HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-10-18, Page 7itIHUASPAY, QCrOBER 1956 azvror,i NEI/VS-A=0RD RAGE SVEN4 ROES Three cents per Werd, Mine • Wine 10 eentre „ 11-eleeets, Seeend•and silbseel - 'Anent weeks two cents per Word, ,ndnita4ne 50 eents. BOX NUMBER -5o extra, • BIRtHS. MARRIA61ES aaI 41)FATIISe-no eharge, ENGAGEMENTS, CARPS OJ' & IRV IYIF.MORTAMS .-.Three cents per Weld, Mine iihnutle 15 cents. _ 'CASH RATE Of Void bir the Saturday following publieate ilee) — Ono third off, DEADLINE,12 e'clock• noon, 'Wednesday. • A Accommodation for Rent •YE'01.TA WON! APARTMENT IN .1Seaforth, with modern kitchen and 'bath. Phone Seaforth 841r2 39tfb !SMA(.141, .3 ROOM 1-10U,SE TO /tent, Phone J. 2-9546, 42-b TWO BEDROOM APART1V/ED,TT 'for rent; unfurnished.' .Available limniediately, phone 1-11.3 2-6677. . 42-b 44 -ROOM :HOUSE IN SA,YFIELD. ewy decprated. PosseSsion im- mediately, Phone Clinton EU 41-b ROOM APARTMENT available ,noW; suitable.. for two, feenished, 'heated, frig., and laundry. Phone :HU 29483. 42-3-b ••SPACIOUS- -3 ROOM HEATED ...apartment with private bath, fire - 'piece, furnished or unfurnished. iPlione HU- 2-6692. , . 4243 .4 ROOM, SELF CONTAINED, 'heated apartment, ground floer, private entrance, Phone HO 2-9372, -42-b Two APARTMENTS. ONE, 4 - room' and bne,.3 room. Furnished and heated. Warm in winter. AvaflaWe now. -Phone HU 2-9005... • 42-p eCIOSY AND •WARM, TWO ROOM apartment, fUrnished. Second floor. - Rent -reasonable. Mrs: :1\1' orm an Carter. Phone HU 2-6650. 42-34) (;CENTRAtLY LOCA.TED FOUR • Iefenn,"ftirnigliecl apartment. Living-, 'room, bedroomekitchen, bath. Suit-. litble for 'couple. Apply McEwan's ZBook Store. 42-b "THREE -11.00M ' APARTMENT "with •separate bath, unfurnished; also furnished apartment vacant Oetober 1. Roy Tyndall, phone 111U 2-9928. , 38-tfb XOUR ROOM AVARTMENT, fur.= Mished or unfurnished, all Conven- iences. .Apply to B. Waymonth, rimer Cotifiter's JeWellery, Store af- ter 6,0O. p.m. • 42-p :ELDERLY LADY WOULD LIKE /to share her home with person or 13ersons, willing to share -reepons- Abilities of caring for.house. Box 4422 Clinton Ne*s-Record. 42-13 'FARM' HOUSE TO RENT, 11/4 'miles from, Seaforth. Modern gen- Veniences. Suitable for two apart - extents. Rent: $20 per month. Box 'Z80, Clinton .News -Record. 38-tfb 'UNFURNISHED `THRETI ROOM apartment, ground floor, self lamed, in modern home. Heated by oil furnace. Laundry in base - anent. Ideal for couple. Phone ZIU 2-9634 or HU 2-9479 after 6i 38-tfb. Articles FOr Sale / 'TWIN BUGGY—IN GOOD condi- Phone ,HU 2-9210. , 42-p ',SUNBEAM MIXMASTER, coin- plete with juicer. Value $40.00. athone 11U 2-989g. 42-b q:),NE. ADMIRAL 21" TV . SET, IN :perfect condition. Mr. Nice, Isaac `-Stre,et or phone MT 2-9215. 42-3-b :FRIGIDAIRE, CHESTERFIELD 'and two chairs, good condition. 'TV Antenna. Toaster, Iron, Gar - 'lien tools. Phone HU 2-3893. 42-b TV FIT FOR A "KING" --:•• We Rent — Move — Install. Complete Service on all • makes of rotators -and antenna. AR work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 23-tfb Articles Wanted W riCE SAFE, MUST BE OF :fireproof censtructiore Lock does :not have to be in working con- -tlition. Phone Harold Wettlaufer, 1-1U. ,2-9792. 42-b Automobiles For Sale 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN.Delivery, in good running order. Low mile - :age. Phone HU 2-9512. 42-3-p 1951 TRIUMPEI, GOOD condition, '.$400, Phone or contact before . 4 p.m. Goderich 1053M2. Herb. :1VIacAdam, RR, 1, Goderich, 42p BABY. SITTING 'RELIABLE MOTHER will baby it by the day or hourly. Reasoe- eable rates. Phone HU -2-9765. • , 37 tfb Business Opportunities, OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. 'Contaet L. G. Winter, Real Estate, 'High Street, Clinton. PhOne Clha- •'ton HU 2-6692. 13-tfb ••• Drover and Trucking Business For Sale The Drover 'and TrUcking •Beile begs of the late, Eclintind C. -Poi ' - lard of Blyth, must be sold to com- plete admieistration of his Estate. Included are three trucks, The late Mr, Pollard had Class "C", :and "V.S.", P.C.V. litenses, Also Offered for sale is the warehouse and storage yard in Blytb. For further information, contact 'Dorinelly & DenrielIy, Goderich, (Ontario, Solicitors for the person - :al representative, 42-3-b CUSTOM WORK SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL tSeptie tanka, Cess 'Pools, de., 'Pumped and cleaned with Sanita • eqUiperient. All work guranted. 'VestinikeS giVen WithOlit Luis Blake, .11,D, Nee 2, 33rugge1s, phone 42r6, to 401) AcOnanettation. Wanted wANTFDL,,,i,Room BOARD on grelind floor. ,13,0X 421 Clinton, News-Record. - . 4243 CLOTHING FQK SALE ;COMPLETE. CUB T.JNIFORM, Size 8-10. Half price. Phone 1-111 2-95'56" " 42-p GIRL'S SNOWSUIT, SIZE 2. Aea Sonable. Apply Mrs, Wightman, Osborne Street, Clinton. 42p BLACK' SEAL WA COAT, size 40 or 42, In gopd' Condition - Phone •C1int011 HU 2-9410. 41-2-p LADY'S PARTY DRESS, LIGHT blue, size 14, Apply to Box 420, Clinton News-Reeprd. 42-p G,IRLIS 3 -PIECE YELLOW winter outfit, size 2; aTso pair of white fur trimmed overshoes, size 4. Phone HU 2-6683, 42-b BOY'S SPORT -COAT, NAVY blue with fleck, size 14, excellent condi- tion, Telephone IILIn•ter.....2,9444. 42:2c. Employment Wanted HOUSEICEEPER SEEKS Pesition. Cleaning and ironing. Office clean- ing. also. Experienced. :References if degired. Phone 131.1 2-3398, 42113 Firm Produce For Sale 1,000 BUSHEL GOOD SOLID i turnips, • P. Weeterhout; phone 1-11.1 2-9$12. 42-x FAIL PEARS, SPRAYED AND hand, picked. Charles Reid, Varna, phone Hensall 676r13. 42-b APPLES: SPIES, ICINGS, Tatman Sweets, Macs. Ready for immed- iate delivery, Percy T. Gibbings, phone HU 2-9925. 41-2-p 2 .ACRES FEED TURNIPS; 2 acres waxing turnips i 7 acres corn for ensilage or picking. Mrs. Don- ald Kennedy, RR No. 1., Londes- horo. Phone Blyth 28r3. • 42-b FOR RENT G.A.R A G E ON RATIENBURY Street, West. Phone Clinton 111.1 2,9684:- ' 42-13, For Sale. or Rent BRICK HOUSE, FURNISHED, seven rooms, all conveniences, half a garage, fen' rent.. ?hone Bay- field 53r2. 41-tfb furniture For Sale THREE-?/ECE BEDROOM Suite, fair condition. Reasonable. Phone 1113. 2-9963. ' 42p Help Wanted—Female , GENERAL HELP. COMMERCIAL Hotel. Apply in person. 41-2-b FEMALE HELP WANTED—For clean factory work. Steady ern.' ployment. Apply in person: to Par -Knit Hosiery, Albert Street, Clinton. 42-tfb Help Wanted—Male ' , MEN 'WANTED TO TRAIN FOR Variety Chain Store Managers --- age 22 to 30—good starting salary. Excellent future prospeets. No financial obligations. State marit- al status, Reply to Box 410 News - Record. Representative will call. 41-2-b APPLICATIONS FOR. Caretaker of Township Hall. Salary $10 per month. Applecations to be 'hi hands of clerk by October 31, 1956. Fred Watson; Clerk, Township of Stan- ley. , : -. • 42-3-b ' • ,, . FIREFIGHTERS \ . • $2860 . -- $3360. 1 Department of National Defence (Air) at CLINTON, Ontario e Details and application forms available at Post Offices and Nat- ional Employment Offices. Apply to, the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION; 25 St. Clair Avenue. E, Toronto 7, Ontaario NOT LAT- ER THAN OCTOBER. 23rd, 1956. Lost and Found ' LOST—Girl's bicyple, COM,meth ium size. Missing from side of. Bertrand's Grocery Store, on Sat- urday night. Please contact C. W:Bertrand, HU 2-9509. 42-b Livestock For Sale TWO HOLSTEIN CALVES. Suit- able for yelling. Apply Ross Tre. wartha. Phone HU 2-9147, 42-p STOVES FOR SALE COLEMAN SPACE' OIL HEATER. Medium size. In good condition. Apply Ross Trewartha, phone HU 2-9147, 42:p WOOD FOR SALE• HARDWOOD. $6 A LOAD (more 'than a cord). Phone HU 2-9231 at mealtimes or in evening. 41-tfb HARDWOOD FOR' SALE. CUT and haul yourself. $2 a cord. L. G. Winter, Clinton. Phone 1113 2-6692. ' . 42-3-b DEATHS HAWLEY In ClintonPibU HOSpitai, on Monday, October 15, 1956, McKie I4>011 Oetner- on,- St, Catberine4 Widow Of the. late Willia Henry Hartley,. and dear mother of IL E., Hartley, •Clintien, in her 70th Year. Fun- eral service :from the Charles. "BUtlee tuneral home, St. LC'etli, crines, Thursday afternoon, Oct- ober 18, and interment in Vic:. •tOria Lawn 'Cemetery. KIPVERee-In`Qinton, en Sunday,• October 14. 1 9 5 6, R eti el Schwartzentruher, beloved wife. • of the utte $oionlorr.jilpfer, in her .$1st year, Funeral from the Ball and Mutch tUneral home, • 11igti Street, 01.intent by the • Rev, Joseph Clark, 'Trinity Unie ted Chureh, London, to Bayfiekl• Cemetery, On Wednesday after- noon, October 17. Nractpo,NALD--rtt Detroit,'Mieb., 'on, Friday, November 12, 1956, William, J, maeportod,. formerly of Clinton, beloved husband .of the late Ila Bawden, .Service from the' Spencer-Heeney funer- al home, Farmington, Mich, to Newport, Kentucky.e.on Sunday, October 14, MARRIAGES. . ALLAN-DIOE1VIAN—On Saturday, September 29, • 1956, at 'fain- o'dock in tllb• parsonage, King City, by Rev, M Jinkineon, Rita Mary Christita. Diceman•, (laugh- ter of Mrs. .Diceman and the late „Entrnerson Diceman, Wood- bridge, to 'James Edgar 'Man, son of -14r. •arid)' Mrs, Edgar Brucefield. , , - WARREN—Suddenly in Wellesley Hospital, Xorontp, on Saturday, October 6, 1956, Edith Margaret Currie, beloved.wife of Keith J. • W,arren, Leaside, sister of Mrs, Ed Layton, and Tleomas O'Con- nell, Clinton. Service from the Calvin Presbyterian Ohureh, Del- isl Ave., Torente, -to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. WATSON—In the Thamer Nurs- ing Home, Seaforth, on Tuesday, October 16, 1956, Ellen L, (Nel- lie). Lyon, Londesboro, beloved wife of the late OharleS Watson, in her 75th year. Resting at the Benthron Funeral Home,. Hen sall, where service will be held on Friday, October 19, at -Lop p,m „ to be followed by sevice Londesboro United Church at 3.00 p.m, Interment will be in Londesboro Cemetery. Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED At 31/2c 113., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at _once! GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect 3.483 J 4 or 1483 J*1. 36tfb ATTENTION FARMERS: Prompt, coufteous collectionof all dead and elisabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated-withDarling and Co. of Canada, Ltd. 19tfb Miscellaneous ART SUPPLIES (Winsor ..New- ton); reiigioug goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all opeasiong. Ma,cLaren s Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday; 1.30 to 7 pm. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9401. 29-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed. and stones safely secured -don't take chan- cat. Expert -work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. • 42-p 'PAINT CLEARANCE SALE • ea.". . AT Ball & Mitch. Entire Stock. of: 10 SUPER KEM TONE • KEM GLO ENAMEL • S.W.P. Exterior Paints • ENAMELOID For Real Savings This Fall See Our Large Adv. (Sale Now On) Poultry Fpr Sale . \_ 100 NEW 1-1A1VL1'. X SUSSEX lets. Starting Starting to lay. Apply Rob- ert Glen. Phone HU 2-9909. 42-b 200 SUSOEX X RED PULLETS, 5 months old. W. D. Wilson, Bruce - field, phone Seaforth 658r33. 42-b TURKEYS AVAILABLE anytime. New York dressed or oVen. ready. 10 to 25 lbs. Phone HU 2-3290. William Jenkins, Base Line Clin: ton, -3-4-p Salesmen Wanted 1F YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, you can make good with a_ Rawleigh business in. Huron County. We help you get started. No exper- ience needed to start. Write Raw' leigh's, Dept. ,T-169-2, Montreal, P.Q. ' 42b MEN OR WOMEN ANXIOUS TO have their own business, we have splendid opportunity for you, No gelling experience needed. Wtite for free catalogue *and details to FAMILEX, Dept. C, Station C, Montreal. 42b milmommoRmommiliilmilisIonsillsommilmmilliimommilloililpoomilesininilmininilmommilmimmiller-. =z(1. EF4 .7 -FA For elp Wanted Work in Poultry Eviscerating EOM'S: 7 4.M. to 5.0 p.m. ArgLY TO • Canada Packers Limited =tr. Phone HU 27,9565 Clinton4243 ,iaill111311011111111111111111111111111111011111111111R111111111111111111111111111111i11111111111101g1111111111511111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111101111111111A. BIRTHS crtact,-,u, Clinton.bljc Hospi- tal, On Wednesday, October 10, 1956, to• Mr. and. 'Mrs. Williern Craig,,Clinton, O son. Ml\TOM,M,B. - Iu Clinton .1.'ublic Hospital, on -Thnrsday, October 11, 1956, to Mr, and :Mrs,,Dennis: Den:nine, 1R Zuric•te 4 son. 04,ONON—an .Clinton IPc,blie Hos- pital, on 'WerineSday, •Oeteber 10, 1956, to E/0 and Mrs, 11,obel7t • GagThoz-Ctinton, a daughter.. UCS -.1n .Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Friday, October 12, 1956, t.Cooporal and Mrs. James.: Litxcas, Clinton, a son. MANNING -. in Clinton Public Hospital, on '1'hursday„ October 11, 1956, to Mr. and Mr. Will - am Manning,. Blyth,. a. son. •••.•••••••.•WM••••,...........W.A••••••••••••••••*•••W.,..••••vo• ..............r*'....7.........".."'r"....."*.......................... • STANLEY . :--------•—......„.-e-e„,..-:-.-„,...,......---- Mrs. Jean Sinclair is visiting friends in Stratford this week. Mrs, Gordon, Brown and 1VIrs, Mary ;1‘10GillivraY and "Mr, Will Brawn, Port Elgin visited Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor and other friends last Sunday. . o . . e Hensall Legion • Bingo Winners Bingo winners at the Hensall Legion Bingo last 5aturday were; Alma Hill, St. Thomas; Mrs. Will- iam Bell, Mrs. Robert Baker (2), Mrs. Heenan; Garnet Mousseau (2); Mrs. R. Baker, Jr,; Mrs. Nel- lie Buchanan (2); Mrs. Mae Mc- Lellan; Mrs. Tam Brintnell; Mrs, Clarence Reid; Mrs. William SmEile; Mrs. C. Knight; Tom Kyle. Jackpot on Saturday, October 20 vvill.be worth $80 in 56 calls. IN MEMORIAM KEYS—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Amos Keys, who passed away, October p, 1949: "Sunshin'e passes shadows fall Love's remembrance outlasts all, ' And though the years be many or few They are filled with remembrance of you." . . . —Remembered by the family. _ 42-b REAL ESTATE . , Real'. Estate' LOVELY . FOUR -ROOM BRICK home, choice. location in Clin- ton, with double garage. Price $8,500. I CLOSE TO CLINTON, 90 ACRE , farm, very good seven room brick home; L-shaped barn and garage. Full price $5,000; down payment, $1,250. Cog THE -OUTSKIRTS OF CLIN- ton; a luxury; type of architect - designed home. Must be seen to be appreciated. A real buy. buy. ,. We have a nice list of farms in Huron County ,‘ \ Buying or Selling Contact: ...161 -IN BOSVELD • REALTOR ' 40 Wellington Street Phone 1105 - - Goderich , K. W..Colquhoun Real Estate Broker . _ . 2 'YEARS OLD—Large beautiful living roomwith natural fire place, dinette "with built-in corner cabinets, modern kitch- en, den off living room with outside entrance, 2 bedrooms, , 3 -piece tiled bathroom, 3 acres on highway 4, small down pay- ment, attractive terms for the balance. Owner Moving this - fall because of change in em- • ,- ployment.• * * 4 ROOM COTTAGE — Complete - with bath—immediate possess- ion—also with this property, 4 building lots. Possession of this property can be arranged for as low as 81,250.00. * * * 8 ROOM -2 storey brick, 3 bed- rooms and .bath up and den; large kitchen living.room and stunner kitchen down. 80 foot frontage and approximately 250 depth. Small barn; close. to both school, would be suit- able for growing family look- ing for a larger house. * *—*_, Insurahce and Real 'Estate PHONE HU. 2-9747 f Royal Bank Building Clinton, Ontario FOR SALE 11/2 STOREY SOLID BRICK— 7 - room dwelling. Modern conven- iences., Located near schools. Barn 20'x30'. Early possession. (MINERAL STORE With Post Of- fice. ' Solid brick building 26k72, Located in prosperous farming district on Highway 4. Fully equipped. ,„ „ —0— HOME PLUS INCOME—Contain- ing 2 self contained apartments with 2 'bedrooms, living room; modern kitchen with dining space; bath, oil heated; located near schools, Early possession. .., -0 I1 VILLAGE OF LONDESBORO: • 11/2 storey 7 room dwelling\ Hydro, water, acre land, Ini- mediate posSession. P ni c e $4,000.00. ,---o---:-. CHOICE ICCILMNO LOT, 60' x , 100', Witted on litighWay 8, near sehools. ApplY to) H. C. LAWSON ,, completh InturcinCe bervice .,.. Real Ettafe ,..--, Inifestmenti tank Of Montreal Building PRONVS Office MY 2.9644-4Us. HU 24781 CLINTON, ONTARIO HOW BOUT THAT District thambef of •Connnerce and„ Clinton News -Record by BOA Teo, Drawn Especially for Clinton and 179014 AT–ISNIFF!)-*e'',': .11-416 CROWD! IF: WE I-IAVE TQ WAIT MUCI-I LONGER,MAY- BE THEY WILLGIVE LIFE PRESERVERS DON'T FORGET THAT LONG, PRNE HOME/ JF YOU HADN'T BEENSO EAER TO SEE THIS PICTURE WE COULD HAVE WArl-frip JUST A SHORT WI-IILE AND SEEN IT OUR.'LOCAL. 114EATER AT HOME IN CLI N TON PARK( THEATRE GODERICH ' Now': "LAST of the PONY RIDERS" Also Johnny Weiss/miller, in "TARZAN ESCAPES" MONDAY - TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "The Creature • Walks -Among Us Seience-Fictien produces a chilly thriller written around a creature, half man, half fish, and the surg- eon who attempts the impossible. with Jeff Morrow, Leigh Snowdon and Rex Reason 9, THURSDAY - FRIDAY and SATURDAY Adult Enterrainnient "BACKLASH" — In Technicolor — A super -Western story tells a a boy's search for his father and'the shocking realization that climaxes his search. Richard Widmark - Donna Reed and William Campbell COMING: •• "There's Always .Tomorrow" BarlErStanvv3.01n- Fred MacMurray NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims againk the Estate of James McNeil, late pf the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Retired, who died on or about the 29th day of September, 1956 are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 27th day of October, 1956 as 'after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. • • DATED at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 4th day of October, 1956. HAYS and PREST, 3) Montreal Street, 4 oderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 41-2-341 . NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE. ESTATE of Ebner Webster, late of the Village of Varna, in -the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned. Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the ist day of November, A.D. 1956, after whish date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. ' Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of October, A.D. 1956, E. BEECHER MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, • . Solicitor for the said Estate. 41-2-3-b . Postponed, AUCTION .SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the Village of yarna Postponed Until Saturday, October 20 at 1.30 p.m. Due to a death in the family, the sale has been postponed from Oct. 13, 'to the above date. See last week's paper for sale listing. Terms: Cash • JOHN DOWSON, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 4243 Special Feature In This "Week's Clinton Community Saes ONE MAN'S HERD, OF 40 Durham Cattle Also 10 Feeder Steers, 800 to 900 lbs., which will be sold by the pound. EVERY 111%, 'DAV at 1.30p.m. TERIVIS CA811 COREY, Sieles Manager E. W. ELLIOIT Auctioneer K W oaLQuIthuN. oft*. e ROXY THEATRE (Mon Two Shows Nightly Wide Screen NOW: Thursday, Friday & Saturday "FRANCIS IN .THE HAUNTED HOUSE" ' ''khe talking. mule has a cliffei-ent 'running mate but 'the pace of the action never falters. Mickey ROONEY -- Virginia WELLES OAVANAGH ,.-MOnday, Tuesday and_Wednesday "THE STRATYON STORY" Heartwarming story. of a big league bail player making his comeback With courage and determination. • JAMES STEWART -- JUNE ALLYSON Agnee Moorhead 'COMING: / "RAWHIDE YEARS" Tony Curtis -- Colleen, Miller - „Arthur Kennedy COMING: Nov. 8-9-10 "THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH" James Stewart - Doris Day , Bernard Miles Clearing -AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, MACHINERY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At lot 18 and 19, con; 3, Tuck- ersmith Township, Two miles west of Egnuindville on , Wednesday, Oct. 24 At 12.30 Noon Sharp Cattle: 2 Jersey ....cows, carrying second calf, bred June 5 -and, 104 spotted heifer,3 years old, due Nov. 6; Holstein cow, -5 years old, bred May 12; Holstein cow, 5- years old, bred March 24; Holstein 'cow, 3 years o10,_ due time Of sale; Hol- stein cow, 3 years old, bred June 7; Holstein cow, 3 years old, bred May 18; 3 black -cows, fresh in August' and rebred; Holstein and Hereford, bred May 11; 9 Short- horn Owe With •ealves at foot, from 350 to 400 lbs,, and rebred; 8 Durham and Hereford steers, 600 to 700 lbs.; • 1 -year-old white face heifer; 15 spring calves; 2 calve, 1 month old. Pies: 1 York sow,' with pigs at foot. • Implements: Fordsem major trac- tor, • equipped with 3 -furrow plow and cultivator; Ford tractor in A-1 condition; Ferguson mower, 7 -ft. cut; pulley • for Ford tractor; 8 - plate 14,ay disc; 3 -section drag harrows; 4 sections diamond har- rows; 16 -run disc fertilizer drill, like eieVv; McCormick side rake, on rubber, like new; 7 -ft. M.H. binder, pea harvester and roller, scuffler; 3 -drum steel roller; Litz grain and corn grinder; like new; 120 -ft drive belt: modern rubber - tired wagon, like new; - flat hay rack; 2,000' lb. scales; feed cart; bean puller; 1 set of breeching har- ness, good; 2 -unit Surge milking machine, 1 year old; 1 steel water tank, new; milk pails and other equipment; 1 electricbrooder and 4 shelters, new; bale lifter; barrels.; feed troughs and boxes; chains; forks and many other articles. Household Effeets: Quantity; of household effects, including cook stove, tables, chairs, rockers, ches- terfield and bedroom furolture, No Reserve as Farm Is Sold. TERMS—CASH JAMES BLACK, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. I', CHESNEY, Clerk , ., CARDS' OF THANKS I would like to thank my many friends who visited me and sent eartis, treats, and flowers while I was a patient in, Victoria Hospital London.—DON ANDREW'S. 42-b Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kennedy wish to thank theft friends and, neighbours for the.kindness shown, them in their recent sad be'reaYe- • ments. 42-b I vvish, to express,my sincere . thanks to all my friends, neigh - hours and relatives for their many acts of kindness and sympathy ex- tended during our recent sad ber- eavement. Special thanks to Rev. J. T. •White and Donald McNeil, also Ball'aMutch Funeral Home. --,F ERNE • KENNEDY A N D CHILDREN. 42-b We wish to thank our many friends and neighbours who were kind and helpful.in. so niany ways at the time of our sad bereavement of a dear brother and nephe*.— PAULINE AND HARVEY KEN- NEDY. 42 -p - Steve an,c1rEya Welbanks would like to tbank all their relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindnesses at the time of their sad bereavement. Special thanks: to Rev. J. T. White, Douglas Bali' and William,Miktch. • 42-p The t2inten Hospital Auxiliary sincerely thank the merchants and businessmen for their generous co- operation, the Public Utilities Commission for use of their office and to Merrill Radia and Electric for the use of their publicaddress system for the 1956 Penny Sale and Draw. 42-b We would like to express our appreciation and heartfelt thanks for flowers; bards and many ex- pressions of kindness shown us in our recent sad bereavement in the loss of a beloved 'son and grand- son, especially we would say thanks to Rev, J. T. White, Don McNeil, and Ball and Mutch fun- eral parlors for their kindness and consideration. MR. AND MRS. VICTOR KENNEDY. 42-p Fall Check -Up Time Does Your TELEVISION • Need Service? LET - GAL :.RAIITH RADIO and TV • TEST ALL TUBES • ALIGN PICTURE • CLEAN GLASS and PICTURE TORE . CALL Hunter 24821 Now • 11111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111r