HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-01, Page 6• PAGE SIX Mrs. Ernie McLean, Pilot Mount,. Mane visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman all. William Morlok, manager of. the Ba\ii Of .Montreel„ Clinton branch,. is in hospital in Hamilton. MrS, SAM Aiddicke Lendon, has. been visit4ng at the lime of her sonein-lave and xlau.ghter, Mr. and M. David WiaSen, Mr. and Mrs, David Johnston, Kitchener, spent Sunday last with their parents,. Mr, and, Mrs. James Johnston, Whitehead Street, N. E. Paterson, .Wiarion, is re - ;rowing acquaintances in town this week," and while here is aguest at the home of Mr. and MrsGeorge. Beattie.. Mr, and Mrs. H. McCartney and Mr.. and, Mrs.Bert Murphy and Mrs. A. Andresen, Were at Walk- erton on Monday for the funeral of Mrs. Johnston, Toronto, form, erIy of Welkerton,. Mr, and. Mrs. J. IVLidelletone James Middleton ina bride, Lon, don, 'Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sum- merville„ St. Marys,' visited their • aunt, Mrs. Harry 3', Thompson, Sr., • Sprucedale. Farris over the week - Mr, and Mrs. W. R, Miller and family, Windsor, spent the week- end with their parents, Mayor,W J. Miller „and Mr. and„Mns, 0.0 E. Connell. "On Saturday, aecemPaii- led by Mr. and Mrs. Connell, they attended the funeral of Mrs. Con- nell's mother, the late Mrs. Reb- ert Bell, Gocienich, • NOCKEYmD SKATING Men's and women's hockey and skating outfits of Ifouer quality built to endure the most rugged of use: ' Girl's and Women's figure and pleg. sure skates are of top quality Material and workmunship combined with a beauty you will be proud at. to give you the mimes, in pleasure. ond figure' skating. OUR NEW WINTER* SUPPLY is arrived complete! Best Selection gver! AIKEN ONTARIO ST. filIMS'.ClUUB TO HEAR FROM "ME BEI.41,".. The Ontario Street Girls' Club will i014 their regular meeting, in the church peril= on,November 8. Guest Speaker from the Bell Tole, phone •CompanY. Each member please bring a friefid, Group 3 in Charge, Jessie Grainger Fund Coiltinues To Grow; Donors. Are Listed Here Progress is being nude steadily toward the objective set by the Nurses at Clinton Public Hospital for the Jessie Grainger Memorial Fund, with which they hope to furnish the new public waiting room in the boeiptal. To date, contributors ".ire been: Dr. J, A. Addison, William E. Per- due, the Clinton Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion; the Can- adian Legion, Clinton Branch No. 140; Dr. Myers, Brussels; Mrs, Russell Jervis, I-ruronie Rebekah Lodge; G. Morley ,Connter; ton Stanley; Stanley; Miss Maude MacIn-' tosh; Frank Gong; Mrs. Edith Mc- Taggart ; Mrs. Fred ' St. Andrews United Church. Wo- man's Association, l3ayfield; Kin, ette Club of Clinton; Mrs. Jackson Felker, Burlington; Mrs. William Wright, Jr„ Seafierthe Mrs. Blake Richardson, Strathroy; Mrs. Geor- ge Hetherington, Bluevale; Mrs. Gerald Hamilton, Exeter; "Mrs. Howard Elliott, Thedford; Mrs. Joseph Martin, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook and Norma; C. V. Cooke; Mrs. Agnes Metcalf e; Happy Workers Chile; Porter's Hill • Community Club; Huron Lodge LOBA No. 377; SS No. 4 Community Club; Gotlerich Township; . Miss Edith Stanway, Toronto; Judge and Mrs. Frank Fingland; • Londesboro Women's Institute; James Adams, Chicago; Mrs. Charles .Brown; Mias Winnie O'Neil; Miss Whmitred Thompsori; Clinton Women's Institute; Mrs. R. H. Pepper, Little Cur- rent; Mrs. Walter Forbes; Mrs. Kenneth C, Cooke; Mrs. Agnes Metcalfe, Miss Jessie Metoalfe; Ontario Street United Church Wo - marl's Association; Mrs. Clarence Crawford; Mrs. Arthur Buck; Mur- phy Lodge Loyal Orange Lodge No. 710; Wesley -Willis Good. -mow Club; Clinton Lodge AF and AM No 84; Mrs. Cant, Longman; Hol. mesville United Church Woman's A.esoclation; Mrs. K Wallace,. Oakville; Miss Pearl Thamer, Sea - forth; Dr. J. C, Godelardp. Ilenean; Dr, 11, 'Street, Blyth; Stanley Town-, ship Community Club; Mrs, John McFarlane,- Mrs, Fanny Moore; St, Janies.! Anglican Church Woman's Auxiliary, Nfiddletone Brucefield United Church Woman's Associa, lion; Harry Ball; Hensall Ladles Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion; Mrs. Charles Hay; Mrs. Lorne Hasty; Joseph Silcoolee. Mrs, Clar- ence Ball; Mrs. Opal Joes. . • Contributions to the fund are still being accepted. • .• 0 -Mrs. W. Co!clough. ItL„,Chage Of WI Oatherin.g Brucefield 4hurch Marks Eightieth A3' aniversary.Day The 80th anniv'ersary of Bruce - field United Church was well at- tended last Sunday both morning and evening, when Rev. G. D. Watt,Dungannonbrought the mes- sage. • Special music, in the morning included solos by John D. Levy, Parkhill, and accomplished bari- tone evith radio and TV experience, The choir sang the • anthem, "I Will 'Extol Thee." • In the .evening the gospel in song was providedyby the male chorus, the Harbouraires fro' Goderich, Clinton and district. Don't Wait 'for a Reason . . co 00°,*14 OtISI tAti 7,1 • Flowers Wired Anywhere — 0 -- BUDGIES — GOLD FISH In our New "PET CORNER" we hove a number of Beautiful Young Birds in all colours and a nice selec- tion of Common Gold Fish, Comets, Fantails and Black Moor Teleteopes. HARTZ ."MOUNTAIN BUDGIE AND CANARY SEED, CONDITION FOOD, ETC., and NATURAL FISH. FOOD MINTON NEWS -R=4) TIWRSDAY).. NOVEMBER. I, 1956 YPU Mimi Executive 116.14 First Organizational Meeting at Ilolmesville The Exe4ltive Alumni Associa- tion Of Huron Presbytery Young Peoples Union of the 'United Chur- ch of Canada was organized' at a dinner meeting held in Holmesville United Church on Monday even - big, October 29, A delicious dinner was •serVed 11133, the ladies of the Aolineaville Wentaree A,ssieciation for which ap- preciation was suitably expressed by Harry Sturdy, Clinton, Mo. Jack Yoe, 'the WA.. president re- plied. Registrations were in char- ge of Elwin Merrill, Clinton. Following the dinner, group singing was conducted by Benson Sutter, Clinton, with. Mrs. Murray McDowell, Westfield, at the piano. The business period was conducted by Rev, Hugh C. Wilseri, minister of the host church, as well as be- ing a past chairman of Huron Presbytery. Mrs. Donald Yung - Mut, London, was named secretary of the evening. The Clinton Women's Institute met in the Council chamber on Friday, October 26, with vice- president,. Mrs. W. Colclough in the chair in :the absence of the president Mrs. K Batkin. Mrs. Milton. Wiltse gave an in- teresting talk on commindty act- ivities and public relations and the part each citizen, plays and how much is contributed to the better- ment of the community. Miss Catherine Welsh spoke ori the .United Nations, Mrs, W. Col- cleugh gave some tumourous ready ings. Lunch was served by Mrs. Johnston's group. The WI rally will be held at Cranbrook on. Monday, November 49. ST. ANDREW'S WA WILL • MEET ON NOVEMBER 6 . The Women's Association of St. Andrew's P4sbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Shad - dock on Tuesday, November 6, at 3 o'clock. felt that it was folk like this group who could. Make the church Rally live in their awn communities, He challenged those present to put as much Vim and vigour into the ser- vice of the -Church today as they had done fOr the *V. work of for- mer days, and if this were -done, could lee vidnere the future of the church .wat very bright indeed, ' The closing vesper period was conducted; by Mrs. ROSS Anderson, assisted by Bill Coultas, Belgrave, who sang "Saviour, Breathe an Evening Blessing," with Mrs. Mc- Dowell as organist, Rec. H. C. Wilson closed the meetirfg with the Benediction. Greetings frnm the presbytery YPU were extended by Stanley McDonald, Clinton, and from the London Conference Alumni Assoc- iation by Benson Sutter. Clara Vincent, Londesboro, gave the re - Port • of the committee which Ifid planned the activities of the even- ing. - A nominating committee, com- prising Mrs. Donald Symons, Clin- ton, Mrs. Ted Hunking, Auburn, and Douglas May, Exeter, brought in nomination S for the eight -per. son executive, who later picked their own officers for the ensuing year. The officers and committee include: chairman,' Douglas May, Exeter; secretary, Mrs. Roth An- derson Belgrave; treasurer, Clare Vincent, Londesboro; committee members, Mrs, Arnold Alton, Luck now; Benson Sutter and. Harry Sturdy, both of Clinton; Frank Wildfdnge Exeter; and Howard PYM, Elimville. • . A lively period of recreation was enjoyed, conducted by Ronald Steepe, Clinton. The guest speaker of the evening was F/L the Rev. B. Garrett, protestant Chaplain, RCAF Stat- iont Clinton, who spoke on "Adven- .turing into MaturitY." He 'stressed that the group could not go .back to their YP days, even though they had- been considered mountain -top experiences, Instead they should consider how they could use their talents so that these days could be a great influence in the life of the church of today. He mentioned, various phases of church life where he felt the Un- ited Church, as a young Church, was feeling "growing pains" and Founder OF Fine ,Arts School To, Offer Drama Course in Clinton (Continued from page One) been tireless in helping the theatre to grow in Western Canada. She was dramatic director in associa- tion with the University of Alberta lor many years, and at one time. filled the same position with the University of New Brunswick at St. John's, N.B. • It was while at St. John's that -she had as one of her pupils, Mrs. May Rance MacKinnon, who is now music instructor at the Clin- ton Public School.. (Quite probably this acquaintance with Mrs. Mac- kinnon helpedpersuadeMrs. Hay- nes and her husband to take up residence here.)' • She has been governor of the Dominion Drama Festival and past president of the Alberta Drama Festival,' She founded the Women's Theatre Guild, Edmonton Branch. In 1953 she was invited to adjudie Cate the first drama ,festival at Spokane, Wash., and advise the organizers of the festival move- ment there --an example of cult- ural leadership across the border from Canada to the United States. Mrs. Haynes' retirement from her very active life in Alberta was necessary because of ill -health, and she is not planning to take up a strenuous schedule, however, she is very Interested in doing some- thing locally to encourage theatre presentations. "If," she remarked, "there is a class at night school this fall, then • by next year we ,can. be ready to enter the Dominion Drama Fest- ival." • This then: is a challenge in a way to all Who may be interested in the course, As the president -of the Alberta Drama League, said upon the de- parture of Mrs. Haynes from Ed- monton last year, "Her warm wile when she greets a friend, her firm handclasp, her love of rammilamWATCH FOR • RE -OPENING a— 2nd FLOOR DEPT. STOREUI 1 people and her • charity in their shortcomings . . . this is Elizabeth Haynes as all her drama friends know ter." That is the way in which Clintorirpeople are coming to know her, too. Balitist Church At Rayfield Marks 2nd Almiv.Qrsary This month the Baptist Church at Bayfield malted the second au* niversary of their church. Since the sod -turning ceremony en, Oct.. ober 17, 1054, membership in the church has grown from 18 to 60. • Accerding to Church. Suntley School records, attendance at Bible school to date; has numbered as many as 8$, and accommodation is large enough for 100 students. During the past two years, the church building has been comple- ted, and equipment which includes furnitdre, air-conditipning, heating equipment, Washrooms and nursery equipment have been, purchased. A new home has been built foe the pastor and his family: The,Rev, Bodenhani reports thet this work is totally self-supporting by friends and neighbours of the church. Work has never been un- derwritten by any organization or denomination. He reports 44jouis saved, 45 believers baptized with a believer's baptism (Romans 1-16 to 6, Acts 2-41 to 42). 'The church and its pastor has been recognized and received into the fellowship of regular Baptist churches in, Can- ada, (Psalm • 126-3), Deacon. Board of the church: Cli- fford T•elbot, chairman; Ewart Cornish, also chairman of the hoard of management r John Pear- son, Bayfield; Kenneth Christian, ESeeter; Elzar Mousseau, Kippen; Ralph Cornish, Bayfield, .0 • Carmel Ladies' Aid Will Hold Bazaar (By our Hensall correspondent). The Ladies 'd of Cannel. Chute ch met in thk church 'for their October meeting presided over by the president, Mrs. Malcolm, Doug- alh Vans were made for the annual bazaar and chicken - pie supper scheduled to be held in the church December 1. The group has com- pleted four quilts which have been sold. Mrs. Clarence Reid, assis- tant secretary, reported on get well cards and flowers sent to sick and shut-ins. Mrs. • 3'. B. McEWan gave high- lights of a recent trip she took -to Pei/rico, Nova Scdtia, and the lov- ely places of interest .on the trip at Bar Harbour, to Yarmouth, up the St. Laurence River through the states of New York, New Hampshire and the Maine mount- ains. Criisade Committee Considers Repeat Of 1956 Success UP Y1 our Hensall correspondent) The Crusade Committee met at the United Church, Hensall, on October 2!2, with chairman, Rev, C. D. Daniel, Hensall. R.ev. N. G. Strome, Crediton is secretary, and E. H. Christian, Hensell is treas- urer. - Members of the committee were present from Exeter,eGrand Bend, Cretliton, Dashwood and Zurich. •• In evaluating the success of the campaign' the committee found that a great deal had been achieved and they now are studying pos- sibly three direction that the cam- paign may take next year, first, repetion of the present campaign; second, a general layman's visita- tion of the area the campaign touched; third, a preaching team that would go around to the main places for special Services. This will be decided at a special meeting to be held at Hensall Un- ited Church on IVIondal, December 3. The committee is trying to as- sist the Young People of the cam- paign in forming Bible groups and in having general get togethers.. A special vote of thanks was voiced to E. K. Christian and his wife for their work not only look - 'mg after financres but figuring and sending out receipts, • Marlene Hunter Feted By Friends (By our Uensall correspondent) Miss Marlene Hunter, bride of Saturday, October 27, has • been much feted prior to her marriage, a number of showers being held in her honor. Mrs. Fred. Miller, Clinton, was hostess at her home Monday, Oct- ober 22, for a - miscellaneous show- er, when Marlene was presented with many jovely gifts. MissShir- ley Dares read the presentation address. Mrs. Miller and her daughter brought in the gifts. Games and cards formed reereat- ion period 'and refreshments were served. •Atted dour Church SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4,11956 ' ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR—REV.. Al GLEN EAGLE, B.4.. B.D. 9,.45 a.m.—Sunday School ' 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. --Evening Worship TTJRNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.—Worship 3.00 pare—Sunday School Huron, Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV, J. E. OSTROM '11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.00 p,m.—Everring Worship ALL WELCOME 's Christian Reformed Church R.V. G. J. HOYTEIVIA, Minister 10,00 a.m.—Dutch Service 11.30 ane,—Sunday School 2,30 p.m.—,English Service Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's • Day: 11,00 a.m.—Breaking of freed 3.00 p,m.—Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting AU Welcome okra MN Mutt el), eblittb RV, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister S. M. R. RENNIE, Organist RENNI8. Choir Director 5 11.00 aan.—IVforning Worship Men and Missions Sunday. Mr. Norman Alexander, Lon- deshetb. . 11,20 a.m.—Primary School 12.15 p,en.—Chtirch Scheel Union Evening Service in the On- tario Street United Church. notatt'svium 1.30 n.in.—Church ServiCe Sunday School. "Cowie to the nouso of Prievero 24,,e<k)e.:,60064,,o,:›4>ziO0Odotkd Maple Street GOSPEL HALL* CLINTON Sunday Sthool 9.46 a.rn, freaking of Bread 11,00 Gospel Service8.00 p.rrit TUESDAY, 8 OA, --Prayer and _ /Able StUdse, 'A IletAxtY WOloirnie Avat 'ou' PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L, SWEIGARD, Pastor Ierida,y, November 3-- 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Arnbassaaors Sunday, November 4-- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tuesday, November 6- 8,00 p.m.—Regular Pra'er and _Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You 45,-40..0.50551,115,J.0•111,,,-40 • ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister • MRS. MIM.GeAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, November 1. 10.00 a.m.—Church School 11.00 ean.—Morning Worship " Everybody Weltorne at all Services J.0630,00.00 '06.0000.000C4 • BAYFIELD BAPTIST • CHURCH ,t,*BODENI-IA1111,- Pastor ..1...1••••••V•••••11.• 10.00 arn.--Sundker School ' 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service Yolk are cordially invited to these 'S services, ANGLICAN CHURCH OP CANADA St. Paul's Clinton C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore l?'reznlin, Organist Mrs. .1. M. Elliott) • matt Leader • 28rd StIXOAY APTER TRINITY 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion (corporate Communions for -the Chancel Guild) 11.00 agiri.—Morning Prayer a rtd Seri/ice. of Rertieliebtarice. Members of 13 ranch 140, ;Canadian Legion, will at- TtiestittyttNelig... 8-2.45 pan., Ladies' Guild will meet at the, botne Of Mrs, 11, Eartliff, -Anniversary At • Wesley -Willis Has Guest From Blyth „Sunday School Anniversary was observed; in °WesleyeWillis United •Church on Sunday, October 28. The service was conducted by the guest Ainieter, Rev. Arthur Wat- son, Bly'th, Mrs. M., R. Rennie presided at.the organ for the mus- ical4part of the service. The jun,' dor choir, under the direction of Benson Sutter, led in the service of praise. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO MEET NEXT MONDAY The Clinton Hospital Auxiliary will meet in the nurses' residence next Monday afternoon, November 5, at three o'clock. The service annnenceel with the processional hyinn„ Wor-' ship the Xing," and closed with the recessional hymn, "Saviour, Like .0.Shenheed Lead Us," The choir sang three numbers, "Joy- ful, • Joyful, We Adore Thee,", "Listen, to the Voice of Jesus," and "joy -bells Ringing, Children Sing - Dig," all of which were greatly en- joyed by the large- congregetion PrOsent. Rev.. A, Watson those for his subject "As the Twig is fent," Mr. Watson deplored the fact- that af- ter young people reach their early teens they seem to forget all dbout the Sunday School, and was in., alined ,to blame this on the home. He stated that the parents had. dedicated their children when they .1. had the rite of Christian Baptism conferred on them and yet, too often these same parents took no interest in • whether or . not the children received the training that 'the Sunday School could offer. All top frequently we see parents who "send? their children to Church and Sunday School and not "bring" them. It is -cases: like this, the speaker declared, that could bring about the downfall of the Christ- ian Church, because parents were trying to have their children do things that they were not willing to do themselves in the matter of Church attendance and so on. ' Unusual Ele \ ' Bleeding , , or --- . Discharge • A Danger SIgrial That MAY Mean Cancer See Your Doctor IMMEDIATELY For free literoturo writ. Benson Sutter, Secretary Phone HU. 2-6635. Clinton -Cemetery Chapel ,DEDICATION. Sunday, November 4 at 3.30 p.m. INTERDENOMINATIONAL In charge of Clinton Ministerial Association Chairman; REV. A. G. EAGLE 1 The Flora Beauty Salon At Mrs, G. Thompson's Princess Street COLD WAVES - .- TINTING FINGER WAVES Open Eveni by Appointment Dial HU. 2-9336 • Flora M. Thomas, Prop. 43-tfb Our Sat. Special From Our Store Only Date & Nut Tarts 1Rg.60c doz. for 49c letwittimismr BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS HUWker IVO ' CLINTON