HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-09, Page 5t , see . ty Meting. .C� ami.tl� itiltni g of tdan \'41ing- art e arch rac't+ held on Wednesday .ev , Aug weok , : president,`p'Fisher, in,' the chair, S esretary \V. Robert - 3o03 report sh ve'd $1( -worth, of Bibles on ;sand t the depositary at 0. E. \\'illianarl', 'he oiligors•of last year were re abate Mr: Fielser, in a neat .pact;;, thapi the meeting for liis • rc-ctf tion, 1~•n • .uteri out the ini. porta ice of the • ork o be done, Rev. '11: G. Manly o;:plail ,d the workings ,and achievements e , the British and :Foreign Bible So& •ty, the object of which is to sltppi the bible free to .all lands and peo', es, It'hns already given two buns ed million copies in -three hundred • ifferent languages. It rannually circ Tates four and a half ixtillion eopio . Some discussion arose .11,5 to the dvisability of raising of money to p .rchase bibles for those at :Monte who r e well able to buy thew. 'This discuss: i was lengthened out so that the agent's elute was not de- livered as fully as as intended. A much better report o r -the meeting was 4ntended, but no Sp : • al purpose could be served by detailin:; the proceedings. Those present saw flat the questions ,:,asiced were such a might be put for •inforrnation as. to the management o£ Any business ms tution, The annual Teport is not a full details in some points as ;nigh bo desired. 'We give in another col mar sonic facts gleaned •frorn it. Morris. 1.1r,- Wm. . Tough, of Stanely, has boon engaged .• teach the school in section No. 1, fo :next year at a salary •of $400.—Alex. L McColl has been re-engaged as tea her of S. S. No. 6 At $850. Malso In Black will teach At Clark's settee house for next year. —S. S. No. 1 Literary society is -officed as folio s for November: Pres. Jas. Jowina . ; vice Pres. Wm. Coch• rane; Sec,- 'teas., A, H. Cochrane : Librarian, I. McColl; Committee -of Manage e, nt, T, Bone, Wm. Bow man and rank Armstrong.—Mr. dJolin MeArth , of the 9th Con, has returned .from Gotland.—The young esf S. S. No: 10 /orris, with all their. •sprightliness, aitey find life, the young men and oung women in their .freedom of ha vest past, the middle aged and old. anxious to note the prowess of he twigs under the teachers car attended the public 'examination u the school on Friday last. Daint ly ornamented evergreeua .decorated tl school room ori all sides gave it a el erfnl And bright tipper-, ance and s need to agree well with the spirit of all present. Messrs. F. Hartley, of rowntown; Johnston, of Howick ; W. . Stewart, of Whit!. church; and . S. Wilson, of Zetland, assisted Mr. ''tewart in the examina- tion of the •ager, and ready pupils. The reading as admirable, the studies an Literatur•a. in History and Geog- raphy, me cry and generalization showed tr iniug.; in arithmetic and grammar, we could see that the reasoning Ind comparing powers of of the pupi.. had been cultivated, and, the progiaui• e of entertainment given by the pupils s owed acultivation of the elocutionary p• wers. All the classes showed activit' of thought, and ability to express it ; keen attention and practical tale t. Genuine compliment is not out of line and Mr. Stewart is to be comp lmented on having his pupils so,we advanced and in such a proper motI od, a method which show - ;d that mi d training was the object, rather 'th mind filling. The ladies of the dist ict supplied the desires of rile epicu eau disposition of those present, in a manner worthy of men- tion. Par: tits went home gratified with results pupils satisfied trustees, teacheas bs efited and imbued with .fresh enthe iastri and all knowing that they Ir. ;pent a most enjoyable and edifyint time. Belgrave• The 5th o November was celebrated on Monday vening last by a brand lrunper ands tertaintnent by L 0. L. No, 462. A :umber of bonnie lads and smiling asses genially presided whilst several hundred people partook of the goodly supper. Over three hundred peop e then assembled in the 11'oresters' tid and roomy hall and were presided over by Mr. L. Nethery, of Blyth, D. IC. A short and sensible speech was ria. o by Rev. G. Law, of Belgrave, wlu+h contained some pleasing and w olesonie counsel, Rev. J. Il:. Moorhous: then ably reviewed scare of the proi iinent features of the period preceding he resolution of 16€33 dwelling eslc,;cial y on the trial of the scvon bishop, lie earnestly arned adherence to dut the. cultivation of a spirit of unity nn •l goodwill and plead- ed to that it b evade tbn earliest thoughtful, 1'rsyin aims of all to live up to the resist° pri teiples enhibitee by thoao ho had been ,•;,leaking of. Rev, %Tr. Godfrey l k very eff'etively of I J rice iliilaicd.ett o protestautica:1 the yAiEs progress of ersn!'a ion cr.ieneesand art ire. the last two undred years, His ianiiratcd debars loris were evidently relished by t e audience. Dr. Chisholm, of W tglitun, gracefully conapliemente3 the rimer speakers on' their efforts incl tb . society on the success of the ro seting. He then entered into an i;ntel :gent explanation of what was me at by responsible government and it ,w it was obtained in Britain. Ho then took up the obligations anis; .esponsibilitiesrosting on Canadians t• support the British flag and institt ions. tie urged the cultivation o trade relations with England and lonies, deprecated and condemned t e American dispositions to bluster, el aimed that rt.ciprocity •Choice Coffee, Choice B. W. I+'Iotn', Allen's P:atont Mince Meat, Pure Ettf.fliSh ]halt 'Vinegar for table used Celluloid Starch, Racket's Blue and Flack Lead, 5 lb Bar Soap for 25 cents. New Raisins, New Currants, New Dates. was unlatteinab tion uureasona and wanted indepe of trade. 3. M gave several a Zn:laical and elo which were wel choice and most songs wero give Chas. Birney, Ja organ and violin mus Miller, of Morris, Messrs. J, Bell, C. Anderson. After excellent programtn closed by the Nation the talk of annexa• e and undesirable, en co in our matters son, photographer, mirably rendered itionary selections, received. Several pleasingly rendered by Miss Godfrey) Lawronee and c by Miss :Iielen liss Bryce, and Birney and D. very lengthy and the meeting was anthem. CATA Ii,H. Pare Spices, New Salmon, New Nuts. Y STOCK ._..�..OFt _.— �a• Nor Rome 'Tea ent for the Cure of Catarrh, Catarrh= . Deadness and Hay Fe er. The microscope has pr.vod that those dis- eases aro contagious, and th . t they are due • to the presence of living parasites' n the lining membrane 0f the uppel ail' passages . d eustaohiau tubes. The eminent scientists Tynd 1, Iiuxloy find Beale en (lease this, and these autl • ritics cannot be disputed. The regular mothod of tr' oting these diseases is to apply an irritant remedy veekly and even daily, thus keeping the delicate me rbrane in a constant, state of irritation, nccoinpanie• by a violebt sneez- ing, allowing it no chance to h " 1, and as d *atural consequence of such treatme' not one poknio.nent Duro has ever beon recorded. It is an absolute fact that these diseases cannot be cured by any ap- plication made aftner than neo In two weeks, for the metnbrane must get a 0 ante to heal before any application is repeated. It is now seven years •slate Mr. Dison discovered the parasite in Catarrh and formgiatcd his new treat . ant, and since then bis remedy has become a hou =hold word in every coun- try whore the English 1, nguage is spoken. Cures effected by him seven year. ago are aures still, there 'having been no return oft a disease. So highly are these remoes valued, and so great is the demand for them, hat ignorant imitators have started up everywhere, rotending to destroy a parasite, of which they knot nothing, by remedies the results of • e appli ion of which they are equally ignor t. Mr. I) -on's remedy is applied only once in aweeks, an froth one to threo, appli• cations of et a perma ant cure in the most ag rdvate. -cases. N. B.— or catarrhal troubles p0- culias to omen (whites) th , remedy is a specific. Mr: D . on sends a pamph descriting his new ;treatn-nton the receipt of + n cents in Stamps. The a• dress is A. H. Dixon & ' on, 303 King street est' oronto,Canada.-Scion afro American. . iLCHRIS' BROS,, as;rag trioing bought the Business of J. KLING, known XYOMXNXON BAKERY Purpose carrying on BAKING AND CONFECTIONERY in all their departments. GEORGE GILL ISI! having had a lengthened experience in y Balrerics, we feel confident that we. can meet e wants of;pur customers in every respect. Full Stock of Confectionery will be kept. Flour and Feed. paving rented the premises .recently occupied by MESSRS. HUTTON & CARR, as a Flour & Feed -Store, I propose keeping on hand a full stock of POIIer and $ ►, is Mout. Also a full supply 01-04 • MEAL, COLS MEAL, CRACKED WHEAT and r LAHHAid FLOUR. ALL KINDS oe~ GRAINS IN sTORE. FINE PEAS MEAL FOR BllOS1C. n? Baled Ray k . t on hand. A. H. CARR. Pioneer adore Store, STONE BLOCK. The Leading Cross Cut Saws : AMERICAN A -MEAD OF ANY, AMERICAN RACER LANCE, SIITII'S LEADER. BEST LINES awrraz tu.% All at BOTTOM: PRICES. 111Xi'ia.L'I1, VALUE IN SLEIGH MILS. l la ds; t • b i ..J. r�P 4 u, ., N • 0"t MS 'CR ICE COMPLETE I will open up a Fine Line of XMAS GOODS Next week: Call` And inspect. W. T. YATES. THE CHli A HOUSE, J a 1:1, MA:epeAo'ruaEas 0P'AND DEALNILs IN STOVES AND,. TI WAR ';g COAL O L3 fr3 OLESALE and RETAIL STON BLOCK, OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL, W"1"' 00 SCt °cDFDp to co N u ca 0 Mo INTYREt HAVE NOW THEIR. iffi'; ollso Stock of Fall Jood.s COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, And without attempting to give even an outline of the many important additions this season to their usually attractive stock, they would simply extend a most cordial and hearty ' welcome to every person visiting their House. • They will talc pleasure in showing their Goods aril quoting Prices. If goods and prices are satisfactory, they will bee delighted to make sales, and the larger the sales the more delighted they will be. ( CALL UPON TEtEM EARLY. IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO. DODO ::f KOINT.7 E9 THE BIG BROWN ANCHOR. FALL TMPD TATIONS RAS NOW ON HAND A LA.RG1 - STOCK OF EVERY LINE FOUND IN A FIRSE CLASS BOOKSTORE. MAGNIFICENT WALL PAPERS Of EVERY QUALITY, SFIADIi; and DESIGN, and At REALLY LO W P RICES. BIG ARRIVALS IN FANCY GOODS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TEACHERS' REQUISITES. FINE ALBUMS AND VERY Low PRICES. VASES IN EVERY DESIGN, AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. BLANK BOOKS. HOLIDAY GOODS. Out SEE Xtra —.UNDE R A KING ---a Havinn added a Delivery Waggon to this branch o4 Vie lai inese orders will (if necessary) bo delivered anywhere within 10 miles of Wing1, e the This will no doubt oftentimes slave a good ileal Of trouble, ell oulaiiv where part'ics may not have snitablo eollvoyenees of their own. All (necessaries for FU'Ni'kAL .i✓ iSENIS1IiNGS, 1 l.Llt;tt.ii�; i, t'Ln'wrl;Ig, 0:'1'x.. ls:opt and delivered with orders. i"i..b.r.k.,� IT ^ , Undertaker. ttk►r..