HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-10-25, Page 8ewe` of Goshen Line .
Mrs. Maud ,Schnell, l egina,: fa
visiting in the eon ariunity.
There WAS no Mission and $itr►,-
daY becatlae of anzliu.ersa '' ger*-
* at Varna. The Missioxt Band
will meet on October 29.,
The Woman's Association of
Goshen :United Church met fru the
Sunday Sel;<actl on .October 2, with
�Yilliaixl llaytex presiding,
.0 singing Of a hymn, With Mrs,
Melvin : lliett at the piano,'tapen-
ed the meeting. The, Scripture
was read by Mrd, Clare Me ride,
followed with prayer led by Mrs,
Bruce Keys, Mrs, trayter t000ly.
charge of the business,
ft was decided to send $10 to
the C.t'LI.B, Plans were discussed
for a luncheon for the semi-annual
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rally to be held In the church On'
the that of I'Toverriber, The eons
rrrittee in Charge of the menu are
Mrs. Robert McKinley, Mrs, Afris
son McKinley and - Mrs. Floyd
A demonstration was to be held
in McKinley's: Hatchery on Friday
evening, October I% The ladies
of South Goshen to plan the social.
It was planned to bold a fowl
supper. around Hallpwe'en when
the tables' would already :be $et up•
The executive will plan the menu,
Mrs, James Keys read the minutes
of the last meeting. Mrs. lay Mc-
Bride gave the treasurer's report.
Mrs. Richard Robinson was pre,:
seated with a clothes hamper for
her work on 'the floors prior to'
the anniversary services..
• -WMS: Meeting
The -October, meeting of the Wo-
man's Missionary Society was held
at the home of Mrs, Melvin El-
liott on Thursday, October 11, with
Mrs, John Armstrong presiding,.
„The Church's ' One Foundation"
was sung with Mrs, Bruce Keys
at the piano, Scripture was read
'by Mrs, John Keys and .Mrs, Frank
McCl'inchey. Mrs, , iphn Arrnstreng
led in prayer followed with the
Lord's Prayer in dnison.
Mrs. Elgin McKirey gave a re-
port on Comanunity, Friendship, A
reading on Christian Stewardship
was given by Mrs. Robert McKin-
.Mrs. J. F. McKinley i read the
minutes and 25 •answered roll call,
The afternoon, report of the Pres-
byterial held in Erut efield on Oct-
ober 4, was brought back by Mrs•
Robert McKinley, It was decided
to send a bale of articles to Alma
soon. Members were asked to
!bring articles to McKinley's • Hat-
chery on Friday, October 19.
Mrs. Melvin 'Elliott and daugh-
ter Joan played_ a piano duet.
Mrs. Anson McKinley was in -
charge of the study book, assisted
't y Mrs. Bert McBride, Mrs. Roy
McBride and Mrs. J, E. McKinley.
"In Christ there is no East or
West," closed the meeting.
Mrs M. Elliott
Mrs .Morton: Elliott, 74, Stanley
Township, who. died last Friday in
Scott Memorial' Hosptal, Seafort ,
wasthe former Lillian Morrison,
McKillop Townslii .
She had lived in Stanley Town-
ship since_ her marriage in 1904
to Morton Elliott, Varna,
Surviving besides her ,husband;
are thre Sons, Harold and Ray,
Stanley',Stanley'as Alvin, Colilingwood; two
dau, Mts, Fred Heard,
Stratford; ' Mrs John Ferguson,.
Oarsoz; and three brothers, Percy
Morrison, in Oregon; Alfred, North
Dakota; deorge, Buffalo., ka
-Service was conducted Monday
afternoon, at the • Whitney funeral
Thome, Seaiforh, by the Rev. W. S.
Outerbnidge, Trinity Church, Bay-
field. Interment was in . Bayfield
Cl'ntoir: Memorial Shop
'At •other times. contact Thomas Steep, phone .Clinton:
• HU 2-3869; residence, Shipley Street.
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Marilyn Taylor
Speaks At
LOii on Meeting
Marilyn Taylor, RSR. l., Landes-
bores member of the Seafonth
trura1'1-d.-H Homemaking Club re.'
presented4he Huron district at the
London, area Wow s jnstlltute
Converition bold at the Masonic
ff'emple in London, on Wedne ay,
October U. Her topic, based .ort.
the4.11. project, "What.Shall, T
Wear?' held last winter was;
"+Good• dress lines for the short
stout figure,',
,Marilyn is a ,grand daughter .of
ar, and Mrs, A.,. F, Cudmore, `Clan,•
Goderich township
Earl. Cox and Doug, Stirling left
last Wednesday far .a tw+d week
motor,trip to the East coast, -
Miss Dorothy Relnici and Miss
Hazel Long, Hamilton, spent Sun-
day with Mn and Mrs, John Tor-
rance, ,
Erhest Townsend bad the
fortune to have a cattle beast get
on the road where a ear hit it
and broke its leg.
Mr. and Mrs, Ted Harrison,
Weston, spent theme weekend with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James R. Stirling.
-Mrs. 3, D. Leslie, Lethlbridge; Al-
berta, returned home last week
after spending several'rnonths With
her niece, Mrs. Fred Middleton.
Mr. and Mrs, Jiainea C. Shearer,
Wendy and Stuart, Bright, spent
Sunday with Mr! and Mrs./Stuart.
Middleton, and Mr.' and Mrs. Fred
St, James' WA .
The Women's Atud 'ary of St.
James' Church, Milton, met
Wednesday afternoon, October 17,
at the home of Mrs. Arnold Rath-
well iwt'h17 members and: one vis-
itor present. °'''s, '
- The Meeting -opened with the
singing of the hymn "In Christ
there` is no East or West," with
Mrs. Edward Wise at the piano,,
followed by a prayer by the presi-
dent, Mrs. Fred Middleton, then
the Members' Prayer' and the
Lord's Prayer in unison,
Mrs. Keith Miller read the
ture lessPn from Chronicles 1, ls.
Mrs. • Gordon R,athwell read the
minutes and Mrs. I3riva'ld Miiddle'•
tonreported as treasurer.
The president, announced • the.
Fall Sessions of the Deanery of
Huron' to be, held Wednesday af-
ternoon, October 24; at Trinity
Church, Bayfield,.. with a speiai
speaker from Japan. Plans were
made to help with the tea to be
served in the Parish. Hall at ,the
conclusion of the meeting. I
The WA decided to accept Stew-
art Mi dletons invita'on to
lunch at his Aberdeen. Angus sale
on November 6; and plans were
made to serve sandwiches, pie and
Mrs. Charles Cooper gave ' a
splendid reading, "Time around
the world" and Mrs.Stewart Mid-
dleton: gave a 'poem "Ten Little
Christians" from the Huron Chur-
'h• News,
During the -afternoon progress
was' made on a crib, quilrt.
Mrs. Middleton -closed the meet-
ing 'with
eeting'wirth prayer after which lunch
was served.
A'joinrt meeting of Varna United
Church. Ar. M, S, and 'W. A. was
held at ' the 'home of Mrs. Anson
Coleman on October 17 at 8 p.m.
Mrs.. Harvey Hayter had charge
of the devotional part of the pro-
gram and Scripture. from. Ephes-
ians. Mrs, T. 3. Pitt led in prayer
followed by a hymn. •
Mrs. Anson Coleman took char-
ge of the' business. The minutes
of the last meeting were read by
Mrs, Gordon Johnston. An in-
vitation was received from Klppen
society to meet with them on Nov-
ember 7 at 8 p.m. The roll call
was answered by verses containing
Thanksgiving, A letter of thanks
for a -bale sent to Queen Charlotte
Island was read. There were 22
calls to shut-ins.
Mrs. Robert Taylor took charge•
of the W. A. business. •It was de-
cided to hold.a ;pot luck dinner air
the W. A. annual. meeting. Mrs.
Gordon Coleman offered her home
fot the meetings, It was decided
to ext'hange 35. cent Christmas
gifts by -inatchinb -numbers,.
Plans for the W. A. ,bazaar to
bei held in Varna .Township Hall
On the afternoon of October 27
were discussed.
Reperts,of the W. 1V1..S, Presby-
terial l ei{d at Brucefield'were given
by Mrs. Louis Taylor and Mrs.
Fred McClymont, �.
The new study book, •"East from
Burma" was introduced by Mrs.
Watson Webster 'and the first part
read by Mrs Sherlock Keyes. The
meeting closed with the Mizpah:'
benediction. Lunch was t servbd
and a social hour enjoyed by all,
Obituaries .
Miss Gladys Luker
(By our Heneali corn lhande►it)
Miss Gladys Luker, 47, who died
lsst Friday afternoon in Smith fur
ori Hosrp'Ital, at ,Exeter, had'lived
lit lfensall allr,'er life; and was a
daughter of 'the late Mn and MI's,
William Luken
Most active in dwell and coria.
munity affaij's, she was a mem-
ber of the United Church, .a .metn-
ber and former president .. f tilt
choir^, life m'ber and former
president and seeretarY treasurer"
of the Evening AultiUlara',. and
Sunday school teacher, a former
president. and •secretary4•trearurer
Of the Women's Institute, a mem-
ber of the Woman's Missionary
Society, amember of the Legion
Ladies' Auxiliary, pianist at Chisel,
burst United Church, a Member of
Muber Rebekah Lodge; and during
World Was' II was an active Red
Cross worker,.
Nested: at the Bonthron funeraal
chapel, Rensgll, where • services
were conducted Monday afternoon,
by the Rev. C. D; Daniel. Inters
'mut was in Bayfield Cemetery.
Miss C. Shirray
(By mix flensall correspondent)
Word was 'received here of the
death of Miss Christina Shirray,
Cumberland, near Ottawa, who
passedaway late Tuesday night,
October 16, in her 87th year. Miss
.Shirray fractured her hip four
years age from which, sh.e bah been
ailing since that time.'" '
Born on the Shirray' homestead
farm'in Hay Township, Miss, Shia,
ray resided in Hensall for many
years with her family, later talc -
In up residence iii Toronto and
then at Ottawa, wherre, she lived
for ten years, and then to Cumber-
Surviving• are one brother, David
Shirrays- Henson•; two sisters, Mrs.
Nellie Cooke, and92iss Agnes Shirr -
ray, Cumberland, with• whom she
resided, Private funeral service
was held at Rockland, October 17.
Interment was., in'Hensan. Union
Cemete ' on Th ride ; Rev. C.T.
Daniel, minister of . the United
Chureh here, conducting the ser-
Attending the fttnet'al were her
two, neices, Mrs t. m WithaMacRae,
Cumberland, and Mrs. John Aus-
tin', Montreal.
• Mr,
and Mrs. Arnold Petrie
Toronto, and 'Miss Violet Petrie,
London, visited over theweekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Altana
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Stephen Welbanics
Funeral service Was held Sun-
day afternoon at the Ball .and
Mutell funeral home, 1•Iigh Street,
Clinton;, for Charles Stelihen Wel.
banks, beloved husband`"^of va
Kennedy, Londesibero.:.. The Rev, 3.
T, White, Londesboro United.
Chutrch, officiated, and service was
understhe ausp1G s of the Canad-
ian Legion, Blyth Branch 111`0, 420,
Pallbearers were Donald, S'prang,'
George Thorxsasen, Stanley Ball,
Borden Cook, S. Fairsersriee and E.
Bell. F1o,werbearers were Wilfred
Freeman; C, 3. Liver pore; A. Ley-
+burne, Weidpn Tyndall, "3, Hiroona,
H. Badley, George fifeNall` and
Walter Mason, Interment was. in
Clinton ,Cemetery,
Mr, Wetbanks' was the fifth fatal.
victim of a 'head-on .collision at"
Clandeboye on Thanksgiving week-
end. He had been making a good
recovery in 51. Joseph's Hospital,
London, and doctors had felt little
concern about 'his condition when
he unexpectedly became worse on
Thursday, October 21, and died,
shortly afterward.
His seven-year-old son, Charles,
is recovering in the same hospital,
from injuries r ceived.in the same
crash. An olde brother, Stephen
Jr., . was killed ri the accident, as
was an -uncle of tle two boys, Don-
ald Kennedy, also of Londesboro
and Edmund Pollard', Blyth. In
the • other car involved, Phillip
Girose, London, was killed and his
passenger, Mrs. Grose has since
recovered from 'her injuries. -'
Surviving Mr. Welbaxrks besides
his son, are ,his wife, and four
small daughters, Linda, Vicky,
Marilyn and Marsha, RE 1, Lon-
desboto. The family attended L'on-
desbero United Church.
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