HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-10-25, Page 9WHO'S MAD ? \
"Me ? Not on your life I I'm just liouting loud enough
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have to say is this: Never overlook the importance of
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O• ur Tigerish friend is so tight. ottanately, today,
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Of estate atiministratiOn, Write Ai' yVr copy tddy.
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Here h the miracle, liquid caatio that
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W. C. Newcombe Phm. B.
Chemist and Druggist
PHONE HU. 2-9511 -
Super Kem Tone. •
1/2 Pts. - Reg. Price $, .85 - NOW 65c
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Kern Glo En%amel
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Gals.--- Reg. Price 10.60 for $7.95
Stop costly moth damage to
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Small yearly •cost protects
Your-, rugs and carpets with
Berlou. Jtist 91.08 per year
protects a 9x12 rug.
See •us 'today and let us give„
your rugs-'this guaranteed
moth Dro,Dection-- „
Beech Street
,..AOn Riley, Stratford, spent Sim-
day With"./DoOglas Riley,
Quite a number of fatnilles• from
Constance. attended Lop.deshero
anniversary Sunday.. •
Mr. and Mrs. ..Charles Dexter,'
spent Stinday, with Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Adams, Lonciesboro,
Mr. and Mrs, Borden 3iOwn,
Joyce • .and, Elaine, spent "Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs.' Ronald Lamont.,
H anover,
Mr, and Mrs,- sari. Lawson and.
and Mrs. Borden Brown at-
tended the . AssoOiation
'ban'quet-in WinghArn on Wednes-
day night..
Mr. and Mrs. Berl Lawson and/
Reg., visited Mr. and Mrs, E,
Warren, Lynda and Helen, in Lon
don, on Stlnday and attended sero
vices in Rowntree Memorial Cnnr,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley •and
Douglas visited Sunday with Mrs.
Florence WoOds', LiStowel, and a..t
tended. anniversary services in
1.60x Presbyterian Church, Where
a friend; Keith Barber, Toronto,
was soloist.
John Jewitt and Audrey Godicins•
were the team chosen by Seaforth
Swine 'Club to attend the Provinc,
lad 1nter,Cluly Competitions. at
OAC Guelph, Friday. Charles Mc-
Gregor and Bob Lawson were
Tractor Club representatives and
took second prize, Brie Anderson.
also attended as a leader.
- •
The Woman's Association and
Woman's Missionary Sodetymet in
the Sunday School room with
eight ladies answering the.roll call.
1VIrs.-V.. Dale read "October Days."
Mrs. and Mrs. Wilbur
Jewitt are., to bring in a slate of
officers for the WA at the. Novem,
ber 'meeting.
A sale of baking, produce and
sewing :will be held in the . former
Milner store in Seaforth' on Nov-7
'ember 3. ' are 'asked- to
help and please contact ladies driv,
ing cars to get goods taken • to
Clinton' Laundry and
Dry Cleaning
' "Lei One Coll Do It All
Phone HU 2-7064
Ws no, fun going anywhere
when you feel only "half-put-
together:" Let us renew -and
smarten up'your vacation cloth-
es--old and new-with quality
drycleaning, . keep you ready
to "go places" at a moment's
notice. Good service.
For Your Convenience
Use Our
Down Town Office
on Kin'g Street
(formerly Simpsons-Sears)
The WMS meeting ,opened with
Mrs, .Mgllson, group' leader, giving
two short readings, followed by the
'Lord's Prayer repeated in unison,
Scripture reading 1st Cor, 13 was
by, Mrs. Malwain.„ -- •
Lunch committee far the Thank
Offering mooing at Mrs. Bari
Lawson's on Wednesday, October
24, are Mrs. George Leitch, Mrs.
Kenneth Holley And Mrs, _George
lioggart. The stewardship reading
will be by Mrs. Brown. •
lYfrs'D. Mason. and Mrs, Brown
are 'to bring in a slate of officers
for November meeting. Mrs, Verne
Pale gave the report of Preaby,
terial held at Brumfield- An ac-
Count of Mrs, Child's address, pre,
pared by Mrs, Frank Riley was
also read by Mrs. Paw
• , •
Mr. .and Mrs. Ecl-Davies visited
Mrs. F. Mahreeni lOshawa, over
the weekend,
Kenneth Main, Toronto, spent
a few days with Mr,. and Mrs. D.
A. MacKay. .
Miss 'Margaret R, .Jackson at,
tended the Mission Band Rally at
Winthrop, Saturday.
',Pte. Allan Craig, Camp` Borden,
was a weekend visitor with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Craig.
Miss' ,-Mary Houston, Hamilton,
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston,
Mrs. Jack Stalker -and Mrs,1:t0
Stalker, Flint, Mich., visited Mr,
and Mrs.' W, J,„ Craig over the
weekend. '
ivIrs. William. Straughan spent a
few days with her daughter, Mrs.
Thomas Sardine and Mr. Jardine's.
Wingham. Anniversary, .7 -
. ':Anniversary . "Services - Will be
held.. in Knox Presbyterian Church
n ext .SUnday at ant -and '7.30
p:'m: Rev. Wallace Maclean, Luck-
noiV, - will be the guest.' speaker.
Special- music. will be given by a
Clinton male quartette.
„ . .Knox WA,
The opening 'Meeting' for the
fall season of the, W.oindn's Assoc-.
iation was held Tuesday evening
in the_ school moil]. 'of Knox Unit-
ed Church with the "Suriny.Circie"
in charge Of the/program.
The. meeting • was led by Miss
Elma Match With, 'Mrs. • Norman
Wightman presiding at' the piano.
The Scripture reading,- Psalm 61
was, taken • by Mrs. Maulide•.Bean
and Mrs. (Rev) •Hiltz led in prayer.
-A meditation on, the- life and
works of Fanny Crosby was' given
by Mrs. W. 'L., Craig.
A quartette was sung "by Mrs.
Fred Plaetzer, Mrs.. J. J. •Robertl"
son, 'Mrs. George Minim- and Miss
Sadie Carter, accompanied' by Miss
Margaret -.Jackson,
Misses Margaret Jackson . and
'Christine Cunningham gave an in-
teresting and inforinative talk and
also showed pictures 'on a bus tour
they had taken this summer to the
Pacific Coast and South-western
States, Appreciation and thanks
was voiced by Mrs. Lloyd. Craig..
The offering was received by
Mrs, William Dodd and Mrs. Ken-
neth McDougall. The president,
Mr.S. John D,urnin took over for the
business period, ,The WA is spon-
soring St. Johrfs. Ainbuiance
Course this fall, with one meeting
a 'week fer six weeks.
Cet gotir shore
of This
Great Sport!
It's a great life-out duck
hunting on a brisk fall day!
Thrill to the sight of a flock
wheeling in to your decoys:-
feel proud of a good day's
hunting. You'll get cleaner
kills and fewer cripples with
CA-1,4 Shot Shells ... thanks
to their exclusive "Pressuree-
sealed Crimps" that give you
1,101f0t110, concentrated shot
NMPERIAl." Special Jong Range, for,
high, fast-ftylag
'`'MAXUM'' en economical tong ranger
SuttersPordtte 'Ltd.
Large" congregations attended
the services at Varna on Sunday,
October 21, when the United ,Chur-
ch held anniversary services, norn,
log and evening.: ,
The morning 'Minister was the
Rev, 5,. A. lVfoote, Goder1e1-4 who
delivered a very helpful and .Chat.
lenging message on the subject.
'"The Church of the Pure Heart,"
The services were conducted by
the pastor, Rev. T. J. Pitt, who
welcomed all present.
The choir sung three •noraberK,
one 'of which consisted of a female
quartette and ehoruk.
The organist was Miss Margery
At the evening Service the
preacher was the .fceV, G. Garrett.
(pro-Want -chaplain at RCAJF Stat.
4on Clinton). The organist was
Announcement was made of the
semi-annual WomalYs Association
Convention to be held in Goshen
United church 'early in Noveinber.
Hospital Leaders
32nd Convention
Leading hospital authorities,
trustees and members of hosPital
boards including. Mrs, Alex Haddy,
Clinton, president of the Clinton
Hospital Association, dismissed a
Variety .of problems at the 32nd
annual convention Of the Ontario
Hospital, AssociatiOn in the Royal
York Hotel, Toronto, October 4,
23 and 24.
The convention, which had as its
„theme "Iloapital,s-and the Shang-
ing Scene," attracted approximat-
ely 2,500 delegates. The three-day
program included addresses, panel
discussions', forugns„ sectional meet-
ings dealing with. various hOspital
services, and commercial exhibits
covering all 'hospital', requirements.
o •
)(oiling Lads Fete
Bob 1V1e*eliie:
(By our Benham correspondent)
Bill ahacidiek entertained 11 boy
friends at his hotneOctober 10, in
honor of Robert McKelvie who left
for Essex Thursday. with his par-
ents, Dr. and Mrs. D.' J. McKelvie.
Attending the celebration were
jack and Billy ChipchaSe, Danny
Kipfar, Wayne Ellwood, Billy Ben-
gough, Brian. McArthur, Michael
Roy, Bobby Carlile, Bill Shaddick
and. Ricky Parker,,. A gold signet
ring was given to Robert with two
and a half year old, Rick' Parker
making the presentation. Robert
made a very nice reply. expressing
(hanks. Following the boys
enjoyed games, including football.
The Ebenezer &it-14y School
held a Rally and Anniversary Ser-
vice on Sunday, October 21. This
was the 96th anniversary of this
church and there was a good at-
Mrs. Ira Merrill gave a rally
reading, Mrs. Mervyn tobb illus-
trated the- hymn, "Praise Him,
Praise Him." Misses, Margaret
and Sandra Merrill sang, a duet.
Rev. A. W. Watson,. .Bly,th, de-
livered a very insPiring message
emphasizing that is is the parents'
duty in• the home as well as 'that
Of the church and Sunday School,
to bring up their children • to be
good Christian citizens.
Corporal Cook and •. the Chapel
Choir ,gave AelPprat vocal contribu-
:dom.., The Padre SPOte• on the
sOleet .of Zsau, forfeiting • his
Birthright for a. meal and drew,
from the ancient story some very.
timely truths,
The-church was tastefully ,dec-orated. and in keeping' with the
autumn .season.
The sympathy of this community
goes out to the husband and fam-
ily 'pf Mrs, .Morton .Mliott, who.
p sed,away last week,
n Sunday, October 28, T.. Ed-.
gar, Gorrie, will have charge of
the services At Varna 'United Chur-
ch, and also. Goshen. " •
„. . . .
4--thur BrunSclon„ Saskatchewan,
is visiting his mother Mrs. W. L,
Mr- and Mrs. Charles 'Covier,
Port Colborne, visited a few days
with his sister, Mrs. Lillie Webster.
.WI To Meet
The Landesboro Women's, In-
stitute meet in the hall on Novem-
ber, 1. Mrs. Bert Shcibbrook will
give the motto,' Roll call; "What
I serve ad unexpected guest. Pro-
gram: Mrs. W. Manning, Mrs, W.
Tyndall, Mrs. G; Radford, Mrs. C.
Crawford. Hostesses: Mrs. Pipe,
Mrs. Ball, Mrs, W. Reid, Mrs. D.
Anderson, Mrs. Saundercock. •
Brucefield IOOF
Officers Installed
(By our Brumfield correspondent)
District Deputy Grand Master
Victor Lee, Seaforth District TOOT
and staff installed 'the officers of
Brucefield Lodge No, 210 for the
current year.
Officers installed are: M.P., John
BroadfOot; Noble Grand, Archie
Mustard; V.G. Wilfred Chutre; re:
cording secretary, Gordon Richard-
son; financial secretary, William
Caldwell; treasurer, Harvey Tay-
lor, warden, Fred' McGregor; con-
ductor, Donald-Paterson; chaplain,
Harvey Kayter; outer guard, Har-
ry Dalrymple; inner guard, Will-
iam Taylor; .R:S.N.G., = John Add-
ington; L.S.N.G., Harold Labb;
R.S.V.G., Angus. Brown; L.S.V.G.,
Orrin Dawson; R.S.S. Morris Tay-
lor; L.S.S, Melvin Vebster. •
"01,SPIX HAS „
That's the opinion of Newsweek. .
and we're inclinded to agree with
It. . -Qlsele MacKenzie- is, .a Mar:,
Ve104$• example of Canadian talent
who is being appreciated by the
American public as well' as by her
own people; 4 A OP singer, a
comedienne, an aetrea$,. a peraon-
ality and a good cook. .
"THUMP Y, OCTOB 25, 1950
AT you'',
News of Auburn
Correspondent ---- MRS. FRED ROSS
Phone Dungannon 9 r la
Your Favourite Hardware
417 toy for only \
odor -free
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the only Home Permanent that's
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SW.P. Exterior Paint
Qts. Reg. Price $2.55 - NOW $1.98
Gals.-' Reg. Price 8A" - for $6.15
HUnier 24505 " HARDWARE Clinton