HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-10-25, Page 4Loyal Orangemen To Parade To Church Sunday The Royal Black Knights, The Loyal Orange Association, and the Ladies of the Loyal Orange Ben- evolent Association of South Hur- on County, will attend, divine ,wor- ship„ in Ontario Street United Church next. Sunday evening, at 7.30. Rev. Adams, Stotiffyillei a converted Roman Catholic Priest will be guest speaker. This will be an outstanding service. 4- ,Cljnton .Fife and Drum Band will be in attendance. CARDS OF THANKS 1 • Mr: and Mrs. Harold E. Hartley wish to thank friends and neigh- bourS for kindnesses• shown during their recent sad bereavement. Special' thanks to Miss Sinclair and her fine hospital staff, Dr. Oakes. and Dr. Addison, 43-p We would like to express.. our sincere thanks to all our friends neighbours and relatives for their many acts of kindness and sytn- pathy extended during .our recent sad bereavement. - The Hayter Family, 43-b Friends and Neighbours: . We wish fo convey our" sincere thanks and appreciation-for your kind and thoughtful consideration for our children and ourselves dur- ing our sojourn •in Scott Memorial Hospital.. - Mr. and•Mrs. W. R. 43-p 'Eva Welbanks 'and family would like :to thank their friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness and flowers sent during their recent sad bereavement. With special• thanks to Rev. J. T. White., Dr. arid Mrs. J. A. Addison, the Blyth Branch of the Canadian Leg- ion and Doug Ball and Bill Mutch. 43-p The family -of the late Mrs. Charles Watson wish to express sincere thanks to all their relativ- es, friends and neighbours for the many acts of. kindnesS and sym- pathy, extended to them during their recent beravement, also for the' beautiful floral tributes and cards of sympathy. Special thanks to Rev. McLeod, Rev. J. T. White, and all members of the Women's Assoplation of Londesboro United Clutch, Mortk 'Elliott and family wish to thank 'their fnany friends, rel- atives and neighbours for the kind- ness shown to them during the long illness and death of a dear wife and mother, also all who sent floral tributes and cards of sym- pathy. Special • thanks to Rev. Outerbridge, Mrs. "Smith, kathleen Elliott, Doctors. of Seaforth Clinic, nurses and staff of Seafoh Hos- pital, pallbearers, flower- bearers, all who loaned cars, alsp-the Whit- ney Funeral Home. • ' 43b Cater For Choir Turkey Supper The October meeting of Turner's ,United Church Woman's Associa- tion was held Tuesday evening, October 16 with a good attendance, Mrs. E, Townsend presided. Mrs. A, Lawson read the Scrip- ture and Mrs. J. Turner led in prayer. Devotiens were read by Mrs. S. Whitmore. The topic was given 'by Mrs. Kenneth Rogerson. Roll call was answered with a verse of Thanksgiving. Proceeds' from_ the bake sale were , very satisfactory. Plans were made for- the choir turkey supper on November 9. An in- vitation to Duff's United Church, McKillop, on October 24 was grate- fully accepted. The Meeting closed with a hymn followed by the Mizpah benedict- ion. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Lawson arid Mrs. F. Falconer. There will be aN joint meeting with the YPU on November 14, at which films will be shown. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 'Friday; October 26- • 8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors Sunday. October 28- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Tuesday, October 30- ' 8,00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir , Leader and Organist , • Sunday, October 28 -10.00 a.m.-Church,Sehool 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Everybody Welcome at all Services -1,0,111-40-NA-1.1110-6-41.-44-•-• BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service You are, cordially invited to these services, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g a•-•• EVANGELISTIC "Mission to the Nation" Of The United Church in .anada - In CLINTON October, 21 :t o 28 Missioner: REV. STANLEY SEARLIE, B.A., Rosedale United Church, Winnipeg, Man. 11.00 a.m.-Ontario St. ,United Church. , 2.30, p.m.-Rally for Huron Presbyterial in Ontario •St. United Church. EVERYBODY WELCOME 8.30 p.m. PRESBYTERIAL1 RALLY in Wesley-Willis Church foi „ the Elders of the Presbyterial# following the Service in On. tario St. United Church. illi11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 7 4 FOUR (LINTON. NEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, 0.- •1056. BRUCEFIELD Armiversary 13rucefield United Church • 80th BOOTHS • 43-b RCA Victor' "Super" Series Weekend guests with Mr.-and Mrs, Davison were Mr. and Mrs.. Maidens and daughter, Mavis,. Leamington and Robert Davison, Toronto. Mrs. Walter Moffatt left on Sat, urday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Strief ler, Calif, Mrs. Simon McKenzie spent. Saturday with - her son in St.. Thomas, Donald McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs, John 11TeMurtrie, Hensel! and Mr. and Mrs. Alex MoMurtrie, Toronto, visited on Saturday with Miss Mary Gibson. Mr. .Mrs, E, S. Copeland, and Mrs, W, J, Greer, Wingharn, spent Sunday with Mrs, H, Berry. Mr. Copeland was guest speaker in the United Church on layrnaifs, Sunday. October 21. Mr,. *and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Tillsonhurgh, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott on Sunday. Mrs, W. Rounds, Detroit, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Henry Day- man. Mrs. M. Mahaffey, visited with her brother, Harry Dalrymple, Albert R. Dinnin, pilot with .the Georgian Bay Airways, Parry Sound, visited at his. home this week, and with his brother Harry and family in Petrone. . 0 Turner's WA To - _Presbyterians On • Very Successful Anniversary Day. Sunday, October 21„ was A great day in St. Andrew's Presbyterian • Church,. when the anniversary ser- vices were observed with worship• at 11 a,ni, and 7.'30 p.m. Rev,. Samuel Kerr., B.A, of .Caven Chur- ch, Exeter, occupied the pulpit, The full choir 'sang special an- thems, both morning and everiing„ and..a male Quintette composed of. George Roberton, Frank Mitch, W. Mutch, L. Butler and Kelso Streets delighted the congregation with Well chosen numbers, , At the evening service the min- ister, Rev, I:1,-j, Lane, was able to be with Mr, Kerr,. and led the VatiAll. Mrs, J. E. Ostrom was soloist. The congregation made a mag- naficent response to -the appeal of the Board' Of Management for a liberal offering to be used against the cost a re-decorging and other improvements made in the past summer, placing an offering of nearly 81,800, . - A concert was .sporisored by The. .1VIeWs Club OnTMonTday' .evening, when St. • John's - Church- Choir, Stratford, presented a program in two Parta,-- under its director Gordon D, Scat, A.T.C.M., The church was well filled wtli an audience which time after time Showed its appreciation of the work of the soloists, arid the .mem- bers taking part in duets (both male and female) double trios and 'the combined choir in its magnif-. scent rendering of both the sacred and semi-classical offering. • • o . . • Charter Night For . B.ayfield, Scouts « And Cubs, Oct. 29 , (By our Bayfield'correspandent). ,Chs.rter Night for the Cubs and Scouts will be held iri Trinity Par- ish hall on Monday -evening, Octo- ber 29, at eight -o'clock. The Regional Field CommisSion- er, Robert Taylor, Hanover, will. present the charter. A coloured film taken • at the International Scout Jamboree at Niagara-on-the- iake, '1955, will be. shown. - • • The Scout Executive and repre- sentatives from . the Ladies Aux, Mary will meet at the rectory on Friday evening to make final ar,- rangements. 'The Ladies Auxiliary will 'serve refreshments, and. any one interested in the scout move- ment is invited to attend' the Charter Night 'ceremony. 3 p.m. AFTERNOON TEA 45c Ham Potato pnd Cabbage Salad - Pickles Tomatoes Jelly • Pie and Tea _Jr,. .A. .11.4 411. 'Bak -61.• SS 4,Club At Home Of Mrs. M. Forbes (By our Ebenezer correspondent) The SS No. 4 Community Club met at 'the home of Mrs. Murray Forbes for the Octolaer meeting. The president, Mrs, M. Jones, pre- sided and the meeting was • opened by repeating the °seed and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Roll call was answered by 11 members and there was one visitor. Plans were made for a social evening in the school on November 2, the pro- ceeds. will be given for the Child- ren's Aid Society f<1 a Christmas contribution Lunch was served by the hos- tess, assisted by Mrs. Harry Oakes and Mrs. Stewart Farquhar. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Morgan Jones. Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister---REV. J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.-Dr. D. A. Burns, Sup- . ertindent of . Home Missions 7.00 p.m.---Evening, Worship ALL WELCOME Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister 10,00 a.m.-Dutch Service 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School 2,30 p.m.-English Service Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of 'Meetings for ,the Lord's Day: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.-Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting All Welcome ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C., S. INDER, Rector. Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 22nd SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY (St. Simon and. St. Jude, Apostles and Martyrs) 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Choral Communion 4.30 p.m.-Evening Prayer Wednesday, Nov. 1-All Saints Day-Holy -Communion 10.30 am, $.t. 'Andrew's WMS At Residence Of Mrs. John Snider. Mrs. R. W., McKenzie, president of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chur- ch Women's Missionary Society presided' for the October meeting held at the-home of Mrs, John Snider with a good attendance. Mrs, William Shaddock read the minutes and the treasurer Mrs, 3. L, 1Vlakins gave her report, Mrs. J. F. Scott, Seaforth, guest speaker- for the thank-offering was introduced by Mrs. D. J. Lane and spoke on "Sharing all our blessings with those less for- tunate. Christian experience hi this line proves beneficial- to the sharer as Well as the receiver. - Mrs. Shaddock read the Scrip- ture lesson and Mrs. Robert Scott led' in prayer. Mrs. J. E, Ostrom favored with two pleging solos. A liberal of- fering was dedicated by Mrs.• Lane. The' president announced the Christian Education workshop of Huron Presbytery to meet in the Sunday School room of the church on Friday, October 26, under the leadership of Rev. J. K. MacDon- ald, Ripley. Mrs. McKenzie closed the meet- ing with prayer. Lunch was•,,serv- ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Shaddock and Miss Kay Snider. , Curity Diapers Dozen $4.65 SOON IN; All Kinds of Snowsuits $5.49 aunpd Clothing & Footwear 4fThe Family Store" ,HU 2-9641 ALBERT ST. - CLINTON Open Both Friday & Saturday Nights till 10 p.m. The Flora Beauty Salon At 'Mrs. G. Thompson's Princess Street COLD WAVES - - TINTING FINGER WAVES Open Evenings by Appointment Dial HU. 2-9336 Flora M. Thomas, Prop. • ::>.?'"'"; Don't the disappointed Place Your Order Early BAKERS. and CONFECTIONERS CLINTON alio Fag)ir' a Pargt Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Minister Wesley-Willis *Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Organist M. 1111. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday School Anniversary GUEST SPEAKER: REV. A. W. WATSON, B.A., B.D., Blyth 11.15 a.m. Worship Service Children's Choir Sermon Subject: "As the Twig is Bent." "COME 'TO THE HOUSE OF PRAYER" Bracefield United Church is 80 yea old this month, and. anniversary services" will be preached there on Sunday, October . 28, morning and evening, -by the Rev, G. D. Watt, 13,A., Dun- gannon. This beautiful village church is one of few United Churches in the area, which has retained its position as a one- , point- charge, The present minister, the Rev, Sidney Davison and his wife live in the manse jut,..to 'the north of the ohuroh. (News-Record Photo) HOME, BAKING NOVELTY HOMEMADE CANDY Country -fair and-Tea Wesley-Willis United Church Auspice? of Woman's Association Saturciay, October 27 Mrs, Andrew Roberts, Sarnia, visited With her brother; Thomas' LepOington and family over the weekend. Mrs. Clarence Green, Grand Bend spent several days with her father here while her mother was on holiday in Loudon, Benson Sutter spent the week- end at Delawans. Tim, Honey Har- bour, attending the Ontario Divis4 ion Conference of the Canadian Cancer Society. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28 = All Times Eastern-Standard ONTARIO STREET 'UNITED CHURCH ",'THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR-REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Rev. Stanley. Searle,„Guest Preacher 2.30 ,p.m.--Evangelistic Rally for Huron Presbyter- ial. 7.30 p.m.-Evening Worship. Guest speaker: Rev. H. G. Adams, former Roman Catholic Priest.' TURNER'S CHURCH Services withdrawn to allow everyone to attend Ontario Street Church Atka Jour Chureh Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON - Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11.00 ,a,m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. 'A hearty Welcome Awaits You' Mr. and Mrs. Morley Willis, Sar• nia, were weekend callers at the. 'Leppington home! A Nathan P. Warrener, Pontiac, Mich.; visited over the weekend. with Mr. and Mrs,. John W. Smtli and family, Mel -Crich attended, the _execu- tive meeting of the Orttario Bar- bers',,AssVation at Kitchener on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mel has been on.. the prov- incial executive for the past six years, E. S. Livermore, Q.C., and Mrs. Livermore, London, were recent visitors with their parents, Mr. and- Mrs, James Livermore. Mrs, Liv, ermore„ Sr; returned with them and spent several days with them and other friends in London. C, Addison, has returned home to Orillia after spending a fews with Mrs, William Walker on High Street. Other recent visitors with Walker were Mr.. and Mrs. Carl AddiSon, Huntsville; and Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Addison, Oshawa. Baby Blankets Yellow, Orden, Pink, --- 98c Blue Only TITS WEK'S SPECIALS! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Govier, Port Colborne, Mr, and Mrs. ,Lew Govier, Goderich, Mrs, Jean Rad- ford, Clinton, Miss Wilma Radford, London, and Mr. •and Mrs. Sydney Lansing, Auburn, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Adams. Our Sat. Special From. Our Store Only Delicious MINCE MEAT • PIES 20 Reg. 50c for ti7C • 4 Crinteobitle Holmesville Mrs. William Yeo, Organist Anniversary Services . GUEST SPEAKER: REV.' A. W. WATSON, B.A., B.D., Blyth .• A Male Choir at Bath • Services s 10 Min. and 7.30 p.m. 4 New Lined and Unlined. WORK GLOVES •81 MITTS Complete choice gYOUp- there's a pair to wit your job -See .our outstanding , selection in ne‘‘k winter pleasure and work coats. Choose yours now while range is complete! • 'THE '01140N" PoWealli 21" Tithe, Model 21T194 Aluminized Picture Tube, Alum- mated "Window Knob", Mono Track and Tone ,Control. swivel base with speaker mounting extra, Galbraith Radio 0 TV CLINTON - HU. 2-3841 "Our Service Guarantees / Your Satisfaction" 1111111111101111011111111111111 4