in Kitchener and
with their son. Ricky will move to
that city on Friday, . Lloyd is
presently on vacation from his
duties with the' Provincial Police
They will be greatly missed in the
Rubber - Stamps
of every description
Stamp, Rads-
Sok!, by
Clinton News4eiord
Miss Muriel Dale, Melton, spent
the weekend with her parents, Mr,
Arid yrs. V. Dale.
Mr. and 'Mts. Medford Harkness,
Teeswater, visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs.. Robert. Grtimoldby.
Miss Joyce Jewitt, Thorndale,
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and. WS. W. R. Jevvitt.,
Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Warren,
Lynda `'and Helen, London, visited
Sunday with the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and
Mr. and Mi.s. Robert Woods, To-
ronto; Mrs. Florence Woods, (List-
owel and" Lorne Jervis, Toronto,
spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Riley,
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hose
and family into the village. They
moved last week from Mitchell to
the home of the late Kaiimer
Skoriski. `••-•
The Live Wire class of Con-
stance United Church is holding a
social evening on November 16 in
the tundai School rooms. l'fiss
Throop is showing slides as part of
the program.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gelder-
land and Ross, Itidgetown, visited
with Mr. and. Mrs. Sim Roobol.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rigby and
Donna, Bienhiera, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hillier, Lon-
don, visited on Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith- and
Danny have taken up residence in
the apartment owned by Harold
Bonthron, •
Mrs. Carl ;operation
who un-
derwent ,operation in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, has
Mr. and Mrs. Shaddick, and Bill,
and Miss Elvira Church, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Flynn, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton and
Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faber
and Joyce, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. 5, Roobol on Sunday,
Miss Elvira Churchill, Toronto,
was a weekend guest with 'her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs. E, Shaddick and Billy.
Mrs. Wilbert Dining who has
been a patient at Scott Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth, with a heart
condition has, returned home.
Miss' Maja y Roobol, nurse-in-
training at Victorial Hospital; Lon-
don, visited with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. SIM Roobol, over the
Earl Huta, St. Marys, who' re-
cently purchased the residence
formerly owned by Edmund Geiger
is having-it converted into a nur-,
sing home..
Bernie's Bike
Hits Car Fender
Boy Suffers Cuts
Ten-year-old 'Bernie Scott was
treated. by Dr. j. A, Addison on
Friday for cuts and bruises fol-
lowing an accident on Albert
Street at the corner of Princess,
when the lad struck a ear stopped
at the intersection.
The driver of the ear, Mervyn
LOW had stopped at the corner
preparing for a left hand turn,
When the lad'S bicycle struck the
fender of the car, Bernie was
thrown from the bike onto the
front of the tar, and. his head
struck an ornament there. A
f airly deep Cut on the forehead
and a bump -on one knee was the
extent of his injuries.
Bert TrewarthR, has ,returned to
his home from London, where he
was a patient in St. Joseph's Hos-
$ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson and
children Lynn and Douglas, Lone
don, have been the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Gliddon, -
Mission Band
The Wilhelmine Mission Band of
Holmesville United Church, met in
the school on Friday, November 2.
Charles Haughtort was in' charge
of the program, which 'opened with
the hymn, "God" Sees The Little.
Sparrow Fall," and the Mission
Band Purpose.
Cathie Potter read a story "Girls
of the Bible," which , was taken
from the Book of Judges. Bob
Norman gave the prayer. The
president Leonard Wilson took the
chair for the business,' A nomina--
ting committe, Leonard Wilson,
Bonita Williams and Bud Yeo was
appointed to bring hi the slate of
The Women's Institute rally will
be heldeat Cranbrook on Monday,
November 19: All members are
asked to bring a-box lunch. Tea
will be. provided:
Mrs. William -I<err and Carol,
Exeter; Mrs George Lefebvre and
Bobby, Clinton; arid Mrs. Maude
Heddert, Hensall, Spent Sunday
with relatives in Barrie.
Hens-all Un4ed
Cliurch WMS
Studies "Korea"
(By our Hensall -correspondent)
. The Woman's Missionary Society
of the United Church convened or
Thursday afternoon, November 1,
for their November meeting, Mrs.
Dilling's group provided the l pro-
gram, devotional and' study. Mrs.
C. D. Daniel took the chair in the
absence' of Mrs. Dilling who is ill
in hospital.
:Sacred passages were read by
Mrs. C. Cook, and Mrs. W. R.
Stephenson. Mrs. E. Kipfer gave
notes on the Scripture readings,
and Mrs. H. Pliie conducted a
question and answer period per-
taining to the Scripture. Mrs. A.
Rowcliffe offered prayer. Miss
1Vlarion, Pepper favoured with a
lovely piano solo.
The study on "Korea" Was pre-
sented by Mrs. Daniel, in which
she stressed that the United Chur-
ch has a very keen interest in Kor-
ea, which has a population of 20
million, with only eight percent
Christians. "Their standard of liv-
ing is comparatively low, with ter-
rible conditions existing, and the
need is great for more clothing
and help," Mrs. Daniel said,
Per the business Session, Mrs.
G. Armstrong? the president, was
in charge.
Roll call and minutes were read
by the secretary, Mrs, IVIeNfur-
trie. Mrs. W. E Dougall reported
for the visiting committee for the
past two months. Mrs. E. Geiger
gave a splendid paper on "Stew-
ardship Mites," in which she Stat-
ed that " we should' count our bles-
sings; we have Mich to be thank-
ful for," Mrs. W. 13. Cross'lave
the treasurer's report up to date,
'Mrs. Cross, Mrs, C. Cook and
Mrs. IL Peek, were appointed nom-
inating committee to bring in a
slate of officers for the next meet.
ing, A bale of clothing for over.
seas relief will be packed hi 'the
church On November Z.
Mrs, William Charters, Staffa,
spent the weekend with Miss xary
Mrs, Ivan Whiteman, Belgrave,
spent a. few days With her father,
Joseph McCully.,
Mrs, Gordon: and. UP. George Griffith,,- Stratford, spent
the weekend. in Port Huron.
Robert Mustard, Mount Bridges,
spent the weekend with has par-
exits, • Mr, and Mrs. Alex Mustard,
Don't forget the bazaar being
held by the Woinart's Association
of the 13rucefiod United Church.
Mr, and Mrs.. loss Scott visited
with their daughter, Mrs. Leon
Rushee:14 Trenton, last week,--Mrs.
Scott remained over and will
spend several weeks with her
daughter. •
'Mr, and Mrs. W. V, Dianin and
Wilma were in Zurich on Sunday
attending a birthday party for the
former's grandson, eleven-year-old
Billie Dinnin. Also attending the
Party. were, Mr, and Mrs. A. E.
Munn, Kitchener and family.
Youngster Struck • '
Seven-year-old Kirk Lyndon,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Lyndon,
escaped serious injury 'when he
was struck by a car on the high-
way in front of his home. He was
treated by Dr, j. A. Addison,
.'Apparently the boy had accepted
a ride 'home from school; and was
crossing the road from the car. to
his gateway, when he. was struck
by a car proceeding along . the
Highway. The Lyndons live on
Highway. 4, just south of the vil-
Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs.- Simpson and
daughter, Toronto, and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Manning, Clinton,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
Gordon Manning, Goderich Tovvn-
" •
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred' Youngblut
and family`,- Woodstock, visited on
Sunday with the former's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Youngblut.„
No. 1 TABLE (Save 20e)
75 213.
bagS _$1.59
RITCLEL°117S'SPI(ESSavpeit:.e)'' 26c
AYLMER (Save 6c)
PORK and BEANS '1"
Z 15 oz. tins P3 27c
ELLIVIAle (Save 4c)
PEANUT nurr.rat, 16 oz... 29c ,
TENDER LEAF (Save lie) 69c" TEA BAGS, pkg. of 60
e-- rolls
KLEENEX (Save 4c) •
Coloured. „.. ...... ,,,,,,,,,,,,, • 33c:.
Burns Maple Leat
33e lb.
25e lb. 3 lbs.'95c
Phone HU 2-3816—Free Delivery-,
Powerful ,21" Tube,"Model 21T194
Aluminized Picture Tube Alum-
inated "Window Knob", Phono
Track and Tone Control. Swivel
base with speaker mounting extra.
Radio 8 TV
CLINTON ,— 'HU. 2-3841
"Our Service Guarantees
Your Satisfaction"
• • •
Sews ..of . Lvov WQQDS
1900 Ontarfo 04.001004. Unral Verrespoltdegt.
PHQNE: D 451'3
November 16,4956, at $ p.m.*
Dynamic Preacher and Conference Speaker
A Warm Welcome Awaits You
Numbers 10 : 29
Clinton Memorial Shop
Thomas Steep-, Clinton Representative
' Phones —
Buc, HU 2-6606 - Res., HU 2-3869
Grandmaiacob's Sausage
They're good m. olt get some -today
Call HU: 24550
News of Hensall
Correspondent — MRS. M. REDDEN
Phone Hensall 5
News of Brucefseld
Correspondent 1414$. D.VA,RY
lage', the former residence Ot;
Mrs, Johnston and the late Alton,
New 11411nrarian.
aYfrs„ William Scott has acceptetL
the job as librarian for the Bruce!.
field Library, and books .
were moved to her home last
Thursday, November i., The lib-
rary is open on ,Friday afternoons.-
axia evenings.
Mrs, Scott succeeds Mrs, J. K.
Cornish in this poSition, who :re-
signed owing to the intention 4f" and. Mrs,. Cornish moving ,8001;
to their new home lartber from,.
the main corner., •
Friday, November. 9
* - Lunch Counter In The Hall
Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd.
Annual -Meetini and Banquet
Thursday, November 15,
at 7 p.m. (sharp) in
Anyone Welcome T o Attend
zriclipts: $1.50
-' that
ink in
Choose from the DIi.GEST most
DEWIER and- VARIED display of
Christmas Cards we have
*shown in many e,year.
741 g1:074