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The Wingham Times, 1888-11-09, Page 7
•.amFe Mxar.xts t,a►,i.zw4 're :?a:K1 Tour *Aso wn. ,111: ahetuk it.. Nt':itr fl,elUt it. Beautify the streets, lei frie Daly to everotlody, Elect go)el :non to all uillces, 1%`4•Il your sidcwallls in good repair, ti,,Ii all you uan and buy :111 you can at home. If you art' rich invest ha something, employ somebody, !ie courteous to strangers that come among you, so that they eau go away With good impressions, Always (sheer on the hien who go in for itnprovelneuts, Your portion of 41ip cost will be nothing hut, what is gust, Don't "kielt" at any proposed irn- ,ntirone;ments because it Is not at your own, steer, ol', fat: fear that your taxes tial, ate raised:•. fly cents. TO AGRI" YOUR TOWN. Oppose ifnptove:nents. l\lstrust its public, sten Rem it down to str,au2ei;e,. Go to some other town to trade, Refuse to advertise in, your. home VAPPr• Do not invest a cent; lay your money out somewhere else. Be. particular to diserediti the mo- iii,ves of public-spirited, men,. lengthen your fa;;,e+wherl, a stranger, speaks of locatipg in your town. If a man wants to buy your property charge him two, prices for it. If he wants ilcnybody else's, interfere and discourage, Refase to see the merit iu any scheme that does not direetly henestt you. Wore%with. %Bo }344i14oss Man. If you want to be healthy you must eat i gutarly, as meat today will not serve you tomorrow„ To be well alai Iv:arty at every meal time— to be prosperous ill business advertise regu. tarty. Stop the oue and you starve and die, Stop the other and year t+nsiuessa takes consumption and dies also. Spasmodic advertising is like leaving a feast and famine --more famine than feast as a rule—and is never satisfactory. To take out your card in dull times is like killing your horse because he is a little lame. It is in dull times the most advertising should be done, and it is in dull times that advertising is the most effective, as more 11otiee is taken of printers' ink then than at any other time. Seven, Ages (4 Max;! vNDER A " PROTECTIVE " TARIFF IN FREE, AMERICA. 'or job. printing :all on TRE 7.'IUEs, A prominent physician calls the kiss l'an elegant disseminator of disease.' —Tite'.l'InmES from flow until hnu.;. y, 100 for 61.25 ; or from now until Jauaary, 1889 for 20 cents. --Alta McPherson, of ICintail, Drive County, put the 101b. weight 40 !set 2 in, at Orillla, beating the world's best amateur mod professional record by 2t inches. C. P. R. TIME TABLal. Trains arrive and depart as follows LEAVING ARRIVING 6:27 a. ru,...., ...,For Termite., .,....,,5:27 a, m 1:45 p. In " 1:45 p.m 8:15 p.m ..For Teeswater 8.16 '' 10;20 p. m " 10.94 " Teacher—What is the plural of c d i' Bey kprool.ptly)—Twins , Before arithen ,tic was inventgd gpople Inn) ip(ilei qn the face of the earth. What becomes, oft• the, old moons,; pal The old moons, my eon ? Why, they die of nevc,monia, to by sure.. .. SIrlsofl's Coypu and. Consumption (3ure is sold by us on a guar;iiited. If; cures Con. 'mption, For sale by C. E. Williams. What are the great astronaut The stars, because, they,-kzave,,afrit the heavens for ages. At first, the infant, in the nurse's yarms. For this luxury the baby is taxed : Castor oil, 5 cents a half-pint. Wicker cradle, 35 per cent. Nursing hottlg glass, 40 per cent. Linen diaper. 3,5 .per cent. Then, the Vhininc school boy, with his satchel., and shining morning face, creeping like a snail unwillingly to; school, School seats, 35 per Cent. Bible, 25 per cent. Lead pencils, 30 per cent. And then, the lover, sighing like furnace, vita a woeful ballad made to .his mistress' eyebrow. This luxury can, be indulged ii without tax. GS A -N= TR-CTNK R'"2"' A. O. 8 24ATHDEIa, AGENT, WINGUAL Through tickets to all points in America—North- West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest end all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. --,—TIME TABLE. mays wisosaM. MUUVS AT w1NGRA3t. 6:80 a.to.Toronto.Guelph,Palmerston, &o. 3:30 p.m. 11;10 It,c " " 10:10 " 3;40 p.m, " " Clinton, " 7:25 " ......Palmerston,Ilized.. ,...10:20 a.m. 7:08 alts London, &c.. 11:00 " 3;40 p.m, " 7:45 p.m. 11:10 a.m...... ..Iiincardine, &o.. ,6;30 a.m. 3:80 p.m 6411:10 " 10:10 ` " " 1 6:60 p.m, IVIONET TO LEND. ' mHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF A Turnberry has about $3,000 to loan on Mort - ages, For terms apply to, IoLAREN, or WM. IdoPHERSON, TRIr.sua3a, Wingham. REEVE, Glentarrow; GM, May 'IARC KERSLAKE, Hae'., purchased the Butohering business of T p, fmmond, keeps constantly on hand the choicest ' an'd most varied assortment of • des ? FRESH 1dEl6TS; SAUSAGES, AND BUTCHER'S UPPLIRS GENERALLY. Citizens of. Winghamwilltfindit advantageous to call and insect his stock. Wingham, Qct. 25th,'88. 'Who arethe boat men to Isencl: to win; 2, Lav, *ers, because their. char es aro so great'' no one ems stand them. ��pp TIOAT HALING CpUGH can be so quickly. ".li? Ohre, a guarantee 1 cured by ,Shiloh s Lu . W t,_. , .,v THE BEST PLACE .TO CxET...�..,...,. ORDERED .,, '" CLOTHING A. Y P . W E' S T E R' +'�"' HE HAS CHOICE LINES OF ^ W INTER SUITINGS AND OVER - COATINGS, FINE § PERSIAN. § LAMB § GOODS § AND § IMITA.TIONS.. NI OF . JCA AYAA;A.t J. ©A.V,, For sale by C. L. Viiliams. •W = J Cx. 14, SLC why may carpenters reasepatbl,y believe there is no sueh tiling as, Sterling Exchange and Drafts; on New York stone? Becaige they never saw it. BOUGHT AND .QLD. It will be a great day for newspaper. men when they can live on tickets to country fairs. SLEEPLESR =ours, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shilolt's CarQ, is the Remedy for you. For sale by C. E. Williams. • Nest to having her young man elome to seg her Thursday evening, a girl likes beat to stand on the sidewalk~, and look at the engagement rings shown in, a first-class jeweler's store. A`.'cofs being shown Niagara, was, asked if 1ie,,�llad ever seen aught so heaatiful and, strange. He replied "Weel, for bonny, I'll no say, but, eh mon, for queer, Lance saw a peacock Then a soldier, hill of strange oaths, . wi a wooden leg at Peebles." and bearded like the pard, jealous in SHILox'9'VIT_ALI ER, is what you need for honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, , Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, seeking thG bubble rept tation even iu and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 the cannon's mouth. LI:tubber blankets, 25 per cent. And then, the justice, in fair round belly, with good capon lined, with eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, full pf wise satge and modern instances; .sad so he plays his part. Silk for gown, 50 per cent. The sixth age'shifts into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon, with specta- cles on nose, and pouch on side ; is outhfnl hose, 'Veil av'd, a world ter, wide for his thrunk shank; and his manly voice, turning again to- wards childish treble, pipes aud w,his _Iles in his sound. - Sh ipers, 45 cents per pound and 40 Icer cent. Spectacles, 45 pert cent. Hosieryi 40 cents a pound and 35 per cent. Last scene of all, that ends this strange eventful history, is second, .ehildislltless and mere oblivion ;; sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans every- thing. verything. Easy ohair, 85 per Dent. Clrutehes, 35 per cent. Cane, 35 per cent. FINIS. IVIarble tombstone, 51) per cent. -- N. Y. Evening .Post. . and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by C. E. Williams. This is the best toast which the modest Irishman drank to the English- man : ' Here's tel ygu as good as you are, and here's to me, as bad as I am; but as good as you are, and as bad as I am, I'm as good as you are as bad, as 1 am..' Three tailors established themselves in the same street in Glasgow. The first wrote on his sign, ' The best tailor in this town.' The second adopted as his motto, ' The best tailor in the world.' But the third, who was the cleverest of they lot, got away with them all by putting o11 his sign, 'The best tailor in this street.' Brown—You don't look well lately, Robinson. Robinson—No; I can't sleep at night on account of lung trouble. Brown—Nonsense; your lungs are all right 1 Robinson—Yes., mine are, the trouble is with the, baby's. Grr,os Bonus : 10 a. m. to 3 p. re. 10 a. m. to1p.m Consumption Surely Cured. To Tus Eo,'roR ::Please inform your readers that I, Have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have teen cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy Paso t0 any of your readers who have consumption if they will. Bend me their Express and P. O. address, Respectfully, Da. T. A, SLOCUM 87 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. A sleeper is one who sleeps, A .liieeper is that in which the sleeper steeps. Al. Bleeper is that on which the sleeper runs while the sleeper sleeps. Therefore, while the sleeper sleeps in the sleeper, the sleeper carries the sleeper over the sleeper under the ,sleeper until the sleeper which carries ;the steeper jumps the sleeper and avakea the.eleopur in the sleeper by striking the sleeper under thoslcepor on the sleeeer, and there in no longer Any sleeper olee;.i''Ig i;a tl" eltx,pe. oft the sleeper. itfF.YER, & DICKINSON, B. GENTS' FURNISHINGS OF, EVERY DESCRIPTION 'VERY CHEAP FOR CASH, IrOr GOODS MADE' TO ORDER ALL GUARANTEED. STOVES . .T HALF i RICEnr D. SUTHERLAND'S' STOVE and TINWARE ROO1V4:,. Having purchased the stock of HINGSTON & SONS, we are, oflfixing.4 GREAT BARGAINS IN STOVES for the next 60 DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVES in (great Variety, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. S,aturdaystfrom, WILLSON, Solicitors, 4zeNT. 11. DAVIS IS OFFERING ON FA1:Z* P� .OPEP.T AT VERY LOW RATES. s IIIMI OFFICE—OPPC!,SITE THE MARKET. \Vzsoper, Ocrosna,4Trr, 1888. Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we have some, SECOND-HAND STOVES as goodies new, at LESS THAN' HALF COST. A SUPERB STOCK OF OEOICE LAMP GOODS. • BEST PROCURABLE COAL. OIL. READY-MADE TINWARE, A HEAVY STOCK AT VERY LOW. PRICES. E::E' ORDERED WORK, A SPECIALTY. WARE ROOMS AND SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange Hotel, corner Josephine.. and Victoria Streats. A. .T. A,NDERSUN, UNDIiRTAI{ER. Caskets, Coffins, Robes, iMac, always on hand. Subscribe for THE Tonics. The single woman don't object to age when it is marriage. G. Cr Clark, of Now Haver, has a couple of rose geraniums 10 feet high, A statue to General Gordon has been set up in Trafalgar square, Lon- don, recently. One of the main questions of the age in regard to some men, is not what they live on, but why they live on. Woman (to tramp)—‘After you've eaten that pie will you saw a little wood V Tramp (eyeing the pie)— Yes, ma'am, if I'm alive FIRST CLASS HEARSE FOR HIRE. PICTURE FRAtains PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Ila—flow beautiful Miss Arrow. smith's back hair is 1 She—Yes. J,VIuoh prettier than her front hair is, I wonder that she didn't get it all at the sante tame. Dr. Griflh iu a recent sermon' after reacting iln anftouneon80nb from the pulpit, supplemented it bysaying a 11'utthdtf particulars will be found in the daily papers, and that is as it ought to be. 1 have sometimes sean fffteou urinates of valuable time °e:upied by the reae*llg of these i«uuouneements, Tile daily papers *re for Ono purrere. AD WESTER, �1 RTI emorate its "LitERIEk 1 F NEW ll 1 AILOR SHOP MR. Er C. CLARKEs .111 opening a new Tailor Shop in Wingham, respectfully solicits a share , q£s public patronage. It will be his endeavor to give satisfaction to all. 94trusting him with their orders, fer Ladies requiring tailor-made JACKETS AND ULSTERS,. Can secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new Tailor Shop, E. C. CLARKE, By appearing in an e irely new atilt and present- ing a magna Dent Sou onir Pietu a to each subscriber for 1889, entitled ' "THE FALL` OF' N,IAGARA." This beautiful prem um, t lithograph, is 1844 Inc es, executed for us on plat, pa this size soils for .42.50, ai ' e from the lithograph wh acknowledged by art critic finest specimen of photo•ltt in the Dominion., Will be icl4 is a largo photo. nd -g being specially er. A photograph of not be distinguished laced beside it. It le 1 ovdr Canada to be the grotty ever inDcem New Typo Througho Illustrated Be But BALADI E artmanta t Free, t}reni1u'm t To all now ordering fo the y e of -4 wt 18884 FkEE ar 1880 el.. lie low Wingham, Sept. 25th, 1888. tiP loYAE + o TO ST�tCTTRE 11 ri a New and Second Ind g Or $3 tot tour co ca for tho for mentiontid. Agents wantad vcrywhero. Ito !stored totters come at our risk, 'or frac sample pe. ors, 'tfrme to agents, dolt addr .s, I,$T 81'JtIttTIN3 O., 11ION, Only D O R E & C V V" K. ' S r To make room for new fall, and winter goods, we are offering psrchasem,, splendid indugfements in TOP BUGGIES, New and Second liandt PHAETONS and DOG CARTS. This is the Golden Opportunity. Rigs home made and unexceptional in material and finish. To aha Fic of WinElta Cat Lar,gss Having opened, out r, large stock Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware,, X tun prepared to meet the wants of the people in every respect,, Trts'l ONLY in tho lowness of prices llut in the quality of goods as well, ��W�..��..L•`..LrVI 4T�.1.rJ •w .��� .I�.LV..w. i� 71� w am prepared to do all kinds of work that is in my tins of business and SATIST'AGTxoN GU'A;ItAN!EEn .11 VIVET$'rGlNE Vxot l Issa4: 'N. a