HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-10-18, Page 100• WHY DOsALL THAT WRITING? c,, When •A Rubber Stamp will do it 'faster, easier, ,and who ,knows? may- be neater, boor Order one at the Clinton News-Record Delivery, Within • 10 days. Mrs. Louis Asquith A apki, Mrs. William Batkin are. spending a ew days in 'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Erowp, De- troit, spent the weekend with Mr, and Atrs, D, E, Glidden. Mrs. H, cuclmore left on .Sitpday to.. spend a week in Cleveland, Ohio, the guest of Per aunt. Ainnivorsary Anniversary services n wi11 be herd Hohneaville Unite(1 Church on Sunday, October 28, coMmene- flag at 10 a.m, and 7,30, p.m. .quest minister will Rev. A. W, Wat.. $04, Blyth, ' Sunday Baptisms At the services on Sunday morn- ing, in Holmesville United Church,. Rev, H, C. Wilson, minister of the Church, baptized Mary Jane 'Eun- ice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, N. Heard; Beatrice June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Leiaclunan, -and Gerald Lloyd, son of lyIr. and Mrs, K. Trewartha, WA Plans Catering • The Woman's Association meet- ing followed with the, president, Mrs. jack Yeo in the chair. The .Scripture lesson and comments were given by Mrs, Jack 'Yeo., The treasurer, Mrs. E. Grigg gave her report on the success of the - re- cent bazaar. Plans were made for some catering. Those on the cOM, mittees are Mrs. O. Tebbutt, Mrs. B. Walter and Mrs. It, Miller, and for the kitchen, Mrs. William Nor- man, Mrs. L. Bend and Mrs. K. f: The table. committee is to be Mrs..- E. 'Yea, Mrs: W. Yeo and Mrs. H..Cuchnore. The Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. J, Yeo. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. L. Jervis, Mrs. K. Jones and. Mrs, E'. Potter, Mission' Band The-. Wilhelmine .MissiOn Band, HolmesVille United Chilreh, met in the-school for their October meet- ing.' Dominique Gahweller was in. charge of the program, .which op- ened with the hymn, "Children of Jerusalem," followed by the Miss- ion Band. Prayer being repeated in unison. Psalm 95 was read by May Squires and Eric -.Gahweller led in prayer. The president Leonard Wilson conducted the 'business period. Jim McCullough read \a temperance poem and Donald '• Yeo read a peace poem. Hallowe'en poem was read by Paul Cudrnore, A contest was enkayed -and the study 'book period was taken • by Mrs. Jack Yoe and Miss' Ann Shad- dOck.. The meeting closed with the CLERMU AUTO WRECKERS CLINTON - ONTARIO Now Wrecking: to FORD "50 MONARCH '49 FORD '48 CHEV. Parts for Cars '24 to '52 USED TIRES & TUBES 16" - 11" - 18" - 19" - 20" - 21" Recapped . Suburban Tires 600/16" - 670/15" - 710/15" DUNLOP TIRES Auto-Lite Batteries Sales and Service We Buy SCRAP METALS WANTED: Old Cars for Scrap Phone: HU 2-3211 41-tfb ..„ • ti The beautifully new Bel Air Sport Coupe with Body by Fisher- s 6 .11 • • • • • ....... .. • .. . • JUST OUT AND JUST WONDERFUL! SEE THE 9 r7' CHEVROLET Djsplay 'Tomorrow, Friday, October 19 _IT'S 'SWEET, SMOOTH AND- .SASSY! Chevy goes 'em all one better with a daring new departure in design, (looks longer and lower, and it is!), exclusive new .Turboglide automatic transmission with tripl~ turbines, a net 1/8 and a bumper crop of new ickas including Fuel Injection! *(Special high-perform. awe 270 engine also available at extra cost,) FARME-RS We are •shipping cattle every Saturday for' United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up'at your farm. ' Please PHONE `COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative. H. S. Hunt, Manager Phonyi—Day.9, Evenings 481w 39-tfb Will have a number of Calves available for any ,boy or girl wishing a calf to •feed arid show, in te Townships of Stanley, Hay, Usborne, Stephen, Tuckersmith and Hibberi: Please contact one of the Fair Board Directors in your Township, or Mr. James McGregor or, Alvin Kerslake, Secretaries. You will have to act fast' as these calves are being tqken up quickly. 1 Goderich Township A. Atwood returned to'his home in Detroit after spending two weeks with his daughter, and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dutot and family. Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Glen, Gordon and Jean were visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Chester Neilans, London, on Sunday. nru VACM. TEN f...UNTON rl113 DC*11-12 • THURSDAY, OCTORER 19061 iluron County Crop Report (By (01, W. MOICTC4(wfirat. News ,of Hotmesville VorroS011odent — MRS, Fe 111001(441e9VOH Phone HU 2-7418 hymn -"Stand 1.J.p Stand UP for Jesus" and prayer. WMS Meeting The Woman's Missionary Soc, iety of Holmeeville United .Church met in the Sunday School rooms, with Mrs. N. Heard's' group in charge,, Mrs. N. Heartl gave the Call toj Worship. . The Scripture' lesson and comments were. taken by Mrs. W )31ggins, A Thankof- fering prayer was offered by Mrs. Trewartha, A talk on Christian .Stewardship Was given by Mrs. W. R,-.Lobb. Mrs, William Norman played a piano solo and Mrs. H. C. Wilson spoke a few words on temperance. A quick qui4 on Korea was held with • 1V1r4. N. Heard _asking the question and the answeres were given by Mrs, E, Yeo. A conversa- tion on Korea was held with Mrs. Heard and Mrs. Ro.Millor tak- ing the parts. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. L. Jervis, 13.e, ports on the Sectional meeting held in Blyth were 'given by Mrs. L, Jervis and Mrs. William,,.Nor- man. The meeting closed with the hymn', "Sing To The Lord Of Har- vest", .- and prayer by Mrs. N. Heard. Obituary Mrs. C. Watson. Mrs. Charles Watson, 7,4, of Londeshoro, who died October 'x5, in Sott Memorial •Hospital, was the former Mien: L. (Nellie) Lyon, of Hullett Township. Her husband died "in 4 1938. Surviving are three daughters Mrs. John (Verde.) Sinclair, Kip- pen; Mrs. William F. (MAO Ril- ey, Hensall; Mrs. Thomas (Fern) Butler, Arva; and two sisters, Mrs. William. Govier, Londeshore; and Mrs. D. E. Dewar, Ottawa. , Resting at the Bonthron funeral home, Hensel], where service will be conducted Friday, October 19, at 1 p.m., by the'Rev. N. McLeod, to be followed by service at Lon- desboro United Church at 3 p.m., conducted by Rev. W. White. In- terment will be in Londesboro Cemetery. Ladies Rifle Club Names Officers The Clinton Ladies Rifle Club held their annual meeting last Wednesday evening, October 10, and elected their officers fer the coming yeah President is Mrs. Donald Epps; secretary, Mrs. Fred McDonald; treasurer, Mrs. Louis Forrest; assistant treasurer, Mrs. =wood Epps; conveners, Mrs. Dick Steep, Mrs. Earl Doucette and Mrs. Ann. Wise. Purina Dog Chow At present prices, the economical thing to do is to eat the traditiOnal "table scraps", yourself, and feed your dog Purina Dog Chow! You'll both be better off, for Dog Chow is very reasonably priced . . . better balanced for health, and cOn- dition scientifically and practically RIGHT. Dogs take to it . . it's palatable. Basked by Research tests on, thous-ands of dogs (some 'Wilke Purina Kennels have got nothing but Dog Chow and water for 17 ,generations, and thrived 'on it) the choice of leading kennel's and trainers for top-priced show and breeding stock. Dog Chow is a DEN food--,-60 per cent food ,Stlids. It is made in two' forth's—Checkers, Ribbied Meal. The, Checkers are fed dry. The nibbled Meal is fed Moist . . usually With water, though as a spur to appetite you may sometimes mix in soup, gravy, milk, or broth from cooked vegetables. Mix 1 part liquid, 2 parts Meal, stir and: let stand fOr 5 minutes. Feed riecording to condition. ajnton Farm Supply and Machine Shop CHAS, NELSON J. W. NEDIGER News of Hensall Correspondent , MRS, M. WIPPW, IMMO .1404/AnU lS New right down to the Wheels it rolls on — that's the '57 Chevrolet! By now you know it's new in style. But treat yourself to anothei. look. Let your eyes linger on that stylish new bonnet, that daring new grille; the deeply- hooded headlights, the saucy new slant of those High-Fashion rear fenders. Chevy's new and Chevy shows it all over! It's longer, and lower for '57. And Chevrolet's new in lots of..ways that don't show up in our picture. It's new in VS power options that range up to 245 h.p.* Then, you've a choice of two automatic drives as extra-cost options. There's an even finer Powerglide — and new, nothing-like-it Turboglide that,brings you Triple-Turbine take-off and•a new flowing kind of going. It's the otily one of its kind — the newest, sv7eetest, smoothest automatic of. them all! NOW — PUEL INJECTION OFFEREMFORTHE FIRST TIMEI ,, Greatest engine advance since overhead valves1 Chevrolet engines with Ramjet fuel injection, available at extra cost in the Corvette and passenger car models, deliver up to 283 h.p. Come see the new car that goes 'em all one better neh. 1957 Chevrolet! Mrs. Wes Veinier who re.t4rned home from Clinton' Public Hospital . on 'Sunday, was taken to Victoria. hospital, London, on Tuesday of VAS week. At an auction sale on .S.attledllY October la,. the 4-room frame house recently Wilt,. owned by James Sangster, was .sold. to Percy Tiederrnan, Exeter, for 81,875. 'Ed, °WWI: was auctioneer, A two car crash on highway 21.„ one mile north of St. Joseph's. on Saturday night caused dam- ages. Cars driven by Frederick Joseph atcha,r4, Aiderahot. and John Paul Rau; Zurich, both. travelling south, when Richard's ear crashed inte the rear of the Rau' car. - Gibbons, Exeter, investigated. Members of the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion entertain- ed the Ladies Auxiliary to a turk,. ey. banquet, Friday, October 12., President Sam Rennie extended the welcome to the .80 present. Dr, D, J. MoKelvie accompanied at the piano for a sing-song, after Only' franchised Chevrolet dealers which• they repaired to the Legion hall where progressive euchre and dancing was enjoyed. Winners of euchre were, ladles, Mrs. Howard Adkins; gentlemen, Fred Eeer, Dr, D, J. UcKelvie who is leav- ing this month for Essex was pre- sented with a pipe, In a draw sponsored by the Lad- ies Auxiliary, lucky winners were; electric .fry pan, Mrs. Carlyle Wil- kinson, Hensall; electric steam iron, Mrs, Catherine }leaden, Hen- sall; electric heating, pad' Mrs. Thomas Kyle, Hensall, It is estimated that immigration to. Canada will total 135,000 in the current year. 60,000 laker than in the post-war peak year of 1951. Rid Your Attic Of `‘Don'IWants" film An Adlet display this fan ous tradentath, S. youth Huron Agricultural Society CALF CLUB A. W. KERSLAKE,. Secretary-Treasurer, Hensall, Ontario. The new bel Air 4-Door Sedan-, one of 20 striking hew Chevies, 42-b ,C.6'57d LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED Phone: HIlitter 2-93i1 CLINTON, ONTARIO Agricultural Representative ' for Huron County) "Farmers are !,easy harvesting white beans, filling silos and start- ing the fall ploughing. The bulk of the bean crop is now ,.harvested with yields of between ten to 25 bushels being reported., "Harvesting of sugar. beets is underway and the first beets were shipped from the county on Satur- day, October 6. As of Saturday, October 13, 16 •cars or 837 tons had been sent out, indications are for a good ayerage "Large numbers of feeder cattle are arriving daily in the' county. "Tire recent heavy frosts have whitened the corn crop, this will decrease yields considerably in some of the more immature stands of grain corn. Farmers report sil- age corn to contain more than the usual amount of moisture :and juice—running silos• are a problem an most" farms. "Despite being behind in their work two bus loads and several carloads of county farmers attend- ed the International Plowing Match at Breoklin on October 11." •