HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-11-01, Page 4District Weddings
Setittish Couple Marry
MR. AND MRS. ALEX 1VIeGiANESS were married in, scot-
land, on June 22 of this year. The groom lived in this area, for
several years following the "war, and worked as a driver for
Clinton Cab, prior to returning to his home in 'Scotland about
two years ago. Mr. and Mrs, NfcGuiness, who live at 30 Tay-
mein Street, Sandybills; Glasgow E, 2,,Scotiand, sent the photo
to friends here,
A pretty marriage took place at.
St, J:ese,pl-es Roman .Catholic
oh, Clinton, on .Saturday Morning,'
October ,20, With Rev, J. W. P.. Gra-
ham 'officiating, when Leona. Alice,.
daughter of Mrs. 'Finkbeiner, zur-
lob, and the late 1-I. Finkbein..• er became the bride of Joseph
Fnadels• Nigh, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Nigh, ,Seaforth,
The bride was given In mar-
riage by her brother Howard;-.Zer-
leh, and wore a prineesa style
fgionwgenr-tip wQaso'vheerldiantiplagellbeyr.
a tiara* of pearls and her flowers
Were ,red roses,
The bridesrnaid was Mrs,-Maur..
lee rinicibelher, .sister,In4law of the
bride, who wore a. ballerina length.
gowti, of Ara net over silk with
rnatehing* jacket and, headdress.,
Her flowers were blue carnations,
Bill Nigh, Seaforth, was • his
brother's •groomsnaan:. The ushers
were John Nigh, brother of the
greoM, . and - .Maurice • riokbeitier,
brother of the -bride.
The wedding dinner took place
at the home of the bride, where
her mother -received in an aqua
dress and a corsage of, pink carna-
tions, The groens mother wore a
turquoise dress and a corsage of
pink oarnations, •
• For travelling the bride, chose
near es your telephone
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a navy dress with navy accessories. iroses. Upon their return .04.r. and •
and coat, and a corsage of pink I Mrs. Nigh will reside in .Clinton,
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wore a gabardine suit of olive
green, with black* accessories and
a corsage of red roses. •
Groomsman, was Ed Walker,
PICAF Station Clinton.
The young couple will live at
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(By our Heris'all_correspondent)
The 'wedding was solemnized in
St. David's Church, Toronto, Wed-
nesday, October 24, of EtherBeat-
ty, Northern Ireiand, Missionary
Teacher with the Irish Presbyter-
ian Church, Indik and Rev. Don-
ald MacDonald, minister of Car-
mel `Presbyterian Church, Hensall.
'Rev'. James Burt, personal friend
of Mr. MacDonald, officated.
Baskets of yellow and bronze.
at the altar of St. •-00.11.1in,
ban, Rennin 'Cabello Church,. on
Saturday, October 27, made a lev-
,..ely setting for the fall wedding of
Thelma _Annette Townsend and
Kenneth Jerome 'Lane, •
•The =bride is,the datighter.1‘11r,
and Mrs, Raymond'TOWnSend anti
the -•greeni is the son of '1gr,, and
Mrs, Vincent Lane, all of Seaforth,
The Rev.11/1eCoWell perfernied,:the
, Given in marriage by her father
the "bride wore a floor-Length gown
of, Chantilly lace over satin, a seal-.
loped neck line and long pointed,
sleeves. _The bodice and front pan-
••of the skirt' were covered with
opal sequins, - matching her head.
dress. She wore a fingerAip veil
of silk illusion net, bordered with
land ..carried,
-,.bouguel of better-time roses,..
Miss Madelon, Townsender Sister
Ofthe bride, was maid of honque
and 114lis Rose •Mary Lane, sister of
the groom was bridesmaid. They
Wore matching dresses of • powder
blue !Crystallettele orchid pattern,
faihioned with large bows at the
back, They carried pink baby
Gerald Morris was groomsman
• and Jack and .Greg Morris were
ushers, The wedding ..mtisic vas
played by tht groom's mother
Mrs. Vincent Lane.- Soloist"Was
Mrs, Thomas Kale:
For the -reception held in Hotel
Clinton, the bride's mother reeeiv-.
ed in a peaepck blue •dre.s . with
• -matching hat and: a corSage of
pink 'mums. The groom's moth-
er assisted in• toast brown and
„ , were yellow 'mums. •
The guests were entertained at
_ •
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She's led up on never
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LAC and Mrs. William Copland
were married in the Manse, of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Chu r c h
here Jest Saturday morning, Oct-
ober 27, by the Rev, D. J. Lane.
The bride is the former 1V1iIdre,d
'Partridge, tlaughter.-• of Mr. 'and
Mrs, George Partridge; B,osyth,
Scotland,. and. arrived ,in Clinton
from her hornOanda week prior to,
the wedding. Her husband' is the
son-of Mr, and•Mrs. John Copland-
als& of Rosyth, Scotland, and he:
is with the RCAF at Station (un-
. The bride wore a wool suit Of
oatmeal nubby tweed with match-;
ing accessories and a corsage of
red roses, Her matron of honour
was Mrs: Ed Walker, Clinton) wfr.:
Brucefield IVIVIS
Enterta• ins Guests
At Thankoffering
(By our Brumfield correspondent)
The Autumn Tfiankoffering of
the Brucefield Woman's Mission-
ary Society was, held Wednesday
night, October 17, when guests
were present from Hensall,
pen and ,Northside .Church, ,.Sea-
forth. The president Mrs. S. pay-
iSon presided and opened the meet-
ing ,by reading a poem and gave
words of welcome.
Devotions were led by Mrs. H.
Dalrymple, with Mrs. G. Graham
reading a Thanksgiving medita-
tion and Mrs. B. 1V1cClinchey lead-
ing in prayer. .All enjoyed the
numbers given by,,,the ladies of the
.visiting churches.
Mrs. G, Hess and Mrs. Coates,
Fre,nsall, sang, a duet and Mrs,
Kippen, gave an inter-
esting reading. Another duet by
Mi.s. P. Moffatt and \Mrs. A. John-
son, Seaforth; and a 'solo by Betty
Ross' were enjoyed. 'Four girls of
the CGU received the offering.
Mrs. -ROBert Allan introduced,
the speaker, V4s. E. Desjardine,
Grand Bend, who spoke, ort 'stew-
ardship-,POnr Time, Our Abilities
and-Our Possessions."
Iii speaking 6f. Our time ,she
said,' 'if we figured out how the
hours of the day are spent we
would be surprised what a small
portion 'is_ given to God'S` work,
and that most'of us have only one
talent so we should use it to the
best of our ability. Then we
Should. give ef our possessions as
God has blessed us.' - •
Mrs. R. Scott presented, the
speaker with a gift in appreciation
of her interesting and inspiration-
al talk. Mrs. L. Wilson thanked
all who helped make the meeting
so enjoyable. At the close of the
meeting all were invited to the
Sunday Schoolrooms for lunch and,
a social time,
Study Group Has
Plan For Gifi,To
Capreol Needy
The Mothers' Study Group of
the Wesley-Willis United. Church
'gathered after attending the mis-
sion, in the Ontario Street•Churcb
for a short meeting and social.
Mrs, W. IVIurch opened the meet-
ing with a reading, followed by a
prayer in the form of a poem.
Mrs, J. Cox, Mrs. B. tlanly and
Mrs. C. Mock 'were chosen, as a
work committee to buy flannelette,
dirt it out and distribute tit for a
layette, The layette, used cloth-ing and anything suitable for
ChristrnaS gifts is to be battled in
at the November meeting, so
bale Gait be sent to 'Wis. SIornan,
Capreol., Mrs, Murch, read sever-
al articles on "Kindness."
The Meeting eleSed With-a ste,`
jai :half-hear, ending With delicious
lunch served by Mrs. Steep and'
Mrs. L. HaUghton,
'The Novernber meeting is inthe
charge of Mrs. • B. Hardy with
Mrs. Alvin Wise and Mrs. Stoll as
Rid. Your Attic
Of "Don't Wants
Itun An Adlet
Clutt onAivur s
The United Church parsonage,.
Dungannon) was the setting for
the wedding of 1VIISS :Grace Bever-•
ly Nivins, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David Nivins, Nile, and t'01,1g^".
all ,Skelton. McKay • Clutton, son
of Nfr, and Mrs, W. Hume Cint,
ten, .R.13.4 Goderich. The eere-
Mony was performed by the.Rev,
G.. P, Watt,. •
• The 'bride wore a white waltz,:
length gown of nylon net with laee
inserts over satin, and a -lace jack-
et with lilyePeint sleeves, and Pet-
er an collar. Her shoulder long-
veil was held by -a pearl =Inl-
et, and she 'carried a bouquet of
red -,roses and white chrysantne,
Her sister, Miss Elnla Nivins,
was bridesmaid in a dress of pink
pylon* net with lace inserts over
satin with matching lace„jacket
and a pink sequin band 'headdress,
She carried blue tin'ted..chrysanth,-
:Leonard Jenkins, Goderich, was
A reception was held, at the
home of the bride, at 'which her
mother received the guests in a
dress of rose crepe with matching
accessories, and was. ,assisted by
the mother of ,the bridegroom, in
navy bine:',"repe - with matching ac.,
cessories, -
After a trip7to'NOrthern Ontar-
io, the couple will reside in Sea-
the home of Mr. and ,Mrs, Vincent
Lane and an evening, supper was
served, The evening reception was
held in the Seaforth arena with
music by the Norris orchestra.
The 'bride chose a copper wool
dress with light beige coat and
matching brown accessories and a
corsage of taliSman roses,
wedding trip to Kentucky, U.S.A.
Upon their return they will take.
up residence at 116 West Lodge,
Guests "were present from Tor-
onto, Windsor, Kitchenet-Clinion
and Seaforth,