HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-09, Page 8Go„ ho• v7 CouY t of t`d.tC, -et; by liri i•itrt)ug, of "'tl e e, of •Litito\ iii: Canadian Order eutiy instituted at vi ieial Organizer, chis place and John el, D. D. IL 0. R. Ck'i , ton. l:lv, iTolm tier' lfie, a Missionary Awa O',utl:al- li lia for imarly ten • ,•are, will deliver ' n address in Willis 14:ret, on the e -ening of Tuesday, coag 18111. ar..W71i3Ni"x RATES. Any di the follatvin7 metro,,ppolitau weeklies • can be rnatl with the Wioghcan Ttut s at the tiguros hots i en, Palmier of 'c8 free : r r , and Globe, $1. 75 t ?ail, 12114 Farm and Fireside," 1 75 N's, 04111,011.11t1 Rural Canadian, 2 00 .1n and Ln dln'Advertiser,,,.., Tiora and Montreal witness, +nd. Toronto News, BO N. r}'llir ENTRANCE 1,1AMIN TION.for admission JI is lit h a'lsoo1:3 ,and C'o'lic lata loatitutl's in the County will be hold in Clinto +. afot•tli end Win.:;• ham, on Wednesday, T:nttStta' 20th and Slot days of Deem: ter host,, cot:plenum, on 6Fedne dey at 1 SO It. in All emidi•htcs who intend to write etc voluted( I to notify the wider• signed net later than the 11.1 of Novet.ther. A lee of fifty cents will be charged, payable at the time oz writing. D, 14160, MAL Cil, Tnspct:tor P.S., Clinton, Oet.'27th, 1788. North Huron.; acrd Vrlday, , the loth, Execut Pursuant to the Re Chapter 11.0, Scottot Tipiing, late of the County of Iluron, a who died on or ab aro re,tuired to send Wingham, in the Co undersigned Execut before the 14th DAY Or their names, addre particulars of their, 1 75 I accounts and the 1 75 held by them, And said Executors will, 1 -11" I tioned day, proceed 1 said deceased amen having regard only then have had noticj lig snag--Tn West Wawau tsh, on the 3rd inst„ the wife of Mi David Dun r ; a daughter. 1 'cases of Londesboro', on the 00th ult., at the to an a the wife of D. D Ramsay ; a SOU. li„DPRBOs-111 llowick, n the 21st ult., the wife of Ir. lain• Sanderson; • daughter. , -e xytin t --In Stopl .n, on the 2051 ult., .the wife of Me Prank Brod .nshire ; a son. n1, Kavcis:-1n Culross, o the 30th ult.,' the wife of Mr. Alex. 11IcK,cnzie ; son. .,h x At Listowel, on t e 28th nit., the wife of John Ian ; a (laughter. aur tits —1n Ifarriston, n the 31st-ult., the wife of Capt. Laidlaw ; a dau ter. ilxnE -In Clinton, on ti 31st ult., the wife of Mr, 0. W. Hyde, of iloane .station, C. P. R. ; a son, Sel*,Trar, 9t Cedar G ave, Mullett, on the 27th int., Z the wile of Jame MoInty re ; a daughter. .r,I0r Pei—in Stanley, 0e the 28th ult,, the wife of Lir. Duncan McEwen ; a daughter. a.aow:,n—fn Cuirass, o the 25th ult., the wife of Mr. F. W. Crowle ; a tighter. t —In Culross, on t o 28th ult., the wife of Mr. Writ. Lowry; a son, i'1 e;.os—At Tceswater, 1 the 30th ult., the wife of The late Wm. Mason ; son. 700011.—At Lucknow, o the 27th ult., the wife of air, 0. A. Siddal ; a so t. C1.0w--At Lucknow, on i e 26th nit,, the wife of Mr, 17 A. Glow ; a daught 1. Pvt:::a—In Morris, on th 21st ult., the wife of Mr. John Pybus ; a laugh r. \ mair-AtClinton, on.t a lstinst., the wife of Mr, Alexander Welsh ; a t . ' , otissros—AtClinton, o the 2nd inst, the wife of it Thos Johnston,; q s 12. Wrootnn—At Lieto,vel, , the filth ult, the wife Of ;Teary Witmer ; a s WArra—At Winghain, on he 2nd inat, the wife of 37 .7 Waite; a tlaught• LAw—At Winghatn, on t Oth inst, the wife of Mr John Law; a Son • luainzED. IlnxmosoN—Sn:1\x02 —I ult., by Rev. P. 3lusgra bon to Miss Martha, sec Shannon, all of McKillc Tears—DTotu.EY—At Lon on, on the 31st ult., by the • Ret. Canon Richardso Mr, R. J. Tttfts, of. Icon - don, formerly of Clint n, to Mrs. Morley, Grand Union Ilotel, Clinto PORTED—CATTLE—At G erich, on the 1st inst.,. by Rev- Mr. Young, Mr. George Porter, .of Fraser & Porter, merchants, to Mise Lizzie Cattle. 31oLsou-3lcltan--At ucknow, on the 31st ult,, by the 159.v. A. DloKay, Ir. John McLeod, to Mary, dauglitor of Mr. Dun an McRae, both of Moron.• EOax--Russo. -A6 t Queen's hotel, }Myth, on the 30th ult., by ,l7ev. other Costello, DIr. Charles Egan to-01ies MaeyP resell, both of Morris, vI t0010)rna—KimauEN n Turnberry, on the 31st alt ,-bv the.P.ev. E. nith, at the residence of the in. R. Gallagher, of Iiowiok, • McKillop, on the 20th e, Mr. henry R. Mulder nd daughter of wet. Jas. • hride'1 parents, Mr,1 to Isabella J. Kitchet . Ma1i9N:asr--0ow'AN—At Port Huron, on the 0th inst., by Itev. A. Sec"tt, M Thos. McKenny, of Morris, .to Miss Sarah Cowan of Michigan, and daughter of 31r. Wm. Cowan, con. 1, Morris. SDIEID. , W-1aetr—At Godcrich on the 31st ult., Matthew Wareur, aged 47 Yea 3Icllar••-1n Harpurhoy on the 27th ult., Donald Me - Kay, late-stf Brucetiel aged Se years. Goon-ae:i "4•aldieid, ou te.10t inst., John Good, aged; 82 years, • •SIcp,posnum—In Auburn on the 20th ult., Mary 31o• 15onald, •i ed 50 yea Inrrrn—In 1'ra7 Waive 'sir, on the 3rd inst, Thomas Irwin, aged 50 years Sef[o:1111.n—At Woods' clr, on the 1st inst, Mrs T B Sohoiicld, of Woods ck, sister to Mr John Carr, of this town, in her 031 year. DSyrz6n—At Presto) on the 20th ult., Mrs. John Dottell, grandmoth r to Mr. J. P. Dopp, of Wiog- ham, axed,03 ye,,te 11 months and 30 days. ' WINGHAM MARKETS. Cerrected by 1, Deans, Produce Dealer. \YfmGnaat, Nov. 8, 1888. Flour -per ace lbs,. $ 3 00 to 3 25 8, al l Wheat per bushel, 1 16 to 1 16 Spring 1 15 to 1 15 Oats, - - - 04 t0 Earley, - - 55 to Peas, • - 58 to Potatos, - - 25 to Apples per hag, - 30 to 111551r per Ib.,. 10 to Eggs per dozen, • 10 to Wood per card, - • 1 50 to Hay per ton, - - - 13 00 to GRAIN MARKETS. 4 Thcrehas been a goo during the past six day is perpiexing. Americ. Lively hl;;h and before t consequences there wi of 10a to 16e or a corn markets. Toronto, Nov, 7—T fair an9Yurices steady e and cerin and 363 60 'c Oote 40;0 to 41 t 4a ton ; dressed d4 30 ; lamb, ski 50 to LIVES OCE MARKETS. J. A. Wingtiam,13th 0 rs' Notice, iced Statutes of Ontario, 1857, 30, the creditors of James ewnship of Turnberry, in the province of Ontario, yeoman,. ut the 1st d:ty of hify, 1885,. o J. A. Morton, of the Town of my of Huron, Solicitor for the rs of the said deceased, on or OVEil3SEIt, A. D., 1308, aes and descriptions; the full dain,s ; a statement of their ature of the securities (if any) notice is hereby given that the uunediately after the last men- to distribute the assets of the the parties entitled thereto, 0 the claims of which they shall ADIOS TIPLING, THOS. GEO. TIPLING, fonTON, Solicitor for Executors. ., 1888. —4 t Oat Meal Kill Opened. The undersigned desire to inform farm- ers and the people generally that they have reopened their Ont MieaIjiIt iIi Wingh'ani, And are now prepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities i3924 at the Highest Markt Prim They will supply customers with the BEs'r Grants in Oat Meal. ELDER & CLEGG, •VsTSTG-KAM, , - p r T. 30 65 58 80' 40 16 16 1 76 15.00 decline in the price of wheat , and tho present situation n markets are still comp/tra- m fs any export demand of have to be a further decline ponding .advance in British. street receipts of grain were Wheat—$1 21 for fall, red )7c for goose ; Barley, 080 to ;; Peas, 650 fo 67c ; hay $10 ogs, 06 50 ter $7 ; Beef, $3 to $60 OF 000DS GIVEN AWAY Every person buying Two, Five or Teri Dollars' worth of Goods for Cusbl, will have a chance to'get the following 1 N 0. 1. The person buying two dollars' worth, and guessing nearest,tho"number of beans in ajar, will receive Ten Dollars' worth of Goods. N O. 2. Buying five dollars' worth and guessing nearest the number of beans, will receive Twenty Dollars' worth of Goods. ICO. 8. Buying ten dollars' worth and guessing nearest the number''of' beans wi1Si • _ NO. . 4: ' ir lively person tryil,g for the above and not successful, will get fv& per'.' e11t, of their money back in goods. r As the stovr' .RS complete in every. Department," and marked in plain' figures at pri f , "that cannot be undersold, we are giving this vhry el ecial o9?lll, dver'tise our goods more widely. Wi11 commence Satin'- slay, Nov. • ,and%as th ie is only a limited number of tickets, wo,daps to have an e:• y call from you, Yoursvery respectfully, ^� ,,, n= .,. • 1 . J rcI ND 0 0, A of s receive Thirty Dollars' worth of Goods To the Public. We desire to tender our sincere thanks to our patrons and the public generally for; the cordial business support accorded us. in the past years. COUTTs dt 150348. The undersigned begs leave to state that urrangenients have been made whereby the business in future will be conducted by himself, as time existing partnership has been: dissolved. 'I ' hope by close attention, and consideration of the requirementsof my oustolners, to merit and receive an, extended patronage in the future, JAB. W.INOLIB. WiuMgh•(alxl, October 25th, 1888. YOU OUGHT TO GO TO 1...IST__CE CLICY -.,.1r:TILV Where is to be found the ..FINEST, BEST SELECTED and CHEAPEST AS- SORTMENT of all the Latest Patterns and MVlost Reliable Makes SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IRISH and CANADIAN Made Goods. Fine French Pnntingo, Wor$tedo 'dqd .Qvercoatiggo,. A STOCK OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS, Thi, llritish live stock trade has improved mated - ally, and cabloson Mo ay were decidedly getter. Pr;ces were highOS, ov n, to the smaller supplies and a steady demand, t o advance cabled being one cent. Ciriea,0 Nov, 7-0 tle—choice steers 02. 76 to $3 0[0. ; Mit to nrcdiuni, 4 to Sf s0; good shre}ving eat. tie, .) t7 J 40 ; c1101 ' shipping heevos, `y6`0 ' to $ i 8); 1:tte.riers and fe ers, :12 to et 50. Pant' buffalo, Nov. 7 Canada stockers, 02 to $•77' S0, Sheer and Iambs—goo to choice brought $3 76 to 3 a ; Canada lambs Id at 85 02 to 5 73. DAIRY. MAMMA. In *c o11 Nov. 0— arket remains unchang i • ,1le ibis week. No sa s repotted.i t -hero', Nov. 6— he bids started at 01 emits, '7wu f :tortes aceepte 10e. The others refused and the lkiard adjourned. he balance of the lactation ec11 c0 the board at 1.10o. Weeds ock, Nov.7 Tho cheese market here to- day`w,tw very dull, saies reported. 11tO9u BALE OR TO RENT. W. R. HUTTON, iIAVING DIECIDED TO rremove to his premises near tho Upper Mill, overs far ei.le 0r 60 rent his property and realdenee i iu L';wcr \ t t a ham, opposite the Salt Dicek,"con• ekti,t 02 3; alias of land, well fenced, with geed 1, welt, stablo and large, comfortable resi- aer' •if i�.::for a131011:andoi1710slteT.Aiiiet St., 1.MilIY'stoc. A it a it ii,GC hu9ine'is lot, tier). ale 2 Mats on FranCes St,, a short distance'. v, .tli c 2110 Paul n 8 11006. If [,.J s"' I a Y. LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH FOR, RELIABLE GOODS AND GUARANTEED FITS, -- GO TO -- T. JOSEPHINE ST., EAST, LESLIE, �iVINGHAM, 0413. TSE FRUIT The FINEST QUALITY of GRAPES, PEACHES, PEARS, , QUINCES, ORANGE, LEMONS, _AT.._,. I.IISS NELLO McHAfD y OYSTERS RAW, STEWED or FRIED, 11..\' t"' 1'r)13 I"1S'R1"`"rlON n w :'i \:.lt it,,,i«e . 1t1 13,4711t _I ilia_E I 1111.I 1 TOWN—PROPERTY FOR SALE. n. mIIE 1INDDRSI01E1i HAS DECIDED to efter .d, ter solo 8510601 good properties in the Town Piot, (Lower Wingharh,) composed as follows : P.sacsi 1 ; Lots NOB. 424 and 135 on the North side of Water 86. olid lot, Nos. 137 and 138 on the South lido of Vietori5, St. These Iota are all together anti compose a splendid n acre park lot, Excellent value. PAaer.L II ; reran IMS-yNnln1ers 35, As, Si and 38 on the East side of Herbert St., in tho Town PIot, Fisher's Snrv'v. 7,19180 III : In the Government 141111 Reserve, Fisher's surrey, Lot No. 2 on the East silo of Helena 8t., about one•tifth of an acre, with a small Mouse and etanle. Parties wishing to Boo the properties and ascertain terms can do so by ai lyinK to MRS. T. PRICE, Lower Wingham. \I/Ingham P, O. _ NOTICE U ' taSSOLUTION• •'I\3 Ox1Gi: IS ITER 31' GIVEN THAT 37118 wl. partner, hip here oi, o e::ieting between tho •.1'1(151, t.al P5 rart.:t bnlidrs, r,f the ''Torun of '11 tt hant,intl the County fliuren,istaledaydislelve4. 'Cin, hntinus will be c tried on by Jcnres W. Inglis ern hl,1 0,414 PPP,A1116 at s: one pre olvc!. All debts due th,, l.rly 7,163 '.'.t lit must 1K;xaid at once. Dated nt y;itt41:•s45 t 'Jdrd October, 1`0'8. ,,r . if. A'.11Gld i x OJY1, ItfDLII11 »w.a To The Lndieo' of Iiiiingham and $uniiouliding Gountj We beg to intiinate that we have on hand a very Complete Stock of F NCY GIODS, Comprising the, CHOICEST A TICLES and LATEST NOVELTIES•, eaztifPooch-. Hvery liapartant. AN INSPECTION OF -OUB '"STOOK SOLTCrTE17. Prioes "Very Reasonable. l,x i SES BO THRON. aN.0.E T JUST' SEE MY'SUPPLY; �.: t ".. .T H E , BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS' AND •i?EItFECtT 'tIA4P,-LEPER. G 1 LEO did FUMED a a> t 9de3tD G©4490 J :PASS QUOTAXIONS Axn PRICES CAN'T BE BEATEN ! MASON BLOCK, WINGIIAM. OUT OF THE FIRE I II.1VING FULLY ASSORTED THEIR STOCK, MESSES. McINNES TALBOT -f- HAVE OPENED O1,1T IN— Henderson's Old Stab d, - . AND OFFER r; rLID I�" Ii' .ENtE'Sk IN'......_.. READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROOMI1ES, FOOTS & 'S OES, AND GLASSWARE. Colored fl,Ita. Inito Shirts irXIM !• INA tar GREAT T BIG BARGAINS, W13IOII EVERYBODY C)MMOUT TO OB§EwE AND PROFIT