HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-08, Page 1Cexeit+ar Boaxr+c. �aion O Chap
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An overflow crowd of adults at in The Eii lisp smocking, course
'1`T•IINGS 'WE1R.E QLTZET TN C L.IiY= j y. R .the ton District Collegiate In- was dip f oats e cur'ri u
€�� < d aped r the C .lain
ton. an Hallowe'en .flight. , ,verya ,
, stitute last night thronge. the owing to lack of demand,
little dam's e was: reported; . , olid '
� ,� �. , Now. Plaque u�► with classraoixis and the hails to begin :1Virs, Andrew Whetham, Horne
as astral, 'what was lane, was of °
of q:
s } ' : 3 this' winter's course in the Clinton Economics Teacher* CDCs is in
the very useless variety „ P a Cornrnunity Night School, charge of an advanced, cooking.
prank llolvever, otic lady .did5
a�!#slzere are 378 enrolled, an in
class, stressing baking and arty,
tell us of the toss. of a set of five : " crease from 3'45 of last year. ideas. lion McCann, a'Chartered
wooden ducks.. , which; she had liad ° dates'From 187 S in �ha
Divided into fourteen "classes, ` countant, Clinton, is . lige
on her lantrn'ibui far 7 9a .short'
" i the students are enrolled in as bf the bosxlclCeeping Class.
tinge. , < .and otie'of their► had been *t :
' An 'informal unveiling .of a. new many different subjects.. Prinei- Typing, Mrs. P. S. Burtgn, CD(:T.
hrokerl ,and .left 1,ying on the ,• y. :L . . laque iaxr�the Council Chamber a€ pal E, A. Fines was Chairman' of staff, elementary typing;. feather- �
.'*Me others ,had connplet-
' f.. the ntrdducto assembly and in- craft Mrs, Arthur Clark, Auburn,.
ely disappeared,
' .t'. he town hall; wa,s' held on Tues- r'�' ,
..... - „ . day .evening by the councillors,' aft, M his, ,5eaforth;
troduced the executive In charge metalcr Mrs. E. E
* ; r of the program, as well as the in- oil painting, Mrs. • Karl Krug, Bel.
A MCUL L INTERESTING Olntons now mortuary olzapel was dedicated Sunday afternoon, lVtetr>bers of Clinton Cernetexy Deputy .Reeve Trewartha, as the
P .li ARL p. s'tructors in each class. grave.
r u 'office last wee1;', Board attending included, left .to,raght, Ge a T.avis eeve Burton, Stanley, . eoi^ a Beattie chairman oldest councillor .present, was giv»
visitors to-our r g g George Falconer, chairman of Public Speaking and group lead
' of the board, C.` V, _Cooke and Alex Cudmpre,' en .the honour of making the -un.
Were three - gentlemen from the the CDCI board welcomed the ership, the Rev. Karl Krug, )lei,
National Flim Boaz d; Before veiling, He said, "Many of the
•�a students.. . Bob Secord, Wingham, :grave. Mr, Krug is ,familiar loc-
listing their Warnes Silo off?ces...: past mayors named on that plaque
. , � ,r .. < . Mem Qlu, •Se�i.Qty�: �c'���...' •. of the Comznctnzty Progra►ns Bran- a11Y, �becau5e of his daily TV pro-
might we say that they axe interwere good .,citizens,- .and. leadingh De; artment of Agriculture ram over CKNX ever aftornoob.
es ed ' arran `n 'for settin u a in . Host Former bers, businessmen. I'm sure. that rile q,p '`g �'t g l? Wai s ��y>��>F�� mayors =to fallow in •coming ears and G, W. Montgomery, agricult- Drama, Mrs, N. W. Haynes, ,
library, of filla?s an the county= ..- x"' r Y ural representative for the County Clinton; home nursing .and first,
n� rL if• of the' calibre:, of the present„which would be available to any For Ire `Lha P "o .r „ spalte briefly.'' aid,'Mrs, Kenneth 1VfeRa[e, RIY..gHearfiat C n e r council, wall fill chat capt�bly. Inst g,
and all" organizations That would asClinton; Woodworkin W. S,C`rai i The spexidang of the fi�nai amount rtiCt rs ;are: Mrs. E. Elford,' � g�
like to make use of this service:.. , The plaque bears' the Warne of CST staff; 'welding,
left from the sale of the old Public Seaforth, and Mrs'. C. McPherson g, Tom Mur»
Art Knowles, the .assistant ,super o tubers bight was ab- the nations involved in th'd threat all mayors of t'he town since Irlt; in charge f elementary sewin • Irhy and Larry Haughton., feeds
k" xmet .members. g t . School building was. authorized by g a. Y g„ g
visor for Ontario, comes from 'To- the Kinsmen, • Club of toward' the peace 'of the world' tinct ' and smes remains far the addition
served by ., . . ns _ .. .. ... 'Down council on -Tuesday nigh�tr o names x future e Mrs. Robert HfckS;,�lvaneed sew- and feediiyg course,' Ross'. Hennigar�
ronto -_ "'With him were R. E, Clinton .on Tuesday' evening when of the vital , role that the Suez ., f zl In s n f u e y ars,
$700 will � � ` BSA, Seaforth.
"Bob'!- Taylor, district representa °four.formers members of the. Kinn- Canal plays in the eConoriyy, of go to Grant Rath Mr. Trewarthq recalls that the
tive at Hanover. anti. Bob Bor- a Club returned to attend Britain aud'. Western lgur`blsean for his- contract for painting the area Was divided into the counties °^`O
town,.hall.. The balance of a little of Huron an,
bridge, •London, also, district rep- men Cl . ! > T I /-�
regular meeting 'of the club. Countries, " Mr Roberts expressed ' d�ruce in 1$71, and 1,QWi� In,Good M resentative. .. Apparently Bruce bhe belief that Britain'. and"l~'ranCe over $1.,000 will -be"'used 'towards the first warden of the county was���T rr �nQ
and Grey Counties' have such: Guest. speaker for t'he •meeting payment of the cost of. building" Warden Ho1me`s' rand, then of Sha e NOw F st .,jus Salt
a film library. . .. and Perth has was W. P. Roberts, R)R,3, Clinton hod taken the. only course of Set-' , r
ion open to them, the znaritual?y chapel. the present 1lfagistrate D. E. Hal
sine arraxrgement:, :', but Huron. Mr, Roberts reviewed the .current : '.The speaker felt that the west- l �r r
-no events .taking 1place in the Middle Board,' to enter next year without' , Ora W's Buyers.
This will •allow. the Cemetery , mei. >��.axl:Cl•
is a small island of .trove t, m ern nations had• reached the Councillor xrixnxx remarked, "If At date of the council meet-'
the land of . plenty. Seems to us East and Hungary. Ile told his « „ a deficit, for which the'towxi would r
p , moment of truth, when- the time those. , znen were all alive, they Ing on Tuesday evening, John
'drat at ver small cdst'to the mun audience of" the' past, histories o. talking was over and he.,s toted have to' budget: could well be road' of our lovely ; I.ivernaoze, Clerk-treasurer, re- TO 'Tri le Farm
Y for talks p ., . .
icipalities involved; an inestimable that it was' 'his belief that Cdtiadla, - o- - little toren. ` We are very fortun- ported that the borrowings
variety of knowledge in :picture - along with, all the .outer ' nations � ' ate to be ,situated' in Clinton, in from the bank 'were about .- The first disperal sale of Aber- -
form, could be ?2njoyed.. by a: great r of the Commaon�vrealth, and United Huron, and in Canada, away from $8,000 Les§" than they were at leen Angus to be held in Huron
many' people.: ,:: '' Stated woiald''iriake the riga de- Red eS 1f l U me' the "strife in Europe. The -world the;same time last' year. Fin- County took place at the Triple A
Skat$ng Chub Has g
* * aisiops, l situation' has degraded to where is ante chairman Deputy Reeve Farm; Goderich Township, on
ALL SORTS OF EXCITING Pant president K. W. Co�quhoun� �oW11, �OI� is nothing 'but. A bomb ready to N. W. Trewartha remarked 7ves'day, when Stewart G. Middle-
things come to us by mail, , : Just •Enlarged � �P:ro ram Introduced the guest speaker ands (7 explode. .We are fortunate Eindeed ' upon the fact that the bank, ton, RR 3, Clinton, ' and Fergus
recently we 'had word from Alital= ' 8 he was th�ahked'by Kine Jack Clegg, a to be .here rather than--far in- balance vya&. considerably high- Turnbull, Grand Bend combined'
la, the'Italian International Air q'tae newt meeting'of the club. 19a field, gr ee stance-in Hungary, where they are er this year, too, Tax arrears their herds.
To 4 Hoursweekt ' "
..lines of their winter, schedules - y, will, be held at, a joint. meeting 'of for, their freedom at risk • to the end of 1955 are ata Forty-seven `head, of registered
from Canada to Italy, , . As far as with Exeter: and Hensall and will Stanley Townshvp Council will o£ their very lives:," low�$4,693. .�berc3een Angus were offered, and
we can see It is quite possible to'. ,Registration for figure skating Abe in Exeter on Thursday, Nov- 'p i Duncan ,A. B'rowti was auctioneer
proceed with removal 4f hedges in
.leave, Montreal 'at three' o'clock classes' in the Clinton Lions Arena. ember 15.
Bayfl,61d oil Howard, street at. Twyl�
one day. .•'anti I)e. in Rome by. this: winter is still open, and the It was decided to erect a sign at Street. West: _ was aid
Top: price in the sale
r by Mxs Marion Edwards, Area;
fo dcloek the 'next day... And first classes will .be held this Sat- The hedges have beeris a matter
• ' $3FJ0 for ]?ride of Triple A 7th,° a
lix the Lions Are to advertise the j Stratford � r�ns_ arthe rages are as astonishin ly urdaY» '° of dispute between municipalsix-year-old cow bred and 'owned
g ` " activities of the pleb and, Kin Don' council ' and two" villa a residents b Stewart G. Middleton.
law:. , as the time is so asipnish- "The figure Skating Mub has en; Kay was placed in charge of this g i '
ingly fast, "' larged their,Jarggraial- th;s ,Year to project: " for sonrie five to :six years. They Iiwa Morning Call heifers, boat
iriftde four hours " of nstruct'on ' are allegedly growing on a road
*, *" 't$ uerad DraW this February were purchased by
1, 13i11:Hearn repented on the pro-
BMAUThuv,L WARM WEAZtFiEI3, under-D. Silverthorne, in pface. of grass made in'the construction of
allowance of a 99-foot street, Dr. L. G, Tiagmeier, Haywopd
is still"blessing us.':. Someti es the .two hours' a: week of last.seas the swimniin 1. and.-told of the A by--law was, passed October : er er i Winners en'o ed the music of the Huron" Virginia, UwSA, for $315 'each.
g ria g Poo f.. Th e Ys' a two major w nne enjoyed we begin to feel that there's a on,' The same' registration fee 22 at a s tial sessi n of council : Alex Ednvards Arva; Elmer
gi financial standing' of the fund' and , pe tl : at ;the Huron `Fish , and ,Game. Rx�mlblers. Prizes were awarded T
touch,of s: rin fever in the air, covers tills double amount of trme,'.what.morues will be.'needed earl at which'Reeve. Harvey Coleman Club's er de. n e e best arc dz`ess coni le, Mrs, Rilbey and Son, Underwood and
a p g ,•, Y annual .masqu a
Then this week Miss:. Gerda Skov: ' n addition to the re ar ;kat- neirit spring. presided, .giving, owners ten days da c ' Y p Zirrnnermaii, Kerwood,. were
I' to re held in the Legion Memorial Hall Bert Gliddon and Mrs. Alvin O'R°
brought us a daintily wra ' classes, - 1VIr. Lverth me , is Guests.: included .Geor. e Smith, move the h'ed'ges :', No. aot�an' 1as;t'Frida evenin . Sha who were arbed as "Iridian the straiig buy' at the sale.
y iPe�t Ing < c S , rS 4 . g t x, , y g Sharp g Steer calves and. young heifers
bu'ricli' tIf' vibletst ":". 'Iuddked frt►iis' finnan -.a danee.session. for the Wilfred De'honntne, Pere Bronah .was .taken. � ,, � r •squaws. 'The judges based their y g
p eg g E. C. Iluggans, §tratford, ' wa brought strong prices, though bid-
the garden at her home. •.. Thanks; more advanced skaters, each Sat Burton Stanley and fete McCaul Council has--appointed W11HAm the 'fortunate winner of the 1957 findings on the most original odea,. din o g
Gerda, .. That delightful aroma of urdayt 'starting at five. o,elock. ey: Taylor, VarAia, as new road- super automobile offered in' a special combined with, the most work. g was slower on the older cat-
spring will ;help us face the cold This should.:prove most attractive,. Sergeant-at-arms fox the br'isI€ The best comic' couple were Clara. t1e•
intender -t. Mr., Taylor has been a draw. The lucky ticket was sold The ` Women+k .Auxiliary of. St.
winter ahe4d. both to the skaters, 'and to the fine session were Ken Scott and b Bert Harris just a few days ence Neilans' as a tram and
spectators who enjoy practice ses- Frank Cook. Presidwi+� Harry Md- grader ,,operator for the past six y p} James Church, Middleton,. and
pe before the event. Mr,. Huggins is Bill Edgar as the Devil, himself.
sions as well as the final Carni- twan was. iia' •charge of the' meet- Years :anti's-ucceeds the late Elmer. a chiropradtor, and he has aw sum- Trinity Church, Bayfield, sold.
rack 1p the sprang. Ing. Webster. mer' ,cottage at I�'rue Water Beach . A door prize was won by Maur- sandwiches, pie and coffee-..at the
SeoU MoVeme�nt . ` , r ice Taylor,, Br:kiceflelcL farm. . Swveet cider was provided.
'Increases — aibout a mile- south of Goderich.
Neel ittle
A N �y v it ,• T a� " dug her ofnMr. aiidsM s. J1ames '
T .,.,,
w 1� nth fi�R•� Cruiokshanl s made thcf draw. Eno Brotherhood
u n c i � l ors ♦ 7 �� � �•R A , ' , .`i %0 %1 1%# N,•r The Club . netted about $450 as,
For .More Leaders. , �. 4- Y
a result" of the event, anti this r ■ p r
Growth of ,the Scout moverraent -" amount :will go toward the_ cost. of Of Masons m J. Go Gibbings.' Birthday
in Clinton has progressed so rap- the town's` new .$35,000 swimmng r .
Idlythat there is ur crit need., Fo`r'
n r' pool. So, though ..both the Club hour after close of The D of C asked that any other.
g �� The social ho Y
more ]eiders to keep pa'
ea -the y: and Mr. Huggins are rieher by 'the the regular meeting of Clinton octogenarians present should rise,
-requirements of the work. All but,one member of the' Clin have any major drain' :problems. council, What they print deter- evbning, so is all of the town as Lodge A.F. &'A,M, on Friday ev- Two others stood up. They were
A meeting of the First Clinton ton Town Council was ready Tues- I've often thought I wanted to, mins the calibre of the men than well., enoing, Novemiber 2, task on the Bro. E. E. Gibson, tyler of. t'he lod-
Lions Group Committee along with day ; night„ to declare themselves quit, but if the majority of couif- run for council. Mok ' of those attending F the character of an octogenarian ge and Flt. Wor. Bro. H. E. Rorke
the Scouters of bath Cubs. and`-willing to act on the council next ell sticks, then T d like to stay -W.e ve had an e cceptibnal year dance were. in costume, and they birthday .party. It was learned the lodge secretary. They -were
Scouts, held on Monday night, re= year if they are nominated, for another year. There has been in relief this. year. allo one is re
' g , that Bro. 1. G;-Gibbin�gs' though. an heartily acclaimed. and their health
viewed the situation They see a M,ayir W .J: - Miller:, I believe wonderful caiope- at'ibn with the ceiving rt a.t this• tune; .and there_
"" Infrequent .attendant at lodge was and longevity ;pled'ged in Brows;
:definite need, for more assistants we have accomplished sor xething streets gang, and whether on halm were only a oouple of payments Bob Morgan .underwent surged': resent and that it was his b. rth- October ale just fresh from the
'g they :were ready made: •' There was very little.• wel- in Victoria Hospital, London, on da anniversar and that he had mill, the treat of 'War, baster
for the Scout troop which now 'this. year, an T think the public days or at .1ai'li'ts
numbers 34 Members. 32 is. con- believes we have, Fi"here. has been with "a ,sxru7e too do their jab when fare issued. Monday" and his condition is re- jut rounded of his 85th year, 'Harry Ba'll!:-
sidered aria ideal number of boys, a ,lot of business done, and .there asked, a There h'as been co-operatlon and ported as satisfactory.
so this is a lar, e troop.' `' However is a lot yet to ;do, I wouldn t I would like to thank the press. h&rrjiony with the police, ,There • Mr. "J15d ' Mrs, James Walters, Lunch disposed tsf, ixnproptti Jiro. Gibson who is possessed of
g p `,,another The 'v Speeches were in' order. Rt. Won a retentive memory and Occasion-
at�is.:not yet large• enough to de-
mind being mayor for Y e rdonea wonderful job •this has beer more money'raised by Waterford, Mich., visited with the. all favors .with readings was ask-
man s i,yet , and the ''need for ear, whether or not T do, depends :ar, and weve had top co-Opera- fines, and less hoodllwmisrh .on Hai- farmer's mother, XV s. Helen Dal.- Bro. R,� E. Thompson,. PDDGM, y g
p Y , contribute. He responded
,another Scoutmaster 'but it dries on future developments, tion with pWlatiCity. I believe this Lowe en.' I rymple over the weekend; Also
Director of Cerema ties took char- ed to
1 a is one thin which has led to bar I have no as ge• and, with wards of felicitation with a humorous selection which
requlre more assistots. T think we have • a.' good con- g , , pirations to go. up, Edward Walters has retturned to 0'
In 'the Cub Pack -at the res- sclentious clerk, and it takes a rriony with the council: 'but would like to see• the unfinished spend the winter mbutlis With his called upon • Bra: Gibbings to &,peak. was loudly' Applaudeed
ent time there are 58- boyspand 'great deal of responsibility from , -Deputy, Reeve Nelson- T'rewar-3riefly and in well chosen she re-
(Coniinued`on Page Twelve) mother in Clinton.,Qinton:' .. ra: Cxibbngs, an Englishman by
this group definitely must be div,; the mayor anti the council to know tha: I 'haave sat in. TWith quite 'a Y 1 D birth, after farming successfully•in '
ccs relative to 't,Yte crccasno#� He r
Oided. Thiswmieans another Cub- `that he is a good clerk, few councils•, but there hods been spondee aril `thanited the WM,
r�•�7� 7� of C -and, brethren for their notice. Hallett retired ten years ago, and.
master is needed, and aiaore-assis- Rewe Burton'Stanley: This has none better t4ian this one, Jtrhas a .t has since resided in Clinton.
'tan'ty. to,help; with the work. been A i hard year -in the public been a pleasure to sit in with these �011�hS�0�1 t'>.'�rokGn .�� ' The Church, of the gy n . b
Anyone voluriteeririg, to -hells worim comrmittee, W�, have; taken younger Yuen; and I doh't believe '
.with the movenneii�t 'i's Silted to p a IrYt of clrafris &hcl replaced I've see a,yaung group make bet.
contact L' G, Winter, Clinton.* a lot, and when the Mary Street ter praress than thisone has,
phoneHtYnter 2-6692, Drain is in, I believe We Won't • In meeting With groups outside R. Shows,
• of town; I have heard nothing but
- Folk in other y
• - IeaderslaiClint a we've hard .good
• good.
leaae feel that ✓�` Weald, Re A CTA'".
Permit Issued For , $17 000 Ser vice p` �Vio P
r - i Tf anyone -Salts to step'Up frdrl¢ • '
.. K r Council into this job, I'll step aside. � At a meethig of'' the Goderich either beverage rooms or cock. Stat�on Bui ding On H" hway 4 If an outsider cornes-along it may Junior. Chamber of Commerce last taiLlounges being permitted tri the
be a dif-e`rent story. ,night in the' ebuiity town, a report county is most remote.
PerniUa or . has been r givetf the Aticts the' number to 16. Sibce"ooa. 'Coundillor George Beattie, Nevis z + *,as heard from the CTA investi- The committee was asked to
Reliance Petroleum Lt 'firm to outlet is, at present hat in use, this er befote have I had aw apportpn-' gating committee of the Jaycees matte a recommendation on thein
n t d now garage will not Violate theby- ity to express my thanks. to'eauriell The occasion was an Industrial report, and this is .as follows: that
erect a $17,00o. service station at law, for their co-operation- with ''the Pi'bmat'ion and Appreciation Day a - nounty=wide organization be
the cor'nep of Gordon "Street and Ln defending the .change of opin- general goverhn eat-dornrrdtte'e at which Industrial planning rep- formed, by those who, are inter
High�wtiy 4, The request which l9b,,CoiijtMlllor R. 14, Irwin stated with the yedt's wont. I viand like , resentatives front Ottawa and To esttd. in repealing the CTA so the
.came frons: 8. T. Gor'xton Seafotfilr g t 3
. � . ,that he felt the area Could no l!ong•� a thanit them' and the fnayor. for { . ,�zY� � raitito visited the towns in ustr a issue can be settled in Huron
stated that the bur ding wottld be his helpful advice - Y
er' ,be termed a residential one, 1� given when Ler ,�; y ,sites and attended the dinner meet- Count once and for all, ,
of derriertt block, two S,tbrey, a'baut �« "In malting this report Vere be-
of a 52 incl would be of modern when 'it was so close to the stock- quested. Ing in the evening,
yards at the CNP. track, and If there's a good slate to Carty .' The report 'given by 'else Canada lieve we are doing a public ser
1. ' ,across from Canada I'adtters and On -the -Dili •where we've left off, .: 'T'em'perance' Act Investigating vice-;-,°we are, not backing, assisting`
Cbun it had hesiitated Sri 9thnto :oil Storage quarters, :Ile said:.he Hien I'd be ready to retire from committee is based- cin,. the results nor eridotsing any movement
Ing tbb permit, sitrce `there .rhes felt it w,ou.ld be a . groat improve» counlon, but if not Cilough men, of a recent pnihlic opinion poll: tak- whdther for or against,, the CTA:
been an atteMpt to limit the. hum- meat to a • lodatioh where weeds then I will tun If nomiinated.. l ens throughout Huron County by This tepott ends the appropriation
ber' of,.g'asoline outlets in the town. all surnmer had been complained Would like to see . an election' ' what is, assumed to be an unblas- of the CTA, investigating Com-
At the present time the-by-law rev of, though, because it glvesond,a great od organization. mi�ttee of the Goderich 3aycees,"
Other, building permits' granted feeling of confidence to know, you The report states- that adult re- the roport ends,
at Taesd�ay's coancil' zrie0bi�g were have the backing of 2,806 peopftS sidents, in Mron County are fed
to Les n>� D for a sunporeh, �5t10 (,Mayor W:. J. Miller: Other - �g, u'p with the 'teen age driniting and
the 'Week � weather � /�t
and far store frot'it, '$540; to tpwixs are Chatsging to two year `« bootlegging, and continues: rrer $a 1!' Birthday �l
' zg5t3 2955 lvti'tcheal McAdam for additnon to term. Cbun. 1leatttle,. Shbuldn t �� � � Our, law enforcement agenoles
' gatage, $2017, to Bert 'Boyds for be legs, Yours; 'warship.) `, experiebnte diffidu�lty in dealing' John G, Gibbirtgs, orange Street,
High tbw Hlgti ow renovation,aY'd ad-cation to garage, GounCillor R. X. xtmri: I belfove. with of�£eiicaers Who are of the.ages 0.irttoit, marked his 85th bitthday
Nov, 1 '"66 58 58 82 $5,�i "t6 C. barker, fb'r garage, ptrhaps George has accorritslished of 16 tor 21 under the CTA, This at ,his honte' on )?riday, Noverinber
2 63 57 51 41 $5q6 and. to R L, Jervis for canopy more than the rest, of us; in the is a serao+us situation that could 2.
8 64, 54 65 M way he wear into the insurance . iatCrease� incl' the Boll showed that,
65 58 88 tg , The rriost destructive bit of dams e dorso -ht Clinton ori. as a restilta of this wet] over 5b W111iairi l' airset`vice, Spencer
,A zrgtnes't frort°i �. Tsaycox far cos ,etc., (where s your quarter, � g ,
5' 61 47 41, 84 ._,. . • Halloween slight :was- the' deseetatioti of this• tof6A6no Ori the' ,, - » Street, Clint6ri', is $3 years='old to.
.., LteY�YYiis�sion to. Live tri lr tt°ailet';�t George7) and as far as .the prhss percent of our a.dult5� would vel
6 68 4.4 47 83 •lawn of St. Pains" Anglican Church, Ontario Street, The dross „ , day, Nvveni�ber 8:
a lot ts'it L"3sbbivaae Street rvliile he g`o'e5,a'�'esf when crfticisxri was titre, . , , e the repea:1 af, the G'1"A.
Which marks t£se last resting plade of one of the early , ministers
" 46 8d -i'he poll farther stated, that the George Beadle, Auburn, bbwvo
built a Koerte �Yaere,, vvas refused they gatr+e it tet its, ar#d erhen tltiey: of ;the, ChuY�Ch eras brAtin from its hate ith left to lie on the .
r - i , i . 4 slrse it was ebrztz~a ." t the traf - UQUld the atted tis oft he ae + .. , . , : adult elation rs Ih favour . df ed his 99th bir°thd , at his harm
ttairt..0`Y iris. n. ,k7 ii .e o 'ry o � , , � p b k ground, 1�blice report is that the vandals vete t d�itdr`en, liutf of pip �'
Snow "1 iris. �er by-law. A:5 I have tend thez'ka, belom, a'tnd an ago to most certainly know better, ll`teWs�Ttecard pinbtb) retail. stores, but the possibility bf on Uoyiday, November 5,
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