HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-10-18, Page 4Evening Auxiliary
Honour Departing
-Past President
OUR Fuel. OIL.
R.R.2, (LINTON-0mi 2-0033
111111) G; III
Wise birds wait!
They don't go out on a limb for the first new car they
see. That figuxes. Because it just naturally takes a
little longer to bring out a car that's sweet, smooth
and sassy. Like the new '57 Chevrolet. It's new right
*down to the wheels it rolls on — with a daring new
design, a new nothing-like-it automatic drive and a .
new VS besides. Longer and lower, too. No wonder
wise birds are waiting. Are you one?
Bide your tizne till
tlisptatr this fametca tractettcold Ozttv fitscrttld.kect 011arotot gaiters
National inizzouneetuent day for the
Clinton Memorial:Shop
At' other times contact Thomas Steep, phone Clinton
HU 2-3869; residence, Shipley Street.
see Your iluthoried dovrotet Deafr
147 MST for only
Here Is the miracle, liquid coating that
is simply' brushed do fabrics/ feather.
elle, piastres end leather. It leaVes
beautiful, lasting, resilient tintsh that
looks and fools like loather. Won't
peel, track of tub'. Off end it's wadi.
obits. 'Thousands of deliotanii 'Users
held afroddy discovered this tested
cdeOng, Which tratisfornis chairs, sofas,
kitchen thairs,SitacteS old., teenoinize,
atelotdrize, ioothorizo yeut furniture,
whither wore or not, in 14 oldrittio
Plittlts $1.0 quhrti $1.39 half pit tt egat Looks
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Orandma Jacob's Sausage
; They re _good --- get %form today'
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Don't• Fail to' See Our Beautiful Range of
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Mink (BLENDED) Muskrat Trur-,n ;
1‘,Nurosrtullei; Bn leBnt dicel (7), e INIT\ • "'‘.-------
1ai 4*M,..,. .,.s& x,
Muskrat Backs L- 1 -. . 4, These 'ire full-length Coats at Great
WILD MINK (Blended)
Muskrat Backs
Choice Northern Pelts in Pull:Length
No. I Hudson Seal
(Dyed Muskrat) run Quality and Silky 'Pelts
Russian. Persian Lamb
Very Fine quality. Superbly Styled,
Dyed, Black "
Grey Persian Lamb
The fur that /toyer Wanes in pOptilarity,
Russian Persian Lamb
Itintsian Persitits Lamb No. 1 they
Nits 3/4 Length and Flt Length
yC 'Melt
• 'Persian Lamh Coats
ror Petitity, 'shoat) and Long Wearing
Quality, fasted "thick,.
IOU SAVE FROM $100 $200
r I x r itrtrr ; t
Telephone NIL 2.6611 MAIN ` STREET, ;LINTON
oratilnai .11ENVS-REPORP. THURSDAY; OOT4B4R 3.9M
t ruceriel
hurch orkers
Coca Cola's New
Package On Sale
In Area Stores
Representative on the Presbyter-
ial, nominating committee is Mrs.
Robert McMichael, Walton, and
Mrs. Hearn, Clinton is represent,
alive on the presbyterial finance
Bethel Auxiliary has' increased
its membership 11Y-. One-third this
year, Two• new C.G.I,T's have been
organized and one new Baby Band.
Winthrop,Mission Band is celebrat-
ing itsi. 25th ,anniversary. Many .
societies are adapting the Memor-
ial Cards for deceased members,.
Nearly all sent bales, some. to Kor-
ea, sonic to Indian 'Residential
school, one to Norway House, Two
societies gave contributions to
Miss Hazel Black, Hazelton, R.C.
to help .purchase a stretcher for
the Indian Hospital at Bella Coale
where she formerly worked.
Mrs. Kerr, Duff's church gave
the. ,dedicatory prayer far the
morning offering.
Mrs, Keith Webster, Blyth, lit-
erature secretary, displayed , the
Nev Books', Silo said "our
motto, is Study, Pray, Give. Study
is the most important part of our
work- We• study, then we pray and
then we `give."
MiSs josie Saunders, Presbyter-
ial supply secretary gave some
helpful ideas and suggestions on
the sending of bales.
Mrs. Andrew McMichael, 'Sea-
forth spoke on affiliated Explorers.
This is anew work. There is one
group just starting in Seaforth but
not yet affiliated with the W.M.S.
A letter was"read from Mrs. J.
T. White,- Londesboro, Mission' Cir-
cle secrethry.'There are only three,
mission circles in Huron Presbyter-
ial, one in the centre section. 24
new circles were organized in 1955
but none in Huron Presbyterial.
Mrs. E. McKinley, Goshen spoke
on Community" Friendship which
has four main channels of service -
to the sick, to the aged, to new-
comers, to new. Canadians.,
IVIrs. R, 'Allen, Brucefield told' of
the mirk of the Associate Helpers
secretary. There are 625 associate
members, an increase of 83. They
contributed $1329 an increase of
. The Treasurer's Report given' by
Mrs. Sutter, •Clinton, reported that
of, the allocation: $21,900.00, so
far '$9,136.31 has been received.
The Morning session was closed
by singing a ymn and prayer by
giving if no, objective in .view, The
need of givers\ is to give. There
were over .50,000 tile' United
Church Who did not use the red
side of their en:vet:pea:"
The Prosidentis message was give
en by Mrs. William mavittie,
Presbyteral President. She said,
"we make our objective first, then
we 'spend it and Huron has done
well. We who have knowledge of
Jesus must reach out and give to
others: Read our Pledge and if
our interest is sincere we will have
no trouble with oUr' livings. Jesus
lives, He loves, and He
)1Virs. MoVittie introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs, J. H,
Landon, A stewardship skit, 'WI
thaf we have" Written, by Mrs.
Childs was presented b several
ladies with the author tag part.
A second* skit on citizenship en-
titled "Are you a Christian, cit-
izen" also written by Mrs. Childs's
was presented. -
The Christian, message is 'Light'
and all .our Missionaties and
Christian workers Carry a torch or
a blazing .light to lift people up.
Light is being taken to Africa
through Dr, Frank Lauback. The
people there are being taught to
read. The motto is "Each one,
teach one" and so the light spreads'
She spOke of the') savages wanting
to be baptized and wanting to
know what to do with their many
wives, hov‘ io get rid of them in
a Christian •manner, since poly-
gainy is not Christian. ,Dr. Lau-
back, will be in London ahout
OCtober 26.
- An instrumental trio, by three
Bhicefield ladies was much enjoy
ed: Mrs. Mac Wilson, violin; Mrs.
J. A. Murdock, organ and Mrs.
George Hende§on, piano, Mrs. S.
Schoenhals,...Clinton, gave the of-
fertory. prayer. -
Mrs. Fletcher Townsend took
charge of the question box.'
Mrs. G. W. Tiffin reported on
the School for Leaders at Alma
College, St. Thomas. She ment-
ioned an address given 'by Miss
Palethorpe, a returned missionary
from Korea. Personal parcels sent
direct, are liked by the-missionar-
ies. They like the small articles
these contain to make perional
gifts to the many who come to their
door 'for help. Sendsmaller grticles
in these parcels, heavier articles
in bales to Depots. ,Children in
Korea need sweaters for- all ages;
socks instead of mitts. Knit sweat-
for 4 to 5 year-bid children instead
of babies, ,Use odds and ends of
wool samples of upholstery. far
cushions, These cushions are used
to sit on.
The courtesy and resolution
committeb for next year is Mrs,
Elmer Stephenson, Egrnoridville;
Mrs. Anson McKinley, Ararna; and
Mrs. George Reid, arna..
The report of this year's court-
esy committee was given by Mrs.
Townsend, Londesbcoro.
Benediction was pronounced by
Miss Sybil Courtice, Clinton.
Canada's trade deficit with the
United' States in the first seven
months of this year is estimated
at $850 million, compared to $500
million in the same_Period of 1955.
At the "Arne thrie, a neW
bottle carton has been intredtieed
ineorporating attractive features
nrinodern design, The new 'carton
will enable housewives to ,, keep
supplies ef Coca-Cola on hand with
greater facility.
With so Much, more time spent
at home, where beverages are con-
sumed at greater leisure, Coca-
cola is moving to meet the -ever.
growing demand for more soft
The new king size bottle for
Coca-Cola will be sold in addition
to the familiar regular size, thus
making Coca-Cola now available in
two convenient sizes.
(!$), our ilensan correspondent)
At the Welling Auxiliary meet-
ing held at the Hensel]. United
Church, chaired by the President;
Mrs. odpenase, Mrs. P. J. Mc7
wovle, a past president, who is
leaving this month for BSsex, was
given a hyninary by MrS. S. Ran-
and Mrs. ,taelc Drysdale' was
,aPoointed card, secretary to re,
place• her,
At'' the conclusion of the meet-
ing the Board of Stewards, of the
church andchoir members met,
Dr. MeKelvig, chairman of the
hoard was presented with a Bible,
pre,sentation by Raye Paterson, on
behalf of the hoard. S. , Rannie,
choir director,- on. behalf `of 'the
choir presented Dr, lVicKelvie with
a hyrimary.
Luncheon .Was served. 'Hostess-
es for the Meeting were Mrs, J,
Simmons and Mrs, W. Spencer,
Legion Auxiliary
At cusaflMans '•
Seventh Birthday -,
(y. ,011.• ,mrrespondent)
A birthday ;banquet at the New
CoonrAercial Hotel. on October 2,
marked the 7th anniversary of the
Herisall Branch Ladies' ..AUKillary
to the Canadian „Legion, followed
with a brief meeting. Mrs, D. 3,
McKelvie, a past president, who is
*caving' Hensali, was Wen a fare,
well present by the ,president Mrs.
On; a draw for an angle cake;
ynade. by Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Mona
Campbell, was the lelty winner. '
The .ticket was drawn by Mrs:
Aida -Shriner's. Mrs. Leona Parke
won- the mystery prize,
>a aio St. Men
Begin Foil .Season
Men's .01u4) .0f Ontario Street
United Church first fall meeting,
Monday evening, J. O. Leech pre.
siding. Rev. A. G. Eagle opened_ the meeting with prayer, Jelin
Lavis read the minutes of the
previous.. meeting, Arthur Aiken.
gave the financial report.
Mr. Leech spoke of - the 4th AI-.
ma College inference which he
attended on August 4, Lunch was
A recreational PeriOd 'of ,proK4
resaive euchre and crokinole wasp
enjOyed: and the winners for euchre
were Mrs. A.' Foster and " Mrs.
Mona CaMpbell; . consolation, Mrs.
lYfal<OlVie .and Mrs. T. Kyle; prek-'
mole, Mrs. W, Brown and Mrs.
Byran Kyle,.
The W.M.S. Sectional 'Convent-,
lion Of the ,Centre Section, Huron
Presbyterial 'was' hold in Bruce-
fleld 'United Chilrch...on, Thursday,.
October 4, with an -attendance of
about 75 from I5 auxiliaries, .Ther
theme wad "The Challenge of a
New Day."'
Mrs.: J. A, McGill vice-;resident,
opened the meeting with the call
.1;9 *Wallin and the- doxology. Scrip-
Uwe reading was by Mrs. Robert
1VTs Michael, Walton and nraYer by -
Mrs. Frank Taroblyn, Londesboro,
Greetings to the visitors were
giVerrhylYfri. Wijliazz Scott, artice,
field and Mrs, Orval Harrison,
Moncrief, responded,
:several appointments were made ,
Mrs. Frank .Tamblyn„ Londesboro
• . was appointed secretary for the
3'''day, Mrs. W, IV.feBeeth, Brucefield.
with Mrs ,. J. Sutter, Clinton,
presbyterial treasurer, were ap- •
pointed to the financial committee
for the day. Mrs: Ivan Carter,
Lendesboro, was elected delegate.
to the .gondon Conference Branch.
111111111 RIIIIINIOVIRMOMOR1111111110116101
Mrs. Nall, Seaforth,. Dinner was
served by the articefield ladies
and greetings were given by the
pastor Rev. S, p4vium,
The afternoon session was .open-
ed with the *-Conference Branch .
Theme. Hymn, "Hope of the Wor,'
14" and worship service was taken
by Mrs.. Lyle Hill, Varna arid Mrs,
J, SerriPle, EgrnOndville,
Mr, Smith a MeV. 0:10 of the Nft$,
sionary and Maintenance ..Qonlo
niittee from Toronto, spoke briefly
"We often look at our work
jeCtiVelY but there Is atilt need.of mu m,
CooanCala Limited is introducing
a 'new package in the area, served
by its contract bottler, -,g0;keco Ltd;
Stratford, The Icing size bottle .for
Coca-Cola made, its first appear,
alike in retail .outleta this week
Tice new bottle preserves 1,;he fam-
iliar lines -which have..distinguis.hed
one of the best known and the
most Ile-Oily recognized ,cominerc-
141 packages in the world, The
new bottle hears, the trade ruarlc
"Coca-Cola" in 'bright white cbar7
acter for wick and ready reg.Pg',.
. Tn the .Canadian manufacturing
industry the foods ands beverages
group leads all others in value of
output, Sri 195$ this group' ship-
ped billion' worth of goods,
nearly one-fifth of. total factory
. •
Fine Furs
An Especially Won)derful Col-
lection of Luxurious• Furs at our
Low -Sale Price. There is no
better time' of the year to select
your Furs! Buy now and take
advantage of ,our ,fine values!
We Make and- Sell .
Only Genuine Furs
No Rabbits or Imitations
•. Of The -famous • •
Trade In Your Old
Fur Coat.
Liberal Allowance
Mr.• Adam Brown will be in attendance to 'give advice on
qualities and style; his many "years experience will be 9 bene-
fit to all purchasers.
Why not let. Mr. Brown show you how easily you can own ci
quality fur coot,now—while prices are low.