HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-01, Page 8• **a News of Dayfield VOS LTJVY A. 'WOODS 1,945 Ontario Champion Rural CorreorPaiutent 011p; HAYFIELD 451'3 Harry Baker, London spent Sat- urday in the Village, • * Honer Aust argil family, London, were t their cottage over the Weeinpd. Mr(' and Mrs. W„ Thum and Janiet#,. London, were at their cot. tap On SurldaY. ° Mr. and Mrs; Nelson McConkey,. Wtehener, wet% et their home in the Village over tile Weeiten owrieo, Guest, London, is liaving` e cottage -erected on the lot which he recently aequid from Robert aVIr., and Mrs. S. Bryant returned *to Syron on Wednheday after bay- ing been at their cottage for a fee days. ”`• J. E. Howard attended .an OAA Convention and dinner at the Bren- ner House, Grand Bend on Men - day evening, Mr. and IVIrs, George Little at - 'tended the ftmeral of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Robert sell, Goderioh, on Saturday.. Mr, and •Mrs.W1flanHreWnlee,. 0010,WA, • Spent the weekend with their nephew end his we Mr.. and Mrs. George Little, Mr. and Mrs, jetties Passman. and Robert, London, were •visitin$. last week with MrsooPONSinan's: parents, the -Rev. and Mrs, I. Hod-,' enheni, lr aid Mrs; A, W.' Bergen,. Kitchene.r, and 1Vir, and Mrs, J. 0,' Hughes, 'Detroit, were pests over the •weekend of.Mr„ and Mrs, Le-' Any....P.Oth, • , • Xra., Malcom MacLeod and maS.,' ter Bruce returned te Fort. Dover an Thursday, after 4aving visited her bushantrs paxents, M. and: Mrs, I. H. p: bracLopit • ,ctostopher' 1-T0*yard, windsor, was the guest Of his *brother, J.' Howard and fannly from Satur•-• dey until Tuesday When he. left to COMING TO -- 1 BANFIELD BAPTIST ciftatai •-November, 16,1956, at 3 pan. 0 • tlynani' ie Preacher and Cnference Speaker' PASTORITIOWARD. SUGDEN sadrn xsApp[si CEVRCH, ,PANSING-, IVOCIPGrAN •• • SPECIAL MUSIC •ThE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND • •A Warm • Welcome' Awaits You- • Nuniber6 1029 44-45b • --'53-STUDEBAER COM' 795' 00 with overdrive 1--'54 NASH Fonr-Door . , . $1,395.00 1 STUDEBAKEli Deluxe ' 4 -Door, overdrive • 1—'53 STUDEBAKER Begat" 4 -Door • 1.'48 PONTIAC Big Six-- - - 2 -Door, radio 1—'52 -CILEi7ROLET .Half Ton ,iy.vu . $1,195.00: $395.00_ $5,5.00 1—'50 ANGLIA $175 3 Good Used 825.20 ,Tires and Tubes Wi. & Son Brucefield Phone iU. 2-9211 .EL,VINATOR.' R.ErRIGgRATOft': lentevea 11111111.1111MMIMMIMINIW ',•?1,?••. • • • 1.4.,V2,••• 1111111111111111111111111111111111 • visit in Owen Sound .for a .feW clam Mr. and Mrs. 1-1s ,,W. Latta re- ttirried to. Leeleport, New York, on TuesdaY, after having been the 81$4to of their•• ?son-irt-14,W„ and daughter, the Rev. and Mrs. W. S. onterbridge from SaturdaY. • The Rev. W. Outerbridge fol4. M. Stewart, attended the annual statutary rneeting'nf the Deanery of Huron, in Seafor.tli on Monday nightat which.the ritocesian bud, get appertiournent is given for each parish. I, MrS. NelSen has •returned borrie after Visiting for three Weeks in Rochester, N.Y, gamiltprk and Pia s. Her son and farnilY, Mr, and Mr, D. V, Nelson, David Merl Denise, Dumb, motored to the village With. her •and .spent „Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. D. igs- ury and Doteeles. • Mr. and trS. Hugh McLaren who spent the weekend in Leeden With their datighter and family after a most enloyable trip to California and the Canadian Weft•, were with her sisters, XisSerA. M. and' E. J. Stirling err IVIOndaY, Miss Christine McLaren, who has been visitingher aunts, returned •to Port Elgin With her jiareqe on Tuesday. • • -.OBITUARY • '1V1i$; Q. Hallman (By our Bay -field correspondent) Mrs, Quentin Hallman, New Dundee, died in Kitchener -Water- loo Hespital on Friday, October 26/1956, in ,her 53rd yea., She had suffered from multiple cier; osis for over 18 years. •.Formerly Izetta Mae Merrier, elder daughter of the late Sarah Reid and Edwat4 F. Merner, she Was 'born in Hay Township, and commenced school there at the eie of four years. As a.; smell child, she came with her^ parents to 'Hayfield, and . at- tended Public School there, Clin- ton Collegiate Institute, and grad- uated from. Loncl6n. Normal School. Held in high regard in.the teach- ing prefesSion and by all who, knew her, she was principal of New Dunclee Continuation School fq- nine years „and of Lobo Con- tinuation School, Coldstream, for three years,. •She also served with the Department , of Education on the staff of .exarrliners for High School papers. in Toronto for sev- eral summers. On November 30,. 1935, she was married :to Quentin Hallman who with two ,sons Marlyn and Barerley, •sureiVe. . She le alio survived ,,by a sister Edith- (Mrs. Grant ,Turner)* and two brthers, 'Merton,. Hayfield' atid Ketmeth Merner, RR 3, Clinton. The funeral Was held from the Ritz • and Bechtel . Funeral Home, Kitchener, on Monday afternoon. at two o'clock, The Rey. Ever Sider, a firmer pastor froin Toronto, was assisted by the Rev..David Cameron,. UM-, ted Brethern of New Dundee, in, the service. Mrs. Robert Holfrria.ri sang !:Beyond the Sunset." " The pupils of New Dundee Con: tinuation School' • attended in a body in tribute to the /fact that she was the first principal In their whoop Interment was made in the Un- ion Cemetery, New Dundee • . Those from this istrict who at- tended the funeral, ineluded: Mrs. M. Bassett, Mr. 'and Mrs: Grant Turner, Merton Mernere Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merner, Jack, Beverley and Gary, Goder- icirsTownship; Mr.. and Mrs, Wes IVIefner and Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Merner, Zurich. •../...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••WV...••••••••••••,0 0....,•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,*•••••••••...••••••••,....... • 31, L. MODEL i 24F8e-Pu1l 8 cu. ft. 'capacity, 56 pound frozen storage; 2 lee tube trays; tidi Width etisper; dairy chest; milk shelf; height531/2", Width 241/4", Utah 284?e. _ List Price $289.95 - CLINTON SPECIAL ONLY •$239095 • ..1%ae Television 041 get' exactly' • the sok f want at •Tip Top Tailors" Yes—the exact coloury pattern, style, &brie want •• . exactfil,tcoi ...because hand. tut and tailoted to my tneasure. TAKORED-10,MEASORt • cllsb010the oo.962pc , Tlp To Clothes poi Pleat Street Clothes , V72.50 2 pc, Exelusive with Pickett &Campbell Phone HU •/-9132.--Clintowt TIP TOP TAILORS ctorrON NpW$-ArcO8p *Wilk In The Schools" osnsidere a SS 4, WWDEPIOR INFtt Farm Forum aSon is with US again, and the SS NO. 4, Coder* ich Township, forum met on 10n- 4AY night at the borne of Mr, and Mrs, Ira .Merrill, There were ten naernheM present, The radio tOpic Was ''.$411001 It was decided that wetthrbe hardly practical in mail .1-41,41 schoox to .41,pply milk to the schools, however, larger urban schools, could Make use of a Scil901 xUk profram, • Such a Prograrn might be oPer. ated with •difficulty, with child- ren twinging milk from. home. The teachers might interest the pupils in all bringing milk, even if only winter •MOtitha. The distribut- ion of milk- could be financed ty Parente, echool boards,. or by gov- ernment subsidy. FolleWing the dstession, Irvine Tebbutt was appointed chairman, and IVirs. Ira IVIerrill, seeretary, for PIP corning season,. After a recreation periOd, Atwell was servad. The next, trieeting will be at the 'home of "Mr. and Mrs, Robin Thompson. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER TM rm Forums ..rag =NT (4Y our,lifensall orrespondentc), The Parr Line FA= For= was, well represented. at the home of Mr,. and I. rdon Love. john Soillan. presided, A new slate of officers will be Wined at the Ilex t. meeting,. „The tering, was unatitraotis in favour .of having milk .supplied to. schools:on a national scale. Local dairiRsShould supply milk their WA areas, .Cost should he undertaken by... the individual school area:hoard with assistance from, ,provineial. grants. The forum recommended that—a trial period „of three months be made, • by Hay -Township • School Hoard,„ in which milk would, be supplied to -the public Senna% WS- wonid beatest period: which could lead to A pertnanent Pre*t. • 9anles and 110nahegn. followed the discusslon. Prize winners were, John Solders . and 1VIrs. Charles Rob, •inson; .consolation, 'Howard, Adkins and Mrs. Tlowa.rd Adkins. ' Nextmeeting Will be held at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Glen Weide. Bayfield Scouts Charter resented By Commissioner • (By our,Uaefield correspondent) • A rriet important ceremony took • The chartet wa; Presented by place in Ttioity Parish Hall on Regional Field Commissioner Itob- lVforiday evening, when the local ert Taylor to Cub Michael Scotch - Cubs and Scouts received their mer and was received from himkby charter. The,. Rev, Peter Renner' the Rev. Peter Renner, Follow- on behalf of the Rev: W. S. Outer- ing the presentation Mr. Renner bridge, chairman of the local group thanked the ladies for their con - committee (who was unable to be tribution and pronounced the ben - present) welcomed the large gath- edict= All stood at attention ering. It included the Hrovvnies f0 -,r the National Anthem A del - aid Guides with their leaders in eatable' lunch was served by the uniform as guests,. the parents and ladies- atedliary, membersof both the lace assoc- So much, enthusiaSin for the ,lepion of Guides and the Ladies moverrient here b7odes wei1 for fut- Auxiliary to the Scouts and LT G. urs citizenship. Winter, Clinton.' Cubs are: Douglas Darnebor-•'• • The ceremony commenced with' ough, Lloyd and Jimmie Francis, the flag break lead by Cubrnaster Wayne, Heard, G'arfielel IVIerrier, R. Turland and Streit Stephen George LindsaY, Richard Bird, Scotchnier. This was followed by Douglas Kinsbury, Terry Fitz - prayer offered by the Rev.. Peter simons, Michael Scetchmer, David Renner, atter which he called on Welsh,"Michael Greer, Ivan Steck- Douglas Carswell, newly -appointed ley, Douglas, Telford. • Most of DiitrictScout COmmissioner, to in- whom were in ..new uniforms, pre- trbduce. Robert Taylor, regional senting a. very smart appearance. held commissioner, Hanover. Scouts are: Ron Scotchmer, Ted • Robert Taylor addresSeci the boys Turner, Jim Heard, Robert Semple, on the film to be shown pointing Gary 'Mote, Stephen Seotelimer, out the impact of the Scout move- Philip. Ge.meinhardt, Howard Set- n itworld relations. 41e then chmer, Dick Heard, David Cerrie, introdueed the beautiful film of the Gerald W4li 'Jim Kelly, Roy World -Smut Janiboree held at Telford. There Scoutmaster is Niagara -on -the -lake in 1955 at George Simmons, which 48 -countries weeerepre'sere rth Saturday Morning until ted. The lineortant, part Whien Sunday evening, George Simons :religioretoek in the.Sdautprogrant took his gbout troop on a "careP- Wei-brought out wonderfully in the ing expedition on .Alf. Scotchmer's Wm. • • farm, Hayfield Fait' Board , Pays $1,140 In !rtes At Centeniiialt -flame Delegates': • • (By our Baifield correipondenit)e The directors of the Hayfield sett reported that. approximately AgnicultutaI Society . met in the $1,140 would be paid in prize rnon- town hall on Monday evening un- ey this year which, was slightly der the .elfairmanship of the presi= lovver than in 1955. • dent,. Carl Houston 'There was In 1856 the premiums paid were a good attendance. 21 pourids, 13 shillings, ninepence,, The secretary, Mrs. A. M. Bas- or approximately $100. In 1881 it had risen to $248.50. Thus in 75 years the prize list has increased about five times its value. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••.••••••••.•,•••••••••• • BRUCEFIELD Norman Snider, Brantford; spent the weekend vvith Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson. • , Mrs. B. Sholdice, Brinsley, visit ed a few days with her daughter Mrs. .A. Paterson. ' • Mr, and Mrs. Ed IV/unn, Hensall, visited with Mrs. Horn and Miss Mary Swan on Sunday. ' ,Mrs. Kenai -4 Fxeter, and Miss Minnie new, Hensall, viisted with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Baird at the weekend: - Mr. and Mrs.' John Beattie and Mrs, William Wright, Seaforth, spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs, Rosa Scott. Nirs. Alton Johnston, Sea' forth, and Mrs. Vegliarn Sinclair, Clin- ton, were guests a Mrs. HBerry Over the weekend, Neeb-Itopp (Ay our Mansell terresperident) A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Andrew's tinit• ed Church manse, Kippen, on Sat- urday, October 27, at high npon, When Ina Marie Rom Zurieli, be- oarne the bride of Ward IsTeeb, Dashwood. - Rev. N. iVicLeod, per - - formed the cereinany, • The bride wore a white figured silk ensemble and carried a bou. titiot o rite ',Immo and red r9ses, IVtiss Margaret Ropp-, Poole, 'On- tario, cousin of the bride'atteiid• ed, wearing .figured with bete quet � mauve 'mums, Wallaee rfoff, EXeter, attended the groove ts BAYPIELD Oritendeki for loot week) ,,. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw, tot a1 and Dawria,.Proton, attended the funeral of lvirs. lVforton Mott October 20 and also visited with relatiVes. Mr. and Mrs, M. J. nutlet% Att. J. Porter, Coderich and 13', Scotch. nier, Richmond HI% all visited re- dettily with their niece, Mrs. Dei., bort taw and fatiIl rotoit, Mrs. Bassett stated that the free press reporter had told her that Hayfield fall fair was the first he had attended this year where the gate receipt was np. • :They were $14 more than in 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Houstbn,. Mr. ,and Mrs. H. Tenhale were ap- pointed to attend the Huron -Perth District Fall Fairs Convention at Kirkton on Tuesday., It was de- cided to have a vop picture at the new Centennial Gate. All -0- ficers,• directore, and committee members, are asked to assemble there at 3.30 sharp at the „fair- grounds, on Sunday afternoon for this purpose. •CRINNOLle (By our Cantauce eorrespendent) The Vriendly Few Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Urs, Frank Riley„ Mrs, William: Pale was,• appointed secretary for the year. Progressive euchre was played and prizes went to (bigh), Mrs, William Jewitt and Earl LaW, son; (low), Mrs. Ross. meomosar and Wilbur Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Wibur Jewitt in- vited the forunt4o their home for next meeting, XAVZ WIRES, (0j.r lifrs, Ted iieakling). The Live Wire Varna Forum met at the hone of,Aftvaritl: Mro, Henry Hunking with .10 present, • Mr. James IVLeDougall led the discussion groups whose. findings *elle as ellows: Leave it to the Parents to see the .-chilft.n get TiVigt. at home. 'This is a farmin0 community where percent of the people milk oows, so they could get makcheaper • . at home The forum does' think every ebild needs milk. -,Afte the business period, eardo were .enjOyed _and lunch served. The next meeting is at the bailie of Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Aarient, ANSWER TO THIS WEEK'S: xwoito MM.IW MMMW WUMWD MUMMW ORMOO DMUNM WM UMW OB OMEIMMOM 02M MOM MONA 00000 WOOMO UMW MD MMW WOMMEMW WQ WWW MUM =MOM WOMMO MMMMO MOO 130010 Anal. TO FIT YOUR JO See the NEW FALL ARRIVALS by Haugla's Ciihartes • PeabOdy's "Big Swede" * al: A I KEN'S irt49009e and Shoos 4. randma • Jacob's Sausage • •NOW ON SALE T hey' re good get some today • or Call HU. 2-9550 i956 CHEVROLET DUN RE, Powerglide, .. fully equipPedr. ' $900 below list 1955 PONTIAC' DELUXE SEDAN 1955 PONTIAC. DELUXE SEDAN( S1.,950• • 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN • 1955, -CHEVROLET- SEDAN, fully equipped $1,89SJ .S9295s: 1954 CHEVROLET COACH, powerglide, fully. equipped - s:I:4 • '1952 CHEVROLET Powerglide Convertible, • fully equipped • • $1,395' 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN 1950 PLYMOUTH, SEDAN $ 795 $1$$$'77515:5 1952 FORD SEDAN • 1951 FORD SEDAg 2-1950 CHEVROLET COACHES • 1949 FORD SEDAN $ 495 2-,1948 PONTIACS $ 450 • lir v. WON O.• TRUCKS 1951 MERCURY 1 TON $ 495 1951 STUDEBAKER 1/2 TON PICK-UP‘ $ 425 GMC 1 TON PANEL $ 495 1949 CHEVROLET ,1/2 TON PICK-UP $ 395 1949 CHEVROLET 3/4 TON PICK-UP .::': ....$ 295 • And Several Stake Bodies / Cars and Trucks can be DFi'ven Away at the Prices Listed in this Advertisement.. Brussels Motors HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST, USED CAR DEALER Brussels, Ontario Phone . 73X ros••••••••,./4.o.p.***/~4.11,44., AT YOUR "TV" EVERMAID MELMAC CENTRE SuttermPerclue Ltd. 3 coinpleie design and price rOnges in 4 beautiful colourt CRACK PROOF, . ,CHIP PROOF... MODERN MODERN 4,tes vssfAAIIMI' ••‘: 0 atibtdbitedby°', Goodlibusek4tpulg DigNERWARE FASHIONED IN Wits -MAC (.1ARA4TEED FREE replacement If any dish breaks, creeks r even IpS- within one yr rantre cloy you buy it, • • i "Your Pirigidote Dealer" Clinton